Divided Against Itself: A Study of Integration in Welfare Bureaucracy

Scandinavian University Press, 1994 - 308 sider
A common complaint about agencies which provide social services or cash benefits is the lack of integration in their work. The mass media regularly bring stories about people who are claimed to be victims of defective coordination. Politicians and top-level administrators repeatedly stress the need for improved coordination. Yet, coordination problems continue to emerge at the level of service delivery. This organisational study of welfare bureaucracy raises two questions: Why do problems of integration reappear despite the officials' mandates and the goals of agencies? How are such problems related to basic traits of welfare bureaucracies? The book is concerned with issues of integration both within and between organisations. It is based on fieldwork in Norway and Scotland. In Norway national insurance offices and social services departments were studied. For purposes of comparison, the book also deals, more briefly, with the relationships between social security offices and social work area offices in Scotland.

Inni boken


Design and Methods of Data Collection
InterAgency Relations in Norway

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