GB 11244-2005 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GB 11244-2005, GB11244-2005): General requirements for the medical endoscope and endoscope accessories [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 8. feb. 2021 - 21 sider This Standard gives the terminology, general technical requirements, general test methods, inspection rules, marking, instructions for use, packaging, transportation and storage of endoscope and endoscope accessories used in medical clinics. The particular technical requirements for various types of endoscopes shall meet the requirements of the corresponding particular standards. |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
4.9 Biocompatibility accuracy of measuring axis of endoscope Central axis circular ring circumscribed curve Coincidence of lighting cross-sections perpendicular detachable cannula direction of view endoscope or endoscope endoscope The endoscope endoscopes and endoscope field of view Flexible endoscope French Funnel-shaped eyepiece cover human body insertion channel width insertion portion width inspection rules Inspection type Inspection instructions instrument channel lighting source main marking line maximum diameter Maximum insertion portion measure the field measure the maximum measuring instrument measuring mark medical devices Medical electrical equipment medical endoscopes meet the requirements Minimum insertion channel natural or surgically nominal value provided non-circular observation field Optical bench optical endoscope outer packaging box pore or instrument prevention and application regulations of GB/T reinspection rigid endoscope safety of endoscopic Schematic diagram source and observation Standard storage test surgically opened pore test methods test test transportation and storage unqualified view and direction width The minimum