Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal SovereigntyEric Michael Wilson, Eric Wilson Pluto Press, 15. mars 2009 - 290 sider Government of the Shadows analyses the concept of clandestine government. It explores how covert political activity and transnational organised crime are linked -- and how they ultimately work to the advantage of state and corporate power. The book shows that legitimate government is now routinely accompanied by extra-governmental covert operations. Using a variety of case studies, from the mafia in Italy to programmes for food and reconstruction in Iraq, the contributors illustrate that para-political structures are not 'deviant', but central to the operation of global governments. The creation of this truly parallel world-economy, the source of huge political and economic potential, entices states to undertake new forms of regulation, either through their own intelligence agencies, or through the more shadowy world of criminal cartels. |
Deconstructing the Shadows | 13 |
Approaching the Dual State | 56 |
Governing Through Globalised Crime | 73 |
Opphavsrett | |
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Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty Eric Wilson,Tim Lindsey Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2009 |
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accessed 29 December activities actors Afghanistan Arlacchi Arroyo authority Bank Cambridge campaign capital cartels cent clandestine coca cocaine Colombia communist corporation corruption cosca cosche countries country's culture Deep Politics democracy democratic drug trafficking economy Europe European forces funds gambling Ganser Gelli Gladio global governance globalisation groups guerrillas hegemony Ibid illegal drugs industry illicit institutions intelligence international criminal justice Italian Italy jueteng Lacson legitimacy legitimate Licio Gelli mafia mafiosi Manila Mexican Mexico military million money laundering nation-state networks October officials operations opium organisations Organized Crime paramilitary parapolitics Peter Dale Scott Philippine Philippine Daily Inquirer President profits protection Quezon recognised regime regional role scandal Scott Senator separatists Sicilian social society sovereign sovereignty stay-behind strategy Strategy of Tension structures syndicates Taliban territory terrorism terrorist threat trade transnational University Press violence world-system York