
death of Sister O. E. Penisson, after lingering through a long period of illness. Sister Penisson is a sister of our worthy master, Bro. Wm. Walter, and Bro. Wendle Walter, and wife of our ex-Bro. O. E. Penisson. Integrity Lodge extends its heartfelt sympathies to her bereaved husband and sorrowing relatives, and to Liberty Lodge 95 L. S. in the sad hours of their bereavement through the loss of a loving wife and sister.

FROM 173:-(C. N. Smith, Winslow, Ariz.) Our membership is now close to the century mark and we have obtained and hold a clear title to a real whiskered billy goat, which was purchased by Bro. Finley, to ride candidates through the dark and mysterious paths of our order. This goat is the possessor of a long, silky beard, horns that would ram any of Uncle Sam's battleships to a watery grave, a wicked smile, and an awful appetite. To sum up all of his good points, it is enough to say he would be a credit to "Hogan's Alley," and Bro. Finley has shown by his selection, a keen sense of judgment worthy of a judge of high-bred animals, and any "yellow hammer" who can ride this goat is competent to hold down any job with Barnum's circus or Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.

Our lodge has grown steadily lately, both in membership and finances, and we start the new year with a membership to be proud of, with a good corps of officers, bright expectations and a divine

trust in Providence.

FROM 51:-(Committee, Springfield, Mo.) Grim death, like a thief in the night, has once more swooped down upon the little band of toilers, banded together by the universal ties of fraternity and association, known as 'Frisco Lodge 51, B. of L. F.

Wednesday, November 6th, while a dutiful wife and two sweet little ones patiently awaited supper for the smiling face of Bro. Wm. J. Nichols, the sad, sad news was conveyed to them that he whom they awaited had taken a journey to the great beyond without a moment's notice. He did not even have time to send them good bye.

Bro. Nichols, who has for several years had a long and hard run, was promoted on November 4th and was running the switch engine. At about 7:15 o'clock, p. m., just as he was finishing his second day's running, a double-header

came in, and as the engines were on their way to the round house they collided with the switch engine, killing Bro. Nichols instantly, also his fireman and one switchman. Bro. Nichols was happy in the thought that he had been promoted, and that he was off the road, and was where the dangers were so much less than where he had been.

In his death this lodge has lost one of its very best members. He was a amn of the highest type of character. As a mechanic he was unexcelled by his fellow workmen. He had no enemies, but was liked by all. His family has received resolutions of condolence from this lodge, and have the sympathy of all who knew them. May we all follow his example and live in such a way that we may be prepared to respond to the call of the Great Master who doeth all things well.

FROM 307-(L. D. Ball, Springfield, Mass.) The reaper of death has compelled us to drape our charter in mourning for one of our honored and beloved brothers, one who was first in any enterprise undertaken by the Brotherhood, and who always had a hand outstretched to brothers in trouble. We esteem it an honor and a task of friendship and love to commemorate the death of one SO worthy and pay a tribute to our deceased brother, "Old Pete" Goddard. Bro.

Goddard's death comes at a time when his always wise and honest counsel will be greatly missed. He was one of our past masters, having filled the chair as master for a term with great credit to himself and honor to our fraternity. He has also held the office of chaplain, which he filled exceptionally well, and was the delegate from this lodge to the Fifth Biennial Convention, held at Galveston, Texas. In life he was honored and loved by all with whom he came in contact. If he could not speak well of anyone, he would not speak ill of them. To mourn his loss he leaves a mother and four sisters who will cherish his memory and not be unmindful of his life of devotion to them. To his bereaved relatives we extend our genuine sympathy and grief.

Bro. Goddard was taken away suddenly in Greenfield, Mass., where he was staying a few days while running a work train. He was taken sick Tuesday afternoon, November 5th, with perforation of the bowels from appendictis and died Thursday, November 7th, at 8:15 p. m.

The funeral services were held the following Sunday afternoon in Brattleboro, Vt., at the home of his sister, Mrs. Smith, under the auspices of the I. O. O. F., of which he was also a member, and who attended in a large body, as did also a large delegation of engineers, firemen and friends from Springfield and Northampton.

Although we are sad and sorrowful to have so good, bright and promising a life taken so suddenly from our midst, we think of him as one who has gone to receive his reward, and we must bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well.

FROM 348:-(C. M. H., La Grande, Oregon.) We are actively at work in our worthy cause, and have been for half of the twenty-eight years of the Brotherhood's existence. We keep all of the available material worked up into the finished product as fast as the men are ready. Quite a few of the boys have been promoted within the last year and are having good success. Nearly all of the

engines here are Baldwin four-cylinder compounds, or, as the boys here say, "all pounds."

The Brotherhood's are making giant strides in almost every quarter of the country. The people are beginning to understand them better. Some seem to think that because someone wearing a Brotherhood badge does wrong the entire organization is at fault, when such is not the case at all. If we will only keep the full meaning of our motto before us it will only be a short time until people on the outside will be able to give justice where it belongs.

Bro. Avery C. Moore, of Lodge 133, and vice president of the Idaho State Press Association, stopped off to visit 348 on November 27th. Bro. Moore was en route to the South Carolina and West Indian Exposition, as Commissioner from Idaho. Bro. Moore is a very able and forcible speaker. The people will probably send him to Congress next year, and if they should they will make no mistake.

Three cheers for the best Magazine of its class in America!

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Thos. A. McMahon :-Was a member of Lodge 462, B. of L. F., at Erie, Pa., up to March 22, 1896; transferred to No. 8, at Denison, Texas, April 11, 1896; held membership in No. 8 up to January 2, 1899. Any information concerning his whereabouts will be gratefully received V. Benson, corner Twenty-first and Wayne streets, Erie, Pa., will be delivered to the family of Mr. McMahon.

Balls and Entertainments Courteous invitations have been received at this office to attend the following balls and entertainments. The Grand Lodge force returns thanks and wish all an enjoyable and successful time: Joint Lodges of Cook County, Ill:Annual charity ball for the benefit of the Railway Men's Home at Highland Park, Ill., at the Auditorium, Chicago, Ill., Tuesday evening, January 28, 1902.

Lodge 39-Twentieth annual ball, at Industrial Home, Rock Island, Ill., New Year's night, January 1, 1902.

Lodge 485-Eight annual ball, at Roughan Hall, City Square, Charlestown, Mass., Thursday evening, December 5,


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same to the secretary if found. Address Chas. N. Snyder, Sec. Lodge 218, B. of L. F., Box 847, Colorado City, Colo.

The Home Account

The following donations were received at the Home for Aged and Disabled Railway Employes for the month of November, 1901:

B. of L. F. Lodges-211, $11;
271, $6; 499, $12; 94, $2.50.

O. R. C. Divisions.
B. of R. T. Lodges.

B. of L. E. Divisions.
L. A. to O. R. C. Divisions..
L. A. to B. of R. T. Lodges.
G. I. A. to B. of L. E. Divisions
Sundry receipts..

Grand total....

$ 31.50









Miscellaneous.-L. A. to O. R. C. No. 10, 1 box of canned fruit. L. A. to B. of R. T. No. 88, 1 box of canned fruit. L. A. to B. of R. T. No. 202, 1 box of canned fruit. L. A. to O. R. C. No. 84, 4 boxes canned fruit. L. A. to O. R. C.

No. 37, 28 pounds coffee. L. A. to B. of R. T. No. 73, 2 comfortables. L. A. to O. R. C. No. 116, 2 album quilts. L. S. to B. of L. F. No. 99, 1 album quilt. Note. The remittance of $2.50 from B. of L. F. Lodge 94, is for sale of tickets for Denver fair.

Respectfully submitted,

MRS. T. B. WATSON. Sec. and Treas. R. R. M. H.


The following persons desire to acknowledge receipt of beneficiary claims, and express their appreciation of same through the columns of the MAGAZINE:

As parents and guardians of our son, Charles Wood, we hereby acknowledge and take this way of accepting, and returning our thanks for the draft for $1,451.50 sent in payment of the insurance so graciously provided for in your grand order.

we are

We must say that our efforts, so far hoped for, are at an end, as as looking to any permanent help to be informed that his spine is paralyzed and there is not a shadow of hope for relief of any kind whatsoever.

The money you sent will help us to add to his comfort in many ways, and words can not express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your kind and loving deed. The help you render our son by the above grateful act will always have our heartfelt appreciation. May Providence ever bless your organization.


Yours of recent date enclosing check for $1,500, was duly received, and I am very grateful to you for your kindness toward me in this time of sorrow and bereavement, and sincerely appreciate your promptness in this matter. I assure you of the heartfelt gratitude of a widowed mother and her two little sons. MRS. SUSIE G. CASE.

Logansport, Ind.

I have received bank draft for $1,500, in full of all claims of certificate No. 20,899 issued by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to Benjamin J. Thomas. MRS. HATTIE THOMAS.

Savanna, Il.

My family and I wish to extend our thanks to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen for the receipt of check for $1,500, the amount of my son's insurance, he being a member of Folwell Lodge No. 326. We also wish to extend to that lodge our most heartfelt thanks for their kindness to us at the death of our son. Again thanking you for your promptness and courteous treatment, I remain with best wishes for the order,


Bradford, Penna.

I received tonight (December 13, 1901.) your draft for $1,376.80 due me as beneficiary of my late brother, R. C. Moffat. I sincerely thank you for your prompt attention and kindness, and hope that the Brotherhood will prosper in their great and good work. It was a great comfort to us to have my dear brother come home so beautifully prepared for burial, accompanied by beautiful floral offerings, and attended by two members of the Brotherhood, as also the prompt and kind communications of Mr. L. C. Smith, master of the lodge, · all of which enables us to appreciate very highly the noble Brotherhood to which my brother belonged.

I wish you every success.

Puslinch, Ont.


We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen for the receipt of check for $1,500, the amount of disability claim. Words fail to express our gratitude. Only those who are placed in like position, with health gone, can realize how deeply grateful we are.

We also desire to thank Bro. F. P. Sargent, Grand Master, Bro J. J. Hannahan, First Vice Grand Master, the brothers of W. F. Hynes Lodge 48, Bro. J.

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I desire to thank the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen for the receipt of the amount of my husband's (Louis Friend's) insurance. I also wish to tender my heartfelt thanks to the members of Tried and True Lodge 361, at Washington, Ind., also to O. K. Lodge 269, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and especially Mr. Moon, secretary, and Mr. Neiman, Mr. McClean and Mr. Meyers who were so very kind to me in the dark hour of my great bereavement, and by their kindness helped me to bear my deep sorrow. Also accept thanks from my husband's mother, sister and brothers.

May God bless and protect this noble order is the fervent wish of an ever grateful friend. MRS. L. H. FRIEND.

Washington, Ind.

Locomotive Firemen's Magazine

Published by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen on the first day of each month, at Peoria, Illinois. All correspondence relating to the MAGAZINE should be addressed to the Editor and Manager. SUBSCRIPTION-$1.00 per year. Entered at the Postoffice at Peoria, Illinois, as Second-Class Matter.


Beneficiary Statement

PEORIA, ILL., DEC. 1, 190)],

The following is a statement of receipts in the Beneficiary Department for the month of November, 1901:




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44 143 50 104 101 50 164 69 00 224 43 284 354 25

45 301 75 105 54 25 165 60 75 225 52 50 285 273 00 345 128 50 405 102 00 465 183 75 525
46......106 25 166 255 75 226 177
75 346 37 50 406 39 50 466 122 25 526

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107 187 50 167 93 00 227 52 25 287
48 239 50 108 112 25 168


.... 348 96 00 408 139 25 468 34 00 528

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49 75 339


159 109 00 219 169 00 279
46 25 160 140 75 220
93 00 340 117 00 400 113 75 460 39 75 520 42 00 580
101 216 25 161 37 25 221 128 00 281 186 50 341 204 50 401...... 461
162 642 Co 222 127 00 282 30


157 47 50 217

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397 23


47 25 399 57 00 459 54 50 519 92

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[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

307 111 50 367 68 00 427 67 75 487 248 152 75 308 70 00 368 82 25 428 42 25 488

309 309 25 369

272 00 311


371 100 00


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54 167 50114


56 110 50 116]


.... 295 194 75 355 ...... 415 90 00 475

57 493 75 117 92 00 177 95 25 237 391 00 297 140 75 357 51 75 417 83 50 477 58 92 00 118 64 75 178 173 50 238

59 275 00 119

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298 96 00 358...... 418 308 75 478 164 00 538 103 50
299 104 50 359...... 419 83 25 479
360 101 00 420 95 50 480 40 00 540......

60 159 50 120 147 75 180 12 00 240 224 75 300

Received during month of November.

Disbursed during month of November, account Beneficiary Claims.

Respectfully submitted,





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