III. ARATRA PENTELICI. SIX LECTURES ON THE ELEMENTS OF SCULPTURE. Given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas Term, 1870. With twenty-one Plates. TEN LECTURES ON THE RELATION OF NATURAL SCIENCE TO ART. Given before the University of Oxford, in Lent Term, 1872. Second Edition. Now ready. I. OF WISDOM AND FOLLY IN ART. IV. THE POWER OF MODESTY IN SCIENCE V. THE POWER OF CONTENTMENT IN Price 188. V. TIME AND TIDE. TWENTY-FIVE LETTERS TO A WORKING MAN OF SUNDERLAND ON LAWS of Work. VI. THE CROWN OF WILD OLIVE. FOUR ESSAYS ON WORK, Traffic, War, AND THE FUTURE OF ENGLAND. With added Article on the Economy of the Kings of Prussia. Now ready. Price 188. VII. ARIADNE FLORENTINA. SIX LECTURES ON WOOD AND METAL ENGRAVING, AND APPENDIX. Given before the University of Oxford, Michaelmas Term, 1872. With Twelve Plates. VIII. VAL D'ARNO, TEN LECTURES ON ART OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY IN PISA AND FLORENCE. Given before the University of Oxford, Michaelmas Term, 1873. With Thirteen Plates. 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The Plates, inclusive of line studies, published in "The Laws of Fésole" and "Proserpina" (all of which are intended by Mr. Ruskin to be used as drawing copies), can be had printed specially on larger paper, at sixpence each. Four, or more, prints from the same or different plates will be sent post free on receipt of remittance. If the order be for less than four prints, the charge will be ninepence each. FORS CLAVIGERA. LETTERS TO THE LABOURERS AND WORKMEN OF GREAT BRITAIN. These Parts, comprising Vols. I. to VII. (1871 to 1877) of this work, may also be had in a bound form. Second Series. Nos. 1, 2, 3, (January to March, 1878,) now ready, price 10d. each. The fourth No., now ready, price 10d. (See note.) N.B. This work, like 'Proserpina,' 'Deucalion,' and 'The Laws of Fésole,' is issued only at irregular intervals. LETTER TO YOUNG GIRLS. Reprinted, with slight addition, from Fors Clavigera,' Letters 65 and 66. * BIBLIOTHECA PASTORUM. Edited by JOHN RUSKIN. Vol. I., THE ECONOMICS OF XENOPHON. With a Preface by the Editor. Vols. II. and III., ROCK HONEYCOMB. Broken Pieces of Sir Philip Sidney's Psalter. ELEMENTS OF ENGLISH PROSODY. FOR USE IN ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOLS. EXPLANATORY OF THE VARIOUS TERMS USED IN ROCK HONEYCOMB.' In preparation. |