Way of the Cross. Illustrated by Westlake Fine paper Large edition Weld. Mission of the Zambesi. With a Map of the Mission 0 1 0 Suppression of the Society of Jesus (see Quarterly Series '). Wenham (Canon): Manual of Instruction in Christian Doctrine. For Pupil-teachers or New-Testament Narrative in the Words of Sacred Writers. Suitable for Old Testament Readings. The 'Readings' are divided into four historical Part 1. The Patriarchs; II. The Israelites Religious Reading Books: No. I. Suitable to Standards I. and II. 0 3 0 0 2 6 23 0 2 0 0 0 School Manager: his Office and Duties in regard to Elementary Denominational Schools Wilberforce, F. Bertrand (O.S.D.). Sketches of the Lives of Dominican Missionaries in Japan, including those of the Martyrs beatified by Pius IX. Preface by Cardinal Manning. Cloth 0 1 6 Wilfrid of Galway, Translated by. Life of Blessed Joseph Hermann, Cloth Willibrord, St., Life of. To which is added the Life of St. Lioba. Cloth Winefride (St.); or Holywell and its Pilgrims. the Author of Tyborne'. Third edition, revised Wiseman, Cardinal: Fabiola a Tale of the Catacombs. New edition, cloth - Morocco Few Flowers from the Campagna Hidden Gem Holy Week Last Four Popes Lectures on Science and Revealed Religion Lectures on the Church Real Presence Sermons on our Lord and His Blessed Mother Sermons on Moral Subjects Witch of Melton Hill, The: a Tale. By the Author of Wyndham Family, The: a Story of Modern Life. Yeatman, John Pym (Barrister-at-Law). The She- 06 0 2. MORE DIFFICULT OF SMALL LETTERS; EASY WORDS. (Medium Text). STANDARD II. 3. LONGER WORDS; CAPITALS; FIGURES. (Medium and half text). 4. GRAMMAR GEOGRAPHY; CAPITALS; FIGURES. (Medium and half text). STANDARD III. 5. GRAMMAR; CAPITALS; FIGURES. (Small round hand). 6. GEOGRAPHY (ENGLAND); CAPITALS; FIGURES. (Small round and small hands). STANDARD IV. 7. GEOGRAPHY (SCOTLAND, IRELAND); FIGURES. (Small hand). S. GRAMMAR; GEOGRAPHY (COLONIES): HISTORY. (Small kand). STANDARD V. 9. GRAMMAR; GEOGRAPHY (EUROPE-PHYSICAL); HISTORY. (Small hand). 10. GRAMMAR; GEOGRAPHY (EUROPE-POLITICAL); HISTORY). (Small hand). STANDARD VI. 11. GRAMMAR; GEOGRAPHY (ASIA-AFRICA); HISTORY. (Small hand). 'A splendid set of copy books. Every aid is furnished to the beginner in the form of ruled, measured, and marked spaces, and the graduation is skilfully maintained throughout. The headlines, or, as we should say, the lines to be copied, for they are not confined to the head of each page, are beautifully written in a moderately-sized round hand; and, as each line teaches something in History, Grammar, and Geography, the writing-lesson may include one or more of these subjects. The Educational News. These books contaln a good selection of models, in figuring as well as word and letter writing. They are well suited for instruction.'- The Schoolmaster. These books are well "got-up". The writing is good, that of the higher numbers being simply faultless; and judicious aids are given to prevent the learner copying his own writing. We give them a hearty welcome.'-The Teacher. The headlines are designed to impress upon the minds of children grammatical, historical, and geographical facts, that will be useful in preparing for the Standard Examinations. The writing is round and bold, and the paper in the books is good.'- The School Guardian, This is a very useful set of copy books. The style is good, legible, and plain, and fairly within the reach of boys and girls. This is more than can be said of many of the models now in use... The Stadent's Magazine, April 2, 1889. This is undoubtedly an excellent series of copy books. The headlines are written in a bold, clear style, the paper is of the very best quality-the graduation and arrangement are most commendable-and the price (twopence) extremely moderate. The numbers are deserving the attention of teachers.'-Educational Chronicle, April 17,11880. We have carefully examined these copy books and have great pleasure in bearing testimony to their excellence in every respect. The style of writing throughout the series is of the most approved and finished kind, the printing is clear, bold, and admirably executed; and the paper and general appearance of the book excellent.'-The Irish Teaching Journal, Feb. 21, 1880. Other 100 letters have been received from School Inspectors highly approving of the style of writing and general execution of these copy books. BURNS AND OATES, LONDON. Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.'s Publications. Fine Art, Illustrated, & Miscellaneous Works. Art, The Magazine of. Volume III. With about 300 Illus trations by the first Artists of the Day, and Etching for Frontispiece. Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. N.B. 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