
THE ASSEMBLY HALL and the Library Building of the State University are approaching completion. These edifices furnish accommodations long needed by the institution, and they are in materials and style worthy of the state which furnishes them. For several years, the faculty of the University have not been able, for the want of a room of suitable size, to meet all the students in a single gathering, and give them instruction by the way of public addresses. Neither has there been any convenient place for the literary societies of the institution to hold their open sessions in any of its buildings. The library room is commodious and elegant.

The University has enrolled this fall the largest number of students ever in attendance any one term. Additions will be made to this number - now nearly 500 — at the beginning of the winter term. Every indication points to a most prosperous year in all departments of the institution.

PROF. SALISBURY'S work on Phonology and Orthæpy has been already noticed in the JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. In accordance with his purpose, he has produced a small book, and yet he has reached all the essential points under these subjects. The design of the work is to furnish a text-book for both teachers and pupils in our schools, who wish to understand the nature and the representation of the elementary sounds in the English language. Discussions on these subjects are scattered through treatises on Physiology, Acoustics, History of the English Language, and English Grammar. Most of our standard reading books for the public schools, furnish very meager, and often incorrect descriptions of the sounds composing our language. The dictionaries confine their treatment of these sounds almost wholly to their notation and combination in words. The great subjects lying at the foundation of speech, the nature of sound, and the structure and the operations of the bodily organs which produce vocalization and articulation, are not here touched.

The question arises whether these subjects are too difficult to be comprehended by the more advanced pupils in our schools. We think not. Appar. ently with the view of placing no great obstacles in the way of these pupils, Prof. Salisbury has given the barest elements on these points, and yet enough to furnish an intelligent view of the production of the sounds of the language.

The work is divided intu the subjects, Vocal Physiology; Phonology; the Science of Articulate Sounds; Phonotypy, the art of representing speech-sounds to the eye by distinct symbols; and Orthæpy, the art of pronunciation.

We do not see how any part of the book could well be omitted. We com. mend most cordially the work, for its thorough and accurate treatment of the subject. It is the best treatise of the kind, we believe, ever furnished in our language for the pupils of our schools. The definitions are remarkably clear and correct. The main points in the discussions are well epitomized in tables.

This work supplies a need felt in the public schools of the State. Especially through the instruction given in our normal schools and teachers' institutes, the attention of the children in our schools has been called, in a prominent de gree, to the principal points here discussed.

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AN ITEM is going the rounds of some papers in the State to the effect that the Superintendent of Public Instruction appointed as the conductors of the recent series of institutes only graduates of Milton College. It is beyond all comprehension how an intelligent editor of any newspaper in the State could publish such nonsense. This State officer does not appoint institute conductors, though he acts as the chairman of a committee of the Normal School Board, which se. lects the conductors. The four regular conductors are appointed by the Board of Normal School Regents, and have held their positions for several years. Of the forty-two assistant conductors employed the last three months in the insti. tutes, only three are graduates of Milton College; and these have taught in the institutes of the State for the past three years. Graduates of all the Normal Schools, of the State Uuiversity, more of the private colleges, and some of high schools in Wisconsin, are embraced in the list of the assistant conductors for

this year.


SHAKSPEARE'S MERCHANT OF VENICE.— By Rev. Henry Hudson, Professor of

English Literature in the School of Oratory, Buston University. Boston: Gina & Heath.

The same scholarly and penetrating criticism marks the edition of this production of the great bard as those heretofore noticed — Hamlet, and King Richard the II. A noteworthy feature in this issue is a prefatory article on

English in Schools.” It is a quaint but forcible plea for more study of English, ard for the value of literary culture to common people, as well as to those who follow scholastic pursuits — the "learned professions,” and a most timely argument for the speedy substitution of something better in the place of the mass of our popular reading. “Most probably,” says Mr. Hudson, “not less than seven-eighths of the books now read are simply a discipline of debase. ment.” He dwells particularly upon the injury inflicted in this way upon the young, and urges that the only rational cure is to supply them with good reading, and to strive to implant a taste and a love for it in their minds. EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. By Elisha Jones, A. M., Ass't.

Prof. of Latin in Michigan University; author of " Exercises in Greek Prose Composition,” etc., Chicago: S. G. Giiggs & Co. Price $1.25.

Without being pretentious, this manual seems to us to be thorough, complete and simple, as far as it goes. It sufficiently and clearly illustrates the constructions found in easier Latin prose, such as Caesar, and Cicero's orations, and prepares the pupil for more difficult study. It is designed that the book shall furnish adequate preparation in writing Latin for admission to any of our colleges. Moods and tenses are treated before attention is given to the case of nouns. This is an improvement. The general vocabulary is very full, and suitable exercises are furnished for review and examination. References are made to the leading grammars. Tbis book bas reached a 12th edition, and had been adopted io Phillips Academy, Mass., Exeter Academy, N. H., Hopkin's Grammar School, New Haven, Vassar College, etc.



of Greek and Latin in Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Boston: Ginn & Heath.

This compilation will bring within reach of students who acquire a love for Greek literature many poetical gems not likely to be otherwise readily accessible, and thus serve to increase what is too rare, enthusiastic Greek scholarship. The book is enriched with a historical introduction, tracing the growth of Greek poetic art, and with appropriate notes, and is also most beautiful printed.

THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER's Pocket Railway Guides, published by Thọs. F. Nelson, Cbicago, are what every one wants who travels. We have before us the issue for October, for Wisconsin, and very full and convenient it is. It is published monthly, at 1.50 a year; single copies, twenty cents. Send to 8. E. Corner of Dearborn & Randolph streets.


OF the 13,282 pupils in the Milwaukee schools 7,796 study German, of whom 865 are children of American parents and 6,282 of German parentege.

PROF. J. E. CHAMBEELIN, the former principal of the public school of Black River Falls, is now studying under the direction of Prof. W. D. Whitney, of Yale College.

PROF. MORRISON, formerly the principal of one of the public schools in New London, h 18 been sent to the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh. He was found in Minnesota, wandering about in a state of Insanity.

SUPT. WALKER, of Mapitowoc county, writes of the institute held at his place in August: It was by far the muft successful we have had since I have been superintendent. Mr. Graham has been with as many times, and his work is more acceptable on each occasion of his vieit."

ARTHUR HILLS, the young man killed in a recent railroad disaster at Milwaukee, was a most promising pupil in the High School at Evansville. The teachere and other pupils of the school attended his funeral in a body, at that place.

PROF. W. H. WILLIAMS, formerly a teacher in the high school of Fond du Lac, is now em. ployed as an instructor in Latin at the State University. He is a graduate of this institution, and has acquired an excellent reputa'ion as a teacher.

PROF. A. A. MILLER presents, in the Waukesha Freeman, a report of the Union School of that place for the first third of the fall term.

He says that “tardiness is little, compared with that of four years ago." In the matter of attendance he suggests that improvement could be made.

THE enrollment of students in the White. water Normal School for the fall term, is as follows in the different departments: Normal, 208; Academic, 69: Intermediate, 42; Primary, 25; total, 344.

The Marinette Eagle publishes the titles of a large number of books added, during a wiek in October, to the town library of that place. Since school dietrict libraries are in the main failures in the State, the establishment of town libraries in our villages and cities should be encouraged.

THE Waupaca Post publishes the following in respect to the institate held at that place the middle of September:

“ Prof. A. Salisbury has done excellent work in the institute during the laat two weeks, and the teachers feel that they have been greatly benefitted under bis manner of condacting it."

PROF. F. A. MARCH, of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., invites every one interested in the history and etymology of language, to 88sist in the preparation of the immedee historical dictionary of the English language now in preparation. The work is to embrace four volumes, each as large as Webster's quarto dictionary.

A SUBSCRIPTION of $250 was made last month in the directors' car on the Wieconein Central Railroad, for the pnrpose of starting a public library in the village of Colby, in Clark county. In the means for the general culture of the young people, many of the villages in the State are sadly wanting, and in nothing more than in good libraries.

THE REPUBLICAN Convention of Green counts, held Sept. 27th, adopted the following resolution:

That we hereby extend to Prof. T. C. Richmond our gratiinde and our thanks for his earnest and long continued efforts and his grand success in elevating the standard of education in this country.

"LITTLE JOHNNY CLEM, the Drummer Boy of Chickamauga," is now " Prof. John T. Clem, U. S. Army, Military Science," of the Galesville University, ia Trempealeau county. It is a true case of “reward of merit.” The great generals of the Mississippi Valley knew him well, and Gen. Grant looked out for bim when the war was over.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION at Washington bas issued a valuable circular on "The Value or Common School Education to Common Labor." It is writen by Dr. Edward Jarvis, of Dorchester, Mass.; and its positions are enforced by well selected illustrations furnished by the employers of workmen in different portions of the country.

SOME of the teachers in the Western Sopere intendent district of Rock county bave organized an association for the winter. They meet once in two weeks in the different towns. Among the tupics discussed at the meeting October 25, are these: Punishments," * Reports," and "Grading Common Schools." Success to the enterprise!

THE New York Independent has had new type cut for tbe purpose of carrying vat the the publishers' idea of what reförmed spelling should be. The Utica Herald and the New York Home Journal have adopted the orthog. raphy recommended in certain cases by the American Spelling Reform Association.

THE TRUSTEES of the Peabody Educational Fund held their annual meeting in New York the first week in October, when the total appropria iocs of the past year were reported as $74,850. The report of the General Agent. Dr. Sears, stated that the neceseity for the federal government grapting some vid to the Southern States in their efforts to educate the ignoraut classes is greater now than ever before, as the evils that grow out of populsrigaorance spread a blight over the whole country. With two million children still without the means of instruction, the danger of ihe sitnation is apparent. Some of the States siand most in need of normal schools.

A REPORT of the institute at Westfield, Marquette, county, says that Professora Jane and Barlew are exceedingly energetic conductors and command both respect and admiration in their labor. They are well op in the work and show a thorough kpowledge of the ground now passing over, besides the immense reserve power now necessary in a successful ed acator.

The National Journal of Education, in noticing the Arnual Report of the public schools of this state last year, says that it "shows a falling off in the length of the school term." This was true only of the average time in which the schools in our incorporated cities were held. The average term in the country schools was materially lengthened last year.

Supt. WALKER, who conducted the Insti. tute at Sturgeon Bay, Door county, says: “The institute appeared to pass off well. Supt. Keogh did whatever he could to make the meeting & SUCCCES. Thirty five names were registered, I believe. An open session was held here, like the one at Manitowoc. Essays, doclamations, and a discussion of an educational question were presented by the members of the institate. It was very interesting, and was largely attended."

WE recently visited the public schools of Omro. The school buildings, three in nomber, are well located in the place, and furnish good accommodations for the teachers and pupils. We were well pleased with the instruction given by all the teachers to the very bright and active children and young people. Omro has beer. highly favored for the past dozen years with superior principals of schools. Prof. H. W. Rood, now in charge, is giving excellent satisfaction.

THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Green Lake county, which was conducted by County Superintendent A. W. Millard, closed Oc'ober 18t. This has been the largest and most successful institute ever held in the county. There were 106 teachers enrolled, and the a:tendance was good — a large number being present every day during the entire term of six weeks. Mr. Millard is deserving of a great credit for the manner in which he conducted so large a class without any assistance. The subjects were all presented in such a way as to awaken the liveliest interest, and the instruction and advice given were such as will prepare the teachers for better work in the future. As an evidenco thai lhe work of Superintendent Millard was appreciated on the part of the teachers, the class at the end of the term presented him with a book-case, costing $30.00. The school cloged with the best of feeling. Mr. Millard, in his closing remarks, urged them not to be satisfied with their present attuinments, but to try and raise the standard of their qualifications.

SUPT. BAKER, of Pierce county, says:

The constant decrease in the number receiv. ing certificates, during the last four years, notwithstanding the rap d increase of schools, tends to bring the supply nearly equal to the demand. Not mure than 75 will receive certificates, at the most, of the 90 applicante. Several present at River Falls will vot teach in the county, and many can teach but onehalf the year. Hence the certificates granted will scarcely supply one balf of tbe number required to teach the echools, viz., 121, The pruning process, by raising the standard and making the questions more severe, must now cease, or the supply of teachers will not meet the demand.

THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Hon. J. P. Wickersham, recently said: “The adoption of cources of study for ungraded schools, in many of our counties, has accomplished great good. We hope that the superin endenis in the counties that have not yet acted in the matter, will bestir themselves at once, in order that no more time may be wasted. There is nothing like having in instraction, as well as in other thinge, a definite alm. A vast amount of cffort is now thrown away in a kind of blind struggle to find out what ought to be done."

evening at the Congregational church of the place.

THE La Crosse Democrat of the third week of last month, contains a long article on the public schools of that place. The educational spirit of the people is graphically described; an insight into the work of the Board of Edacation and its officers is given; and tue instruction farnished and the number of pupils in attendauce apon each department of the five district schools and the high school, are carefuliy noticed. If similar articles were published on the condition of the schools of other cities in the State, they would aid the people very materially in understanding the work now performed for their children by our public school teachers and city superintendents.

THE Pennsylvania School Journal, edited by Hon. J. P. Wickersham, the superintendent of the public schools of that state, puko lishes the following in its October number:

“The State Normal School at Platteville, Wisconsin, is about to establish a regular kindergarten as an auxiliary in its work of training teachers. A sui:able building for it is in process of erection. We are not sure that such a movement on the part of oor normal schools generally would be wise; but we are sure that the philosophy and methods of of the kindergarten should form a part of the professional instruction at every normal @cbool in the country, and so far as this philosophy and these methods are applicable to public primary schools they should form & part of the course in practical training: Sev. eral of our Pennsylvania normal schools have taken some steps forward in this matter. Will they continue to advance? Will the others follow their example?"

PROF. E. A. CHARLTON, the former President of the Platteville Normal School, and now editor of the Independent, at Brodhead, writes on recovering from a recent illness:

“The memory of past trouble is pleasant." says an ancient writer; and the recollection of those daye of weariness and nights of pain," when kind friends were round us to anticipaie our wishes and mitigate our cufferinge, is not wholly sad. Indeed, we think of the dear Triends who watched over us during the still hours of night, we think of their kind worde and gentle ministrations rather than the burning fever of the fitful dreams. And then the hours of convalescence! It is almoet worth the wbile to be sick for the sake of getting well! How every day finds us stronger and stronger, bow every hour brings some new de. light! We are like children again, the world opens new and iresh to our eager gaze. And now we enjoy our food! We have once more the beautiful appetite of childhood. Nature seems anxious speedily to repair the loss we have suffered and cerdlessly demands natriment. And then, "blessed be the man who invented sleep,” wo are prone to say. At least we are ready to "sleep the sleep of the just," unvexed by cares, andisturbed by dreams.

past week

THE Adams County Press publishes the following:

Prof. Salisbury, assisted by Mr. Isham, Superintendent of Schools for Walworıh county, will close a very successful teachers'institute at this place to-morrow noon. The institute opened with an attendance of fifty-two teach ers, which was increased to over seventy the

These inclitutes are doing incal. culable good in training te chers to think for themselv«-8, as well as in the best methods of Instructing pupils. The last week has been highly interesting, and has drawn many spectators. Professor Salisbury and Mr. Isham will leave with the esteen and cordial good will of the teachers and all others who have been so highly gratified at the success of the institate.

THE INSTITUTE AT WAUTOMA last month, was noticed by the Wansbara Argus, under the title of & Normal School, as follows: “The attendance up to the close has been about 125. As near as we can learn the school has been charac: erized by the good behavior of the studeuts, and evident intention to make progress, and we believe has been one of the most profitable schools of the kind ever held in the county. Mr. Graham and Mr. Skaben have given valuable assistance; and Supt. Tobin and Mr. Baker have performed their duties well.” The same paper further states that Prof. Grabam gave a fine lecture one

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