sand ($35,000.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to meet a deficit in the expenses of the Illinois State Public Utilities Commission, as follows: Salaries Rent, Odd Fellows Bldg., Springfield, and Insurance Ex- Miscellaneous expenses; outside reporting and transcripts, ment Total $23,000.00 3,400.00 600.00 900.00 1,910.23 5,189.77 ..$35,000.00 § 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed upon the presentation of proper vouchers ordered to be paid by the chairman of the Illinois State Public Utilities Commission and approved by the Governor, to draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the sum herein appropriated and the State Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay the sum [same] out of moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. § 3. WHEREAS, the moneys above appropriated are immediately required, therefore an emergency exists, and this Act shall be in force from and after its passage and approval. APPROVED June 11th, 1915. § 1. Appropriates $250. RELIEF-HENRY C. ALLEN, MOTOR BOAT. § 2. How drawn. (HOUSE BILL No. 514. APPROVED JUNE 28, 1915.) AN ACT for an appropriation to pay and reimburse Henry C. Allen for the use and value of a motor boat used and destroyed by fire in the service of the State Fish and Game Commission. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the sum of two hundred fifty ($250) dollars be and the same hereby is appropriated to reimburse Henry C. Allen for the loss of a motor boat while in the service of the State Fish and Game Commission. § 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed, upon the presentation of a bill presented by the said Henry C. Allen and certified by the president of the State Fish and Game Commission, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the sum of two hundred fifty ($250) dollars payable to the said Henry C. Allen in full of all claim or demand against the State on account of the use and loss of his motor boat, and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED June 28th, 1915. Preamble. L Appropriates $5,000. RELIEF-CHARLES ALLING, INJURIES. 2. How drawn. (HOUSE BILL No. 558. APPRoved June 28, 1915.) AN ACT to make an appropriation to compensate Charles Alling, formerly attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health, for the loss of his right eye. WHEREAS, Charles Alling of the city of Chicago, county of Cook and State of Illinois was attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health on December 24th, A. D. 1913, and was then discussing in his office. the adjustment of certain suits brought by him in behalf of said Board against Frank Klimek; and WHEREAS, said Frank Klimek without any provocation and without any warning then and there attempted to kill said Alling by firing a shot from a revolver through the right eye of said Alling; and WHEREAS, said injury resulted in the total loss of sight of said eye and necessitated the employment of two surgeons and expenses for hospital treatment and artificial eyes, and seriously impaired his usefulness in his profession, his remaining eye being weaker than the eye which was lost; and WHEREAS, the Court of Claims of the State of Illinois has heard testimony and arguments in behalf of a claim for $22,000 filed by said. Alling and has rejected said claim, Now therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the sum of five thousand ($5,000) dollars be and is hereby appropriated for compensation to Charles Alling, formerly attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health, for the loss of his right eye incurred by him while in the discharge of his duty as said attorney, without fault or negligence on his part, to be paid to him out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of Charles Alling for the sum hereby appropriated, and the State Treasurer is authorized and directed to pay said sum out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED June 28th, 1915. RELIEF-MONS ANDERSON AND OTHERS-INJURIES. Preamble. L Appropriates $30,500 to persons named. § 2. How drawn. (HOUSE BILL No. 392. APPROVED JUNE 14, 1915.) AN ACT for an appropriation for the relief of Mons Anderson; Catherine Morrisey; Mollie Ramenofsky; Pearl D. Bowman; Margaret Woodbury; Lillie Sumberg; Nels Munson; Catherine Payne; Norma Payne; Vivian Kelley; Joseph Herrick; Ida Ackerman; Isabelle Bennett; Ethel Steele; Nettie Steele and George Hanson. WHEREAS, Mons Anderson; Catherine Morrissey; Mollie Ramenofsky; Pearl D. Bowman; Margaret Woodbury; Lillie Sumberg; Nels Munson; Catherine Payne; Norma Payne; Vivian Kelley; Joseph Herrick; Ida Ackerman; Isabelle Bennett; Ethel Steele; Nettie Steele and George Hanson, a minor, while passing over and upon, and being upon a certain public bridge, in a public street, in the village of Utica, in the county of LaSalle and State of Illinois on the fourth day of July A. D. 1910, were and each of them was, severely and permanently injured, because of and by reason of the collapse of said bridge, and WHEREAS, said bridge was the property of the State of Illinois, and spanned the Illinois and Michigan canal at said village of Utica, and was thrown open to, and used by the general public, at the express invitation of the State of Illinois, for years, both for foot and vehicle traffic, and was a part and parcel of a public thoroughfare, and kept up and in supposed repair by the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, said bridge collapsed because of its dangerous and unsafe condition, due solely to the negligence and lack of care on the part of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, said persons were and each of them was, at the time of said injuries, and the collapse of said bridge, in the exercise of all due and proper care for their own safety, and WHEREAS, the injuries to said named persons were the result solely and entirely of the negligence and carelessness by the State of Illinois, through its agents and servants, and WHEREAS, the Court of Claims of the State of Illinois, after a full and thorough hearing upon said matter has reported, in and by its finding, that said injuries were solely the result of the carelessness of the agents and servants of the State of Illinois, and in no way chargeable to any lack of care on the part of the said persons themselves, and WHEREAS, said Court of Claims, has recommended that in equity, claims for damages should be allowed, and appropriated for, by the General Assembly in the following amounts, viz.: Mons Anderson $500.00; Catherine Morrissey $7500.00; Mollie Ramenofsky $1500.00; Pearl Bowman $100.00; Margaret Woodbury $1000.00; Lillie Sumberg $2000.00; Nels Munson $2500.00; Catherine Payne $500.00; Norma Pavne $2500.00; Vivian Kelley $750.00; Joseph Herrick $750.00; Ida Ackerman $200.00; Isabelle Bennett $750.00; Ethel Steele $750.00; Nettie Steele $200.00; George Hanson $10,000.00, and WHEREAS, the injuries of said named persons and each of same are permanent, and the compensation therefor named herein, is, in each case, conservative and reasonable; now therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That there be, and thereby is, appropriated for the relief of Mons Anderson the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00); for the relief of Catherine Morrissey the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00); for the relief of Mollie Ramenofsky the sum of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200.00) for the relief of Pearl Bowman the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00); for the relief of Margaret Woodbury the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); for the relief of Lillie Sumberg the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00); for the relief of Nels Munson the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); for the relief of Catherine Payne the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00); for the relief of Norma Payne the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500.00); for the relief of Vivian Kelley the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00); for the relief of Joseph Herrick the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00); for the relief of Ida Ackerman the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00); for the relief of Isabelle Bennett the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00); for the relief of Ethel Steele seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00); for the relief of Nettie Steele the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00); for the relief of George Hanson, a minor, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); all of whom were injured by the collapse of a defective bridge owned and possessed by the State of Illinois, over the Illinois and Michigan canal at Utica, Illinois and because of the carelessness of the agents and servants of the State of Illinois. § 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer of the State of Illinois for the said amounts so appropriated for each of said persons, respectively, as set forth and described in section one (1) of this Act, in favor, in each case, of the particular person, and for the said particular specified amount, so named, specified and set forth in said section [one] (1) of this Act save only and except, in case of a minor, then and in such case, and in every such case, if there be more than one, the warrant shall be made payable to the legal guardian of such person; and all of said amounts to be payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay such warrants, and each and every of same, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPROVED June 14th, 1915. RELIEF-AWARDS BY COURT OF CLAIMS. § 1. Appropriates $30,670.07 to persons named. 2. How drawn. (HOUSE BILL No. 536. APProved June 28, 1915.) AN ACT entitled, An Act making an appropriation for the payment of the amounts awarded by the court of claims to certain persons and companies named therein. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of thirty thousand six hundred seventy and 7-100 dollars ($30,670.07) to pay awards made by the court of claims during the sessions of 1913 and 1914 to the following named persons and companies: To Chicago & Alton Railroad Co., on account of demurrage charges on coal consigned to the Illinois State penitentiary at Joliet, three hundred fifty-seven ($357.00) dollars. To Leroy D. Kellogg, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, six hundred forty-five and 17-100 ($645.17) dollars. To Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey, on account of taxes erroneously paid into the State treasury, one thousand four hundred eighty-four and 68-100 ($1,484.68) dollars. To Frank O. Johnson, for damages to house and lot by blasting in the quarry at the Illinois State penitentiary at Joliet, seven hundred fifty and 00-100 ($750.00) dollars. To Peyton-Palmer Co., on account of refund of license fee paid to sell stock food, one hundred seventy-five and 00-100 ($175.00) dollars. To E. H. Titus, Wilson H. Tucker and Samuel Ordway, executors of the last will and testament of Edward T. Hatch, deceased, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, one hundred twenty-seven and 54-100 ($127.54) dollars. To A. G. Campbell, for loss of horse hired to the Illinois National Guard, sixty and 00-100 ($60.00) dollars. To E. A. Pynchon, for loss of surveying instruments while in the employ of the State, one hundred twenty-nine and 50-100 ($129.50) dollars. To Arthur E. Folger, on account of injuries received while in the service as a member of the Illinois Naval Reserve, seven hundred and 00-100 ($700.00) dollars. To Albert L. Lincoln, as executor of the last will and testament of Mary Lewis Williams, deceased, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, two hundred twentyeight and 04-100 ($228.04) dollars. To Francis J. McNally, for damages to house and lot by blasting in the quarry at the Illinois State Penitentiary at Joliet, eight hundred and 00-100 ($800.00) dollars. To Emma Bartholomae, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, five thousand four hundred fourteen and 07-100 ($5,414.07) dollars. To Childers and Lillienstein, on account of contract price for horse sold to the State for use at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Normal, Illinois, one hundred ninety-two and 50-100 ($192.50) dollars. To Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., on account of bill for services in auditing the books in the office of the Insurance Superintendent, three thousand two hundred ninety-three and 89-100 ($3,293.89) dollars.. To Beatrice Alice Poole Souberbielle and Adrien Souberbielle, administratrix and administrator, respectively, with the will annexed of the estate of Mariano Edouard Souberbielle, deceased, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, one thousand thirty-six and 48-100 ($1,036.48) dollars. To Charles H. Taylor, for damages to house and lot by blasting in the quarry at the Illinois State Penitentiary at Joliet, five hundred and 00-100 ($500.00) dollars. To Anna Magan, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, seven hundred seventy-six and 99-100 ($776.99) dollars. To William H. Pattison and Lucien E. Harding, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel S. Frowe, deceased, on account of inheritance tax collected erroneously and paid into the State treasury, one hundred ninety and 00-100 ($190.00) dollars. To Celinda McCullough, administratrix, and John McCullough, administrator of the estate of Jas. S. McCullough, deceased, on account of costs advanced by James S. McCullough, former State |