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(HOUSE BILL No. 152. APPROVED JUNE 29, 1915.)

AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, “An Act to revise the law in relation to the adoption of children," approved February 27th, 1874, in force July 1st, 1874.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to the adoption of children," approved February 27th, 1874, in force July 1st, 1874, be amended by adding to said Act the following sections:

§ 9 (a). If it shall appear to the court from the petition that the mother of an illegitimate child is dead or that the parents of a legitimate child are dead, and that the child has no guardian or near relative; or that there is a near relative or relatives who will neither contribute to the support of such child nor consent to its adoption; and the court shall find these facts to be as stated in the petition, the court may of its own motion or on the application of the parties petitioning for the adoption of the child, appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the child in the adoption proceedings; and it shall not be necessary to obtain the consent of any other person than such guardian ad litem in writing to authorize the court to enter a proper order or decree of adoption.

$9 (b). If it shall appear to the court from the petition that the mother of an illegitimate child or that either or both parents of a legitimate child are minors, and the court shall find these facts to be as stated in the petition and the mother of said illegitimate child or the parents of such legitimate child is or are desirous of having such child. adopted and after having expressed such desire in writing, the court may, of its own motion or on the application of the parties petitioning for the adoption of the child, appoint a guardian ad litem to represent such minor parent or parents in the adoption proceedings; and it shall not be necessary to obtain the consent of any other person than of such guardian ad litem, in writing to authorize the court to enter a proper order or decree of adoption.

§ 9 (c). An inhabitant of this State, the husband of a woman who has a minor child or children by a former husband; or an inhabitant of this State the wife of a man who has a minor child or children by a former wife, or an inhabitant of this State whose wife is the mother of

an illegitimate child or children, may petition the county or circuit court of his or her proper county for leave to adopt such minor child or children; and for a change of the name or names of such child or children. In all cases, including those where either or both husband and wife have such minor child or children, or where the wife has an illegitimate child or children, the application shall be made jointly by the husband and wife. A petition so filed shall be sufficient to authorize the court to hear said cause and to enter a proper order or decree of adoption.

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(SENATE BILL No. 142. APPROVED JUNE 25, 1915.)

AN ACT providing for the registration of farm names.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the owner of any farm in the State of Illinois desiring to name his farm may have the name of his farm, together with a description of his lands to which said name applies, recorded in a book of registry kept for that purpose in the office of the county recorder of the county in which said farm is located, and such recorder shall furnish to such land owner a proper certificate, setting forth the name and description of such lands; that when any name shall have been recorded as the name of any farm in such county, such name shall not be recorded as the name of any other farm in the same county.

§ 2. FEE.] Any person having the name of his farm recorded as provided in this Act, shall first pay to the county recorder a fee of one dollar.

§ 3. When the owner of any farm, the name of which has been recorded as provided in this Act, transfers by deed or otherwise the whole or portion of such farm, then and in that event the registered name shall not be transferred to the purchaser unless so stated in the deed of conveyance.

§ 4. When the owner of any farm having a registered name desires to cancel the registered name thereof, he shall do so on the margin of the record of the register of such name by stating, "This name is cancelled and I hereby release all rights thereunder," which shall be signed by the person owning the said farm and attested by the county recorder. That for such service a fee of twenty-five cents shall be paid to the said county recorder.

APPROVED June 25th, 1915.



§ 1. Amends sections 2 and 8 of Act of 1909.

§ 2 As amended, provides for the quarantine and slaughter of deceased animals, and the manner of appraisement.

§ 8. As amended, provides how claims for slaughtered animals shall be made and fixes the maximum price to be paid by the State.

(HOUSE BILL No. 562. APProved June 29, 1915.)

AN ACT entitled, "An Act to amend sections two (2) and eight (8) of an Act entitled, 'An Act to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals," approved June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That sections two (2) and eight (8) of an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals,' ," be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 2. It shall be the duty of said Board of Live Stock Commissioners to cause to be investigated any and all cases, or alleged cases, coming to their knowledge, of communicable diseases among domestic animals, within this State, and to use all proper means to prevent the spread of such diseases, and to provide for the extirpation thereof; and in the event of reasonable ground for the belief that any such communicable disease exists in this State, it shall be the duty of the person owing or having in charge any animal or animals infected with such disease, or any other person having knowledge or reason to suspect the existence of such disease, to immediately notify said Board of Live Stock Commissioners, or some member thereof, by communication to said board or member, of the existence of such disease, and thereupon it shall be the duty of said board, or some member thereof, or authorized agent of the board, immediately to cause proper examination thereof to be made, and if such disease shall be found to be a dangerously contagious or dangerously infectious malady, said board, or any member thereof, or the State Veterinarian, or any Assistant State Veterinarian, shall order such diseased animals, and such as have been exposed to contagion, and the premises in or on which they are, or which may have been recently occupied by them, to be strictly quarantined; and they shall have power to order any premises and farms where the disease exists, or has recently existed, as well as exposed premises and farms, to be put in quarantine so that no domestic animal which has been or is so diseased, or has been exposed to such communicable disease, be removed from the premises so quarantined, nor allow any animal susceptible to such disease to be brought therein or thereon, except under such rules and regulations as said Board of Live Stock Commissioners may prescribe, which quarantine, and every quarantine established under the provisions of this Act, shall remain in force and effect until removed by order of said board; and said board shall prescribe such regulations as they may deem necessary to prevent any such dis

ease from being communicated from any such diseased animal or exposed animal or from the infected premises or through any other means of communication. In all such cases the said Board of Live Stock Commissioners, or in case the number of animals shall not exceed five, any member thereof, shall have power to order the slaughter of any or all of such diseased or exposed animals. The said board shall also have power to cause to be destroyed all barns, stables, premises, fixtures, furniture and personal property infected with any such communicable disease so far as in their judgment may be necessary to prevent the spread of such disease and where the same cannot be properly disinfected; and to order the disinfection of all cars, boats or other vehicles used in transporting animals affected with any such communicable disease, or that have been exposed to the contagion thereof, and the disinfection of all yards, pens and chutes that may have been used in handling such diseased or exposed animals.

When the said board, upon the written report of the State Veterinarian, or any of his assistants, determines that any animal is affected with, or has been exposed to, any dangerously contagious or infectious disease, the board or any member thereof or any of its duly authorized agents, may agree with the owner upon the value of such animal or of any property that it may be found necessary to destroy, and in case such an agreement cannot be made, said animals or property shall be appraised by three competent and disinterested appraisers, one to be selected by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, one by the claimant and one by the two appraisers thus selected. Such appraisers shall subscribe to an oath in writing to fairly value such animals or property in accordance with the requirements of this Act, which oath, together with the valuation fixed by such appraisers, shall be filed with the board and be preserved by them.

Upon such appraisement being made, it shall become the duty of the owner to immediately destroy such animals and to dispose of the carcasses thereof, and to disinfect the premises occupied by such animals, in accordance with the rules prescribed by said board governing such destruction and disinfection. And upon his failure so to do, said board, or any member thereof, shall cause such animal or animals. or property to be destroyed and disposed of, and thereupon such owner shall forfeit all right to receive any compensation for the destruction of such animal or animals or property. When the board, upon the written opinion of the State Veterinarian, or of any Assistant State Veterinarian, determines that any barns, stables, outbuildings or premises are so infected that the same cannot be disinfected, they may quarantine such barns, stables, outbuildings or premises from use for the animals that might be infected by such use, and such quarantine shall continue in force and effect until removed by the board, and a violation of such quarantine shall be punished in the same manner as is provided for violation of other quarantine by this Act. Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any quarantine established under the provisions of this Act may appeal to the full Board of Live Stock Commissioners, who shall thereupon sustain, modify or annul such quarantine, as they may deem proper.

Whenever quarantine is established in accordance with the provisions of this Act, valid notice of the same may be given by leaving with the owner or occupant of any premises so quarantined, in person, or by delivering to any member of his family, or any employee, over the age of ten years found upon the premises so quarantined, notice thereof, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and at the same time explaining the contents thereof. Such quarantine shall be sufficiently proven in any court by the production of a true copy of such notice of quarantine with a return thereon of the service of the same in the manner above required, attested by the seal of the Board of Live Stock Commissioners, with the signature of the proper officer thereof.

§ 8. All claims against the State arising from the slaughter of animals as herein provided for, shall be made to the Board of Live Stock Commissioners under such rules, not inconsistent with this Act, as they may prescribe and it shall be the duty of said board to determine the amount which shall be paid in each case on account of the animals so slaughtered and fix the fair cash value thereof in health if of the bovine species, for beef, dairy and breeding purposes, in no event to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) for any registered animal and not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for any animal not registered; nor to exceed an average value of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per head for all registered animals in any herd and not to exceed an average value of one hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars per head for all non-registered animals in any herd, or if of the equine species, their fair cash market value in health, in no event to exceed two hundred fifty ($250) dollars for any one animal, nor to exceed an average value of two hundred (200) dollars per head for all such animals of any herd, or if sheep or swine, their fair cash market value in health for meat or breeding purposes, in no event to exceed fifty ($50) dollars for any one animal, nor to exceed an average value of forty ($40) dollars per head for all such animals of any flock or herd, upon such inspection, hearing and inquiry as to the value of said animals as the said appraisers shall deem necessary for that purpose: Provided, however, that no value other than the market utility value of any animal shall be allowed or fixed unless a certificate of registration issued by the registry association, of the breed of such animal, recognized by the United States Government, is furnished to the appraisers, and said appraisers shall report under oath the value of said animals, together with a statement of the evidence or facts upon which said appraisement is based, and said board shall certify the same to the Governor for his approval, and if the Governor shall find that said appraisers have proceeded in accordance with law, he shall approve the same for payment, and the Auditor of Public Acounts shall, upon presentation of the same to him, thereupon issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the amount fixed by said appraisers in favor of the owner of the animals: Provided, that where Federal authority authorizes the payment of part of the value of such animals the State shall only pay the balance of said appraisement fixed as aforesaid.

APPROVED June 29th, 1915.

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