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law with the same police powers which are hereby granted to said commission. For the enforcement of said police power the said commission is authorized to organize a police force, said police force to be disbanded and discharged when said waterway shall have been completed. The members of said police force shall have all the powers vested by law in police officers and constables. The said commission shall also have power to prescribe sanitary regulations for all camps, boarding houses, and dwellings where employees of said commission or contractors are domiciled; and any violation of any police or health rule or regulation of said commission shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable as such upon trial and conviction as provided by law in other cases. Said commission shall have power to appoint a health officer, who shall be a physician, and to prescribe his powers and duties.

§ 12. For the purpose of defray [ing] all expenditures of said commission made by authority of this Act, there is hereby appropriated to the Illinois Waterway Commission the following sums:

For channel excavation and dredging..

For locks and dams ...


For right of way and damage to land.

1,404,550. 318,250.

For levees, land filling, road work, bridges, sewers and drains
For power and electrical equipment....




For office expenses, salaries of appointees and employees of the commission and other administrative and contingent. expenses incurred by the commission.

Total ...


or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the "Waterway Fund" hereinafter provided for; and for the raising of which sums so appropriated there shall be issued and sold in the manner and at the time or times as hereafter recited, bonds of the State of Illinois to an amount not exceeding five million (5,000,000) dollars, as authorized to be issued by an amendment or provision of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, which was duly ratified by a vote of the people on November 3rd, 1908, and proclaimed adopted by the Governor on November 24th, 1908, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid into the State treasury and shall be kept in a separate fund to be known as the "Waterway Fund." The commission shall be charged with the duty of selling said bonds, or any part thereof, to the highest bidder after advertising for a period of ten (10) weeks and at least once each week, in at least two daily newspapers, one of which shall be published in the city of Springfield and at least one other in the city of Chicago. The said commission may reject any and all bids made in pursuance of said advertisements, and in such events, is authorized to re-advertise for bids in the manner above described as many times as may be necessary to effect a satisfactory sale. Two-fifths of each issue of said bonds shall be in denominations of five hundred (500) dollars each and three-fifths in denominations of one thousand (1,000) dollars each; and in the sale of said bonds, as hereinafter provided, the Illinois Waterway Commission shall in the case of intending purchasers who bid the same price, give the preference to those who bid for the smaller quantity. Said bonds shall not all be

issued and sold at one time, but shall be issued and sold from time to time, as the work progresses, in amounts necessary to meet the obligations incurred by said commission as they shall be estimated by the chief engineer and reported to and approved by said commission. The bonds issued shall be dated as of the first day of January, or the first day of July, next preceding the date of their issue, and shall draw interest, payable semi-annually evidenced by interest coupons, at a rate not exceeding four (4) per cent per annum. All bonds issued shall be made payable in twenty years from the date of their issue, and, in the discretion of the said commission, may be made redeemable in ten (10) years from the date of their issue. They shall be engraved and printed under the direction of the Governor, shall be under the seal of the State, shall be signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Treasurer and Auditor of the State, and until sold shall be deposited with the State Treasurer. The estimate made and approved, as aforesaid, of the funds which will be required to meet the obligations for the said work, including maturing interest on outstanding bonds for a period of six (6) months, beginning with the first day of January or July next ensuing thereafter, shall be made and filed with the Governor of the State of Illinois, in the months of April and October of each year.

§ 13. All payments for salaries, wages, work done under contract, materials, supplies, machinery, lands, damages to lands and other expenditures made under this Act, shall be made by the State Treasurer out of the aforesaid waterway fund upon warrants drawn by the Auditor of Public Accounts, based upon bills of particulars and vouchers certified by the official or agent of said commission having knowledge of the facts upon which the said vouchers are based, audited by the secretary and approved by the chairman of the commission and the Governor. The said commission shall prescribe the manner in which payments shall be made for the current and emergency expenses and provide for safe-guarding all disbursements of funds on this behalf. The said commission shall have power to keep under its control a fund not exceeding at any one time fifty thousand (50,000) dollars, to meet immediate demands and expenses, and for the purpose of creating the said fund the Auditor of Public Accounts is authorized in the first instance to issue his warrant for the sum of fifty thousand (50,000) dollars at the direction of the said commission, and payable to its treasurer; and the Auditor of Public Accounts is authorized thereafter, upon approval of the Governor, to issue warrants for the purpose of maintaining said fund at the sum of fifty thousand (50,000) dollars, but shall only issue said warrants upon the presentation to him of receipted bills of particulars and vouchers, certified by the official or agent of said commission having knowledge of the facts upon which the vouchers are based, audited by the secretary, and approved by the chairman of the commission and the Governor, showing the disbursements made by said commission out of the aforesaid fund.

14. The said commission shall, on or before the first day of January in each year, make a full report to the Governor of the State of Illinois of all business transacted by it during the year ending on the preceding thirtieth (30th) day of November, including a statement

of all expenditures, contracts entered into, work done, and obligations outstanding or contracted for at the date of the making of each report. The Governor shall cause the books and affairs of said commission to be audited in each year by an accountant or accountants employed by him for that purpose, and the cost of such audit shall be paid as a part of the cost of the work authorized by this Act, upon vouchers approved by the Governor.

§ 15. There shall be included in and added to the tax levied for State purposes a direct annual tax for such amount as shall be necessary to pay and sufficient to pay the interest on each bond issued under this Act as it falls due, and to pay and sufficient to pay and discharge the principal of each of such bonds at par value as they fall due. The rate of such annual tax shall be fixed by the officers charged by law with fixing the rate for State taxes on the valuation of real and personal property in this State subject to taxation, as provided by law. The tax imposed as herein provided shall be assessed, levied and collected in the manner prescribed by law and shall be paid by the several county treasurers into the treasury of the State. The proceeds of such tax shall be invested by the State Treasurer in securities in which he is authorized by law to invest the trust and sinking funds of the State and together with the interest arising therefrom, any premium received on the sale of said bonds and interest accruing on deposits of money received from the sale of said bonds and from miscellaneous sources shall constitute a sinking fund known as the Waterway Sinking Fund. Said fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act; and to the application of which sinking fund to the payment of said bonds and interest, and to the payment in full of which said bonds and the interest, the faith of the State of Illinois is hereby pledged.

§ 16. Said commission shall have power from time to time to develop and to lease any water power created by the water passing through said waterway or canal, subject to the following conditions:

Before any such lease shall be made, at least sixty (60) days' public notice of the intending letting shall be given by publication in a daily newspaper published in the city of Springfield and also at least one in the city of Chicago, and three others elsewhere in Illinois, and such other notice as the commission shall deem best. The said commission shall require the bids to be accompanied by security, and may reject all bids not satisfactory to them and readvertise until they receive satisfactory bids; whereupon they shall lease said power to the highest responsible bidder. No lease shall be for a period exceeding ten (10) years, but the said commission may provide for not more than one (1) extension of any lease for a further period of ten (10) years at a rent to be fixed by appraisal to be made by three (3) disinterested appraisers, to be selected or appointed in such manner as shall be provided in the lease. Said commission shall also have power to lease from time to time any of the lands or lots acquired by said commission, upon the same terms and subject to the same limitations as are hereinbefore provided in regard to water power: Provided, that after such lease or leases

shall have been so entered into, the same shall by such commission be transmitted to the Governor; unless such lease or leases is or are ratified by the Governor, then the same shall have no binding force and effect on either party thereto.

§ 17. Said commission shall establish and collect reasonable rates of toll for the use of said waterway, and all tolls, rents and other moneys received by the said commission, from the operation of the aforesaid public works, shall be deposited in the State treasury as a part of the aforesaid waterway sinking fund, which shall be kept and used to meet the interest and principal falling due upon said bonds, and to be used by said commission in its discretion, in buying up for cancellation any of said bonds before maturity at not more than the par value thereof, together with accrued interest thereon. The method of disbursing the said waterway sinking fund shall be the same as is hereinbefore provided for the disbursement of the proceeds of the said bonds: Provided, the use of said canal or waterway and locks shall be free for transportation of any property of the United States or persons in their service passing through the same.

§ 18. When the said waterway shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of this Act, and paid for with the proceeds of bonds authorized to be sold under the provisions of section twelve (12) hereof, and said bonds shall have been paid either out of the earnings of said waterway or by the State, or both, then the said channel, or so much thereof as shall have been completed, shall be tendered to the Government of the United States for navigation uses, conditioned upon the obligation or agreement of said Government to maintain the channel as a waterway free from tolls for navigation and to operate and maintain the locks free of cost to the State of Illinois. For all uses other than navigation the channel and its appurtenances shall be, and forever remain, the property of the State of Illinois.

§ 19. This Act shall not be construed to interfere with the prerogatives and duties of the Rivers and Lakes Commission, otherwise than as herein provided.

§ 20. This Act shall in no wise and in no manner disturb or oust the "Illinois and Michigan Canal" as a legal entity and existing institution, until such time as the said Illinois Waterway shall be completed, pursuant to the terms of this Act, and neither shall this Act, nor the operation thereunder interfere with the operation and conduct of the said Illinois and Michigan Canal, as at present carried on and conducted, save only and except so much as may be necessary in the construction proposed under this Act, and then only when absolutely necessary, until the said Illinois Waterway shall be completed, as provided by this Act. And, pursuant to the above, the present commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and other officers and appointees thereof, or their successors in office, shall continue in office as said commissioners of said Illinois and Michigan Canal, clothed with the same power and authority as at present vested in them, until said Illinois Waterway shall be completed, as provided herein.

§ 21. All Acts and parts of Acts in so far as they are in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

§ 22. If any section, subdivision, sentence or clause of this Act is for any reason held invalid or to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Act. APPROVED June 18th, 1915.


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(HOUSE BILL No. 912. APProved June 28, 1915.)

AN ACT for an appropriation for the repair and re-arrangement of the interior of the Capitol Building.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the sum of fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars or so much thereof as shall be necessary be and hereby is appropriated for the repair and re-arrangement of the interior of the House of Representatives, the Senate Chamber, the committee rooms of the General Assembly, the fifth and sixth floors of the Capitol, the purchase and installation of elevators, the repair of the roof, and for such other alterations and repairs in the Capitol Building as are neces


§ 2. The work contemplated by this Act shall be done under the direction of a commission consisting of the President of the Senate the Speaker of the House the President pro tem of the Senate of the Fortyninth General Assembly, and one member of the House of Representatives of the Forty-ninth General Assembly designated by the Speaker and the Secretary of State, and shall be done at their discretion.

§ 3. Upon presentation of itemized vouchers signed by not less than three (3) members of the commission hereby appointed, the Auditor of Public Accounts shall draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the sum herein appropriated and the State Treasurer shall pay the same out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated.

[blocks in formation]

(SENATE BILL No. 345. APPROVED JUNE 29, 1915.)

AN ACT to create a commission to acquire for the use of the State certain real estate to sell the buildings and materials now on said premises and to erect a Centennial Memorial Building thereon and to make an appropriation therefor.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That a commission, to be known

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