separate ballots were furnished and said election has not been held under and in conformity with an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the printing and distribution at the public expense and for the nomination of candidates for public office, to regulate the manner of holding elections and to enforce the secrecy of the ballot," approved June 22, 1891, and in force July 1, 1891, but has been held in substantial compliance with the laws of this State regulating elections prior to the passage of such Act; and whenever any park district has been organized within the limits of any corporate city, village or town in this State, whose corporate authorities had theretofore been given power to acquire, lay out, establish, construct and maintain parks and boulevards, such park districts if legal, otherwise than as above stated, are hereby held and declared to be duly and legally organized, and all park commissioners elected in any such district or districts at such elections are hereby declared to have been duly and legally elected, and all the acts of such park district or districts, and of the commissioners thereof, if otherwise legal, are hereby made and declared to be legal, binding and of full force and effect. § 2. WHEREAS, an emergency exists, therefore, this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. APPROVED June 25th, 1915. ORGANIZATION OF PARK DISTRICTS IN CONTIGUOUS TOWNSHIPS LEGALIZED. § 1. Legalizes organization of districts situated in § 2. Emergency. more than one township where there have (HOUSE BILL No. 189. APPROVED JUNE 28, 1915.) AN ACT to legalize the organization of certain park districts under an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water" approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That whenever the inhabitants of any contiguous territory situated in more than one township in the same county of this State, possessing all the legal qualifications therefor, have in good faith attempted to organize such territory as a park district under and in pursuance of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water" approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895, and no provision was made by the court, or otherwise, for at least one polling place in each of the townships or portions thereof included in such territory, and in one of such townships no polling place was located, and no separate vote was had or taken in such township upon the question of the organization of such park district and such district was notwithstanding said omission, declared by the county court to be a legally organized district, and such park district has in good faith, for a period of at least five years thereafter, continuously and uninterruptedly exercised the powers of a park district, purporting to act under and in pursuance of the act of the Legislature aforesaid, and where said park district has in all other respects, than as heretofore herein specified, complied with the statutes of the State of Illinois, or other laws in force in said State, relative to the organization of park districts under said. act, such park district shall be and the same is hereby declared to have been legally and validly organized under and in pursuance of said act, and all elections of commissioners under and by virtue of any election held under and in pursuance of the aforesaid Act of the Legislature, whether a separate polling place at all such elections was located in each township or part of a township in said district, or not, if otherwise according to law, are hereby legalized and made effective, and all acts of said park districts, if otherwise legal, also are hereby made legal and binding. § 2. WHEREAS, an emergency exists, therefore, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. (HOUSE BILL No. 231. APPROVED JUNE 29, 1915.) AN ACT to provide for the setting apart, formation, administration and disbursement of a park police pension fund. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That whenever any persons have been or may be appointed or otherwise selected as commissioners or officers and constitute a board of park commissioners for any one or more towns, whether said towns have heretofore existed or now exist under and in pursuance of any Act or Acts of the General Assembly of this State, for the purpose of locating, establishing, enclosing, improving or maintaining any public park, boulevard, driveway, highway or other public work or improvement, and such board of park commissioners shall have established a police force or department of police under the employ of such board of park commissioners, there shall be created, maintained and disbursed in the manner prescribed in this Act a pension fund for such policemen. § 2. A board, composed of five members, residents of such one or more towns, to be chosen as hereinafter provided, shall be and constitute a board of trustees to provide for the handling and disbursements of said fund or funds and designate the beneficiaries thereof, as herein directed, and shall be known as the board of trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the Park Board of Commissioners of such one or more towns. Three shall be appointed by the president of the Board of Park Commissioners of such one or more towns. Those members of said board of trustees who were heretofore appointed under and by virtue of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide. for the setting apart, formation, administration and disbursement of a park police pension fund," approved May 23, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, shall serve for the term for which they were respectively appointed or until such time as their successors are appointed and qualified; the successors of any of the foregoing trustees shall serve for a period of three years each or until such time as their successors are appointed and qualified. The said three members shall not hold during their term of membership on such board, any appointive or elective political offices or positions. The remaining two members of said board shall be chosen, one from the active police force of such police department and, one from the body of the pensioners under this Act who shall have been members. of such police department. The members to be chosen from the active police force shall be elected by ballot at an annual election, at which election all members of the active police force shall be entitled to vote. The members to be chosen from the body of pensioners under this Act shall be elected by ballot at an annual election, at which election all retired policemen who are pensioners under this Act or the Act aforesaid, and the widows of all deceased pensioners who are pensioners under this Act and the Act aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote. In the event there shall be no widow surviving, then the guardian of any children of such deceased pensioner, where such children are also pensioners, may cast the vote to which such widow would have been entitled had she survived. Elections shall be held annually on the third Tuesday of July, under the rules and regulations prescribed by the board of trustees, at such place or places in such town or towns and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the three appointive members of said board: Provided, however, that no person entitled to vote under the provisions of this section shall cast more than one vote at any such election. The members to be elected from the active police force and from the body of pensioners shall serve for a period of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. In the event of the death, resignation or inability to act of any elected member of said board, the successor of such member shall be elected at a special election, which shall be called by said board and shall be conducted in the same manner as are annual elections hereunder. Suitable rooms for offices and meetings of such board shall be assigned and provided by the Board of Park Commissioners of such one or more towns. § 3. Whenever any person shall have been or shall hereafter be appointed and sworn, either as a probationary or regular policeman, and shall have served for a period of twenty years or more as such policeman on the police force of such Board of Park Commissioners, and such policeman shall have reached the age of fifty (50) years, he may make application to said board for retirement and said board shall order and direct that such policeman, after his service on such police force shall have ceased, shall be paid a yearly pension of one-half of the salary attached to the rank which he may have held on said police force for one year immediately prior to such retirement: Provided, however, that the maximum of said pension shall not exceed the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) and the minimum be not less than six hundred dollars ($600.00) per annum; and after the death of such policeman, his widow, in case the marriage of such policeman shall have taken place more than six months prior to the time a pension is granted hereunder, or natural child or children under sixteen (16) years of age of any such pensioner, shall thereafter be paid the fund herein provided for such husband or father: And, provided, further, that if such widow remarries the pension herein provided shall cease. If such widow survives such policeman, then the natural child or children of such policeman under the age of sixteen (16) years shall receive the same pension as theretofore received by such deceased father, to be divided equally among them. Pensions paid to children shall cease, as to any such child, upon his or her arriving at the age of sixteen (16) years. § 4. Whenever any member of the police force of such Board of Commissioners shall at any time become physically disabled while in and in consequence of the performance of police duty, said board, upon his written request, or without such request, upon the recommendation of the commanding officer of police, may retire such policeman from active service, and order and direct that he be paid from said fund a yearly pension not exceeding one-half of the amount which he may have held in said police force at the time of his retirement: Provided, however, that the maximum sum of said pension shall not exceed nine hundred dollars ($900.00) per annum and the minimum not less than six hundred dollars ($600.00) per annum: Provided, however, that whenever such disability shall cease, the pension shall cease, and such person shall thereupon be reinstated in the force in the rank held by him at the time of his retirement. On the death of any person so retired, his widow, provided the marriage of such policeman shall have taken place prior to the date of his becoming so disabled, or natural child or children under the age of sixteen (16) years of such deceased pensioner, shall be paid the same pension herein provided for such retired husband or father; but nothing herein contained shall authorize or warrant payment of any such pension to any such widow after she shall have remarried. No policeman shall be retired as provided in this section, or receive any benefit from said fund, unless there shall be filed with said board certificates of his disability, which shall be subscribed and sworn to by said person and by the commanding officer of police and by two practicing physicians of such one or more towns, and such board may require other evidence of disability before ordering such retirement and payment as aforesaid. Any policeman retired for disability under this Act may be summoned to submit himself for examination by said board as to fitness for duty, and shall abide the decision and order of said board with reference thereto. § 5. Whenever any member of the police force of such Board of Park Commissioners shall lose his life while in the performance of police duty, or shall receive injuries from which he shall thereafter die, leaving a widow or a natural child or children under the age of sixteen years, then upon satisfactory proof being made to it, such board shall order and direct that the pensions described in section 3 hereof, to be paid to widow and children, shall be paid to such widow and such natural child or children, subject to the limitations of said section 3:. Provided, that whenever any such policeman who has voluntarily retired or has been retired under the provisions of this Act shall then marry, such wife or child or children of such marriage shall not be entitled to any pension from the fund provided for by this Act. Whenever any policeman shall die after ten (10) years' service and while still in the service of such park as a policeman, leaving a widow whom he married more than six months prior to his demise, or natural child or children under the age of sixteen (16) years, then upon satisfactory proof of such facts made to it, said board shall order and direct that a pension of one-half the salary attached to the rank which he may have held in said police force for one year immediately prior to his death, not exceeding the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) shall be paid to such widow, or, if there be no widow, then to such natural child or children until they shall be sixteen (16) years of age, such pension to cease upon the remarriage of such widow, as provided above. Whenever any policeman shall after ten (10) years' service and while still in the service of such town as a policeman, be legally adjudged insane, and at such time shall have a wife or natural child or children under the age of sixteen (16) years, said board shall order and direct that a pension of one-half the salary, not exceeding the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) shall be paid to such wife, or if there be no wife, then to such natural child or children, until they shall be sixteen (16) years of age: Provided, however, that if at any time it be declared, in manner provided by law, that such person is restored to reason, then such pension shall cease, and such person shall, in the discretion of such board, be reinstated in the department in the rank held by him at the time he was legally adjudged to be insane: And, provided, further, that such pension shall cease if such person shall leave or be taken outside of the State of Illinois. § 6. Should any policeman or his heirs receive any compensation or allowance from any such Board of Park Commissioners under or in pursuance of the laws of the United States, or of this State, now or hereafter in force, the pensions herein provided for shall be reduced by the amounts so received by such policeman or his heirs, if such compensation. or allowance be payable in installments; if payable otherwise, no pension shall be granted to any such policeman, his widow, child or children, until such time as they or any of them would have received an equal amount of money under the terms of this Act were such other compensation or allowance not awarded them or any of them. Whenever any policeman who shall have received any benefit under this Act, shall be convicted of felony or shall become an habitual drunkard or a non-resident of the United States, or shall fail to submit himself for examination as to fitness for duty, as provided for in section 4 hereof, unless excused in writing by the board, or shall disobey the requirements of such board in respect to said examination, then said board shall order that such pension allowance as may have been granted to such policeman shall cease |