
BONDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND BRIDGES LEGALIZED. § 1. Bonds voted for road and bridge purposes by any municipality made legal and valid—all pending suits abated.

(HOUSE BILL No. 972. APPROVED JUNE 21, 1915.)

AN ACT to legalize bonds of counties, or other municipalities, voted for the purpose of aiding in the construction of roads and bridges.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That in all cases where the people of any county, or other municipality, in this State have voted in favor of issuing the bonds of such county, or other municipality, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of roads and bridges in such county, or other municipality, all such elections and proceedings shall be, and the same are hereby, made legal and valid, and any bonds which have been or may hereafter be issued in pursuance of such elections and proceedings shall be, and the same are hereby, made the legal, valid and binding obligations of such county, or other municipality, notwithstanding any objection which, except for the passage of this Act, could have been made to the legality of such bonds, or such bond elections, or such bond proceedings, or to the taxes levied or to be levied and collected for the payment of the principal of, and the interest on, such bonds, and any and all suits now pending in any of the courts of this State, attacking the legality of any such bonds, or such bond elections, or such bond proceedings, are hereby abated.

APPROVED June 21st, 1915.


§ 1. Amends section 61, subdivision 3 of Article 6, Act of 1913.

§ 61. As amended, provides highway commissioners may issue bonds by vote of special town or district election, to build bridge and approaches.

(HOUSE BILL No. 887. APPROVED JUNE 24, 1915.)

AN ACT to amend section 61, sub-division 3 of article 6 of the law in relation to roads and bridges, as approved June 27th, 1913.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That section 61, sub-division 3 of article 6 of an Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges, approved June 27, 1913, be amended to read as follows:

SECTION 61, Sub-division 3, Article 6. When the highway commissioners desire to expend on any bridge or approaches thereto in any district a greater sum of money than is available to them by other means, the said commissioners may call a special town or district election to vote on the proposition. Upon determining to call such election the highway commissioners shall order the town or district clerk, by an instrument in writing to be signed by them, to post up in ten of the most public places in said town or district notices of such special town or district meeting, which notice shall state the object, time and place of meeting, the maximum sum to be borrowed and the manner in which the vote is to be had, which shall invariably be by ballot, and shall be: "For borrowing money to (here define the purpose)," or "against borrowing money to (here define the purpose)." Such special town or

district election shall be held at the place of the last annual town or district meeting or election by said clerk giving at least ten days' notice and upon returns thereof being made in the same manner as other special town or district elections are now or may hereafter be provided by law; and if it shall appear that the majority of the legal voters voting at said election shall be in favor of said proposition, and [the] said commissioners of highways, or town and district clerk, as the case may be, shall issue from time to time as the work progresses a sufficient amount in the aggregate of the bonds of said town or district for the purpose of building said bridge, and approaches, thereto, said bonds to be of such denominations, bear such rate of interest (not exceeding six per cent) upon such time, and be disposed of as the necessities and conveniences of said town or district officers require: Provided, that said bonds shall not be sold or disposed of for less than their par value and such town or district shall provide for the payment of such bonds by appropriate taxation.

APPROVED June 24th, 1915.


§ 1. Amends sections 34 and 35, Act of 1913.

§ 34. As amended, provides bridge may be
built at expense of county in any
town, road district or city of less
than fifteen thousand inhabitants.

§ 35. As amended, provides that when the levy for corporate purposes for two years past was for full amount allowed by law the city council may petition county board for aid, and work be done at joint expense.

(HOUSE BILL No. 523. APPROVED JUNE 24, 1915.) ·

AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges," approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by amending sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five (35).

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges," approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, be and the same is hereby amended by amending sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five (35), which said sections when amended shall read as inserted at length herein.

§ 34. In case the county board shall deem it expedient to build a bridge in any town, road district, or city or village of less than fifteen (15,000) thousand population therein, the said county board may order the same built at the entire expense of such county. Such bridge shall in such case be constructed according to plans and specifications prepared by the county superintendent of highways, subject to the approval of the State Highway Engineer.

§ 35. When it is necessary to construct or repair any bridges over a stream, or any approach or approaches thereto, by means of an embankment or trestle work on a public road, in any town, district or city or village of less than fifteen (15,000) thousand population or on or near to or across a town, district or such city or village line, in which work the town, district, or such city or village is wholly or in part responsible, and the cost of which will be more than twelve cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll, and the levy of the road and bridge tax for two (2) years last past in said town or district was in each year for the full amount allowed by law to be raised therein for

all roads and bridge purposes except for damages incurred in laying out, altering, widening or vacating roads, the major part of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair of the roads and bridges, or in such cities and villages where the levy for corporate purposes was for two years last past in said city or village for the full amount allowed by law to be raised therein for such corporate purposes, the commissioner of highways, the city council or the village board of trustees may petition the county board for aid, and if the foregoing facts shall appear, the county board shall appropriate from the county treasurer a sufficient sum to meet one-half (12) of the expenses of said bridge or other work, on condition the town or district, city or village asking aid shall furnish the other half of the required amount.

[LETTING CONTRACTS.] When it is determined by the county board to grant the prayer of the highway commissioners, city council or village. board of trustees asking aid for the construction of such bridge or other expensive work, the county board shall thereupon enter an order directing the county superintendent of highways to prepare plans and specifications for such improvement. The contract for such improvement shall thereupon be let in the manner authorized by said county board subject to the provisions of the law relating to the letting of contracts: Provided, however, that no county, town [,] road district, city or village. shall be liable for any part of such expense or compelled to pay any part of its appropriation for such purpose until all of the work has been fully completed and accepted by the county superintendent of highways, and such acceptance properly certified to by said officer and presented to the county board at a meeting held after the completion of said work, which certificate shall contain an itemized account of the expenditures; and a copy thereof shall also be filed with the town, district, city or village clerk, as the case may be.

APPROVED June 24th, 1915.


§ 1. Amends section 153, Act of 1913.

§ 153. As amended, adds clause making it the duty of the highway commissioner to enforce the provisions of this section.

(HOUSE BILL No. 504. APPROVED JUNE 24, 1915.)

AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges," approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, by amending section one hundred fifty-three (153) thereof.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to roads and bridges," approved June 27, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, be and the same is hereby amended by amending section 153 thereof so that the said section when amended. shall read as follows:

§ 153. It shall be unlawful for any itinerant person or persons on any public highway in this State to either hitch or turn loose any stock, cows, horses or other animals for purpose of feeding same or for purpose of temporary camping on such public highways of this State for a period to exceed twelve hours in any one township or district.

Any legal voter or resident in this State may enter complaint before any court having jurisdiction against any person or persons found violating this section and it shall be the duty of such court to issue a warrant for the arrest of such violators and have them brought forthwith before said court for examination, and if found guilty of such violation as charged, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) or exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) for each such offense, or committed to the county jail not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of such court. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of highways to enforce the provisions of this section and to that end procure warrants for the arrest of all violators hereof.

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AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, “An Act defining motor vehicles and providing for the registration of the same and of motor bicycles, and uniform rules regulating the use and speed thereof; prohibiting the use of motor vehicles without the consent of the owner and the offer or acceptance of any bonus or discount or other consideration for the purchase of supplies or parts for any such motor vehicle or for work or repairs done thereon by others, and defining chauffeurs and providing for the examination and licensing thereof, and to repeal certain Acts therein named," approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, by amending sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 18 and by adding two new sections to be known as section 15a and section 22.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That an Act entitled, "An Act defining motor vehicles and providing for the registration of the same and of motor bicycles, and uniform rules regulating the use and speed thereof; prohibiting the use of motor vehicles without the consent of the owner and the offer or acceptance of any bonus or discount or other consideration for the purchase of supplies or parts for any such motor vehicle or for work or repairs done thereon by others and defining chauffeurs and providing for the examination and licensing thereof, and to repeal certain Acts therein named," approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, be and the same is hereby amended by amending sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 18 and adding two new sections to be known as section 15a and section 22.

§ 2. Every owner of a motor vehicle or motor bicycle which shall be driven in this State, shall, except as otherwise provided in this Act, within ten days after he becomes the owner of such motor vehicle or motor bicycle, file in the office of the Secretary of State an application for a certificate of registration properly sworn to, setting forth his name and address, with a brief description of the vehicle, or bicycle, to be registered, including the name of the maker, factory number, style of vehicle or bicycle and the motor power, and (except in case of electrically propelled vehicles) the amount of such motor power stated in figures of horse power on a blank to be prepared and furnished by such Secretary of State for that purpose, and shall pay to said Secretary of State a registration fee for each calendar year for each motor bicyle so registered, the sum of two dollars and a registration fee for each calendar year for each motor vehicle so registered of ten horse-power and less, the sum of $3.00; for each motor vehicle of 25 horse-power and more than ten horsepower, $4.00; for each motor vehicle of 35 horse-power and more than 25 horse-power, the sum of $6.00; for each motor vehicle of 50 horsepower and more than 35 horse-power, the sum of $8.00; for each motor vehicle of more than 50 horse-power, the sum of $10.00; for each and every electrically propelled motor vehicle up to and including two tons capacity, the sum of $5.00, and for each and every electrically propelled motor vehicle over two tons capacity so registered, the sum of $10.00, provided, the first registration fee for each motor vehicle or motor bicycle shall be reduced 25 per cent if payable during the second quarter, 50 per cent if payable during the third quarter, and 75 per cent if payable during the fourth quarter of the calendar year, and that no certificate for re-registration shall issue for less sum than the fee required for a calendar year. Said registration shall be made on the date the application is received and filed by the Secretary of State and shall expire with the last day of the calendar year in which such registration is made. Upon the filing in the office of the Secretary of State of said application and the payment of the registration fee, as hereinbefore provided, the Secretary of State, or his duly authorized agent, shall, without further fee, assign to such motor vehicle, or motor bicycle, as described in such application, a distinctive number, and shall issue to the owner of such motor vehicle or motor bicycle, as it is described in the application filed, a certificate of registration, which certificate shall be in the form of a card, which may be carried in the pocket, and which certificate shall contain the descriptive number so assigned to such motor vehicle or motor bicycle, the name and address of the owner, a brief description of such motor vehicle or motor bicycle, stating the name of the manufacturer, the motor power, and the amount of such motor power stated in figures of horse power or the capacity of such motor vehicle or motor bicycle if electrically propelled. The Secretary of State shall also issue and deliver to the owner of such motor vehicle or motor bicycle a seal of aluminum or other suitable material which shall be circular in form and not to exceed two inches in diameter, having stamped thereon the words, "Registered motor vehicle or motor bicycle, No......., Illinois Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Law," with the registration number and the years of issue inserted therein, which seal shall be affixed to the motor vehicle or motor bicycle to which such number has been assigned. Upon

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