itemized and certified to by the chairman of the commission and approved by the Governor. The commission shall report its findings, together with any recommendations it may see fit to make, to the Governor not later than December 1st, 1916, for transmission to the Fiftieth General Assembly. Adopted by the Senate April 7, 1915. INVESTIGATIONS-UNEMPLOYMENT OF STATE. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 12.) Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That a commission of nine members be and is hereby established to be known as the Commission on Unemployment of the State of Illinois. The members of said commission shall be appointed by the Governor as soon as practicable after the taking effect of this resolution and shall consist of three representatives of labor, three representatives of employers of labor, and three representatives of the public who are not identified with either the employing or employed classes. Each member of said commission shall have equal authority, power and voting strength in considering any action upon all matters considered by the commission. The said commission shall have power and authority to investigate the subject of unemployment in Illinois, together with the causes leading thereto, and the effect of such idleness upon the commonwealth and its citizenship. Said commission shall meet at the State Capitol building in Springfield, on the third Tuesday after notice of their appointment, and shall immediately elect a chairman and secretary from among their number, one of whom shall be an employer and the other a representative of the employees. Six members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business, but a fewer number than a quorum may adjourn the meeting of the commission from time to time. The meetings of said commission shall be held at such times and places within the State of Illinois as may be fixed by the said commission. Said commission shall report to the Governor and to the General Assembly at its next regular session, submitting, so far as they have agreed. a bill or bills, or other means destined to meet the purpose announced in this resolution. The commission may employ such necessary assistance as it deems wise and expedient in pursuit of its investigation and shall fix their salaries. The commission shall be allowed its necessary and actual expenses incurred in pursuit of its investigations and $10.00 per diem for each member for services actually rendered out of any moneys appropriated for the purpose upon presentation of proper vouchers certified to by the chairman and secretary of said commission and approved by the Governor. Adopted by the Senate April 27, 1915. Concurred in by the House June 11, 1915. LINCOLN MEMORIAL EXHIBIT-PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 2.) WHEREAS, The Illinois State Commission to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, to be held in San Francisco, during the present year (1915), has decided to place in the Illinois State Building at the said Panama-Pacific International Exposition an exhibit of material, such as letters, portraits and relics portraying a history of the life of Abraham Lincoln, the most illustrious son of Illinois, this exhibit to be known as the Lincoln Memorial Exhibit, for which a room has been especially pre pared by the Illinois Commission to the Exposition. The commission has requested the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library to lend to it certain articles, pictures, relics and documents now in the custody of said Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library to be used as a part of said Lincoln Memorial Exhibit; and, WHEREAS, It seems desirable that the request be granted; therefore, Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library be and are hereby authorized to loan to the Illinois State Commission to the Panama-Pacific International exposition for the Exhibit at said Exposition, such historical relics, documents, etc., under its control as said commission may deem necessary for said exhibit, provided that said commission shall return at the conclusion of said Exposition, to the custody of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library all such articles, relics, documents, etc., in as good condition as when taken away, and without expense to the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library; Resolved, That such additional historical matter collected by the Illinois State Commission to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition for making said exhibit, shall, at the close of the Exposition, be the property of the State of Illinois, and shall be placed in the Illinois State Historical Library, at Springfield, Illinois. Adopted by the Senate March 2, 1915. Concurred in by the House March 31, 1915. MISSISSIPPI RIVER FLOODS-PREVENTION. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 4.) WHEREAS, The frequent floods of the Mississippi River, caused by waters from thirty-one states, embracing more than 41 per cent of the total area of the United States, result in great loss of human lives in portions of the State of Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, and large money losses, not only in such afflicted territory, but in other portions of the nation; and, WHEREAS, All political parties have declared in their campaign platforms that flood control of the Mississippi River is a national duty; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate of the State of Illinois, the House concurring, That the Congress of the United States be and is hereby requested to fulfill this national duty at its next session and to enact such legislation as shall provide a separate and comprehensive plan for the prevention of such floods without delay; be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate of the Congress of the United States. Adopted by the Senate April 22, 1915. PORTRAIT OF ORVILLE H. BROWNING-ACCEPTANCE. (House Joint Resolution No. 10.) WHEREAS, The Hon. Orville H. Browning, for many years and at the time of his death a member of the Adams County Bar, residing at Quincy; a member of the Illinois Legislature from 1836 to 1843, serving in both Houses; United States Senator from Illinois from 1861 to 1863, by appoint ment of Governor Yates, to succeed the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas; Secretary of the Interior of the United States, also discharging for a time the duties of Attorney General, under President Johnson; and a member of the Illinois Constitutional Convention of 1869-70; was a most distinguished citizen, eminent lawyer and honored public servant of Illinois; and, WHEREAS, A portrait in oil of Mr. Browning has been presented to the State of Illinois by his niece, Mrs. Eliza Price Miller, of New Berlin, Illinois; be it Resolved, by the House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, the Senate concurring herein, That the said portrait of Mr. Browning be gratefully accepted by the State of Illinois and placed in the custody and control of the Governor; that the thanks of the State be extended to Mrs. Miller for the gift of said portrait which will be a constant reminder of the high character and invaluable public services of Mr. Browning; and that this preamble and resolution be spread upon the Journals of the House and Senate, and an engrossed copy of the same be sent to Mrs. Miller. Adopted by the House March 17, 1915. RAILROAD MILEAGE-MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. House Joint Resolution No. 20. Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, That there be allowed, out of the contingent expense funds to the Senate and House to each member of the House and Senate, the actual railroad mileage of each member, for twenty-one round trips from the Capital of the State to and from their respective homes, at the rate of two cents per mile, the same to be computed at the same mileage as now computed by the State Auditor, and the same to be approved by the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate, and to be allowed for proper and necessary committee and legislative expenses of the respective members. Adopted by the House, May 6, 1915. Concurred in by the Senate, May 19, 1915. SUBMERGED AND SHORE LANDS-REPORT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 31.) WHEREAS, The following resolution adopted by the House and concurred in by the Senate February 24, 1909, passed at the Forty-sixth General Assembly: "WHEREAS, There is reasonable grounds to believe that the State of Illinois, at the time of its organization as a State, and since said time, became invested with valuable rights in lands along the lake shore of Lake Michigan, and, along and upon other navigable bodies of water, rivers and lakes of the State of Illinois, which said rights it is claimed the State of Illinois holds in trust for the use of the people of this State; and, "WHEREAS, There is reason to believe that such rights, in a large number of cases have been usurped by private individuals, corporations and companies, who now occupy part or parts of said lands, and who assert titles in or claim thereto; and "WHEREAS, Said rights in and concerning said lands are of great value to the State of Illinois, and by reason of its increasing population are constantly becoming of more value to the people of this State; now, therefore, be it "Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring herein, That a joint committee of ten be appointed, six to be named by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and four to be named by the Presi dent of the Senate, to make careful and complete investigation of the rights of the State of Illinois, in land lying along, in and upon Lake Michigan, the rivers and lakes and other navigable bodies of water of this State and to report its conclusion to the next General Assembly of this State and to the Governor of Illinois, as to the rights of the State and its people of Illinois, in and to the same. And for such purpose, the said committee is authorized to employ such assistance (other than legal services) as may be necessary to carry out the provisions hereof. The said committee and the members thereof shall be entitled to their actual expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions hereof. The Attorney General of Illinois is respectfully requested to furnish said committee with such legal assistance as may be required; and, be it further "Resolved, That the General Assembly proceed to make an appropriation of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the purpose of carrying on such investigation." AND WHEREAS, There was adopted by the House, February 10, 1911, and concurred in by the Senate, March 23rd, 1911, at the Forty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Illinois, a joint resolution as follows: "WHEREAS, The Submerged and Shore Lands Legislative Investigating Committee on February 9, 1911, made its report and stated its conclusions to both Houses of the General Assembly, and in connection with said report transmitted to the General Assembly all the records, maps, data, evidence, proceedings, briefs, arguments, surveys and every other means and sources of information by it obtained; and, "WHEREAS, It appears by the report of said committee that the interests of the State of Illinois in various bodies of land in connection with the public waters of Illinois are such as to require the most vigorous action by the State of Illinois for the purpose of protecting the same; now, therefore, be it “Resolved, by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring herein, That the report of said committee and all of the accompanying documents and data above referred to, be transmitted to the Department of Justice of the State of Illinois, and there filed for the use of the Attorney General of this State, and that the Attorney General be requested to examine said report and to investigate the same, and that wherever in his judgment and the judgment of his department, the interests of the State of Illinois require. protection or action either to regain lands wrongfully occupied or to compel restitution of the same or to inquire into or call in question the charter powers and rights of companies occupying such lands and assuming to exercise exclusive privileges and franchises in connection therewith, that the same shall be instituted by him in any court or courts of competent jurisdiction upon behalf of the State of Illinois. And the Legislature of the State of Illinois pledges itself to support such official action of the Attorney General of this State in prosecution of all claims and actions which in his judgment should be advanced, and for that purpose we commit ourselves to making sufficient appropriation for his use to enable the Attorney General of this State to institute a department of his office for the purpose of protecting and asserting all the rights of the State of Illinois with reference to this subject matter." Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, That the Attorney General of this State make report what legal action, if any, has been taken by the Department of Justice of the State of Illinois towards carrying out the recommendations of the committee appointed as aforesaid, and of the subsequent resolution, the result of such action, and, if no action has been taken to carry out such recommendations of the committee and of the aforesaid resolution, having especial reference to submerged and shore lands of Lake Michigan. Adopted by the Senate June 8, 1915. Concurred in by the House June 11, 1915. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-VISITATION. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 18.) WHEREAS, An invitation has been received by the members of the General Assembly from the University of Illinois, inviting them to visit that institution in the near future; and, WHEREAS, A date should be fixed which will enable the University authorities to make such preparation for the proper entertainment to the members of the General Assembly as they may desire; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That the date of said visit is hereby fixed for May 14 and 15, 1915, and that the presiding officers of the Senate and House are requested to notify the President of the University of Illinois of the action hereby taken. Resolved, That a committee of three members from the Senate and three from the House of Representatives be appointed to have charge of all necessary arrangements. The committee of arrangements, when named, Adopted by the Senate April 13, 1915. WATERWAY DISCUSSION-JOINT MEETING. (Senate Joint Resolution No. 27.) Resolved, by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring herein, That the two Houses meet in joint session in the hall of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, May 19, 1915, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of hearing Senators Lewis and Sherman discuss the bills providing for the building of a waterway. Adopted by the Senate May 18, 1915. ERRATA. Page 52, (D) line two should read "for vice-president $2,500.00 per an num." Page 209, number twenty-two, line five should read "two assistant attorneys general, $3,500.00 per annum, $7,000.00 per annum; assistant attorney general, $3,500.00 per annum; assistant attorney." Page 215, number forty-two, line eleven should read "for contingent fund, $2,000.00 per annum." Page 232, number eighty-seven, line fourteen should read, "for rent, $4,500 per annum; for telephone and telegraph, $800 per annum; for express and drayage, $200 per annum." |