INDEX. ABANDONMENT-Wife or child ABATEMENT AND INJUNCTION-houses of prostitution and assignation. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE-examination fee ACADEMY OF SCIENCE-appropriation ACCIDENTS-compensation for injuries (10) insurance, form of policy medicine chests on trains mine, investigation by inspector. report to chief state factory inspector (24) workmen's compensation act ACKERMAN, IDA-appropriation ACKNOWLEDGMENT-mortgages by attorney-in-fact ADJUTANT GENERAL-appropriation, ordinary and contingent (28). fees of county clerk, certain cases.... ADOPTION OF CHILDREN-guardian ad litem.. ADVERTISEMENT-delinquent taxes, for judgment and sale. PAGE. 470 371 332, 333 14 30 472 559 .521 424 .400 ..107 528 211 463 440 1 .570 ..558 365 AGRICULTURE-Co-operative agricultural extension work, assent by legislature. .732 state board, appropriation for general expenses and buildings. ALTGELD, JOHN P.-monument at Chicago, appropriation.. 84 ALTON STATE HOSPITAL-appropriation, ordinary and special. live stock breeders' association, appropriation. payment of future claims for slaughtered, appropriation. ANNA STATE HOSPITAL-appropriation, ordinary and special. APPOINTMENTS-arbitrator or committee of arbitration by industrial board. .408 art commission, city, by mayor... .260 centennial building commissioners (1).. 36 civil service, classified list, preference to soldiers and sailors. 322 civil service commission, cities under commission form of government. .281 .509 person to execute engraving on Kenesaw Mountain monument, by governor 87 380 state inspector of masonry, public buildings and works by governor. 716 432 415 superintendent of fire fighting and rescue stations by commission. 527 672 trustees park police pension fund by park commissioners. 542 .304 chief inspector private employment agencies, deficiency. 43 43 17 13 educational, normal schools, ordinary and special. university of Illinois, endowment and general funds. 44 58 60 60 monuments, Altgeld, John P., Chicago. Carlin, Thomas, Carrollton Grant, Ulysses S. and other generals at Vicksburg. Kenesaw Mountain battlefield 82 237 214 236 83 105 14 218 84 85 86 87 APPROPRIATIONS-Continued. Morrisy, Catherine, injuries Payne, Norma, injuries Ramenofsky, Mollie, injuries Schaefer, Dorothea, injuries Schroeder, Godfrey A., expenses Schwaba, Peter H., injuries Smejkal, Klenha & Ring, incorporation fees. Steele, Ethel, injuries Steele, Nettie, injuries Stilley, Bertha, injuries sub-contractors, material men and laborers, construction sheep and swine pavilions Sumberg, Lillie, injuries Taylor, Lewis E., injuries Thies, Albert W., injuries Vickers, Leora E., salary of Alonzo K. Vickers. Voris, William, death Woodbury, Margaret, injuries RELIEF CLAIMS, FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE: burying animals, disinfectants, veterinary services.. property destroyed, disinfecting premises, etc. PAGE. 107 .107 107 .107 .107 194 .236 ..195 .236 107 107 196 196 107 198 236 198 199 .107 137, 184 189 .162 115 |