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§ 1. Amends Act of 1903 by adding sections 13, 13a, 13b, 13c, 13d, 130, 131, 13g, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

[§] 13g Shipments consigned to stock yards shall not be diverted or delivered to any other point.

14. Cattle imported in violation of Act-test-disposition.

15. Sale of cattle which have reacted to tuberculin test.

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[8] 13a. To what animals foregoing provi-
sions shall not apply.

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(HOUSE BILL No. 867. APPROVED JUNE 29, 1915.)

AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals," approved June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to the suppression and prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals," approved June 14, 1909, in force July 1, 1909, be amended by adding to said Act fifteen sections to be known as sections 13, 13a, 13b, 13c, 13d, 13e, 13f, 13g, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

§ 13. All bulls, cows or heifers exceeding the age of nine months brought into the State of Illinois by any person, persons, firm, company or corporation, or by any railroad or other transportation company, (unless said bulls, cows or heifers are consigned to and delivered by the transportation company within the confines of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, or the Union Stock Yards, Peoria), or any other like public stock yard, shall be accompanied by a certificate of health, including the tuberculin test, administered in accordance with the regulations of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry within thirty days previous to said cattle being brought into the State of Illinois.

[$] 13a. The foregoing provisions, however, shall not apply to the importation of bulls, cows or heifers from herds which are officially registered by the live stock sanitary authorities of the State of origin as being free from tuberculosis and other contagious and infectious diseases. Reciprocal exchange of cattle from "State Accredited Herds" shall be permitted under regulations prescribed by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners.

[8] 13b. All certificates of health shall be issued in duplicate form by veterinarians in good standing and shall be approved by the State Veterinarian or official in charge of live stock sanitary control in the State in

which the shipment has its origin, or by an inspector of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry. Before accepting consignments of bulls, cows, or heifers for importation into the State of Illinois, transportation companies shall require that the original of said certificate of health be delivered to them to be attached to the way bill and accompanying the shipment to its destination. When such bulls, cows or heifers are driven into the State of Illinois said certificate of health must be carried by the person in charge of said cattle. A duplicate of each certificate of health under which bulls, cows or heifers are brought into the State of Illinois, for breeding or dairy purposes as in this Act required, shall be mailed to the State Veterinarian, Springfield, Illinois, on or before the date of bringing such cattle into the State. Furthermore, the agent of any transportation company delivering cattle covered by a certificate of health within the State of Illinois shall immediately detach from said way bill said certificate of health and immediately forward same to the State Veterinarian, Springfield, Illinois; and such transportation company may, with each shipment, require an extra duplicate to be filed with such transportation company for record.

[§] 13c. Bulls, cows or heifers for feeding or grazing only, may be shipped or driven into the State of Illinois, or removed from public stock yards within the State upon a permit issued by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, provided that all such cattle shall be placed in quarantine upon the premises of the owner until released therefrom, or until they have passed a negative tuberculin test, administered in accordance with the regulations of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry at the expense of the owner. No shipment of bulls, cows or heifers exceeding the age of nine months, unless consigned to and delivered by the transportation company within the confines of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, or the Union Stock Yards, Peoria, or any other like public stock yards, shall be accepted for shipment or delivery into the State of Illinois by any person or persons, firm, corporation, or transportation company, (unless said cattle are covered by a permit duly executed by the owner or his agent, consigning said cattle in quarantine for feeding or grazing only). Transportation companies before accepting such shipments shall require all permits to be executed in duplicate form by the owner or his agent. One copy shall be attached to the way bill and the agent of the transportation company accepting such shipments shall immediately forward copy of said permit to the State Veterinarian, Springfield, Illinois.

[§] 13d. All importation of steers or spayed heifers, including bull and heifer calves under nine months of age (unless consigned to and delivered by the transportation company within the confines of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, or the Union Stock Yards, Peoria [)], or any other like public stock yards, shall be covered by an affidavit specifically specifying their classification as such. In the event of the consignor being a non-resident of the State of Illinois, the consignee, owner of [or] any person or persons to whom said cattle are delivered, shall be required by said transportation company to execute said affidavit before said calves, steers or spayed heifers are released by the agent of said transportation company. Copy of said affidavit shall

be immediately forwarded to the State Veterinarian, Springfield, Illinois, by the agent of the transportation company making such delivery.

[§] 13e. Bulls, cows, and heifers accepted by transportation companies for delivery into the State of Illinois, if unloaded en route for feed or water shall be confined in pens under lock and key by the transportation company accepting said shipment for delivery.

[S] 13f. The obligations assumed by the transportation company at the original point of shipment shall extend to all connecting lines. No additions to the original consignments or substitutions en route shall be permitted by any transportation company.

[8] 13g. When any bulls, cows or heifers herein specified are consigned for delivery within the confines of the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, or the Union Stock Yards, Peoria, or other like public stock yards, they shall not be diverted en route or delivered to the owner or consignee at any other point within the State of Illinois, except that named in the original billing.

§ 14. Any bulls, cows or heifers imported into the State of Illinois. in violation of the foregoing provisions of this Act, shall be placed in quarantine by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, and so held until they have been subjected to and successfully pass a negative tuberculin test administered under the direction of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners at the expense of the owner, shipper or consignee, which expense shall constitute a lien upon said cattle until said expense has been paid. Any such cattle as may react to said tuberculin test shall be slaughtered under the direction of the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners and the owner shall receive only the proceeds resulting from said slaughter after deducting necessary expenses in connection therewith.

§ 15. It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or to purchase any bulls, cows or heifers known to have reacted to the tuberculin test, except under regulations prescribed by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, to-wit: Bulls, cows and heifers,which have reacted to the tuberculin test, provided they show no physical evidence of disease, may be sold and delivered within the State, provided the purchaser shall first secure a permit from the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, wherein it is agreed that such reacting cattle shall be kept separate and apart from all non-reacting cattle, and shall be maintained under strict quarantine until released therefrom for sale or slaughter under State or Federal inspection by permit issued by the State Board of Live Stock Commissioners.

§ 16. The State Board of Live Stock Commissioners is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.

§ 17. No bulls, cows or heifers, now forming a part of the domestic herds of this State or hereafter born and raised in this State, shall be subjected to the tuberculin test by the State Veterinarian or his assistants, without the consent of the owner thereof.

§18 Any railroad company, stock yards company, corporation, person or persons violating any provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand (1,000) dollars.

§ 19. In all cases where the transportation company is obliged under the provisions of this law to withhold or refuse delivery of cattle, the duty to feed and care for such cattle shall be upon the owner or consignor, or in case of his default in so doing then by the transportation company at the expense of the owner or consignor, and such transportation company shall in such case have a lien upon such animals for food, care or custody furnished, and such transportation company shall not be liable for any detention to such cattle to enable compliance with the prosions of this Act.

§ 20. For the purposes of this Act stock yards at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, the National Stock Yards, East St. Louis or the Union Stock Yards, Peoria, or any other like public stock yards shall be placed in quarantine.

APPROVED June 29th, 1915.


§ 2. How drawn.

L. Appropriates $100,000 per annum-distribu

tion under Act of 1883.

(HOUSE BILL No. 605. APPROVED JUNE 28, 1915.)

AN ACT making an appropriation for county fairs or other agricultural societies of the State of Illinois.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated to county fairs or other agricultural societies of the State of Illinois, said appropriations to be divided between such county fairs or agricultural societies which have complied with the conditions prescribed by section 7 of an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to the Department of Agriculture, agricultural societies and agricultural fairs, and to provide for reports of the same," approved June 23, 1883, in force July 1, 1883, and all Acts amendatory of said section.

§ 2. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the moneys herein appropriated in favor of the several county fairs or agricultural societies of this State which shall have complied with the provisions of section of the Act referred to herein, and the certificate of the State Board of Agriculture, signed by its president and attested by its secretary and approved by the Governor shall be required by the Auditor of Public Accounts as proof of such compliance.

APPROVED June 28th, 1915.


§ 1. Appropriates $49,100 for the years beginning July 1, 1915 and 1916.

§ 2. Meetings of county institutes-expenses.

§ 3. State funds for county institutes-how
drawn-sworn statement.

§ 4. Officers to receive no compensation.
§ 5. How appropriation drawn.


AN ACT making an appropriation for the Illinois Farmers' Institute and county farmers' institutes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Illinois Farmers' Institute for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1915 and 1916, the total sum of forty-nine thousand, one hundred dollars ($49,100.00), as follows:

For salary of stenographer..

For salary of messenger..

For salary of general field worker.

For postage


For typewriter, multigraph and photo supplies..

For towels, water and ice.

For typewriter

$1,000.00 per annum.

900.00 per annum. 1,200.00 per annum.

700.00 per annum.

100.00 per annum.

50.00 per annum.

90.00 per annum.

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For telegraph

50.00 per annum.

For reporting proceedings of institutions [institutes] and transcripts of same

600.00 per annum

50.00 per annum. 300.00


For adding machine.

For carpet cleaner

For the per diem and necessary expenses of expert judges, instructors and speakers furnished by the board of directors for county farmers' institutes, farmers' short course in agriculture, farmers' study clubs and for the necessary expenses in promoting the development of the


farmers' institute work, throughout the State.. 6,000.00 per annum. For the actual expenses of the members of the board of directors and officers of the Illinois Farmers' Institute, in the performance of their duties as such members and officers, for the expenses of the district conference and the expenses of the State institute meetings..

For the purpose of holding one or more farmers' institute meetings in each of the 102 counties of the State, the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) each per annum

5,000.00 per annum.

... 7,650.00 per annum. And the said farmers' institute meetings shall be held at such times and at such places in each county as may be agreed upon by the county farmers' institute officers and the director of the congressional district

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