An Act entitled, "An Act making an appropriation to the Rivers and Lakes
Commission of Illinois for the purpose of completing the widening, raising,
strengthening, improving, repairing, building and constructing of levees in
and around certain cities in the State of Illinois 83
An Act for the reappropriation of the unexpended balance of an appropriation
for the construction and erection of a monument in memory of John P.
Altgeld in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois 84
An Act for the appropriation of five thousand (5,000) dollars to the com-
missioners appointed under an Act entitled, "An Act for the appointment
of commissioners and making an appropriation for the construction and
erection of a monument in memory of a former Governor, Thomas Carlin,
at Carrollton, Illinois," approved June 26, 1913, to complete such monu-
An Act to provide for the erection of statues, or other monumental com-
memoration, to General Ulysses S. Grant and other generals from Illinois
who commanded the army, a corps, or divisions during the campaign and
siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and to make appropriation therefor
An Act making a reappropriation of an unexpended part of an appropria-
tion made by the Forty-eighth General Assembly for the erection of a mon-
ument on the battlefield of Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia
An Act making appropriation of additional sums for the completion of
armories now under construction 90
An Act in relation to procuring of site and for the erection of an armory for
the use of the organization of the Illinois National Guard at Kankakee
An Act to reappropriate the unexpended balance of appropriations made
by an Act entitled, "An Act in relation to procuring of sites and for
the erection of armory buildings for the use of the Illinois National
Guard and Illinois Naval Reserve and making an appropriation there-
for," approved June 9, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, and a further Act
entitled, "An Act in relation to procuring of sites and for the erection
of armory buildings for the use of the Illinois National Guard and
making appropriation therefor, and for the purchase of sites and armory
buildings at Kewanee and Morrison, Illinois," approved June 28, 1913,
and in force July 1, 1913, and a further Act entitled, "An Act making
an appropriation of additional sums for the completion of armories now
under construction," approved June 25, 1913, in force July 1, 1913, and
a further Act entitled, "An Act making an appropriation of the proceeds
of the sale of the building and lands now owned by the State of Illinois
and used for an armory by the 2nd Regiment, Illinois National Guard,"
approved June 21, 1913, in force July 1, 1913..
An Act to provide for the payment of fifty per cent of the expense, costs
and charges for burying, disinfecting premises, disinfectants, serum,
certain claims for animals slaughtered, and assistant veterinarians'
services, paid out and provided on account of the slaughter of live stock
to suppress the foot-and-mouth disease, and to make an appropriation
An Act making an appropriation for the payment of the expense, costs and
charges for destruction of property, burying, disinfecting premises, dis-
infectants, certain claims for animals slaughtered, for the rendition of
services and labor and assistant veterinarian's services paid out and
provided on account of the slaughter of live stock to suppress the foot-
and-mouth disease
An Act making an appropriation for the payment to the owners of live
stock for fifty per cent (50%) of the loss or damage suffered by the
slaughter of animals belonging to said owner, also for the payment of
such other claims by the State equal to the amount paid by the United
States Government, to suppress the foot-and-mouth disease, and making
an appropriation therefor
An Act making an appropriation for the relief of Nathan E. Gray..
An Act making an appropriation of the sum of two thousand dollars
($2,000.00) for the payment of damages for injuries suffered by and
as compensation for injury to Thresa Guppy and providing for the pay-
ment of said amount out of the State treasury.
An Act making an appropriation for the relief of Frank Holtermann.
An Act making an appropriation to Alice A. Ingham, executrix of the
estate of George K. Ingham, of DeWitt County, Illinois, to reimburse
her for a sum of money paid in error through the county treasurer of
DeWitt County to the State Treasurer of Illinois. .191
An Act making an appropriation of the sum of three thousand five hun-
dred dollars ($3,500.00) for the payment of damages and as compensa-
tion to Sadie Jasper, administratrix of the estate of John Jasper,
deceased, on account of the death of the said John Jasper...
An Act appropriating one thousand dollars for the relief of Walter O.
Jones, of Urbana, Illinois, and providing for the payment of the said
amount out of the State treasury.
An Act reappropriating the appropriation made in an Act entitled, "An
Act for an appropriation for the relief of Berthrol C. B. Jorgensen,"
approved June 5, 1911, in force July 1, 1911.
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act for the relief of the blind,"
approved May 11, 1903, in force July 1, 1903, and all Acts amendatory
thereto, by amending sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8, thereof...
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation
of cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872,
as subsequently amended by amending section fourteen (14) of Article
VI of said Act....
An Act to legalize the annexation of any incorporated city, village or
town, and the territory comprising such city, village or town, annexed to
another incorporated city, village or town, under section two of an Act
entitled, "An Act to provide for annexing and excluding territory to and
from any village, city or town, and to unite cities, towns and villages."
Approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872.
An Act to legalize and validate the annexation of tracts of land to cities, vil-
lages and incorporated towns in certain cases
An Act to provide for the annexation of unincorporated territory which is
entirely surrounded by a city having a population of more than two hun-
dred thousand inhabitants to such city so surrounding it
An Act to amend section 49 of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the in-
corporation of cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1,
1872, and all Acts amendatory thereto by adding thereto Article XIII. As
amended by Acts approved April 17, 1911. and May 12, 1911 282
An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, "An Act to enable cities, towns,
villages, organized under any general or special law, to levy and collect a
tax or license fee from foreign insurance companies for the benefit of or-
ganized fire departments," which Act became a law May 31, 1895, in force
July 1, 1895, and is amended by an Act approved June 19, 1909, in force
July 1, 1909
An Act to authorize cities and villages, having a population of less than
100,000 to levy a tax for the purpose of collecting and disposing of garbage.285
An Act to repeal Article XI of an Act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the
City of Jacksonville in the County of Morgan and State of Illinois," ap-
proved February 15, 1867, as amended by an Act approved March 29, 869.286
An Act to amend section six (6) of an Act entitled, "An Act concerning local
improvements," approved June 14, 1897, in force July 1, 1897, as amended
by an Act approved and in force May 9, 1901, as amended by an Act ap-
r.oved and in force May 25, 1908, as amended by an Act approved June 28,
1913, in force July 1, 1913
An Act to amend section fifty-six of an Act entitled, "An Act concerning local
improvements," approved June 14, 1897, in force July 1, 1897, as subse-
quently amended
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act concerning local improvements,"
approved June 14, 1897, and in force July 1, 1897, as amended.. ..289
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to authorize cities having a
population of less than 50,000 to establish and maintain by taxation
public parks," approved May 13, 1907, in force July 1, 1907, as subse-
quently amended by Act approved June 26, 1913, by amending the title
thereto and section one (1) thereof, and adding two sections....
An Act to revise the law creating a firemens' pension fund in cities, villages
and incorporated towns, whose population exceeds five thousand (5,000)
An Act to amend sections 1, 3 and 4 of an Act to provide for the formation
and disbursement of a pension fund in cities, villages and incorporated
towns having a population exceeding 100.000 inhabitants for municipal
employees appointed to their positions under and by virtue of an Act
entitled, "An Act to regulate the civil service of cities," approved and
in force March 20, 1895, and for those who were appointed prior to the
passage of said Act and who are now in the service of such city,
village or town. (Approved May 31, 1911, in force July 1, 1911. L.
1911, p. 158) 298
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the formation
and disbursement of a pension fund in cities, villages and incorporated
towns having a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants for municipal
employees appointed to their positions under and by virtue of an Act
entitled, 'An Act to regulate the civil service of cities' approved and in
force March 20, 1895, and for those who were appointed prior to the
passage of said Act and who are now in the service of such city, village
or town," approved May 31, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, by amending
sections 7, 8 and 9 thereof and to further amend said Act by adding
thereto one additional section to be known as section 91⁄2..
An Act to enable cities, towns and villages having control of lands border-
ing upon public waters and riparian rights appurtenant thereto, to grant,
convey or release the same for park purposes to park commissioners, park
boards or boards of park commissioners, and to make agreements with
park commissioners, park boards or boards of park commissioners for the
reclamation of submerged lands under such public waters for park
purposes ....314
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to enable cities and villages to
establish and maintain public tuberculosis sanitariums," approved March
7, 1908, in force July 1, 1908, as subsequently amended, by adding to
said Act four (4) new sections to be numbered 12, 13, 14, and 15
respectively 314
An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorporation of
cities and villages," approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and all
Acts amendatory thereto by adding thereto Article XV .316
An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, "An Act concerning municipal
funds," approved June 5, 1911, in force July 1, 1911
An Act to amend section ten (10) of an Act entitled, "An Act to regulate the
civil service of the State of Illinois." approved May 11, 1905, in force July
1, 1905, as amended by Act approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911..322
An Act to amend section eight (8) of the Act entitled, "An Act to enable
associations of persons to become a body corporate to raise funds to be
loaned only among the members of such association," in force July 1, 1879,
and Acts amendatory thereto
An Act to amend section 2 of an Act entitled, "An Act to enable associations
of persons to become a body corporate to raise funds to be loaned only
among the members of such association," in force July 1, 1879.
An Act to provide for the incorporation of co-operative associations for pe-
cuniary profit
An Act concerning real estate agency corporations
An Act to amend section 6 of the Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the
organization, management and regulation of surety companies," approved
and in force April 17, 1899
An Act to amend section 7 of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for and reg-
ulate the administration of trusts by trust companies," approved June 15,
1887, and in force July 1, 1887, as amended
An Act to amend section 25 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to
counties," approved and in force March 31, 1874, as amended by subse-
quent Acts .334
An Act concerning county treasurers, in counties containing more than
150,000 inhabitants, and concerning public funds within their custody and
control and the interest thereon, and to repeal all Acts or parts of Acts in
conflict therewith .335
An Act to provide for the formation and disbursement of a pension fund in
counties having a population of 150,000 or more inhabitants, for the bene-
fit of officers and employees in the service of such counties
An Act to authorize county authorities to establish and maintain a county
tuberculosis sanitarium, and branches, dispensaries and other auxiliary
institutions connected with the same, and to levy and collect a tax to pay
the cost of their establishment and maintenance..
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