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197-102 D-22

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§ 800.1 Statutory authorization.

The National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997 ("Revitalization Act") established the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia ("CSOSA") within the federal government as an independent executive branch agency and placed the District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency as an independent entity within CSOSA. In addition, the District of Columbia Public Defender Service, an independent District of Columbia agency, receives its appropriated federal funds through a transfer from CSOSA.

§ 800.2 Mission.

CSOSA's mission is to increase public safety, prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and support the fair administration of justice in close collaboration with the community.

§ 800.3 Functions and responsibilities. (a) Community Supervision Services. (1) The Revitalization Act requires CSOSA to provide supervision, through qualified supervision officers, to offenders on probation, parole, and supervised release for violation of District of Columbia Code offenses. The Agency carries out its responsibilities on behalf of the court or agency having jurisdiction over the person being supervised. Accordingly, CSOSA supervises all offenders placed on probation by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and all individuals on parole pursuant to the District of Columbia Code. CSOSA supervises offenders from other jurisdictions in accordance with the provisions of the Interstate Parole and Probation Compact.

(2) CSOSA is also required to determine uniform supervision and reporting practices, develop and operate intermediate sanctions programs for sentenced offenders, and arrange for the supervision of District of Columbia Code offenders in jurisdictions outside the District of Columbia.

(3) In accordance with its supervisory functions and as authorized by the Sex Offender Registration Act of 1999 (D.C. Law 13-137, D.C. Code 24-1101 et seq.), CSOSA operates and maintains the sex offender registry for the District of Columbia.

(b) Pretrial Services. (1) The District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency ("PSA") assists the trial and appellate levels of both the federal and local courts in determining eligibility for pretrial release by providing verified background information and criminal histories on all arrestees and recommendations about available release options.

(2) PSA is further responsible for supervising defendants released from custody during the pretrial period by monitoring compliance with conditions of release and by ensuring that they appear for scheduled court hearings.

(3) PSA also provides defendants with the opportunity to participate in a variety of social intervention programs that decrease the likelihood of future criminal behavior.

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(a) CSOSA is headed by a Director appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of six years.

(b) PSA is headed by a Director appointed by the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in consultation with an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee includes the four chief judges of the local and Federal trial and appellate courts, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, the Director of the District of Columbia Public Defender Service, and the Director of CSOSA.

§ 800.5 Agency components.

(a) CSOSA.

(1) Office of the Director (including the Deputy Director).

(2) Office of the General Counsel. (3) Community Supervision Services. (4) Office of Community Justice Programs.

(5) Special Criminal Justice Projects. (6) Office of Planning and Evaluation. (7) Office of Professional Responsibility.

(8) Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity, and Special Programs.

(9) Office of Legislative, Intergovernmental, and Public Affairs.

(10) Information Technology Services.

(11) Office of Management and Administration.

(12) Office of Human Resources. (b) PSA.

(1) Office of the Director (including the Deputy Director).

(2) Planning, Analysis and Evaluation.

(3) Community Justice Programs.

(4) Office of Operations (including Information Technology and Forensic Toxicology and Drug Testing Laboratory).

(5) Human Resources Management. (6) Finance and Administration.



Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 633 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004

CSOSA Community Supervision Services, 300 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20001

District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency, 633 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004


Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia/Community Supervision Services

CSS Field Office, 409 E. Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001

CSS Field Office, 401 New York Avenue, NE., Washington, DC 20002

CSS Field Office, 1707 Kalorama Road, NW., Washington, DC 20009

CSS Field Office, 1418 Good Hope Road, SE., Washington, DC 20020

CSS Field Office, 3850 S. Capitol Street, SE., Washington, DC 20032

CSS Field Office, 1230 Taylor Street, NW., Washington, DC 20011

District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency Office of Operations Branch, 300 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20001 Office of Operations Branch, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20001 Office of Operations Branch, 333 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20001 Office of Operations Branch, 601 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004

III. FOIA/PA REQUESTS (CSOSA AND PSA) Office of the General Counsel (FOIA), Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 633 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004


Office of the General Counsel, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 633 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004

V. TORT CLAIMS (CSOSA AND PSA) Office of the General Counsel, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 633 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004

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Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

§ 810.2 Accountability contract.

(a) Your CSO will instruct you to acknowledge your responsibilities and obligations of being under supervision (whether through probation, parole, or supervised release as granted by the releasing authority) by agreeing to an accountability contract with CSOSA.

(b) The CSO is responsible for monitoring your compliance with the conditions of supervision. The account

ability contract identifies the following specific activities constituting substance abuse or non-criminal violations of your conditions of supervision. (1) Substance abuse violations. (i) Positive drug test.

(ii) Failure to report for drug testing. (iii) Failure to appear for treatment sessions.

(iv) Failure to complete inpatient/ outpatient treatment programming. (2) Non-criminal violations.

(i) Failure to report to the CSO.

(ii) Leaving the judicial district without the permission of the court or the CSO.

(iii) Failure to work regularly or attend training and/or school.

(iv) Failure to notify the CSO of change of address and/or employment.

(v) Frequenting places where controlled substances are illegally sold, used, distributed, or administered.

(vi) Associating with persons engaged in criminal activity.

(vii) Associating with a person convicted of a felony without the permission of the CSO.

(viii) Failure to notify the CSO within 48 hours of being arrested or questioned by a law enforcement officer.

(ix) Entering into an agreement to act as an informer or special agent of a law enforcement agency without the permission of the Court or the United States Parole Commission (“USPC").

(x) Failure to adhere to any general or special condition of release.

(c) The accountability contract will identify a schedule of administrative sanctions (see §810.3(b)) which may be imposed for your first violation and for subsequent violations.

(d) The accountability contract will provide for a reduction in your supervision level and/or the removal of previously imposed sanctions if:

§ 810.3

(1) You maintain compliance for at least ninety days,

(2) The Supervisory Community Supervision Officer concurs with this assessment, and

(3) There are no additional reasons unrelated to the imposed sanction requiring the higher supervision level.

§ 810.3 Consequences of violating the conditions of supervision.

(a) If your CSO has reason to believe that you are failing to abide by the general or specific conditions of release or you are engaging in criminal activity, you will be in violation of the conditions of your supervision. Your CSO may then impose administrative sanctions (see paragraph (b) of this section) and/or request a hearing by the releasing authority. This hearing may result in the revocation of your release or changes to the conditions of your release.

(b) Administrative sanctions available to the CSO include:

(1) Daily check-in with supervision for a specified period of time;

(2) Increased group activities for a specified period of time;

(3) Increased drug testing;

(4) Increased supervision contact requirements;

(5) Referral for substance abuse addiction or other specialized assessments;

(6) Electronic monitoring for a specified period of time;

(7) Community service for a specified number of hours;

(8) Placement in a residential sanctions facility or residential treatment facility for a specified period of time. (9) Travel restrictions.

(c) You remain subject to further action by the releasing authority. For example, the USPC may override the imposition of any of the sanctions in paragraph (b) of this section and issue a warrant or summons if you are a parolee and it finds that you are a risk to the public safety or that you are not complying in good faith with the sanctions (see 28 CFR 2.85(a)(15)).

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