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Fifty-sixth Quarto Volume-January 1, 1914, to June 30, 1914.

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[Illustrated articles are incidated thus*; Editorials thust; Letters to Editor thus‡.]

Automobile Accidents and Train Accidents,
303, 497

Carelessness as a Cause of Grade Crossing
Accidents, 974

Central of Georgia near Clayton, Ala., 212†,

Central Vermont at Georgia, Vt., 394
Derailment, Defining Causes of, 389
Derailment Statistics, 890*,_1079
Illinois Central Suburban Trains, Accident
Record, 134

Illinois Terminal at Edwardsville, Ill., 1043
Interstate Commerce Commission Bulletin


No. 48, 468; No. 49, 1072

Mexico Northwestern near Cumbre, Mex.,

Michigan Central near Jackson, Mich., 243
Miller, Engineman, Acquitted, 1041
Mobile & Ohio at Buckatunna, Miss., 135
Monthly Summaries: November, 117; De-
cember, 170; January, 354; February, 782;
March, 994; April, 1236; May, 1584
New York, New Haven & Hartford at Clay-
ton, Conn., 915

New York, New Haven & Hartford, at Har-
rison, N. Y., 915

Passenger Fatalities; Bureau of Railway
News and Statistics, 1140

Pennsylvania Railroad Record, 94

Report on Broken Rail at Westerley, R. I.;

N. Y., N. H. & H., 1554, 1571

Safety First (See Safety First)

St. Louis & San Francisco near Chelsea,
Okla., 212, 226

Southern Railway near Oyama, N. C., 395
Trespassers; B. & O., 1105

Trespassers Killed on P. R. R. in 1913, 477
Trespassers, New York, New Haven & Hart-
ford, 1105

Trespassing Report of the New York Central
Lines, 1205

Wabash at Attica, Ind., 840, 1043

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Report on Ties, 707*

Report on Track, 625†, 626†, 634*

Report on Uniform General Contract Forms,

Report on Water Service, 643*

Report on Wood Preservation, 640*
Report on Wooden Bridges and Trestles,

Report on Yards and Terminals, 589†, 600*
Schoonmaker, J. M., Address of, 656*
Valuation Work, Participation in, 590+
American Railway Guild: Relation of the Rail-
road to Human Nature, 1237

American Railway Master Mechanics' Associa-


Membership, 1444

Officers and Committee Chairmen, 1408*
President Mac Bain's Address, 1428†, 1431*
Proceedings, 1431*, 1457*, 1482*

Registration, 1261, 1269, 1306, 1378, 1398,
1419, 1445, 1472, 1501

Registration Figures in 1911-14, 1304, 1359,
1410, 1455, 1481

Report on Flange and Screw Couplings for
Injectors, 1439*

Report on Fuel Economy, 1479†, 1494
Report on Laboratory and Road Tests for
Locomotives, 1484*

Report on Locomotive Boiler Construction,
1453, 1463

Report on Locomotive Headlights, 1453,
1454, 1457*

Report on Locomotive Stokers, 1427, 1434.
Report on Minor Mechanical Organizations,

Report on Revision of Standards and Rec-
ommended Practice, 1427, 1437

Report on Road Tests of Schmidt Super-
heater and Brick Arch, 1497
Report on Safety Appliances, 1439
Report on Smoke Prevention, 1479, 1482*
Report on Standardization of Tinware, 1453†,

Report on Subjects, 1471

Report on Superheater Locomotives, 1453†,
1454, 1466**

Report on Train Brake and Signal Instruc-
tions, 1488

Report on Train Resistance and Tonnage
Rating, 1479†, 1489*

Report on Use of Special Alloys and Heat-
Treated Steel in Locomotive Construction,

American Telephone & Telegraph Company: An-
nual Report, 770+

American Wood Preservers' Association:

Annual Convention, 171, 189, 371, 382
Committee Appointments, 901
Progress of Wood Preserving in 1913, 1538
Ann Arbor: Shipment Concessions, Guilty of,

Annual Reports (See names of companies)
Apprentice (See Education)

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Crusher at Coleman, Tex., Operation of,

of Michigan Central
Crushing Plant
Hagersville, 385


Merits of Burnt Clay Ballast, 525
Preparation of Burnt Clay Ballast, 521*
Record Forms for Rail and Ballast, 378*
Report of American Railway Engineering
Association, 720*

Spreader, Improved Mann-McCann, 588*
Baltimore & Ohio:

Cleveland Division Efficiency Committee, 915
Dynamometer Car, 824*

Employment Bureau, 110, 113*, 306
Freight House at Twenty-sixth Street, New
York, 198

Lifting a House Boat Over a Trestle Bridge,

Live Stock to Have Shower Baths, 1343
Police Report, 331

Record Discipline, 110, 113*, 306‡
Relief Department, 1105

Rules to Crossing Watchmen, 754
Safety Committee, 92, 393
Speed Recorder, 916

Valuation Organization, 543

Veteran Employees' Association, 332
Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern:

Carelessness the Cause of Grade Crossing
Accidents as Shown by Statistics, 974†
Freight Investigators, 1003

Bangor & Aroostook: Dynamite Plot in Maine,
Bascule (See Bridges and Buildings).

Box with Pineless Lid, 1382

Inverted Roller Side Bearing, 1276*
Journal Cooler, 434*

Return Roller Side Bearing, 1382

Bell Telephone Company in Canada: Anchors
for Guy Wires, 581*

Besler, William G., 1023*

Bird & Son: Shingle. Reinforced Asphalt, 1540
Boardman, William Henry, 350, 351*, 458#

Boiler (See Locomotive Boiler)

Boston & Albany, Defining Causes of Derail-
ment, 389

Boston & Maine:

Baggage Liability Case, 922

Interlocking Plant at North Station, Boston,
Destroyed, 199, 553

New Passenger Tariffs, 94

Passenger Fares to be Increased, 758

Boston Elevated: Wage Increase, 197

Brach, L. S., Supply Co.: Brach Lightning Ar-
rester, 475*

Brake (See also Air Brake Association):

Air Brake Story Contest, 1106

Durability Tests on Chilled Iron Car Wheels,

Efficiency Tests on Steel and Iron Wheels,

Equipment, Brake Shoe and Brake Beam,
1285, 1296*

Equipment Train Brake and Signal, 1285†,
1286, 1294*

Head, Creco Brake, 1382*

Head, Safety Adjustable Brake, 1313*

Piston Swab, Air Pump, 1477*

Tests on the Pennsylvania, 311, 352

Union Drop Brake Shaft, 330*

Bridges and Buildings:

Bascule Bridge on Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern near Clinton, Ohio, 663*

Bolt, Expansion Shell and Toggle, 657*
Canadian Pacific Bridge at Edmonton, Al-
berta, 1194*

Cold Water Heater, 689*

Concrete Arch Bridge Over the Schuylkill,


Double Tracking Cedar River Bridge; C. M.
& St. P., 1031*

Erecting a Long Steel Girder Span, 372*
Freight House of B. & O. at Twenty-sixth
Street, New York, 198

Gutters, Fir, Improved O. G., 662*

Ice Houses of the Chicago & North West-
ern, 1079, 1097*

Ice House of Northern Pacific at Pasco,
Wash., 171, 179*

Lift Bridge, Rall, Over Illinois River at
La Salle, 623*

Lift Bridge, Scherzer, on Indo-Ceylon Rail-
way Connection, 622*

Lifting a House Boat Over a Trestle Bridge,

Lindenthal, Gustav, Awarded Gold Medal,

Loading, Limits of Bridge and Track, 1080†
Northern Pacific-Great Northern Office Build-
ing at St. Paul, 1340*

Pennsylvania Railroad's Elevator at Girard
Point, Philadelphia, 1601
Pile Driver, 621*

Reducing the Stock of Surplus Bridge Ma-
terial, 1528†, 1529

Report on Buildings; American Railway En-
gineering Association, 645*

Report on Iron and Steel Structures; Ameri-
can Railway Engineering Association, 609*,

Report on Masonry; American Railway En-
gineering Association, 629*

Report on Wooden Bridges and Trestles;
American Railway Engineering Associa-
tion, 608*

Roof Systems, Turnerized, 579

St. Francois River Bridge, Quebec, 892*
Section House, Lehigh Valley, 1538*
Shingle, Reinforced Asphalt, 1540
Small Cast Iron Buildings, 1539*

Tie Spacer, Borden Malleable Iron Bridge,


Trestle, Temporary Construction; L. S. &
M. S., 1095*, 1527†

Viaduct, Des Moines River Steel; C. M. &
St. P., 1031*

Viaduct, Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, 947*
Bridge and Building Association: Committee Ap-
pointments, 385

Buffalo Brake Beam Company: Safety Adjust-
able Brake Head, 1313*

Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh: Scale, Heavy
Track, 664*

Building (See Bridges and Buildings)
Bureau of Explosives: Annual Report, 791
Bureau of Railway Economics: Revenues and

Expenses for October, 42*; for November,
246; for December, 694*; for January,
844*; for February, 997*; for March,

Bureau of Railway News and Statistics:

Accidents on Chicago Streets and Railways,

British Railways May Demand Further Rate
Advance, 1349

Capitalization of the Railways of the World,

Express Companies' Earnings and Expenses,

Government Figures Explain Rise in Mainte-
nance Cost, 954

Operating Costs Increase on German Gov-
ernment and British Railways, 740
Passenger Fatalities, 1140

Results of Government Ownership in Bel-
gium, 1584

U. S. Railways Lead in Mileage Gain, 1339
Bureau of Standards: Scales in Vermont Found
Unsatisfactory, 197

Business Men's Club of Memphis, Tenn.: Ad-
dress by Blewett Lee, 167

Business Men's League of St. Louis: Develop-
ment of Inland Waterway System, 1112
Business, Outlook for Better, 1259f

Butte, Anaconda & Pacific: Electrification, 514*

Cable (See Telegraph)


Cab Signal (See Signaling)

Freight Rate Reductions, 877
Mail Pay, 286

Mismanagement in Canadian Government
Railway Construction, 394, 455†
National Transcontinental Between Moncton
and Winnipeg, 1221*, 1324*

Railway Progress in 1913, 256†, 270, 414
Western Canada Freight Rate Case, 845, 877
Canadian Pacific:

Bridge at Edmonton, Alberta, 1194*

Bridges, Three-Truss Scherzer Lift, at Fort
William, 660*

Department of Natural Resources, 246
Education of College Students, 1595
Mikado Type Locomotives, 779*
Musolophone, 1598

Promotions, Means of Finding Men for,
815, 1038

Safety in Gantry Crane Design, 576*
Terminal Improvements at Vancouver, 1159
Canal (See Waterways)

C. & C. Electric & Manufacturing Company:
Welding, Electric Arc, 1404
Capitalization (See Finance)


Buffer, Car, New Type of, 914*

Camp Train for Valuation Party, 1091*,
Car Department Should Have a Square Deal,

Cars and Locomotives Built and Ordered in
1913, 21

Cold Water Heater, 689*
Construction, 1383, 1390*
Coupler (See Draft Gear)
Defective Car Card, 156*

Door, Steel, for Baggage Cars, 1403
Draft Gear, Yost, 1077*

Dump Car, New Design, 1539*

Dynamometer Car for the Baltimore & Ohio,

Fuel Instruction Car; Northern Pacific, 973†,

Gas Electric (See Motor Car)
Gasolene (See Motor Car)

Hospital Car; Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe,


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Car Service (Continued):


Balance and Performance: October,
441*; November, 696*; December, 958*;
January, 1348*

Demurrage, Average Rule in, 1159

Loading, Economical Train, for Given Ter-

ritory; S. P., 1579*

Loading Rules, 1358†, 1366*

Loading; Views of Presidents on Increased
Freight Train, 828

Movement, Increasing Freight Car, 155, 729$
Per Diem Rule Changes, 135
Pooling, A Shipper's View, 463
Pooling of Box Cars, 289

Private Car Lines Investigation, 237*, 280,

814, 836, 1220, 1347

Problem of Empty Mileage, 1318, 1319
Reciprocal Demurrage Law Violated; M. K.
& T., 1342

"Spotting" Charge, 843, 1384†

Surpluses and Shortages (bi-weekly)

Surplus, Freight Car, Monthly, 929†

Weighing of Carload Freight, Rules Govern-
ing, 986

Car Shortage (See Car Service)

Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio: Operating Study,

929, 935*

Cayuta Manufacturing Company: Motor Driven
Screw Jack, 1466*

Cement (See Concrete)

Central Foundry Company: Pipe, Cast Iron,


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ments, 1041

Chicago & Eastern Illinois: Automatic Train

Stop, 1246

Chicago & North Western:

Automatic Parcel Lockers, 1158*
Cold Weather Instructions, 285

Engine Failures, 1159

Extension in Illinois, 1141*

Ice Houses and Their Equipment for Car
Icing, 1079, 1097*

Land Leased for Alfalfa Growing, 134
Safety First Banner Awarded, 996
Sanitary Inspection Results, 477
Train Robbery at Manlius, Ill., 691

Chicago Bridge & Iron Works:

Ladder, Revolving, on Steel Tanks, 578*
Life of Steel Tanks, 621

Water Softener, New Type of, 662*

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy:

Arbitration with Conductors and Trainmen,

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Steel Dining Cars of Standard Construction,

Chicago Great Western: Dictaphone Experiments,


Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound (See Chi-

cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul)

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul:

Accounting Case, 498t, 511, 666
Bonds, 1316†

Comparison with Louisville & Nashville, and
Wabash, 667†

Double Tracking and Other Improvements in

Iowa, 683*, 1082*

Mountain Line Electrification, 19

Rebuilding 275 Miles of Line in Iowa, 1031*

Tunnel Through the Cascades, 1183*

Viaduct, Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, 947*

Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company:

Air Compressor, 1478*

Boyer Speed Recorder, 1076*
Free-Engine Motor Car, 658*
Fuel Oil Engine, 1452*

Chicago Railway Equipment Company:
Brake Head, 1382*

Creco Inverted Roller Side Bearing, 1276*

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific:

Annual Track Inspection,_ 178

Bridge Over Canadian River, Okla., De-
stroyed, 1041

Financial Troubles of the Rock Island Com-

pany, 255+

Gasolene Motor, Uses of, 1102

Locomotives, New, 86*

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Way; also Fuel):

Exhibit in New York, 840

Electric Motors in Railway Shops, 1442

Electric Traction (See Locomotive, Electric)


Butte, Anaconda & Pacific, 514*

Conditions Governing Electrification, 467
Mountain Line of C. M. & St. P., 19
New York, New Haven & Hartford's Elec-
tric Operation Changes, 988*, 1036

Pennsylvania Railroad at Philadelphia, 91,


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Moving Pictures for Educating Employees,

Employment Bureau, Value of, 110, 113*,


Engineman Miller Acquitted, 1041
Enginemen: Keeping a Perfect Lookout, 65
Enginemen Should Use Fusees, 261, 350‡
Enginemen: Supervision by Road Foreman,
256, 263

Everyday Life of the Locomotive Runner, 65
Flagman Murray Sentenced, 243

Fuel Instruction Car, Northern Pacific, 973†,

Full Crew Laws, Cost of, 782

Gateman on Trial; Delaware, Lackawanna &

Western, 996

Government Ownership, Effect on Em-

ployees, 738

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