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1. A young Moslem from Bengal, having become a believer in Christ, made his way 4,000 miles, through many hardships, to consult with Dr. Zwemer in Cairo. After two years of study he has returned to India to preach Christ to his own people. (See page 744.)

2. It is estimated that 61 per cent. of the American Indians are still unChristian, and that 45,000 of them are beyond the influence of any Christian missionary work. (See page 745.)

3. The "Orthodox" Greek Church of Russia uses, on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, several elaborately equipped church cars in which services are held. (See page 755.)

4. The success of Christian medical work in Kuweit, Arabia, led the Arabs to open a free Moslem dispensary to counteract the Christian influence, but the Turkish physician lacked the missionary incentive and soon left town. (See page 734.)

5. A woman missionary to the Dakota Indians has obtained such influence over them that no important council is ever held without her, and no lease or similar document signed until she has read it. (See page 749.) 6. One result of teaching the Chinese in our American Sunday-schools is shown by the fact that Robert E. Speer found a Chinese laundryman, who was baptized in a Brooklyn church during his stay in America, living a Christian life of unusual power in Siam. (See page 761.) 7. Mr. Sherwood Eddy has started for India to conduct evangelistic meetings for the students and educated classes in India, similar to those among Chinese students which produced such great results last year. 8. The heroism of modern missionaries is shown by the fact that in spite of the suffering and death that has been experienced recently in Turkey and Persia, nine new missionaries have just gone out to those lands from America. (See page 781.)

9. A young man in India, a convert of only a few month's standing, employed in a government workshop, refused to take advantage of opportunities for overtime work because he spent his evenings teaching the Bible to the young men of his village. (See page 783.)

10. The Salvation Army conducts in various parts of India 27 criminal settlements, numbering over 6,000 people. (See page 783.)

11. Shantung Christian University, which is seeking to raise a building fund of $335,000, is the only university in a district with a population of 50,000,000. (See page 786.)

12. Unfortunately, the follies of civilization sometimes make more impression than the blessings. In Osaka, Japan, a huge "Billikin" is exhibited, labeled "the Westerner's God of Luck," and many worship before it. (See page 788.)

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Mrs. E. E. Calverley, M.D., and her daughter Grace in Arab costume (see article, p. 727)

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THE Hebrews have been among the greatest sufferers in the great European war. Over a half-million of them are actually fighting against each other in the opposing armies. The Jewish settlements in Galicia, Lithuania, and Poland (including portions of Austria, Germany, and Russia) are being devastated by the bloody battles. It is estimated that nearly two million Jews have been driven from their homes and reduced to terrible misery in consequence of the war. Besides this, the Jews in Palestine and Armenia are suffering from famine and oppression and deportation.

One result of this suffering by the Jews is that they are more bitter than ever against the so-called Christian nations, and debit the present evil

The Jewish

times against Christ. rabbis and the Jewish press are venting their rage against Christ and Christianity.

What is the meaning and what will be the outcome of all this suffering? The darkest hour precedes the dawn. From the most terrible experiences of Israel in Egypt they were led forth into the Promised Land. When their exile became almost unbearable in Babylonia, they were led back to Judea by Zerrubabbel and Nehemiah. May not this present extremity of Israel precede a deliverance—not immediately complete, perhaps - but leading on to the promised consummation?

As the toil and sufferings of Jews in Egypt only served to increase their number and to harden their bodies, so Israel scattered and op

The editors seek to preserve accuracy and to manifest the spirit of Christ in the pages of this REVIEW, but do not acknowledge responsibility for opinions exprest, nor for positions taken by contributors of signed articles in these pages.-EDITORS.

prest to-day, is growing in numbers and in power to overcome obstacles. As the hardship in Egypt made them more willing to leave the fleshpots, so the tribulations in Europe are making them lift up their eyes with longing to the Promised Land. Already thousands have returned thither, and in thirty years the number of Jews in Palestine increased from 20,000 to over 100,000. If the present war should free Palestine from Turkish misrule, a million or more Jews would doubtless seek refuge there. It is said that both the Germans and the Allies have promised Palestine to the Jews in return for their support in the war. Palestine can easily accommodate a population of six million.

The experiences of to-day may also make the people of Israel more open to the message of Christ-if they can but distinguish between the true Christian spirit and political Christianity. Few realize the number of Jews who have turned Christward during the past century. Dr. Jaison, a learned Austrian Jew, admits that over 200,000 Hebrews have become Christians in the last one hundred years. May the time soon. come when Israel will look on Him whom they pierced and accept Him as their Messiah.


T is especially appropriate that at this time a conference on behalf of Israel should be called to consider the outlook and the bearing of present events on the Chosen People and the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The call issued by the Chicago Hebrew Mission reads in part as follows:

"The signs of the times seem to call loudly for a representative gathering of the Christian Church for a prayerful study of the teaching of the prophets respecting "the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God." It seems to us, further, that now, as never before in the history of the Christian Church, should there be continual prayer and intercession for the people of Israel. Their fulness is the hope of the Gentile world. Until the times of the Gentiles end and the times of the Jews return, our Lord will not be King in our midst.

"In the terrible European conflict Jew wars against Jew, and Jewish people in all the earth are questioning what the future for them holds, and Jew and Gentile alike are asking, "Whereunto these things will grow." The action of the Jewish societies in America on behalf of their suffering brethren in the desolated lands; their man-made plans with regard to putting Israel back in her own land; the re-mapping of the entire war zone according to the terms of prophecy, and the desperate spiritual needs of God's ancient people, from whom we have received our Savior and our Bible, call loudly for an earnest study of the Word to see what God's plans are for His people; and for earnest prayer on their behalf."

This conference is to be held, D. V., in Chicago, from Tuesday, November 16th to Friday, 19th, inclusive, 1915. Among the speakers announced are Dr. C. I. Scofield, Dr. James M. Gray, Wm. E. Blackstone, Rev. S. B. Rohold, Rev. A. E. Thompson, Dr. John Timothy Stone, and Rev. A. B. Simpson.

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