565. How are the sections numbered? How are the sections again divided For what purpose are certain sections reserved in each territory? 566. After the lands have been surveyed, what is done? 568. For what purpose were land-offices established? What is a grant for land termed? 570. What officers do territorial governments include, and by whom are they appointed? 571. What is required of the territories who apply for admission as States? 572. How many organized territories are there at present? Name them. Is the Indian Territory organized? 573. How does the extent of our country compare with England and France? How much less than the area of all Europe ? Repeat clause 4. 574. How many important particulars does this clause contain? Name them. 575. What would be the power of the United States in case of a rebellion in any State? 576. Has any State a right to alter its constitution? What form of government must it adopt? 577. Is the United States bound to protect each State from invasion? 578. When may the aid of the United States be solicited by any State? CHAPTER XV. 580. WHAT right was proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and recognised by the States? What does Washington declare in his Farewell Address? 581. In what two modes may amendments be proposed? 582. What is required before amendments can become valid? 584. Has Congress power to amend or alter the Constitution? Is the approval of the President necessary? 588. Can any State be deprived of equal suffrage in the Senate? Repeat clause 1, Article VI. Repeat clause 2. 592. Why are the laws of the federal government required to be obeyed by the States? 593. What constitute the supreme law of the land? Can the States disregard treaties? 594. If an act of Congress be contrary to the Constitution, is it a supreme law of the land? 595. What are the judges of every State bound to by the Constitution? 596. What is the law if an act of Congress should be contrary to the Con stitution? 598. How are senators, &c. bound to support the Constitution? 599. What is the form of the oath or affirmation? How is the oath ad. ministered to the Speaker of the House of Representatives? How to the members? 600. Who administers the oath to each newly-elected senator? Who to the President of the Senate, if he has not taken it before? 602. What is required of all officers employed under the government of the United States? 603. What other important provision does this clause contain? What was this prohibition intended to restrain? 604. Does the Constitution establish any form of religious worship? CHAPTER XVI. 609. WHAT resolution was adopted by the first Congress, two-thirds of both houses concurring? 616. How many of these articles were ratified? Repeat Article I. 614. Can Congress make a law respecting the establishment of religion? 615. Does the Constitution secure religious liberty? 616. What is considered the right of a free people? 617. Can any one publish his sentiments freely? What does the liberty of speech not justify? 618. Does the law restrain a man from publishing what he pleases? 619. Have the people a right to petition government for redress? 620. In what way must it be exercised? Repeat Article II. 622. What diminishes the necessity of maintaining a large standing army? Repeat Article III.; Article IV. 624. What is the object of this article? 625. How far does the privilege of a person's house extend? 626. What is a search-warrant? 628. What is a grand jury? How are they selected in the State courts? In the Federal courts? What must be their number? Their duty? 629. What is said of their sittings? Who is the prosecutor? If they believe the evidence sufficient, what do they endorse on the bill? What is then said of the bill? 630. If the evidence is insufficient, what do they endorse? When is a bill ignored? How is an indictment founded? What is a presentment? 631. How are the officers in service in the army and navy tried? What are capital crimes? 632. Can a person be tried twice for the same offence? 633. Under what circumstances? 634. Must a person be witness against himself? Can he be questioned as to his guilt or innocence ? 636. Can private property be taken for public use? What is the right of eminent domain? What is done by virtue of this right? 637. What reason is alleged for this law? What is the check upon the exercise of this law? How can the amount of compensation be ascertained? 638. Can property be taken by government for private uses without consent of the owner? Repeat Article VI. 640. Why is the trial of an accused person to be speedy? Why public? 641. How is the impartiality of the jury secured? 642. Of what must the prisoner be informed ? Repeat Article VII. 644. What is meant by common law? 655. Can a fact tried by a jury be re-examined in any court of the United States? What is the exception? Repeat Article VIII. 656. What is meant by bail? When is a person said to be admitted to wail? Repeat Article IX.; Article X. 27 INDEX. ABSENT members, 83. [The figures refer to the page.] Army, head-quarters, 192, standing, 263. Articles of confederation adopted, 15. completed, 15. revised, 20. unsatisfactory, 17. Assembly of delegates, 13. Asylum for the insane of army and navy, 135. naval, 135. Attorney-general, 201. appointment of, 186. list of, 202. BAIL defined, 254. excessive, prohibited, 50, 254 Bankruptcies, laws on, 100, 115. fail to become law, 96. of credit, 148. Blount, William, 76, 84. ment, 9. dependencies of England, 12. form a union, 13. New England, unite, 13. no right to form alliances, 12. politically distinct, 13. Colonists emigrated from England, 11. encourage religion, printing, &c., established provincial legislatures, filled with the spirit of liberty, 11. 262. rights of British subjects, 11, 12. 138. Commander-in-chief, 38, 172. regulate, 113. under the Confederation, 113. Commission defined, 176. of King of England, 7. Commissioner of Customs, 194. Indian Affairs, 201. Committee of Conference, 96. Common laws, suits at, 50. gress, 29, 88, 89. Concurrent powers, 100. revision of, 20. Confidential legislative sessions, 85. legislates over certain places, 33. makes necessary laws, 140. members of, compensated, 29, 88, Contract defined, 149. 89. number of sessions of, 88. of delegates, 13. its power, 16. tax laid by, 102. obligation of, 149. Controversies, 40. States, 40. States, 21. proceedings of, 46. between citizens, 40. Conventions assembled in different officers of United States cannot be Conviction on impeachment, 28. members of, 91. place of convention, 81. power of, 31, 100, 153. punishes treason, 41. restrictions upon, 141. shall assemble, when, 28, 88. special sessions of, 182. transmitted plan of Constitution, 21. what it includes, 56. Congressional districts, 80. Copyright defined, 127. how obtained, 127. Counterfeiting, 31. punishment for, 121. Court, Circuit, 209, 210. of claims, 214. District, 209. Supreme, 207. Courts, martial, 248. of United States, judges of, 39. Connecticut, governor chosen by the Credit, bills of, 148. freemen, 11. Consignee, 107. Consignor, 107. Constitution, a State can alter its, 231. |