


Ruth. H.C.501. C.M.56. C.H.646.
Nursling. C.E.H.415.

ORD of all the ages of Eternity,

[Thee. Thou dost call the children, and we come to

Thou art everlasting, we are of to-day,
Yet our loving service at Thy feet we lay.

Lo, our fathers tell us of Thy deeds of yore,
Triumphs over Satan on each heathen shore;
Light where once was darkness, songs for sighs and

These Thy grace hath given in the bygone years.
But there yet remaineth land to be possessed,
Ere we see Thee coming, Lord of all confessed;
Countless hearts are feeling blindly after Thee,
Captive souls are waiting for Thy liberty.

Now we stand before Thee as our fathers stood,
Make us brave and loyal, pure, and true, and good;
Ready for the conflict, strong to do and dare,
Till Thy royal banner floateth everywhere.
Ready, ever ready, when the trumpet calls,
Till throughout the nations every idol falls;
Till earth's myriad children glad Hosannas raise,
Welcoming Thine Advent with their hymns of



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Angel's Story. C.M.120. C.E.H.521.
Lancashire. H.C.206. G.B.202.
MASTER! when Thou callest,
No voice may say Thee nay,
For blest are they that follow
Where Thou dost lead the way;
In freshest prime of morning,
Or fullest glow of noon,
The note of heavenly warning
Can never come too soon.


O Master! where Thou callest,
No foot may shrink in fear,
For they who trust Thee wholly
Shall find Thee ever near;
And chamber still and lonely,
Or busy harvest field,
Where Thou, Lord, rulest only,
Shall precious produce yield.
O Master! whom Thou callest
No heart may dare refuse;
'Tis honour, highest honour,
When Thou dost deign to use
Our brightest and our fairest,

Our dearest,-all are Thine;
Thou Who for each one carest,
We hail Thy love's design.

They who go forth to serve Thee,
We too, who serve at home,
May watch and pray together
Until Thy kingdom come;
In Thee for aye united,

Our song of hope we raise,

Till that blest shore is sighted,

Where all shall turn to praise ! Amen.

St. Agnes. H.C.147. A.M.450. G.B.528.

UR Saviour's voice is soft and sweet

When, bending from above,

He bids us gather round His feet,
And calls us by His love.

But while our youthful hearts rejoice
That thus He bids us come,

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Jesus!" we cry with pleading voice,
Bring heathen wanderers Home."


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They never heard the Saviour's Name,
They have not learned His way:
They do not know His grace Who came
To take their sins away.

Dear Saviour, let the joyful sound
In distant lands be heard;
And, oh, wherever sin is found,
Send forth Thy pardoning word.
And if our lips may breathe a prayer,
Though raised in trembling fear,
Oh, let Thy grace our hearts prepare,
And choose some heralds here.

Harvest. G.B.405. C.M.203.

HE fields are all white,


And the reapers are few;

We children are willing,

But what can we do

To work for our Lord in His harvest ?

Our hands are so small,

And our words are so weak,

We cannot teach others;

How then shall we seek

To work for our Lord in His harvest ?

We'll work by our prayers,

By the pennies we bring,
By small self-denials;

The least little thing

May work for our Lord in His harvest.

Until, by-and-by,

As the years pass at length,
We too may be reapers,

And go forth in strength

To work for our Lord in His harvest.




Angel's Story. C.M.120. C.E.H.521.
St. Basil the Great. H.C.230.


E bring our hearts to Jesus,
To have them freed from sin,
His precious Blood will cleanse them,
His Spirit dwell within;
Then, ready for His service,
We can go forth with prayer,
To do the work He gives us,
And serve Him anywhere.

We bring our hands to Jesus,
That He may make them strong
To fight the daily battle

With sin and every wrong;
We're soldiers in His army,

And pledged to serve our King,
Then let us lift His banner
With faith unwavering.

We bring our seed to Jesus,
The seed we want to sow,
That He may give His blessing,
And cause each grain to grow;
We're sowing for the harvest,
And pray for precious corn
To fill the Master's garner
Upon the happy morn.

We want to glean for Jesus
In fields both far and near,
To gather in the lost ones

The Gospel news to hear;
Although He may not send us
To work in distant lands,
We know He also serveth,
Who by his Master stands.

But if the voice of Jesus


Should say,- Go, work to-day,"
We want to follow gladly

To dark lands far away.
Oh, Saviour, take us, use us,
And make us all Thine own,
Thy weak and faltering children,

But Thine, Lord,-Thine alone.


Also the following: 13, 25, 44, 50, 94, 114, 118, 192, 194, 227, 255, 265.




St. Matthew. A.M.369. H.C.327. C.H.333.
Audite. G.B.240. C.H.388(O.E.).

HINE arm, O Lord, in days of old,
Was strong to heal and save;

It triumphed o'er disease and death,
O'er darkness and the grave.

To Thee they went, the blind, the dumb,
The palsied and the lame,

The leper with his tainted life,

The sick with fevered frame.

And lo, Thy touch brought life and health,
Gave speech and strength and sight;
And youth renewed and frenzy calmed
Owned Thee, the Lord of Light.

And now, O Lord, be near to bless,
Almighty as of yore,

In crowded street, by restless couch,
As by Gennesareth's shore.

Though love and might no longer heal
By touch, or word, or look,

Though they who do Thy work must read
Thy laws in Nature's book:

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