







For the YEAR 1786.


Printed for J. DODSLEY, in Pall-Mall, 1788.

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NONSIDERING the very long acquaintance which we have fo happily maintained with the Public, a Preface to our Twenty-eighth Volume seems a very unnecessary ceremony. Even acknowledgments of kindness and profeffions of gratitude become tiresome by a continued repetition; and yet, if custom has rendered such an introduction neceffary, and it is expected that we should fay fomething upon the subject, how can we possibly refrain from the genuine expression of our fentiments, under the trong impressions which the liberal and unvarying favour of that Public, through to long a course of years, has indelibly stamped uponus? The proper manifestation, however, of our gratitude, will be in act and not in words; inuing our utmost exertions still to preserve the Annual Register in that style of reputation and character, which has hitherto procured it such marked diftinction and so unlimited a patronage.

As the year of which we treat did not fuperabound in political events of great general importance, and was happily free from the dazzling brilliance of military exploits, these circumstances afforded


afforded us an opportunity, which we gladly embraced, of completing our retrospect of fuch matters of confideration, as the excess and urgency of matter in late bufy years, had neceffarily occafioned our poftponing. Of these, the public affairs of our fifter island and kingdom, not only claimed the first place from our mutual relation and interest, but demanded it on the account of fuperior importance to all others. We have likewife brought into view no small share of curious and interesting matter from the transactions of foreign nations, which seemed hitherto to have been overlooked. Spain, in particular, has, through the great improvements which for fome time have been taking place in that kingdom, afforded a most pleasing and fertile field for retrospect. Nor have other countries, apparently more fterile, been by any means unproductive. In the business of the present year, the exceedingly complicated affairs of Holland, presented so alarming an aspect, and indicated confequences by which the interests and even security of this country might have been fo deeply affected, that their difcuffion neceffarily required our utmost care and most serious attention.


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Ireland. Retrospective view of the internal state of affairs in that country. Attempt to reform the constitution, by shortening the duration of parliaments. Mutiny bill paffed. Meetings of the Irish volunteers to obtain a par. liamentary reform. Ineffectual attempt to induce them to disband. Bill for effecting a parliamentary reform-rejected by a great majority; and reJolution thereupon. Address to his majesty on that fubject. Counter-address. Another bill presented, and rejected. Propofition for the relief of the Romaw catholics. Petition of the delegates conveyed to Mr. Pitt. Mr. Pitt's anfiver. Difunion among the volunteers, on the subject of the Roman catholics. Lord Charlemont thanked by the city of Dublin for his conduct. Steps taken by government to prevent the meeting of the delegates. Letter from the Attorney General to the sheriffs of Dublin. High sheriff of the county of Dublin profecuted, fined, and imprisoned; others also profecuted. Meetings of delegates nevertheless held. Another bill presented, and rejected. Diftreffes of the manufacturers of Dublin. Committee appointed for their re•lief. Mr. Gardener's plan-rejected by a very great majority. Violent ferment amongst the people. Outrages of the mob, who are dispersed by the military. Bill for restricting the liberty of the press. Petitions against. Modified, and paffed. Non-importation agreements entered into. Precautions to prevent enormities. Lord Lieutenant incurs popular odium, andis openly infulted. Commercial arrangement between Great Britain and Ireland. A fet of resolutions presented to the house of commons in Ireland; agreed to; tranfmitted VOL. XXVIII.



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