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" I am going to my Father's; and though with great difficulty I am got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to... "
The pilgrim's progress - Side 156
av John Bunyan - 1795
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The pilgrim's progress: from this world to that which is to come. To which ...

John Bunyan - 1766 - 494 sider
...me of all the Trouble I have been at to arrive where 1 am. My Sword I give to him that fhall fucceed me in my Pilgrimage, and my Courage and Skill to him...get it. My Marks and Scars I carry with me, to be a Witnefs for me, that I have fought his Battle, who now will be my Rewarder. When the Day that he muft...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come ...

John Bunyan - 1775 - 524 sider
...while Ifrad went over this Jordan. The Waters indeed are to have got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the Trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My Sword I give ro him that fhall fucceed me in my Pilgrimage, and my Courage and Skill to him that can get it. My...
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The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come

John Bunyan - 1775 - 454 sider
...going to my father's ; and though with great difficulty I have got nither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My fa or d I give to him that (hail fucceed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage znAjkill to him that can...
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The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. With notes ...

John Bunyan - 1792 - 504 sider
...going to my Father's, and though with great difficulty I have got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My fword I give to him who fhall fucceed me in my pilgrimage; and my courage and fkill to him who can...
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The Pilgrims' Progress: From this World, to that which is to Come. Delivered ...

John Bunyan - 1829 - 256 sider
...going to my Father's; and though with great difficulty I have got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where...and skill to him that can get it. My marks and scars 1 carry with me, to be a witness for me, that I have fought His battle, who now will be my rewarder."...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: With a Life of John Bunyan by Robert Southey

John Bunyan, Robert Southey - 1830 - 562 sider
...going to my Father's; and though with great difficulty I have got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to HIS WILL. ,..,„.„ , . ., ? him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill...
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The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come. With notes ...

John Bunyan - 1831 - 686 sider
...going to my Father's ; and though with great difficulty I have got hither, yet now I do not repent of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where...shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skjH to him that can get them. My marks and scars T carry with me, to be a witness for me, that I have...
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The pilgrim's progress. With notes by W. Mason, and a life of the author, by ...

John Bunyan - 1838 - 554 sider
...they shall reign with him, in his kingdom. MR. VALIAN T-FOHTEUTH SUMMUNUtt. Hlv LAST WOHDI. repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My sword I give to him that shall sncHISWILL. ceed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get it. My marks and...
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Pilgrim's Progress: With a Life ...

John Bunyan - 1839 - 528 sider
...going to my Father's ; and though with great difficulty I have got hither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I am. My HIS WILL. . . sword 1 give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill...
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The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come: Delivered ...

John Bunyan - 1842 - 550 sider
...VALIANT ind STANDFAST summoned. with great difficulty I have got thither, yet now I do not repent me of all the trouble I have been at to arrive where I urn. My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him...
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