
ried into Algiers, that prince, in the prefence of the conful, ftruck off the head of the captor, and threw it over the battlements; and gave orders at the fame time, to pull out the teeth and pluck off the beard of another captain, who had taken an English veffel, telling him, that his meeting with this lenity was owing to his bravery on former occafions.

They write from Madrid, that Mr. Wall, his catholic majefty's principal fecretary of ftate for foreign affairs, has refigned that high poft, and is retired from court, with a penfion of 10,000 crowns a year, to which his majefty has fince added the pay of a lieutenant general in actual fervice, befides continuing to him all the honours and prerogatives he before enjoyed. Mr. Wall is fucceeded by M. Grimaldi, fome time ago minifter from the court of Madrid to that of Verfailles, and the projector and negotiator of the late famous treaty called the Family Compact.

Letters from Quebec take notice of a revolt among the common men of the garrison there. And as amu tiny among English troops is fo uncommon a thing, and the behaviour of thefe mutineers had, befides fomething very characteristic in it, we fhall give a full account of the whole affair in the Appendix to part of our work, it being rather too long to be inferted in this place.


The powder magazine of Fort Augufta (the best fortrefs in Jamaica) blew up by lightning; the explosion was fo violent that not fingle ftone of the foundation could be obferved on the place where the magazine flood, which VOL. VI.

is fo hollowed as to form a large pond upwards of twenty feet in depth, fifty in breadth, and at least one hundred in length, from whence many fprings of water iffue. Most of the guns, twentyfour pounders, on a bastion contiguous, were difmounted, part almoft buried in the rubbish, and one carried more than one hundred yards from its place. Within the fort every thing was terribly fhattered; the commandant's houfe, the officers barracks, a fine brick building, and all the finall houfes in and about the garrison were rent to pieces. A great number of men, women, and children, were killed and wounded within the works, and two foldiers far up the bay were killed, and fome wounded at the distance of a mile. Captain Talbot, lieutenant Dunbar with his lady, and enfign Keating, perifhed in the ruins; the lieutenants Dunn and Manfell were much bruifed, the latter is fince dead. The killed are computed at thirty whites, and eleven negroes. The magazine and fort were built by admiral Knowles, and esteemed the best in the West Indies; the walls were fixteen feet thick. The lofs fuftained, exclufive of 2850 barrels of gunpowder, is fuppofed to amount to upwards of 15,000l.

The concuffion was felt ten miles

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fplendid appearance. His excel- ing acquainted her lawyer with

lency was afterwards received by his Pruffian majefty, and all the royal family, with every poffible mark of diftinction.

- Milan, October 11. About the middle of last month, the duke of Modena caufed his eldest fon to be arrested and committed clofe prifoner to the caftle of Saffawolo, under a guard of 100 grenadiers; but we fince learn, that the prince having written a letter to his father, fubmitting entirely to whatever arrangements he might think proper, and expreffing his forrow for having oppofed his intentions, the reigning duke, affected with this act of humiliation and obedience, immediately fent to Modena an order to fet him at liberty, and reinftate him in his honours and privileges, affuring him, at the fame time, of the continuation of his favour and paternal tendernefs.

Naples, Oct. 22, A caufe has just been tried here, which makes a great noife. One of the farmers of tobacco, having employed, in vain, all the ufual methods to feduce the daughter of a farmer, had recourfe to the following ftratagem. He caufed fome of his people to lay fome tobacco privately in the farmer's garden, and then ordered the houfe to be fearched for smuggled tobacco. The tobacco was found where it had been laid. The innocent farmer and his daughter were immediately hurried to prifon, where the feducer went, and offered the girl her's and her father's liberty, if she would confent to what he required. The offer was rejected with greater indignation than ever and girl the hay

this circumftance, he, by that means, laid open the drift and plot of the profecution. The accufed were fet at liberty, and the finan cier condemned to pay all cofts of fuit, to depofit 600 ducats (109. 16s. 6d.) as a fortune for the young woman, and to allow her feventeen livres per month till fhe is married, His clerk, being found a principal agent in the bufinefs, was condemned to ferve four days on board the gallies, and to pass the rest of his days in prifon.

A foldier's wife was lately brought to bed of three boys. Died lately. A labourer at Wells, aged 106.


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At night arofe a most furious ftorm of wind and rain, which did vast damage by fea and land, all over Great Britain and Ireland; the firmest buildings, and ftouteft cables and anchors, giving way to the fury of the wind, and the higheft and ftrongest banks to that of the floods occafioned by the rains. Many fteeples fuffered as much as chimneys do in common ftorms. The S. W. fide of the weft ifle of the old abbey at Whitby, though fupported by more than twenty Gothic arches, gave way, tumbled to the foundation, and not a ftone of it remained ftanding.. The Hanover packet from Lisbon, with 17,000l. in money, was loft in the North chan nel, off Padstow, and the captain, crew, and all the paffengers perifhed, except two men and a boy, to the number of fixty. In a word, it would take up feveral pages to



particularize the melancholy ef-
fects of this almoft irrefiftible hur-

His majefty having been graciously pleafed to communicate to both houfes of parliament the intended marriage of her royal highness princefs Augufta, with the hereditary prince of Brunfwick, the houfe of commons waited this day on his majefty with their addrefs of thanks for fuch communication; as did the houfe of lords on the 5th. The dowry allowed by the house of commons to her royal highnefs, in pursuance of his majefty's meffage, as ufual on fuch occafions, is 80,000l.

6th. St. James's. The most chriftian king having, upon his ambaffador count de Guerchy's arrival here, fent to the chev. d'Eon de Beaumont, who had the character of minifter plenipotentiary at this court, his revocation from hence, with a letter addreffed to his Britannic majefty; and, having been informed, that M. d'Eon perfifted in refufing to pay obedience to his orders, and to prefent the king his mafter's letter; his faid molt chriftian majefty thereupon wrote a fecond letter to the king, and commanded his ambaffador to prefent the fame immediately; which having been accordingly done, his majefty has been pleafed to declare, that the faid M. d'Eon has no longer any character here, and has forbid him the court.

three of the king's meffengers defendants; when, after a hearing of feven hours, a verdict was given for the plaintiff, with four hundred pounds damages, and full cofts of fuit.

Immediately after the verdict was pronounced, the gentlemen concerned for the plaintiffs declared, "that as they had the happiness of feeing vindicated, afferted, and maintained, all the great and conftitutional points of liberty, which had been fo folemnly debated and determined, they were willing to accept nominal damages (which carry cofts of fuit) in the next five caufes." Which generous propofition was readily acquiefced in by the council for the crown, commended by the court, and applauded by the whole audience.

Bills of exceptions, however, are brought in this and nineteen other caufes, determined in favour of the printers.

Ended the feffions at the 12th. Old Bailey, when three men and two women for feveral robberies, and one man for houfebreaking, received fentence of death; which one of the women and three of the men foon after. fuffered; two to be tranfported for fourteen years, thirty-fix for feven years, three were branded, and one whipped. William Lee, who had been tried on the Coventry act, as already mentioned, for cutting his wife's throat, was fentenced to fuffer two years imprifonment in Newgate.

Came on at Guildhall, roth.. before the lord chief julice Pratt, and a fpecial jury, a caufe, The mercury in the barometer wherein Mr. Leach, the mafter was obferved to fink, at Plymouth,' printer, who was arrefted as the fo low as 28°. In the diagonal fuppofed printer of the North barometer, it got as far back as Briton, No. 45,' was plaintiff, and the bend of the tube.. The wind

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was all day variable and unfettled at that place, but moftly to the fouthward.

Some perfons being lately employed to kill a deer in Sir Harry St. John's Park, at Crondal in Hampshire, one of them creeping round the thicket, was mistaken by his fellows for a deer, and fhot dead upon the spot.

A foot-match was lately run on Moulley-hurit by a fhepherd against time. He was to run ifteen miles in an hour and a half, and performed it in an hour and twentyeight minutes. A caufe was tried in the 15th. court of Common-pleas at Guildhall, on the ftatute of bribery and corruption at the late election for Malden in Effex, when a verdict paffed against the defendant in 5ool. damages. The king went to the 19th. houfe of peers, and gave the royal affent to the following bills: The bill for granting an aid to his majesty of 45. in the pound, by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain for the service of the year 1764.

The bill for continuing the du ties on malt for 1764.

The bill for building a bridge over the river Thames, at or near Shillingford Ferry, in Oxfordshire,

The bill for naturalizing Peter Hafenclever, and Johan Peter Rucker.

And to feveral other, road and naturalization bills.

Two fpermaceti whales have been caught on the Lifex coat, each 65 feet long, and brought to Greenland dock.

In conformity to the 20th." eighth and tenth articles of the late definitive treaty, notice was

given in the London Gazette for merchants, &c. concerned in the trade to the places reftored to the French, that they fhould fend in the names of the veffels that they intend to fend thither, to bring away the perfons and effects of his his majefty's fubjects within the time limited, with the tonnage of each, to lord Halifax's office, in order to enable his lordship to make application to the courts of France and Spain for paffports for the faid veffels refpectively.

India ftock fell five per cent.on a rumour that the Dutch had made fome extraordinary motions in that part of the world.


At a meeting of the foci- 21A ety for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, captain Blake made his report the ftate of the land carriage fishery, to the 30th of September laft; and it was unanimously refolved that the thanks of the fociety fhould be given to captain Blake, for his great affiduity and upright conduct. We fhall infert this report in our Appendix, for the fatisfaction of these who wish well to that laudable undertaking.

Some days before, the fociety re folved to give a premium of 1ool. for making bay falt, and another of 2001, for a cheap and effectual procefs for making mortar for building.

The fine paintings of the cartoons by Raphael, are brought from the palace of Hampton-court to the queen's houfe in St. James's park, and are put up in the great faloon there.

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The wind was fo high, 27th, that a houfe in St. Giles's was blown down, and a woman and two children killed. General

General Amherst, commander in chief of the troops in North America, arrived lately from thence at Falmouth, and having waited on his majesty was moft graciously received.

blemens libraries at Paris, his ma jefty returned to lord Bute the money he gave for the books, and prefented them to the British mufeum. The following is a particu lar account of this royal prefent to the public:

An exact collection of all the books and pamphlets on both fides, printed from the beginning of the year 1641, to the coronation of king Charles II, 1661. And near one hundred manuscripts never yet in print. The whole containing upwards of thirty thousand books and tracts uniformly bound, confifting of 3,000 volumes, dated in the most exact manner, and fo carefully preferved as to have received no damage. The catalogue of them makes twelve volumes in folio; and they are fo marked and numbered, that the least treatise may be readily found, and even the very day on which they became public, is written on moit of

By the registry of the infant parifh poor for the laft fix months of 1762, it appears, that, out of 115 fent into the country to be nurfed (though part of these were not fent out of the fmoak of London) thirty-two were dead, viz. twenty-feven and nine-elevenths of a hundred but out of seven hundred thirty-two kept in town (exclufive of one hundred and feventeen delivered to mothers and friends) two hundred fixty-nine were dead, which is thirty-fix and fixfevenths of a hundred, notwith ftanding the youngeft, and thofe moft in danger of death, were of the number fent into the country; whence one may eafily conclude, how greatly the advantage turns in favour of country nurfing. A valuable addition has lately been made to the British mufeum of many volumes of fcarce tracts, and not a few manufcripts. Thefe tracts were collected by a private gentleman, by command of king Charles II, who, after the gentleman had, with the greatest affi duity, diligence, and fidelity, compleated his talk, offered him fuch a price for the collection as he could not acceflector's of The books remained in the collector's family till 1761, when they were purchafed by lord Bute for between three and four hundred pounds. was much to be regretted, that fuch a valuable collection fhould be that up in any private library, to which no accefs can be had, as there may be to several no

But as


This collection coit great pains and expence, and was carried on so privately as to escape the most diligent fearch of the ufurper, who, hearing of them, ufed his utmost endeavours to obtain them. They were fent into Surrey and Efex, and at faft to Oxford, the then library keeper, Dr. Bailon, being à friend to the collector; and under his cuftody they remained, till the doctor was made bishop of Lincoln,

Having, in our last year's Chronicle, given a fpecimen of the hardThips, our forces both naval and military were then fuffering on their return from the conquest of the Havanna; and having, befides, in the course of the prefent, taken notice of what the king of Pruffia and

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