
6. For the pay of the general and general staff officers, in Great Britain, for 1763

7. That a number of land forces, including 2743 invalids, amounting to 17,526 effective men,commiffioned and noncommiffioned officers included, be emplyed for 1763.

8. For defraying the charge of the faid number of land forces in Great Britain, Guernsey, and Jersey, from April 25, 1763, to the 24th December followlowing, both days inclufive, being 244 days

9. For maintaining his majetty's forces and garrifons in the plantations, including those in garrifon at Minorca and Gibraltar, and for provifions for the garrifons in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Gibraltar, Quebec, and Senegal, for 244 days, from the 25th of April 1763, to the 24th of December following, both days inclufive


For defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia, for one year, beginning the 25th of March 1763


1. To enable his majefty to complete the payment of 220,000l. as a reasonable fuccour in money, to the landgrave of Heffe Caffel, pursuant to treaty

2. To make good the deficiency of the half-fubfidies of tonnage and poundage, charged with the payment of feveral annuities, by the acts made in the 6th of queen Anne, and the 6th of king George I. to fatisfy all annuities charged thereupon, to the 5th of January 1763

3. To replace to the finking fund the like fum paid out of the fame, to make good the deficiency on the 5th of July 1762, of the feveral rates and duties upon offices and penfions, and upon houses, and upon windows or lights, which were made a fund by an act 31 George II. for paying annuities at the bank of England, in refpect of 5.000,000l. borrowed towards the fupply for 1758

4. To replace to the finking fund the like fum paid out of the fame, to make good the deficiency on Ja ́nuary 5, 1762, of the additional duty upon ftrong beer and ale, to anfwer and pay the feveral annuities of 31. per cent. and 11. 2s. 6d. per cent on 1.14c,cool. part of twelve millions borrowed towards the fupply granted by an act of the 1ft of Geo. III. for 1761^.

1. S. d. 1,1291 8 6/2

408,372 13 4

281,781 3 6

3.053,476 2 10


50,000 0

49,558 6

48,891 14 1

26,710 o
5. Upor

5. Upon account, towards enabling the governors nd guardians of the Foundling Hofpital, to maintain d educate fuch children as were received into the id hospital, on, or before the 25th of March 1760, om the 31st of December 1762, exclufive, to the ft of December inclufive, and that the fàid fum be ued and paid for the ufe of the faid hofpital, without e or reward, or any deduction whatfoever

6. Upon account, for defraying the charges inrred, by fupporting and maintaining the fettleent of Nova Scotia in 1760, and not provided for parliament

7. Upon account, for maintaining and supporting e civil establishment of Nova Scotia for 1763

8. Upon account, for defraying the charges of the vil establishment of Georgia, and other incidental pences attending the fame, from the 24th of June 62, to the 24th of June 1763


1. Upon account, to enable his majesty to give a oper compensation to the refpective provinces in orth America, for the expences incurred by them in levying, cloathing, and pay, of the troops raised the fame, according as the active vigour, and nuous efforts, of the refpective provinces shall be ught, by his majesty, to merit

2. To make good the deficiency of the grants. 1762

3. To be employed in maintaining and fupporting
fort at Anamaboo, and the other British forts and
tlements upon the coast of Africa

4. For the paying of penfions to the widows of
ch reduced officers of the land forces and marines,
died upon
the establishment of half pay in Great
tain, and who were married to them before the
th of December 1716, for 1763

5. Upon account of the reduced officers of his ma-
Ey's land forces and marines, for 1763.

6. Upon account of the reduced officers of his maEy's land forces already disbanded, and fuch as are be difbanded, for 1753

7. For defraying the charge for allowances to the eral officers and private gentlemen of the two ops of horse guards, and regiment of horse re

[N] 2


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duced, and to the fuperannuated gentlemen of the four troops of horse guards, for 1763

8. To be paid as a reward to John Harrison, upon a proper difcovery to be made by him, for the use of the public, of the principles upon which his inftrument, for measuring time at fea, is constructed, and that the faid fum be applied for the purpofe aforefaid, out of any money unapplied to the ufe of the navy, in the hands of the treasurer of the navy


1. To make good to his majesty the like fum which has been iffued by his majesty's orders, in pur-: fuance, of the addreffes of this houfe

2. Upon account, for out-penfioners of Chelsea hofpital, 1763

Sum total of the fupplies granted in this feffion

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51,708 13 4

58,118 19 2

[ocr errors]

13.522,039 14 45

And in order to provide for this large fum of money, the following refolutions of the committee of ways and means were agreed to by the house on the days as follow.


That towards raifing the fupply granted to his majefty, the duties on malt, &c. be further continued from the 23d of June 1763, to the 24th of June 1764


That a land tax of 4s. in the pound be raised, in the ufual manner, for one year, from the 25th of March 1763


That all perfons interested in, on intitled unto, any bills, payable in courfe of the navy, or victualling offices, or for transports, which were made out on, or before, the 31st day of December laft, who fhall, on, or before the 25th day of March next, carry the fame (after having had the intereft due thereupon com puted, and marked upon the faid bills, at the navy or victualling office refpectively) to the treasurer of his majefty's navy, to be marked and certified by him or his paymafter and cashier, to the governor and company of the bank of England, fhall be intitled un

750,000 0 0

2.037,854 19 11

to, and have, an annuity, transferrable at the bank of England, for the principal and intereft due on the bills, after the rate of 4 pounds per centum per annum, to commence from the 25th day of March next, payable half yearly, in lieu of all other intereft, until redeemed by parliament, the faid annuities to be charged upon the finking fund, and the fums, which fhall be iffued out of the finking fund, for payment of the faid annuities, to be from time to time replaced

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1. s. d.

out of the next aids to be granted by parliament 3.468,977 3 FERRUARY 17.


That all perfons interested in, or intitled unto, any debentures payable out of his majefty's office of ordnance, which were dated on, or before the 31ft day of December laft, who fhall, on, or before, the 25th day of March next, carry the fame to the treafurer of his majefty's ordnance, to be certified by him, or his deputy or cashier, to the governor and compaof the bank of England, fhall be intitled unto, and have, an annuity transferrable at the bank of England, for the fums due on the faid debentures, after the rate of four pounds per cent. per ann. to commence from the 25th day of March next, payable half yearly until redeemed by parliament, the faid annuities to be charged upon the finking fund, and the fums which fhall be iffued out of the finking fund, for payment of the faid annuities, to be, from time to time, replaced out of the next aids to be granted by parliament


1. That there be raised in manner following; that is to fay, the fum of 2.800,000 l. by annuities, after the rate of 41. per centum per annum, transferrable at the bank of England, and redeemable by parliament, and the fum of 700,001. by two lotteries to be drawn at different times in the year 1763, each lottery to confist of 35,000 tickets, and every blank to be of the value of 51. the blanks and prizes to be attended with the like 4 per cent. transferrable and redeemable annuities, the said several annuities to commence from the 5th day of April 1763, and to be payable, half yearly on the 10th day of October, and the 5th day of April in every year, and that every contributor towards the faid fum of 2.8c0,000 1. fhall, for every 801. fo contributed, be intitled to receive a ticket in each of the faid lotteries, upon the payment of 10 1. for each ticket; and that every contributor fhall, on, or before, the 15th day of this inftant March, make a depofit with the cashiers of the bank of England, [N] 3



595,423 25

of 121. 10s. per cent. in part of the fum or fums to be
contributed by him towards the faid fum of 2.800,000l.
and alfo a depofit of 101. per centum, in part of the
monies to be contributed by him in respect of each
lottery, as a fecurity for making the future payments
refpectively, on or before the times herein after li-
mited that is to fay On the 2.800,000 1.
121. 10s. per cent. on, or before, the 10th day of
May next.

12l. 10s. per cent, on, or before, the 16th day of June next.

12l. ios. per cent. on, or before, the 21st day of July next.

12l. 10s. per cent, on, or before, the 30th day of Auguft next.

121. 10s. per cent. on, or before, the 27th day of September next.

12. 10s. per cent. on, or before the 21st day of October next.

12l. 1cs. per cent. on, or before, the 24th day of November next.

On the lotteries for 700,000l.

gol. per cent. on, or before, the 31ft day of April next, for compleating the payment upon the first lottery.

901 per cent. on or before the 11th day of October next, for compleating the payment upon the 2d lottery. Which feveral fums fo received, fhall, by the faid cafhiers, be paid into the receipt of his majesty's exchequer, to be applied, from time to time, to fuch fervices as fhall then have been voted by this house, in this feffion of parliament, and not otherwife; and that every contributor, who fhall pay in the whole of his contribution on account of his fhare in the annuities attending the faid fum of 2.800,000l. at any time, on or before, the 18th day of October next, or on account of his hare in the first lottery, on or before the 20th day of April next, or on account of his share in the fecond lottery, on or before the 10th day of October next, shall be allowed a discount after the rate of 31. per cent. per annum, on the fum fo compleating his contribution refpectively, to be computed from the day of compleating fuch contribution, to the 24th day of November next, in refpect of the fum paid on account of the first mentioned annuities, and to the 21ft day of April next, in respect of the fum paid on account of the firl lottery, and to the 11th


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