
A poulterer was profecuted by the fociety for having a pheafant in his poffeffion, which he alledged was tame; but the judge was of opinion, that, by the late act, poulterers could not have even tame pheafants in their custody without incurring the penalty; upon which the jury gave a verdict accordingly.

A defperate highwayman, not above eighteen, after robbing feveral people in Gloucefter road, met a man on his return from Tetburg market with a bay before him, who, making fome demur in delivering his watch, the villain pulled out a piftol and fhot him dead. Having been foon after apprehended at a blacksmith's on fufpicion, and in his examination confronted by one whom he had robbed, he pulled out a knife and cut his throat; though not effectually enough to escape the gallows.


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A little after five in the morning, a flight fhock of an earthquake was felt in feveral parts of Hungary; but at a quarter before fix, there was a fecond fo violent, that all the churches and monafteries in Peft were damaged more or lefs, the private houfes fuffered confiderably, the hofpital was rent in many places: a large bar of iron, which fupported the arms of Hungary, at the top of the tower of the town-house, was bent about two feet; the crofs on the top of the church of the invalids was likewife bent. At Kemorra, and Buda, the fhocks were ftill more violent. At Kemorra 1500 houfes were entirely thrown down; and 300 more, including the convents, of the jefuits and recollets, very much damaged, and the old fortifications ruined in many places.

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In the recollets convent 300 perfons are faid to have been killed. The earth opened in feveral places, and water mixed with fand gufhed out to the height of five feet. Some letters mention a volcano being formed there.

This earthquake lafted till the 3d of July, and the fhocks amounted to 80. It was felt as far as Vienna, Drefden and Leipfic.


Several pirate veflels have appeared in the Weft Indies, the crews of which behave very inhumanly. They are of all nations, and fome have been taken and executed.

Laft week was killed at Knarefborough in Yorkshire, where he had been fed for one year only, by Mr. James Collins, upon hay, turnips, and grafs, an ox, whose four quarters weighed 125 ft. 1 lb.


his tallow 20 ft. 4 lb. his head and tongue, 4 ft. 1 lb.his heart, 2 ft. 1 lb. his feet, 4 ft.-his hide, 11 ft. 2 lb.-total 167 ft. 3lb.

The rev. Mr. Gainsborough, of Henley upon Thames, has invented and executed a large working model of an engine for raising water by horizontal windfails, applicable in all fituations in town or country, the construction whereof is entirely new and fingular, and which at an expence of acout icol. will raife to the height of thirty feet, from eight to twenty hogfheads a minute, according as the wind is more or less active.

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A caufe was tried before. the lord chief juftice Mans-. 29th. field, in which a butcher of Whitechapel was plaintiff, and two of his majesty's juices, and the high conftable of Finsbury, were defendants, for a forcible entry, and

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taking away the butcher's meat on a Sunday. The juftices were juftified in feizing the meat, but a verdict went against them for breaking open the door in order to make the feizure. The conftable was justified, as acting under their warrant, and had a verdict with cofts of fuit.

- Arrived the melancholy account of the Elizabeth East Indiaman taking fire, on the 8th of January laft, and afterwards blowing up, by which the captain, fecond and fifth mates, and forty-four men perifhed; likewife a confirmation of the lofs of the Walpole Indiamen outward bound, being taken by four French men of war off the island of Ceylon.

Lord Feverfham has bequeathed 500 1. to St. George's hofpital at Hyde-park corner, and the like fum to the Westminster infirmary; alfo 500l. to the firft hofpital or infirmary that fhall be erected in Wiltshire, within five years after his lordship's decease.

Amfterdam, July 12th. The negroes, belonging to our very valuable colony of Berbicia, in South America, rebelled, in the month of February laft, and in few days rendered themselves mafters of all the plantations in the fettlement except three, two of which they even had in their poffeffion for fome time, burning and deftroying every thing that came in their way, killing fuch of the negroes as would not join them, and putting many of the whites who fell into their hands to the most cruel deaths. This misfortune is owing, in a great meature, to the plantations being at a great diftance from each other. They lie chiefly on the banks of the river from the fea up to Fort Naflau,

which is 110 miles, and navigable the whole way for fhips of 6eo tuns burthen. The number of white inhabitants here was about 500, and that of the negroes 6000.

Paris, June 5. This morning the Gens du Roi prefented to the parliament a declaration, dated May 25, permitting a free trade in grain through all the inland parts of the kingdom; and impowering all perfons, even nobles and privileged perfons, to carry on this trade, without being fubject to any forms, and without being obliged to take out a licence. The grain is exempted from all tolls, except the ballage and minage (the markethouse and weigh-house dues.) But nothing herein contained is to make any innovation in the regutions for fupplying Paris with ovifions. All former laws relative to the inland trade are abrogated.

By the first edict which was regiftered on the 31ft paft, when the king held his bed of justice, his majesty makes feveral alterations with refpect to the taxes; and in order to lay taxes more equal for the future, his majefty has ordered an account to be taken immediately of all the freeholds of the kingdom, not excepting thofe of the crown, or thofe of the princes of of the blood, ecclefiaftics, nobles, or other privileged persons, of what nature foever. And

By the fecond edict his majefty orders, that all the crown debts, which are payable out of the revenue of the crown, fhall be redeemable, fome at twenty years purchase, without regard to the original capital, and others in proportion to what the prefent poffeffors paid for them. The declara

tion, which was registered the fame day, lays on a duty of one per cent. on all alienations of im moveables.

Paris, June 9. The officers of the Chatelet came to the parliament in the great chamber, to in treat the court to interpofe their authority to put fome ftop to the bad confequences, occafioned by inoculating perfons for the fmall pox, without preparing them properly, and taking proper precautions to prevent the communication of it to others; and by the advice of the king's council, the court paffed an arret, forbidding all perfons, of what rank or condition foever, to inoculate in the towns or villages within the jurifdiction of the parliament; permitting, nevertheless, all perfons, who fhall retire to houfes feparated from every other house, to be inoculated there, provided they have no communication, but with neceffary attendants, for fix weeks from the time of the infertion of the variol

-ous matter.

General Luckner, who, in the eftimation of many officers, is fecond to none in the military art, is taken into our (the French) fervice, with the rank of a lieutenantgeneral, and an appointment of 35,000 livres a year.

Sultsbach, June 9. A fire broke out in the market place of Voheuftraus, a village in our neighbourhood, which, by the violence of the wind, in lefs than half an hour, fet fire to the whole market, whereby 152 dwelling houses, 101 outhoufes, the church, fteeple, and bells, the town-house with the records, the Proteftant and Romish places of public worship, together

with all their effects and libraries, and all the schools, were reduced to afhes, and but few fmall habitations left standing. The inhabitants faved little or nothing of their effects, most of them having enough to do to fave their lives; and their diffiets is very great, having neither cloaths, money, nor bread. Some perfons were unfortunately burnt, and many greatly hurt.

Wetzlar, June 10. On the 28th ultimo, two regular regiments of foot, four battalions of militia, and 500 dragoons and huffars of Heffe Darmstadt troops, with 30 pieces of cannon, arrived here, feized on the gates, and pofted themfelves throughout the city. They forced open the houfes of the burgomaster and fixteen aldermen, and fome other fubftantial citizens, put the magiftrates under arreft, and fuffered no perfon whatever to pafs in or out of the gates. The confternation of the inhabitants cannot be expreffed. The reafon af figned for this outrage is an affront given to the Darmstadt troops in in their paffage through that city during the war. The troops, however, have fince evacuated the place, but carried with them as hoftages, the burgomafter, and fixteen aldermen, whom the landgrave is determined to detain till the magiftrates, by a formal deputation, thall express their difavowal of the infult complained of, and it is faid they have, in the mean time, been obliged, in difdain of the imperial decrees, to work on the fortifications. The imperial chamber of juftice has fent a detail of this affair to the emperor, the refult of which is expected with impatience. Geneva, May 21. It may very [G] 3 well

well be remembered, that when M. Rouffeau published his Emilius, or treatise on education, the council of Geneva iffued a decree, hy which they condemned that work, and ordered that the author of it fhould be arrested, if he was ever found within the territories of the republic. This has produced the following letter from monf. Rouffeau to the fyndic of Geneva.

"Sir, being recovered from the long aftonishment which I was thrown into by the preceedings of the magnificent council, which I could not in the leaft have expected, I have at last taken the part which honour and reafon dictate, however reluctant it may be to me. I declare to you then, fir, and beg of you to declare to the magnificent council, that I for ever refign my right to the burghership of the city and republic of Geneva. Having fulfilled to the utmost of my power the duties of that ftation, without reaping any advantage from it, I don't think myfelf in arrears to the fate at the time of my quitting it. I endeavoured to honour the Genevan name, tenderly loved my countrymen, and omitted nothing to render myfelf Beloved by them; no body could have fucceeded worfe in his endeavours, I will even gratify their hatred. The laft facrifice that remains for me to make; is that of a name which was fo dear to me. But, fir, though my country becoine strange, it cannot become indifferent to me. Ifhall remain attached to it by a tender remembrance, and fall forget nothing but the outrages I have received from it. May it continue to profper, and its glory increafe!

May it abound in better citizens, and may they especially be more happy than myfelf! I beg you will accept of the affurances of my moft profound refpect, &c."

The council having affembled upon this occafion, fome of the members were of opinion to act vigorously with regard to this letter, as containing expreffions reflecting upon the republic; but it was refolved by the majority to accept of monf. Rouffeau's refignation fimply, without taking further notice of it; and to infert his letter in the registers of the republic.

All the principal officers of the British troops, fent to the relief of Portugal, on taking leave of his moit faithful majefty, were honoured with prefents, according to their rank, expreffive of that monarch's fenfe of their fervices; Prince Charles of Mecklenburgh with his majefty's picture, very richly fet with diamonds; general Townfhend, with a diamond ring, a pair of diamond buckles, and gold fnuff box, the whole worth 3000l. and thofe, who embarked for Minorca, with fwords of dif ferent values, with the arms of Portugal, and a motto in the Portuguele language, fignifying, Eng. lish true faith and bravery, the d fenders and fecurity of Portugal.

A gentleman in France having Taft year loft his hair by a fit of ficknefs, recovered it lately in a furprifing manner; and it being a very curious cafe, we have given it a place in our article of Natural History.

The wife of the parish clerk of Clunn, in Shropshire, was lately delivered of two children at the


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Francis Cafwell, William

ift. Fitzgerald, and John Sullivan, were discharged from Newgate, where they had long lain under fentence of death for a rape, his majefty having been pleased to grant them his free pardon.

Came on at the manfion-houfe a hearing relating to the feizure of fome Irish butter, lately imported contrary to act of parliament, when it appearing to be good and wholefome butter, 100 firkins of it were condemned; one half of which were given to the informer, and the other half to the parish where the faid feizure was made.

A patent is granted to Alexander Cockburn, of Berwick upon Tweed, fishmonger, for his new method of curing falmon with spices. zd. A tender arrived in the

Maefe from the Dutch herring fishery off Shetland, with 14 barrels of the first caught herrings this feafon, two of which were fold for 570 guilders, and the others 460 guilders the barrel, which is about 100 guilders more than they were fold for laft, year. 70 guilders is 52 1. and 460 is about 421. Aerling.


The new church of Weft

Weycomb, in Buckingham- 3d.

fhire, was opened. This church, erected, furnished and endowed at the fole expence of lord Le Defpenfer, is built of stone, on a very high eminence, where the old church ftood. The pavement is Mofaic, and the roof ftucco, ornamented with emblematical figures. There are no pews, but feats covered with green cloth, and haffocks to kneel on. The men fit on one fide, and the women on the other. The pulpit ftands by itfelf, and is adorned with a large fpread eagle on a ball, both made of brass, and finely gilt. The reading defk, and the defk for the clerk, both stand feparate from each other. In the center of the church stands à font of inimitable workmanship; four carved doves feem to be drinking out of it, one dove appears going up by the fide, and a ferpent following it; and the bafon where the water is kept, with the cover to it, is of folid gold. Near the altar is a fine picture reprefenting our bleffed Saviour at his laft fupper, To compleat the whole there is a fme new organ."

Baron Breidbach of Burrithem, great dean of the chap5th. ter, was unanimoufly chofen by them, archbishop and elector of Mentz.

Was tried by a fpecial jury, before lord chief juftice Mansfield, an action brought against a customhoufe officer for falle imprifonment, and a verdict given for the plaintiff, with 30 1. damages. The plaintiff had been committed to Newgate, and tried at the Old Bailey for flealing fugar out of a

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