
been degraded from all his honours and dignities, and condemned to imprisonmment for life at Kuffftein in Tyrole; and baron de Wargotfch, who formed the plan for feizing the king of Pruffia in his camp near Breslau,' has been rewarded with a confiderable penfion.

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In Ruffia, too, they have been making fome inquiry into the conduct of the late war ; and the famous partifan, general count Tottleben, having been found guilty of feveral treacherous and oppreffive practices, has been condemned to forfeit his estate, his honour, and his life; but the last part of his fentence has been remitted by the czarina, upon condition of his retiring from, and never again appearing in, her dominions on pain of death; and as to his eftate, fhe has given it up to his creditors, and thofe who have been any way injured by him, upon due proof of the juftice of their demands upon him.

Dublin, Auguft 20. On the 8th inftant, our weavers, on occafion of Mr. Cottingham, an eminet mercer in this city, importing a large quantity of French filks, affembled riotoufly in great numbers, and after leading his effigy in a cart by his own door, hanged it on the common gallows. They then threatened to rifle and pull down his houfe, and probably would have done fo, if a guard of foldiers had not been fent to protect it; however, they moft unreafonably destroyed a great number of looms belonging to him, which he had for feveral years kept conftantly employed in weaving filks; not reflecting that they alfo hurt

themselves by it. He publifhed an apology, fetting forth, that in order to be as early at market as the London manufacturers, with French patterns, of which the ladies of Ireland were fo very fond, he had, for a few hundred pounds, engaged perfons at Lyons to fend him over two thousand pieces of different patterns, every fix months, as less than a piece could not be obtained. But this was rather adding fuel to the flame, than extinguishing it, as it must be obvious he would not re-export those filks, and by the fale of them at home, the demand for Irish, or even Enlifh, filks must be greatly leffened.

Mrs. Clements, of Billiter-lane, was lately delivered of three boys.

A washerwoman of White-crossftreet, of two girls and a boy.

Died lately. Edward Colston, Efq; in Park-ftreet, Grofvenor. fquare, who has left 28001. to St. Bartholomew's, and 1000l. to the Foundling hofpital.

James Barton, of Orton, Suffolk, aged 106.

Mr. Ofbaldefton, near Whaley, Lancashire, aged 115.


Was feen throughout the 2d. whole kingdom of Sweden, a globe of fire, with a long bright tail like a comet, which foon difappeared.

The Rev. Mr. Entick, Mr. Beardmore and his clerk, and Meffrs. Wilfon and Fell, have,`in pursuance of notice fome time fince given, commenced their actions against lord Halifax and the king's meffengers, for false imprisonment.



Four diforderly women being fent to Bridewell, a parcel of failors affembled in Rofemary-lane, with an intent to rescue them; upon which a file of mufqueteers was fent for from the Tower, and the failors continuing obftinate in their purpose, the foldiers fired, when four were killed on the spot, and many mortally wounded, who died in a few days, in the hofpital.


A moft dreadful fire broke out at Shadwell dock, which burnt thirty houfes before it could be extinguished, among which was Stocker's brewhoufe, and divers others of great value. Fifteen hundred pounds has been fince collected for the unhappy fufferers by this fire.

We cannot help obferving on this occafion, how many lives might be faved in cafe of fudden fire, had every floor a front and a back doorwindow, as then thofe, who could not get down ftairs, might much better come at ladders fixed to receive them, and throw out beds,. and jump out with a much greater certainty of falling upon them, than can be done by means of mere windows, as is plain from the unhappy fate of thofe involved in the great fire at lady Molefworth's. roth. Robert Wood, Efq. refigned his place of one of the under fecretaries for the fouthern department.

The following lines, engraved on the tomb-ftone of a perfon lately deceased, in St. James's churchyard, (having given offence) were erafed by order of the bishop: Return'd to earth, within this dirty


Lies a lifeless mortal, body and foul,

Till Chrift, his God, fhall to this world defcend,

Eternity to fix, all time to end; Whofe powerful word shall raise the general dead;

First thofe, elect by him, fhall rear each head;

With him above eternally to dwell, Leave the reject eternal here in hell. The earl of Northum17th. berland, with his family, fet out for Ireland, and arrived at Dublin the 20th.

Trial has been made before the fociety for encouragement of arts, of an improvement of the guitar, by adding fome new ftrings, which gave great fatisfaction.

The fea at Weymouth rose 18th. 10 feet inftantly, and went back as fuddenly; probably owing to an earthquake in fome other part of the globe.

At the quarter feffions held at Manchester, John Unfworth, bellman, was tried and found guilty, for robbing the charity box belonging to the fociety of free mafons, of which he had one key in his poffeffion, and obtained the other two by fraud. These boxes being common property, it has been a queftion, whether the taking the money could be deemed robbery, which this verdict feems to have decided.

The honourable commiffioners of longitude have appointed the reverend Mr. Nevil Maskelyne, fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge, and of the royal fociety, and Mr. Charles Green, affiftant obferver at the royal obfervatory at Greenwich, to proceed for Barbadoes in the Princefs Louifa, commanded by captain Tyrrel, in order to settle the longitude of that ifland by [H] 2 aftro


aftronomical obfervations, for the trial of Mr. Harrison's longitude watch; and, likewife, to try in the course of the voyage, Mr. Meyer's method of finding the longitude by the diftances of the moon from the fun and fixed stars, with a curious Hadley's fextant, executed by Bird; and the goodnefs of Mr. Irwin's marine chair, in making obfervations of eclipfes of Jupiter's fatellites, and occultations of stars by the moon, for the fame purpose.

The high conftable, and 19th. upwards of one hundred petty conftables, by an order from the juftices in Southwark, went to Suffolk Place, adjoining to St. George's Fields, and caufed the perfons who had erected booths and italls there, to pull them down, as they had no lawful authority for keeping any fair; fo that Southwark fair may now be confidered as entirely abolished.

Ended the feffions at the 20th. Old Bailey, at which 168 prifoners were tried, and a woman for murder, eight perfons for ftreet robberies, a woman for fhoplifting, one for forgery, one for perfonating a failor, to defraud the government, and one for returning from tranfportation before the expiration of his time, received fentence of death; ten of whom, including the woman for murder, fuffered foon after; two were fentenced to be tranfported for furteen years, forty-one for feven years, one to be whipped, and three were branded.

His royal highnefs the 23d. duke of York embarked for Lifbon at Plymouth, on b ard the Centurion man of war.

Some antiquities were lately

found in new paving the cathedral of Exeter, of which the reader will find an account in our article of Antiquities.


Her royal highness the princefs of Brazil was deli. vered of a prince, but he died within a fortnight. It is very remarkable, that one of the many names given this young prince at his baptifm, was Francis Xavier, after St. Francis Xavier, the firk difciple of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jefuits.

Captain Sampfon had the 27th. honour to prefent an elephant, brought by him from Bengal, to his majefty, at the queen's houfe. It was conducted from Rotherhithe in the morning at two o'clock, and two blacks and a feaman rode on his back.

He is feven years old, toes on each fore foot, toes on each hind foot. menfions of his feveral as follows.

has five and four The diparts are

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Length of one of his fore legs Circumference of ditto in the largest part Ditto in the smallest part The length of one of his hind legs to the huckle bone Circumference of ditto in

the largest part Ditto in the smallest part Ditto of his trunk in the

largest part



which he was faftened, upon which a great number of labourers, then at work there, immediately dif perfed in the greatest confufion. But captain Sampfon being informed of it, immediately purfued him,, and leaping on his back with fur. prifing agility, brought him under 91 by fticking a tuck into his neck, as practifed in the Faft Indies.





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Circumference of the largest part

The distance of the two

outer points of his teeth Length of one ear

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William Bridgen, Efq; alderman of Farringdon 29th. Without, was elected lord mayor of London for the year enfuing.

It was thought, and with great reason, that the wife measures taken by the government of Ireland to fupprefs the riotous proceedings of the people called White Boys, or Levellers, in the. fouth, would have had a falutary influence over all the other parts of the kingdom; when, to the furprise of every one, frefh disturbances broke out in the north, where it was expected the 12 people were both lefs ignorant of their duty, and better difpofed to practise it; and where the labour of the common people, as being chiefly employed in the linen manufactury, is of fuch importance to the 2 welfare of the whole nation. The inhabitants of a certain tract, con• 9 ceiving themselves injured by fome new roads made there, affembled, in order to compel the gentlemen of the country to promife them redrefs in that particular; and from the facility, with which they were gratified in those inftances, declared against the clergy's fmaller tythes and church dues, and oppofed the payment of them by force. They called themfelves Hearts of Oak, carrying fprigs of that tree in their hats to diftinguifh them

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While he was waiting in the Green Park for their majeflies coming, he broke the rope by

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felves. But the lords juftices having fent fome troops against them, and at the fame time iffued a proclamation, promifing indemnity to fuch as fhould return to their duty, except thofe against whom bills of indictment had been already found, and a reward for taking those who should not, they were speedily difperfed, though not without fome fkirmishes with the army, in which fome of

them were killed and wounded. Many affociations were entered into upon this occafion all over the kingdom, particularly in thofe counties which were, or lay near, the scene of disturbance.

They write from Charles Town in South Carolina, that one Jefferys, an Indian trader, having fold to the Cherokees feveral garments of red baize, much in the nature of the Highlanders uniform, for which he had a valuable return of furs and deer-skins; and his excellency the governor finding thefe things liked, and the Indians not a little proud of their new drefs, has ordered a very magnificent fuit of rich scarlet, in the fame form, and trimmed with filver taffels, to be prefented to each of their chiefs; fo that if this humour holds, they might foon fee the whole Cherokee nation clad in regimentals; which may probably extend all over North America.

Upon this letter we cannot help remarking, that as change of drefs has been ever deemed a ftep, at leaft, towards a change of manners, it would, perhaps, be well worth the while of our colonies to fupply all the favages in general, even gratis, with garments of this kind. It would probably have one good

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effect, if it had no other, that of rendering them in time dependent upon us, by creating amongst them a want, which neither themselves, nor any European nation, but the English, could fupply.

There has been lately at Amfterdam, Hamburgh, and fome other of the principal towns of Germany, a surprising number of bankruptcies. They began at Amfterdam about the 29th of July, by the bankruptcy of two brothers named Neufville, whọ failed, as was faid, for above 330,000 guineas, and a Jew, who a few days before failed for between 30 and 40,000. This was followed by a ftoppage of payment by no less than eighteen houfes in that city; aud foon after by a much greater number at Hamburgh and other places; which put fuch a ftop to private credit, that no bufinefs was for fome time tranfacted but for ready money; but the Lombard houses at Amfterdam and Hamburgh, having fupplied with large quantities of cash fuch as could give real or perfonal fecurity, many, who must otherwife have ftopt, were thereby enabled to stand the run; and no bankruptcy, having happened for fome weeks paft, private credit begins to revive, and trade to go as formerly. On this occafion feveral merchants, on fhewing their books to perfons appointed to examine them, were protected from arrefts by the magiftrates. The king of Pruflia, finding that fome of his fubjects had depofited large fums of ready money in the hands of fome bankers of Hamburgh, took proper meafures to prevent its going


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