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Don't send a cent, just write us if you want to take advantage of our five day's free trial offer. No deposit is required. All we want is your permission to send you one of these machines on approval. The "mill" must then sell itself. The decision rests entirely with you.

You have never seen such typewriter value as we are offering in these Underwood machines. If we were to tell you how good they are you would say we were exaggerating. So we want you to see and use one right in your own office. That's the reason we are making, and can make, this five days' free trial offer.

If you like it send us only five dollars a month. seen and used the machine for five days!

But you pay not one cent till you have

Every machine is complete with waterproof cover, tools, instruction book, etc. Remember, these machines are guaranteed to be absolutely perfect. They are guaranteed for one year, which is as long as any guarantee. And they are shipped anywhere on approval, without deposit, subject to five days' free trial and examination in your own home or office.

If you find the slightest thing to criticise, if you think you can get better value elsewhere for your money-return the machine at our expense. Surely no fairer offer could be made. And, bear in mind, this liberal proposition is made on the Underwood, the acknowledged leader of visible writers, of which over 10,000 are sold every month.

And if you are renting a typewriter you can, by paying us a little more each month, own one of these high-grade, standard visible writers in a short time. Just think of it! A few cents a day for ten months and one of these typewriters is yours!


No. 3 Model Underwood with 14-inch carriage, the regular way-bill machine with standard pica type, at a special low price of $65.00---$5.00 down, and $5.00 a month, or less 10 per cent for cash.

Fill out the coupon and mail it today. You take no chances. If the machine is not the greatest value you ever saw, just send it back at our expense.

ACT NOW, as we have only a limited number of machines, and they will go like hot cakes on this wonderful offer.

[blocks in formation]


Gentlemen-Please ship me a No. 4 Underwood Typewriter, F. O. B., Chicago, per your Ad. In The Railway Clerk. I will either accept the typewriter within five days of its receipt, or I will return same to you at your expense. If I accept the typewriter, I will remit $5.00 within the five days and pay the balance in monthly installments of five dollars each until the price, $58.50, has been paid. Title of machine to remain in your name until machine is fully paid for. Cash price, 10 per cent off, or $52.65 cash.




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Entered at the Postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as Second Class Matter. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year VOL. XIII.


No. 1


The year just past has been a memcrable one in the history of the Brotherhood notwithstanding the determined opposition of Railway Officials in some localities and the many obstacles that we have had to overcome; the organization has continually advanced and prospered, and is now permanently established in localities that heretofore had been recognized as antiorganization or hostile territory.

The successes that we have had in 1913, is only a prelude to what we may rightly expect during the present year, if the members will only maintain the attitude and persevere in their efforts as they did during the year just ended.

We deem it appropriate at this time to call the attention of our members to the unusually great amount of unrest, uneasiness, discontent and dissatisfaction which has existed among the clerical forces during the past year, on almost all of the Railroads in this country. Knowing the conditions which existed and the hostile and unwarranted attitude of Railway Officials to the organized clerks and the harsh and unjust treatment that many clerks received; we are not surprised at the actions taken by some of them, in fact it was what might reasonably be expected of any class of men with red blood in their veins, when they have sufficient evidence of unjust practices and discrim

ination by railroad officials. If these chaotic feelings of unrest are to cease, then railroad officials and others will have to change their mode of doing business and treat the men in the clerical department with more consideration, according them the same rights and privileges accorded other classes of service men. Until that time comes the present unrest and dissatisfaction which is so prevalent among the clerks will continue (not from choice), but as a rebuff to the dilatory and unjust policies of railway officials, and the further vindication of the manhood and stability of the clerks for which they are noted, when dealing with difficult problems.

There are, however, times in the history of all organizations when it is necessary and essential to the best interests of all that these vexatious questions be considered in a cool and deliberate manner; patience would in all probability have been instrumental in securing for the men some tangible benefits and permanent relief, but unfortunately for the general movement the proper precaution is not always taken and as a result thereof we frequently lose an excellent opportunity to reach a peaceable solution of the pending trouble. Vindictiveness and chagrin in the heat of passion is the most dangerous element to success. In this respect will state that there are entirely too many of our mem

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