

School legislation, Proposed -Continued Illinois-Bill for an act concerning a system of free schools in cities having a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants. 681) p 3-30 '17 Chicago munic. ref. lib (Ed. (Pam. exhausted) Illinois-Education bills pending in the legislature. City Club Bul (Chicago) 10:108-14 Mr 27 '17 Illinois-Important


school legislation. City Club Bul (Chicago) of proposed 10:114-20 Mr 27 '17 Minneapolis, Minn.-Price of progress: legislative program of the board of education; calls for authorization of increased revenues thru tax levies and bond issues, and independence of the board of education in fixing the tax rate for educational purposes, subject only to maximum rates established by the legislature. (Monograph no. 2a, ser. of 1916-17) 33p charts '16 Bd. of educ. Wisconsin-Educational bills are introduced. Educ N Bul 9:7 Mr 1 '17

School libraries. See Libraries, School

School lunches

Cold school lunch. Bab Bell. Univ Mo Agric Ext Ser Circ no 10 7p Jl '16

Elementary school lunch service; High school lunch service. il tables In A. C. Boughton. Household arts and school lunches, p 116-70

'16 History and development of lunches in high schools, with a discussion of the elements of cost in school lunch Pulsifer. 11p '16 Women's educational and expenses. Julia industrial union, 264 Boylston st., Boston Klamath_county [Ore.] high school cafeteria. C. R. Bowman. il tables form Monitor 5:8-13 My '17 Extension Louisiana-Penny lunch service is in effect in various schools in the state and is proving very successful. An effort is made to provide food that will furnish amount of nourishment at a minimum cost. the greatest School lunch basket and its preparation. D. H. Stockman. In Am. assn. of farmers' institute workers. Proceedings, 1916, p 108-19 '17 School lunches. C. L. Hunt. US Dept Agric Farmers' Bul 712 27p Mr 17 '16 Three-cent school lunch. I. Southern Workmen 45:308-11 My '16 A. Tourtellot.

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School lunches, Rural

Hot lunch in rural schools a real preparedness measure. Maynard Downes. Crusader no 72 p 14-16 Ap '17

Introducing the hot lunch to the rural school. il Crusader no 70 p 11-13 F '17

Rural school lunch, N. W. Farnsworth. 42p il 25c '16 Webb

Rural school lunch. Florence Harrison and O. B. Percival. bibl il Univ of Ill Col of Agric Ext Service in Agric and Home Economics Ext Circ no 4 23p D '16

* Rural-school lunches. I. A. Tourtellot. Hampton Leaflets v 7 no 9 14p '16

School nurses

Baltimore, Md.-Two women at Locust point and the things a school principal can do. il Community Center no 2 p 14-16 F 24 '17 *Cooperation as a factor in the work of the school nurses. Genevieve Conway others. 5p '16 Nat. organization for public and health nursing (Ed. exhausted)

Paper read at session on school nursing of the National organization for public

health nursing, New Orleans, April 27, 1916. School nursing in small communities. E. P. Crandall. In Am. school hygiene assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 201-6 '17 Vermont-School nurses: with


R. M. Bradley. table In Vermont conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1917, p 24-30 '17


School nurse. F. W. Jenkins and others. Russell Sage Found Lib Bul no 20 3p 5c D '16

Education Some problems in the training_of_school nurses. A. H. Strong. Teachers Col Rec 17: 353-60 S '16

Some problems in the training of school nurses, by A. H. Strong; Importance of instruction in normal diagnosis for school nurses, by H. B. Keyes. In Am. school hygiene assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 210-20 '17 School reports

Boston, Mass. Supt. of schools. Annual report,
Dec., 1915. (School doc. no. 17) 167p 10c '16
Sec. school com., Mason st.

Bradford [England] educational work. A: E.
Ingram. Commerce Repts no 134 p 940-1 Je 9

* Chicago, Ill. Bd. of educ. Regular meeting: official report, Jan. 31, 1917. 991-1372p tables Weight 17 oz Enclose postage '17 Munic. ref. lib.

* Cincinnati, O. Pub schools. 86th annual report for the school year ending Aug. 31, 1915. 403p tables '16 Office of the supt., City hall Illinois-Report of the committee on schools, Illinois state federation of labor, Quincy, Oct. 16-20, 1916. Am Teacher 5:163-4 D '16 Kansas. Bd. of administration. 2d biennial report on the state educational institutions. il charts Univ of Kansas News-Bul v 17 no 2 187p '16 * Massachusetts-Annual towns and cities: a study of school reports reports of of towns and cities. Mass Board Educ Bul 1916 no 20 44p charts postage 2c '16 Supt. of doc.


*New York (state). Education dept. 11th annual report for the school year ending July 31, 1914. 1163D '16

* Oakland, Cal. Dept. of pub. instruction. General report by the city superintendent of schools, 1913-1917. 5 pts. (Bd. of educ. bul. no. 9-13) il tables fig Je '17

The parts are as follows: pt. 1, General report; pt. 2, Intermediate school situation in Oakland, no. 10; pt. 3, Report on the proposed building program submitted to the board of education and the advisory bond commission, no. 11; pt. 4, General statistics of the Oakland schools, no. 12; pt. 5, Information service as developed in Oakland schools, no. 13.

School superintendents and principals
School board problems: effects of unstable ten-
ure of office. W. H. Young. J Educ 84:202-5
S 7 '16


National education association. Department of superintendence. Meeting, Kansas Mo., Feb. 21-Mar. 3, 1917. D. W. Springer, City, sec., Ann Arbor, Mich. National education assn. of the United States. Dept. of superintendence. Proceedings of the annual meeting held at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 21-26, 1916. N E A Bul v 4 no 6 220p 25c My '16

Contains the following addresses: The Ford idea of education, by S. S. Marquis; Some suggestions for improving the ruralschool curricula, by G. C. Creelman; Debate: the best organization for American schools is a plan which shall divide these schools into six years of elementary training and six years of secondary training, Affirmative, by C: H. Judd; Negative, by C. G: Pearse; High points in the Los Angeles plan, by J. H. Francis; Significant developments in educational surveying, by L. P. Scouting as an educational asset, by J. E. Ayres; West; The national morality codes competition, by Milton Fairchild; How not to train rural teachers, by Edward Hyatt; Rural supervision in the mountains of the south, by Jennie Burkes; The status and need of rural supervision, by A. C. Monahan; Round table of superintendents of cities with a population of over 250,000: A first step in establishing the six-three organization by H. S. West; The determination of educational policies, by Henry Snyder; The education of foreigners for American citizenship, by R. F. Crist; Round table of superintendents of cities of a population between 25,000 and 250,000; Community activities as


School superintendents and principals-Conferences -Continued

means of motivation, by F. M. Hunter; Teaching tenure, by J: F. Keating; A study of deviate children: the problem of delinquency and subnormality, by C. E: Jones; Vacation-club work, by J. H. Beveridge; Short-unit industrial courses, by M. B. King; Reliable measurements of a school system, by O. G. Wilson; The ethical as the essential factor in training for efficient citizenship in a democracy, by C: W. Cookson; Standardization of teachers' examinations, by S. A. Courtis; Improving instruction thru educational measurement, by F. W. Ballou; Does a strict enforcement of the compulsoryeducation law assist teachers and supervisors in their work? by E: B. Shallow.

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Tenure of position of superintendents and teachers. C: B. Stillman. Am Teacher 6:34-7 Mr '17

Address to the Illinois woman's legislative congress, Chicago, Dec. 29, 1916. School surveys

California-Tax payers' association has created a special bureau of educational investigation, which is undertaking a thoro analytical survey of the California educational system on a state-wide basis. The survey is being conducted by Wilford E. Talbert, director of reference and research of the Oakland public schools. Ap 21 '17 Cincinnati, O.-Study of the educational needs of the Lincoln school district. J: F. Arundel. tables charts In Cincinnati, O. Pub. schools. 86th annual report, 1915, p 251-93 '16 Educational surveys. E: F. Buchner. In U.S. Comr. of educ. Report, 1916, v 1 p 353-71 '16 Educational surveys, 1916. E. F. Buchner. 35371p '16 U. S. bur. of educ.

Reprint from the Report of the Commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1916.

Fruits of school surveys. L. V. Koos. School and Soc 5:35-41 Ja 13 '17

* School surveys, 1915. 433-92p '15 U. S. bur. of educ.

Reprint from the Report of the commissioner of education for the year ended June 30, 1915.

Significant developments in educational surveying. L. P. Ayres. In Nat. educ. assn. of the U. S. Dept. of superintendence. Proceedings, 1916. N E A Bul 4:104-11 25c My '16 Social and educational surveys. bibl In W. R. Smith. Introduction to educational sociology, p 197-215 '17 Suggestive studies of school conditions: an outlined study in school problems for women's clubs, parent-teacher associations and community organizations. J. R. Rankin. 101p il charts 16 Wis. state supt.

Chapter headings are: School and the community; School children; Pupil health and hygiene; Physical conditions;


beautification; School library; School teacher; Kindergarten; Lower grades, 1 to 4; Upper grades, 4 to 8; Discipline and moral instruction; Industrial work; Recreation; High school; Higher educational organizations; School finances; School exhibit.

See also School administration and organization


School surveys. Lib Poster no 9 6p Ap 26 '17 Comparative information

Statistical comparison. U S Bur Educ Bul 1916 no 29 p 105-17 '17

Governors' messages, 1917 Hawaii-Gov. Pinkham approves a federal survey of the secondary schools and colleges of the territory. Nevada-Gov. Boyle urges careful consideration of the report of the educational survey commission.

South Dakota-Gov. Byrne recommends a complete and thoro investigation of the entire school system.

Individual surveys

Boston, Mass.-Review of the report of the [educational] survey committee. tables In Boston, Mass. Finance comm. Reports and communications, 1917, p 162-205 17

* Brooklyn public schools. tables Brooklyn Civic Club Bul v 1 no 9 27p Ja '17

* Clarke co., Ga.-School conditions in Clarke county, Ga., with special reference to negroes. M. K. Johnson. (Phelps-Stokes studies no. 3) bibl il tables map Univ of Ga Bul v 16 no 11a 50p Ag '16 (Ed. exhausted) Cleveland, O.-Legislation recommended by the Education survey. charts Educ Survey Bul Ja 12 '17 4p

Cleveland school survey: summary volume. L. P. Ayres. (Cleveland education survey) 364p diags tables 50c '17 Survey com., Cleveland found., Cleveland, O.

The present summary volume tells of the conduct of the entire work and the findings and recommendations of the fifteen volumes relating to the regular work of the publi schools

Colorado-Report of an inquiry into the administration and support of the Colorado school system. tables US Bur Educ Bul 1917 no 5 93p '17

Porter co., Ind.-Rural school survey. School and Soc 5:203-4 F 17 '17

* Springfield, Ill.-Public schools: a survey by the division of education of the Russell Sage foundation under the direction of Leonard .P. Ayres. (SE7) 152p il tables 25c Je '14 Russell Sage found.

Washington-Survey of educational institutions of the state of Washington. US Bur Educ Bul 1916 no 26 228p '16

Wyoming-Educational survey. A. C. Monahan and K. M. Cook. il tables US Bur Educ Bul 1916 no 29 120p '17



creating a commission to study educational conditions and requirements, to harmonize, unify and revise the school laws, and to evolve an efficient system of public instruction. A report will be transmitted by the governor to the General assembly in 1919. (Ch. 186, P. L. 1917) Maryland-Session laws of 1916 authorize the continuance of the educational survey commission created in 1914 so as to allow time for a survey of the higher educational institutions which it was found impossible to cover in the period originally allotted the commission. Nevada-Session laws of 1915 authorize the governor to appoint an educational survey commission of ten persons including the state board of education to ascertain the efficiency of the educational agencies of the state. South Dakota-Act providing for an educational survey of the state during the coming year. Commission appointed by governor. $6,000 appropriation for the work, with federal assistance. (Ch. 226, P. L. 1917)

School taxes

* Delaware's school tax system: an inquiry and its answer. C: A. Wagner. 14p D '16 Bd. of educ.

See also School finance

Constitutional amendments, 1916 Alabama-An honest statement of facts about the proposed amendment to the constitution for better schools, to be voted on at the general election in Nov. 1916. 31p il '16 Supt. of educ.

School tax amendment was passed at the November 1916 election. Alabama-Shall the constitution be changed so that the city of Selma shall be empowered to levy and collect annually an additional tax of two-tenths of one per centum upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation, to be applied exclusively to the maintenance of public schools therein. Adopted. Yes 50,373 No 43,492. N 7 '16 Alabama-The several counties in the state shall have power to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in such counties in addition to that now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized for public school purposes. Adopted. Yes 69,341 No 47,543. N 7 '16 Arkansas-Amendment providing that the General assembly may by general law authorize school districts to levy by a vote of the qualified electors of such district a tax not to exceed twelve mills on the dollar in any one year for school purposes. Initiative petition. Adopted. Yes 108,173 No 52,175.

N 7 '16 Baltimore, Md.-Ordinance to authorize the mayor and city council to issue the stock of said corporation to an amount not exceeding $1,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, land for public school buildings and of constructing or reconstructing public school buildings. Adopted. Yes 53,704 No 15.947. N 7 '16 Texas-Amendment authorizing the legislature to enact a law empowering the counties to levy a special tax up to 50c on $100 for schools, and to empower common and independent school districts to levy a tax up to $1 on $100. Rejected. Yes 122,040 No 129,139. N 7 '16

Governors' messages, 1917 Delaware-Gov. Miller recommends legislation in regard to lowering the school tax rate. School terms Bayonne,


school year.


School and Soc 5:584 My 19 '17 Newark, New Jersey, all-year schools. Bur Educ City School Circ (1915-16) no 3 7p (Mim) '16

Constitutional amendments, 1917 North Carolina-Constitutional amendments to be submitted at next General assembly to require six months school term in every school district in the state. (Ch. 192, P. L. 1917)

Legislation, Comparative

• Minimum school-term regulations. J. C. Muerman. U S Bur Educ Bul 1916 no 42 18p '16 Schoolhouses

Lebanon, Pa.-Modern high school building. il Am City 16:136-7 F '17


• Minneapolis, Minn. Bd. of educ. Million a year: a five-year school building program, including discussion of some fundamental educational policies. (Monograph no. 1, ser. of 1916-17) 90p il tables charts Ag '16 • New York (state)-School buildings grounds: laws, rules, regulations and general information. 81p table '17 Univ. of the state of N. Y. Oregon-School architecture; one, two, three and four-room buildings. 45p plans. Supt. of public instruction

Racine's education problem and opportunity: a high school for wage earners. H. E. Miles. 8p H. E. Miles, Racine, Wis.

School buildings and equipment. L. P. Ayres and May Ayres. diag table In L. P. Ayres. Cleveland school survey, p 304-18 '17

Susquehanna co., Pa.-Improvement of school buildings and grounds. J: G. Wilson. 20p il '16 Clara Wilson, Montrose, Pa.

Address at convention of School directors' association of Susquehanna county, Pa., Oct. 19-20, 1916.

See also School hygiene


Bibliography on schoolhouses. In New York (state)-School buildings and grounds, p 63-71 '17


Comparative information

Construction of school buildings. tables In Boston, Mass. Finance comm. Report of a study of certain phases of the public school system, p 185-211 '16

Fire protection Laws

Fire protection. In New York (state)—School buildings and grounds, p 23-7 '17


Connecticut-Act amending P. L. 1909, ch. 81, providing that no schoolhouse shall be constructed So as to contain more than two stories above the basement unless of fireproof construction thruout, and in that event not to exceed three stories above the basement. (Ch. 182, P. L. 1917)


* Massachusetts. Joint special recess com. on building legislation. Report relative to fire protection in schoolhouses. (Senate no. 340) 41p Ja '17


Heating and ventilation

ventilation standards for schools. M. I. Beattie and J: N. Force. Cal Bd Health Monthly Bul 12:191-4 Ap '17 New York (city)-Mechanical equipment in a New York school. F. G. McCann. il fig Metal Work 86:135-7, 244-6, 310-12, 400-3, 461-2, 529-30, 585-6, 591 Ag 4, 25, S 8, 29, O 13, 27, N 10 16

Standardizing lighting and ventilation in public schools. L. W. Rapeer. J Educ 84:451-4 N 9 '16 Survey of operating costs in thirteen school buildings. J: M. Cushman, charts Heat & Ven 13:25-35 N '16


Massachusetts-Act to define the term "schoolhouse" and relative to the construction of schoolhouses. In Massachusetts. Fire prevention comr. Report, 1915-1916, p 47-8 '16


Relation of illumination to scholastic visual efficiency and health, by E. M. Alger; Artificial lighting of schoolrooms, by A. L. Powell. tables figs chart In Am. school hygiene assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 145-61 '17 Reports

* Minneapolis civic & commerce assn. Com. on municipal research. Report on analysis of five-year building program of board of education: proposed two and three year school building programs. 24p tables '17

Safety zones


Vermont-Act providing that warning signs be erected on highways within 200 feet of school houses. (No. 137, P. L. 1917)


* Chicago, Ill.-Survey of school zones: conditions relating to the safety or danger in the vicinity of public school buildings. Safety Bul no 1 12p Mr '17

Sanitation and safety

Cicero, Ill.-The heating system in the New Cicero-Stickney high school at Cicero, Ill. il Dom Eng 76:354-6 S 9 '16

Schoolhouses-Sanitation and safety -Continued Effects of outside air and recirculated air upon the intellectual achievement and improvement of school pupils. E. L. Thorndike and others. School and Soc 3:679-84; 4:260-4 My 6, Ag 12 '16 Fan furnace system in country school: positive ventilation and efficient warming of an Indiana school with equipment that is growing in popularity. il Metal Work 86:203-5 Ag 18 '16

• Iowa-Suggestions and plans for Iowa schoolhouses and grounds: better schoolhouses and grounds for Iowa boys and girls. 122p il plans '16 Dept. of public instruction New York (city)-Mechanical equipment in a New York school. F. G. McCann. fig Metal Work 86:135-7, 244-6 Ag 4, 25 '16 New York school heating practice. F. G. McCann. fig Heat & Ven 13:13-26 S '16 Ohio-Safety in school buildings. B. B. Buckley. Fireman's Herald 72:497, 503-4 D 2 '16 Ohio-Sewage disposal for school buildings in Ohio. R. S. Durrell and D. E. Adams. plan Ohio Pub Health J 7:326-38 Ag '16 Problems in schoolhouse sanitation. F. H. Wood. In Am. school hygiene assn. Proceedings, 1916, p 162-7 '17

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Boston, Mass.-Report on school centers. In Boston, Mass. Supt. of schools. Report, 1915, p 128-49 '16

Chicago, Ill.-Forty-five social centers are now conducted in the public schools and the superintendent of schools has been authorized to open centers in other school buildings in which they are desired. The appropriation for this purpose for 1917 is $50,000, and the president of the Board of education, Jacob M. Loeb, hopes to secure $100,000 with which to pursue the work next year. Ja '17 Community education. J. G. Gourlay. Pub Health (Mich.) n s 5:217-20 My '17 Community "live wire": a pioneer social center. M. P. Rich. il Am City (T & C ed) 16: 242-5 Mr '17

Consolidated school as a community center. J: H. Cook. table In Sociology of rural life: proceedings, 1916 (Pub. of the Am. sociological soc.) v 11 p 97-105 '17 Milwaukee, Wis.-Staying after school. H. O. Berg. il Survey 37:298-300 D 16 '16 Municipal neighborhood recreation


H. O. Berg. Playground 10:333-41 D '16 Public schools as municipal neighborhood recreation centers. H. O. Berg. il Am City 16: 35-43 Ja '17

School as a community center. Ethel de Long. In Nat. conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1916, p 608-14 '16 School as the community center. Nathan Peyser. Survey 36:621-3 S 23 '16

School as the heart of the community. Town 2:5-6 Ap 14 '17

Governors' messages, 1917

New Jersey-Gov. Edge recommends consideration of a plan whereby the commission of education be directed to deputize one of his assistants to immediately designate and organize certain school buildings of the state into community centers.

North Carolina-Gov. Bickett advocates the enactment of a law authorizing the county boards of education to arrange for a moving picture service in rural districts, one-third of the cost to be paid by the state, twothirds by the rural boards of education.


Michigan-Act authorizing school boards to permit use of school grounds and buildings as community or recreation centers. (Ch. 318, P. L. 1917) Minnesota-Act permitting the use of schoolhouses as social centers. (Ch. 166, P. L. 1917)

Legislation, Proposed

* Proposed community forum bill: brief explanation of a bill to provide for and regulate the use of public school buildings as community forums. 12p '17 U.S. bur. of educ. Schoolrooms

Decorations Bibliography

Schoolroom decoration: list of references. R. H. Beall NY (city) Public Lib Bul 20: 897-916 D '16

Aim is to help those who are interested in beautifying and decorating schoolrooms. Schools

• Alabama-Comparative study of the public school systems in Alabama and other typical states and an exhibition of educational conditions in the 67 counties of Alabama. (Bul. no. 55) 32p postage 2c Je '16 Dept. of educ.

Future of the public school. J. B. Johnston. Educa 37:337-50 F '17

How can social agencies promote the effectiveness of the public school? Florence Kelley. In Nat. conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1916, p 557-8 '16

If I were a school superintendent. L: T. More. Nation 104:534-7 My 3 '17 Iowa day for the public schools of the state, issued by the department of public instruction; prepared by B. W. Hoadley. 160p il '16 Opportunity and duty of the schools in the international peace movement. Lewis Rockow. In American school peace league. Yearbook, 1914-15, p 132-46 '15

First prize winning essay in Normal school set, 1915. Public library and the public schools. L. P. Ayres and Adele McKinnie. (Cleveland education survey) 93p il diags 25c '16 Survey com., Cleveland found., Cleveland, O. -Same cond. In L. P. Ayres. Cleveland school survey, p 293-303 '17

Public schools and social service. E. J. Ward. Social Service R 4:1415 N '16

Relation of public schools to road improvement. J. D. Eggleston. il Good Roads ns 13:203-5 Mr 31 '17

Relation of the community to its public schools. Albert Shiels. Munic League Bul 10:3-7 S 6 '16

Revolutionary tendencies in the school system of the United States. F: M. Davenport. Outlook 116:59-60 My 9 '17

St. Louis, Mo.-Keep the schools out of politics: do you realize that the present method of selecting school board members puts the entire control directly into the hands of the republican and democratic city committees? 8p Jl '16 Civic league, 911 Locust st., St. Louis

Advocates an appointive school board. Shrewsbury, Mass.-Vitalizing school studies: the situation in one Massachusetts town. E. M. Clark. Educa 37:557-62 My '17

• Wisconsin's over-age children. J. R. Rankin. 11p pl '16 Wis. state supt.

See also Colleges and universities; Continuation schools; Corporation schools; Correspondence schools and courses; European war and the schools; Fire drills-Schools;

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Indiana-Four new acts deal with the consolidation of the local schools. One authorizing consolidation of the schools of township with the schools of a town or towns in the township after a special election on the subject; another arranging for the joint use of the school in any incorporated town of over 2,000 inhabitants, by both the town and the township; another applies to the consolidation of schools in towns or incorporated cities of the 5th class with the schools of the township and a fourth providing for consolidating the schools of adjoining townships. (Ch. 19, 23, 24, 148, P. L. 1917)


See School directories

Federal aid

Federal aid to elementary education, by John Dewey; Further reasons for federal aid to elementary education, by P. P. Claxton. Child Labor Bul 6:61-71 My '17

Governors' messages, 1917 Georgia-Gov. Dorsey hopes that the state can share in the conditional appropriation offered by the United States government.

Gary system

Gary plan and its social bearings. H. W. Nudd. In Nat. conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1916, p 559-66 '16

Is the Gary system the panacea for our educational ills? I. G. Sargent. J Educ 84:565-7 D 7 '16: Same. Forum 56:323-6 S '16 New York (city)-Duplicate school as an educational asset. J. S. Taylor. tables School and Soc 5:301-7 Mr 17 '17

New York (city)-Modern schools for New York city: a study showing what is being done for child welfare in six districts of New York city and the possibilities of building up a "child world" through the work-study-play plan of school organization. Women and the City's Work v 1 no 30 40p 25c My 30 '16

Report of the education committee of the Women's municipal league of the city of New York. Contains the following topics: How the woman's municipal league has approached the question; Changed social and economic conditions demand a change in school ideals; Our present schools are heritages of an older generation; Conditions as they are; The proposed remedy; Brief history of official action on the Gary plan in New York; Opposition to the plan natural if one studies the history of other great reforms; Main arguments against the Gary plan with answers; Differences between the Ettinger and the Gary plans

New York (city)-Survey of the Gary schools and the pre-vocational schools. B. R. Buckingham. Indiana Univ Ext Div Bul 6:119-25 F '17

Theoretical Gary. W: L. Dealey. 269-82p '16 William L. Dealey, Clark univ., Worcester, Mass.

Reprinted from the Pedagogical Seminary, June, 1916.


Gary system: a bibliography. J. A. McMillen, librarian. 15p postage 2c Ja 31 '17 Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.


Gary system. 22p 25c '15 Bd. of educ., Syracuse, N. Y.

Report of the committee appointed by the Syracuse board of education to investigate the school system of Gary, Ind.

Governors' messages, 1917 Kansas-Gov. Capper urges more attention to rural schools, vocational training in the public schools, and a law requiring every child to complete the eighth grade. Maine-Gov. Milliken urges further medical inspection and physical training in the public schools, expert supervision of playgrounds, the more general use of schoolhouses for community purposes, and the extension thruout the state of school supervision by district superintendents. Nebraska-Gov. Neville recommends appropriations for the development and support of the public schools; also, that the names of all state and county officers be submitted on the non-partisan judiciary ballot at both the primary and general elections. South Dakota-Gov. Norbeck urges that the law be changed so that school districts may be formed and schools established in unorganized counties.



Chicago, Ill.-Recommendations for reorganization of the public school system of the city of Chicago: report of an investigation by the committee on schools, fire, police and civil service of the city council; testimony of educational experts who apthe peared before committee. 84p bibl Weight 6 oz Enclose postage '17 Munic. ref. Outside cooperation

Washington, D. C.-An educational survey has been made of opportunities for cooperation between the federal departments and the local public schools. The survey was under the direction of Superintendent Thurston and a record is now available of information and helps from different bureaus and departments which may be of definite use to both teachers and pupils. N '16

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