
Pontbriand, 429; will be glad to see
him, but cannot permit him to exer-
cise episcopal functions, 429; can-
not think he counselled cruelties
committed by Indians, 429; forms
plan for apprehension of Le Loutre,
430; learns de la Corne had exacted
French oath of allegiance at Chig-
necto, 430; proposes to get Catholic
priests from Europe, 431; desires to
extend full consideration to Acadians,
432; his answer to petition for per-
mission to leave Nova Scotia, 432;
proof, no desire to force the Acadians
to leave, 433; refuses general per-
mission to leave, 434; asks for leave
to return home, 439; marries daughter
of lord Townshend, 439; his charac-
ter, 439.

Costabelle: sends munitions of war to
Acadia, iii. 117; notified cession of
Newfoundland, 130; complains of
missionaries, 131.

Cotton, father Pierre: a jesuit, i. 76.,

Courcelles, Daniel de Remy de ap-
pointed governor, i. 327; visits lake
Champlain, 331; builds flat-bottomed
boats, 333; his expedition [1665],
335-9; his losses, 340; ascent of the
St. Lawrence, 391; his route from
Canada, ii. 205; opens road from
Montreal to Chambly, 255.

Couillard, sieur: i. 55; married Hébert's

second daughter, 85; works farm,
85; instructed by Champlain to equip
vessel, 85.

Council of [1646]: formed, i. 189.
Coureurs de Bois: i. 375; Talon's
opinion of them, 375; popular at
Montreal, 416; amnesty to, ii. 18;
ordered to return to Quebec, 394.
Courtemanche, de Repentigny de:
lieutenant on expedition against fort
Loyall, ii. 338.
Courtemanche, de: with Indians, placed
to defend island of Orleans [1759],
iv. 234; surprises a boat, 234.
Courtemanche, de: mission to western

[blocks in formation]


Croghan Indian trader on the Ohio,
iii. 448; his treaty with Miamis ob
jected to, 448.

Croisnil, de: with Abenakis at George-
town, iii. 177.

Cromwell: sends out expedition to

seize Manhattan, ii. 176; takes Aca-
dia, 177; death of, 177.
Crown Point: taken possession of, iii.
286; its advantages, 286; earl
Waldegrave protests against French
occupation, 286; true name in Eng-
lish, 286.; reinforced, 301; force
assembled there, 330; attacked by
Amherst, iv. 334; abandoned, 335-
Crowne, William: gets patent from
Cromwell of land in Acadia, ii. 177.
Crozat: his exclusive charter, iii. 229;
resigns charter to Law, 232.
Cumberland, duke of: unpopularity,
iv. 90; persuades king to dismiss
ministers, 97; defeated at Hasten-
berg, ICO; convention of Clostern
Severn, 101; received in anger by
king, 101; resigns his appointments,


Cumberland fort: [Wells Creek], iii. 448.
Curés: permanency of position, objected
to by bishop Dosquet, iii. 279.
Currency: unsatisfactory condition of,
ii. 21; discussions as to, 24.

[blocks in formation]

Cussy, de governor of Ile Tortue, ii.


Customs: at an early date of settlement,
i. 156.


Dablon, père: sent to Onondagas, i.
234; returns with tribe to Quebec,
235; his overland journey to Hud-
son's bay, iii. 4.

D'Aiguillon, duchesse: founds hôtel
Dieu at Quebec, 161.

Daine, royal notary: mayor of Quebec,
signs memoir calling for surrender,
iv. 289.

Dalling, major: sent to port d'Espag-

nol [Sydney], iv. 151; takes several
prisoners near Quebec, 250.
Damiens attempt upon king's life, iv.
41; its consequences, 42; his trial
and fearful punishment, 42.
Damours: arrest of, by de Frontenac,
ii. 14.

Damours, Mde.: presents to council her

husband's petition, ii. 15.
Damours, sons of: settle in Acadia, ii.

185; in command of raid, 384.
Daniel, Antoine: jesuit father, i. 1017.;
ascends to Huron country, 148; re-
turns to Quebec, 161; killed at Saint
Joseph, 205; his career, 205.
Darby, colonel: takcs possession of
Chambly, iv. 399.

Daudin, missionary priest: his early
career, i. 490; at fort Edward,
491; ordered to Halifax, 491; re-
proved, makes submission, 491.
Dauphin son of Louis XV., iv. 38n.
Dauphin fort: constructed, iii. 374.
Davis, capt. Sylvester: rescued by
Phips, ii. 245; account of taking of
fort Loyall, 338-342; taken prisoner
at fort Loyall, 341.
Débryeux, Mde. : case of, ii. 286.
Decanisora: Onondaga chief, waits on
de Callières, ii. 296; described as
resembling bust of Cicero, 296; in-
forms authorities in Albany of his

proceeding to Quebec, 392; states
readiness to release French prisoners,

De Celles, Mr. : ii. 560; iv. 290n.
Deerfield, Massachusetts: massacre at,
ii. 414; attack upon [1704], iii. 77.
Delius minister at Albany, sent to
Quebec, ii. 318.
Denonville, Jacques René de Brisay
de: appointed governor, ii. 58; sails
for Canada, 62; character of, 63;
recommends purchase of New York,
65; proposes construction of fort at
Niagara, 69; correspondence with
Dongan, 69; prepares for war with
Senecas, 71; expedition organized,
leaves Montreal, 79; arrives at Catar-
aqui, 80; joined by de Champigny,
80; to hide his design, keeps mis-
sionaries at their posts, 81; attack
of the Senecas, 82; their defeat, 84;
lays waste their country, 85; estab-
lishes fort Niagara, 85; returns, 86;
correspondence with Dongan as to
Senecas, 89; proposes attack on New
York, 94; signs peace with Iro
quois, 96; leaves Canada, 106; his
record as governor considered, 116;
establishes mission among Abenakis,
190; orders destruction of fort Fron-
tenac, 201.
Denonville, Mde. de: last wife of gover-
nor-general of French birth in Can-
ada, ii. 64.

Denys, Nicholas: early historian of
Acadia, ii. 174; taken prisoner by Le
Borgne, 175; gets grant from French
king, 176; his subsequent history,

Desaunier, demoiselles: store at Caugh-
nawaga, ii. 293.

Desbergères : in command of fort Niag
ara when abandoned [1687], ii. 86.
Descheneaux, Brassard: iii. 544.
Desenclaves, Jean Baptiste : priest in
Acadia, at Cape Sable, iv. 151; his
career, 151.
Deserters: their extraordinary stories to
French at Quebec, iv. 246.

[blocks in formation]

Dexter, Samuel: proceeds to Montreal,
iii. 195.

Diamond, John: seized, tortured and
burned at Wells, by Indians, ii.

Dieskau, baron commander of forces,

iii. 524 desirous of attacking Oswe
go, 527; ordered to Crown Point,
527; his force, 527; ascends lake
Champlain, 529; marches south,
529; proceeds to attack Johnson,
529; failure of his ambush, 530;
attacks advance column, 530;
marches against camp, 531; attacks
intrenchment, 532; repulsed, 532;
wounded and taken prisoner, 533.
Dime, le: established, i. 359.
Dinwiddie, lieutenant-governor of Vir-
ginia: efforts to preserve Ohio terri-
tory, iii. 451; sends major Washing-
ton with letter, 451n.; difficulties
with house of burgesses as to fees,
452; troops at his command, 452;
assembles troops under command of
Washington, 453; raises embargo on
vessels without authority, iv. 33.
Discovery: difference of, between

French and English colonies, i. 114.
Dissatisfaction in London: failure of

Loudoun's expedition, iv. 36.
Distress in Canada: iii. 542.
D'Olban recollet father, i. 48.

Dollard: affair of, i. 261; non-identity

of description, 261n.

Dollier, de Casson: alludes to Cham-
plain's labours at Montreal, i. 38n. ;
arrival in Canada, 343; joins de
Tracy's expedition, 343; sent to lake
Nipissing, 379; proposes to visit
western country, 379; expedition or-
ganized, 380; joins in Galinee's ex-
pedition, 381 [see Galinée]; addresses
de Frontenac, 420; sends message
by Le Ber, relative to Fénelon's ser-
mon, 424; visited by de la Nauguerre,
424; at Quebec, 426.

Dolu, M., intendant: i. 60; instructs
Champlain to take possession of
merchandise, 62.

Domergue, French officer: killed in
Schuyler's attack on Laprairie, ii.

Dominicié, Basque captain: bearer of
letter of Philipps, iii. 141.
Donacona Indian chief, i. 4.


Dongan, colonel Thomas, governor of
New York: letter of Louis XIV.
regarding, ii. 46; his character, 47;
correspondence with de la Barre,
48; his dealings with Iroquois, 49;
protests against fort at Niagara, 70;
summons Senecas to Albany, ii. 88;
correspondence with de Denonville,
89; with father Valiant, 91; re-
called, 93; remains in America, after-
wards proceeds to France, 348n.
Donnés lay Jesuit brothers, i. 202.
Dosquet, M.: appointed coadjutor
bishop, iii. 278; his early career,
278; wrecked in "l'Elephant," 279;
difficulties from his position as coad-
jutor, 281; at variance with semin-
ary, 281; calls upon newly-appointed
cures to send in resignation, 281;
appoints superior of hospital without
knowledge of governor, 282; forbids
admission to sacraments parties using
liquor in trade, 283; explains his
threat of excommunication, 284; pro-
ceeds to France, 284; returns bishop
of Quebec, 284; resigns his see, 284.

[blocks in formation]

Douart: found murdered, i. 203.
Douay, Anastase: recollet priest with
de La Salle, ii. 128; starts with de
La Salle for Canada, 153; his com-
panion when murdered, 157; con-
tinues journey after murder, 159;
suppresses news of de La Salle's
death, 160; arrives in Canada and
proceeds to France, 162; returns to
Louisiana, iii. 213.

Doucette, John: lieutenant-governor
Nova Scotia, iii. 138; calls upon
inhabitants to swear allegiance, 139;
reports bad condition of fort to Lon-
don, 139.

Dover treaty of, i. 413.
Drucour, chevalier de: in command of

Louisbourg, iv. 122; retains ships,
129; correspondence with Amherst
as to surrender, 136; impossibility
of further resistance, 137.
Drucour, Mde. de, iv. 142n.
Druillètes, Père: missionary to the
Abenakis, i. 192; proceeds to New
England to obtain treaty of commerce,
192; his account of the colonies,
193; sent officially from Quebec,
194; unsuccessful, 194; selected as
missionary to the Ottawas, 238.
Dubois, cardinal: his early life, iii. 256.
Dubuisson sent to lake Michigan, iii.

Duchambon: governor of Louisbourg,

iii. 310.

Du Chesne : on expedition against
Schenectady, ii. 209.
Duchesnay accompanied expedition
[1686], to Hudson's bay, iii. 14.
Duchesnay, Geneviève : mère Saint
Augustin, iii. 260; ordered to lock
doors of hospital, 260; suspended by
canons, 261; restored, 266.
Duchesnay, Theodore, lieutenant-
colonel ii. 240.

Duchesneau, Jacques: appointed in-
tendant, i. 433; sails with de Laval,
433; presiding officer of council,
433; acts independently of de Fron-
tenac, 435; issues proclamation for-

bidding protestants to exercise their
religion, 435; claims official seat in
church, 436; supported by de Laval,
436; rebuked by Colbert, 437 ; states
de Frontenac to be interested in fur
trade, 439; under influence of de
Laval, 441; his character, 441;
writes Colbert sustaining bishop, 445;
contests with de Frontenac, presi-
dency of council, ii. I; his letters
attacking de Frontenac, 7; replies to
minute of council, 28; recalled, 32.
Duclos commissaire, Louisiana, iii.

Dudley, Thomas: governor of Massa-
chusetts, ii. 424; proposes a truce to
de Vaudreuil, 428; holds conference
with Indians, iii. 72; reproached for
failure before port Royal, 84; his
anger at failure of operations against
port Royal [1707], 90; sends three
commissioners to Casco, 90.
Dudley, William: proceeds to Montreal,
iii. 195.


Dudouyt, de, vicar general: sent to
Paris by de Laval, i. 374, advo-
cates the bishops' views, 437; his
interviews with Colbert, 441; informs
de Laval nothing will be done for a
twelvemonth in matter of liquor,
444; recommends suspension of ex-
communications, 444; his letter re-
lative to chapter at Quebec, ii. 62.
Duguay captain royal force, with de
Denonville's expedition, ii. 79.
Duhaut starts with de La Salle for
Canada, ii. 153; his hatred of de La
Salle, 155; murderer of de La
Salle, 156; circumstances of mur-
der, 156; seizes de La Salle's pro-
perty, 157; killed by Hiens, 159.
Du Luth, Daniel Greysolon: named as
a coureur de bois, i. 439; his youth,
482; on lake Superior, 482; hears of
Frenchmen on the Mississippi, 482;
finds Hennepin near the St. Croix,
482; all proceed to Sioux village,
482; obtains release of Hennepin,
482; ordered by de la Barre to join

expedition against Senecas, ii. 54;
makes Albany traders prisoners, 75;
defeats Iroquois after massacre at
Lachine, 105.

Dumas: present at attack on Braddock,

iii. 484; replaces de Contrecœur,
539; desolates Virginian and Penn-
sylvanian frontier, 540.

Du May sent to Tadousac, i. 62.
Du Mesnil, Peronne de: arrives in
Canada, i. 305; ordered to make in-
vestigations, 305; reports company
defrauded, 306; calls upon de Mésy,
306; objects to appointments, 306;
asks protection of Gaudais, 306; his
arrest ordered, 307; sent back to
France, 307; his opponents connected
by marriage, 307.
Dumesnil servant to de La Salle,

eaten by an alligator, ii. 150.
Dummer, William, governor, Massa-

chusetts his reply to de Vaudreuil,
iii. 187; sends commissioners to
Montreal, 195.

Dumont: his account of Canada [1663],
i. 153".

[blocks in formation]

Du Plessis: recollet brother, arrives, i.
48; at Three Rivers, 55; his death, 60.
Du Plessis, admiral: assists jesuit fathers
to ascend with Hurons, i. 148.
Duplessis sent to fort Frontenac, iv.
185; proceeds to La Presentation,
186; sends Benoit to Frontenac, 186.
Duplessy: sends news from Montreal of
Schuyler's attack on Laprairie, ii. 256.
Dupuy sent in command to Onon-

dagas, i. 235; his resolute behaviour,
243; his successful retreat, 243.
Dupuy, Claude Thomas, intendant: ar-
rives in Canada, iii. 251; his disputes
with de Beauharnois, 257; his pre-
tensions, 257; appointed executor to

bishop de Saint Vallier, 258; pre-
pares for his funeral, 259; refuses
to recognize vicars-general, 259;
summons canons to appear before
court, 260; carries out burial of the
bishop at hospital, 260; his proceed-
ings against canons, 262; opposed
by de Beauharnois, 265; leaves for
France, 265.

Duquesne, de Menneville, governor-gen-
eral arrives in Canada, iii. 445; in-
structed to arrest progress of the
British on the Ohio, 445: complains
of discipline of troops, 446; organ-
izes expedition to Ohio, 446; takes
possession of valley, 453; calls upon
Le Loutre and de Vergor to incite
Indians to attack, 461; approves
attacks of Abenaquis, 493; replaced
by de Vaudreuil, 522.
Duquesne fort: commenced, iii. 453;
expedition against, iv. 191; the two
routes from the east, 195; character
of the country, 195; destroyed, 212;
taken possession of and named Pitts-
burg, 213; the news in England, 222.
Duquet: no record of journey to Hud-

son's bay, iii. 4.

Durell, admiral: ordered to the Saint
Lawrence, iv. 231; leaves Halifax,
231; his duties on the Saint Law
rence, 232; arrives at Île-aux-Cou-
dres, 232; three of his young officers
taken prisoners, 233; too late to
prevent arrival of spring fleet, 233;
attempts to land at Saint Paul, 234;
buoys out channel, 234.
Du Tast: unable to carry out expedition
of [1691], iii. 30.

Dutch attack Acadia, ii. 181; driven
away by English, 181.
Dutch settlement: of New York, i. 352.
Du Verger: provincial of recollets, ap-

plied to, to send missionaries, i. 47.
Duvivier surprises Canso, iii. 302; ad-

vances towards Annapolis, 302;
attacks fort, 305; abandons siege,
307; his birth, 307.; superseded,

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