

canoes to Three Rivers, 203; their
depression on the murder of five
missionaries, 208; close of the mis-
sion, 212; give fête to d'Argenson,
245; attempt to obtain appointment
of bishop, 250; their opposition to
de Queylus, 250; described by Talon
as having reformed their conduct,
372; their power with de Denon-
ville, ii. 66 oppose seminary of
Quebec, iii. 281; influence on side
arbitrary power, 281; an annual
religious service in their honour dis-
continued, 281; re-established by
bishop Dosquet, 282; revoked, 282;
accused of trading with Albany, 293:
the store of the demoiselles Desau-
nier, 293; supreme in France, iv. 38.
Jesuit missions: the labour and dis-
comfort suffered, i. 198; changes
made in conducting them, 199; the
head station, 199.
Jogues, Isaac, father: attacked by
smallpox, i. 162; seized as prisoner,
185; escapes, 186; his sufferings,
186; sent to the Mohawks, 188; his
death, 189.

Johnson, Sir William : appointed sole
director Indian affairs, iii. 469; his
early career, 525; appointed major-
general, 525; assembles troops at
carrying-place, 526; the difficulties
he had to overcome, 526; beats off
French attack, 533; his protection of
Dieskau, 535; gives name of lake
George to these waters, 535; receives
baronetcy, 535; not possible for him
to continue operations, 536; holds
council of war, 536; not advisable
to attack Crown Point, 536; his
letters on defeat of Braddock and loss
of Oswego, iv. 2; his ability in
dealing with Indians, 3; meets Mr.
Edmund Atkin, 4; at Ticonderoga,
171, at Niagara in command of
Indians, 324; assumes command on
Prideaux' death, 324; defeats French
re-inforcements from the Ohio, 324;
sends major Hervey to propose capit-


ulation, 326; fort capitulates, 326;
terms granted, 326 and 3271.;
number of prisoners taken, 327;
calls upon Haldimand to proceed to
Niagara, 327; arrives at Oswego
with Indians, 383; praised by
Amherst for his control of Indians,

Jolliet, Louis: sent by Talon to lake
Superior, i. 384; meets Galinée on
his return, 384; his early youth,
399; descends Mississippi, 401;
proceeds to Quebec, 405; map to
Hudson's bay, land route from Que-
bec, iii. 9.


Jolliet, Mde.: taken prisoner by Phips,
ii. 233; exchanged, 245.
Joncaire taken prisoner, ii. 301; his
influence, 391; meets Schuyler, 399;
passes winter with Senecas, 413;
proceeds to Montreal, 415; his ad-
vice to d'Aigremont, 436; indignant
with de Lamberville, 446; leaves
Senecas, 448; commands Indians
under de Ramezay, 449.
Jonquest, Etienne : i. 55.
Jonquest, Mde., Hébert's eldest daugh-
ter death of, i. 60.
Jordi, de interdicted, ii. 286.
Joutel: volunteer in de La Salle's expedi-
tion, ii. 129; in command of detach-
ment, 135; plot to kill, 143; left by
de La Salle in fort, 149; starts with
de La Salle for Canada, 153; con-
tinues journey after murder, 159;
arrives in Canada and proceeds to
France, 162; his account of landing
by de La Salle considered, 165.
Joybert, Pierre de, of Soulanges, Cham-
pagne: father of Mde. de Vaudreuil,
ii. 64n.

Juchereau, sieur attempts settlement
on Wabash, ii. 409.
Juchereau de St. Denis: wounded in
Phips' attack on Quebec, ii. 240.
Juchereau, la sœur de St. Ignace : her

account of Phips' expedition, ii. 234;
reputed authoress of history of hôtel-
Dieu, Quebec, 28on.

[blocks in formation]


with Foxes, ii. 475 ; iii. 271; a party
seize prisoners, 272.
King Philip's war ii. 188.
Kirke's expedition: i. 87; defeats de
Roquemont, 92; burns vessels he
cannot use, 93; arrival of his fleet
before Quebec, 95; names of ships,

Kirke family an ancient family from

north Derbyshire, i. 142.

Kirke, David, an Englishman, not
French huguenot: at Tadousac, i.
97; proceeds to Quebec, 98; seizes
French vessels, 100; hunts in com-
pany with Champlain, 100; protests
against furs being given up, 110.
Kirke, Gervase: an English merchant,
i. 87.

Kirke, Louis commands ships before
Quebec, i. 95; restores Quebec to
the French, III.

[blocks in formation]

La Blaussière: sent by de Frontenac to
Iroquois, burned, ii. 212.

la Brognerie, de: killed at Wells, ii.

la Chaise, père: confessor to Louis
XIV., ii. 292.

la Chasse, père de, superior of jesuits :
condemns transfer of Indians to
Cape Breton, iii. 175; accompanies
Abenakis to Georgetown, 177;
writes letter for Indians, 178.
La Chauvignerie: sent by de Fronte-
nac to the Iroquois, ii. 212.
La Chenaye massacre at, ii. 202.
la Chesnaye, Aubert de: beneficence
of, ii. 40; adviser of de la Barre,
40; alleged to be his partner, accom-
panies him on expedition, 52; op-
poses de La Salle, III; fits out
expedition to Hudson's bay [1682],
iii. 6.

Lachine traditional origin of name,



i. 396; attacked by Indians, ii. 101;
massacre of the night of the 4th and
5th August, 101; Indian cruelties,
102; de Subercase advances to attack
Indians, 103; restrained by de Vau-
dreuil, 103; the Iroquois retire un-
harmed, 105.

La Corne, chevalier de: assumes com-
mand at Grand Pré, iii. 349 in
command at Michillimackinac, 393;
constructs fort Beauséjour, 435.
La Corne, recollet [capt. Jean Barthe] :
at Miramichi, iii. 515.

la Dauversière, M. de: i. 178; loss to
Montreal by his bankruptcy, 195;

la Demoiselle, Miami Indian chief:
iii. 405; attacked by Charles Lang-
lade and killed, 450.

la Durantaye, de: ordered by de la
Barre to join expedition against
Senecas, ii. 54; successfully attacks
Albany traders, 75: results of his
attack, 77; engaged in expedition
against Senecas, 79; in command at
Michillimackinac, 203; recalled, 220;
arrives in Montreal, 229; supports
de Vaudreuil, 388; resigns commis-
sion, 389; reports arrival of two
Frenchmen overland by the Abbit-
tibbi and Ottawa, iii. 12.

la Durautaye, de: in command of
party against Rogers, iv. 85.
La Famine [Salmon River]: proposed
as place of meeting by Iroquois, ii.
38; peace of, 56; "Le Rat" places
himself in ambush there, 97.
la Ferté, Juchereau de: appointed to
council, i. 302.

Lafitau, père: introduces Gensing,
ii. 502; his career, 503n.

La Forrest: left by de La Salle at fort
Frontenac, ii. 39; possession taken
by order de la Barre, 43; declines
offer to serve under him, 112; pro-
ceeds to fort on Illinois, 68; joins
de Denonville, 81.

La Frédière, de: tyrannical behaviour,

i. 395.


la Fresnière, de : takes possession of
Crown Point, iii. 286.

La Galette: proposition to garrison, ii.
42; de Lamberville recommends
should be fortified, 50; canoes at-
tacked there, 87; fort proposed at,

la Galissonnière, Rolland Michel de,
governor-general: arrives at Quebec,
iii. 357; his services and high char-
acter, 387; his memoir on Canada,
389; directs attention to Ohio, 390;
prefers Montreal to Quebec, 394;
returns to France, 408; recommends
French retention of eastern part of
Nova Scotia, 423; one of commis-
sioners to establish boundaries, 423;
regards Cape Breton as point from
which war can be carried on against
British possession, 423.

La Gargousse, Hudson's bay so named:
iii. II.

la Gorgendière, Catherine de, wife of
third Baron de Longueuil: ii. 64n.
la Gorgendière, Louise Thérèse Fleury,
de, wife of de Rigaud: ii. 64n.
La Grande Armée: i. 231.
la Grande Cuiller: i. 246.

la Grande Gueule [Big Jaw], Indian
chief: ii. 50.

La Hontan, Baron: his career and
memoirs, ii. 59n.

la Jemeraye, nephew of de La Verend-

rye: iii. 372; sent to fort Maurepas,
373; his death, 373.

la Jonquière, Jacques, Pierre de Taffa-

nel, Marquis de: sent to replace de
Beauharnois, iii. 338; his services,
339; on board admiral's ship, 339;
in command of fleet, 340; close of
expedition, 340; its losses by disease,
341; fleet sails away, 341; made
prisoner in naval action off Cape
Finisterre, fought by Anson and
Warren, 351; governor-general, 4c8;
his name identified with ill-treatment
of son of de La Verendrye, 411; ap-
points de Saint Pierre in command of
expedition, 411; charged with being

engaged in trade, 412; his fondness
for money, 412; the story of the
wax tapers, 412n.; knew de La
Verendrye, 412; takes no active
steps consequent on de Céloron's ex-
pedition, 415; writes to Clinton for-
bidding British trading on the Ohio,
415; his death, 416; his correspond-
ence with Le Loutre approving his
schemes, 427; sends de La Corne with
men and arms to Acadia, 427; writes
to Cornwallis, trusts peace will con-
tinue, 429; declines to interfere with
matters under control of bishop, 429;
issues orders, Acadians must take
French oath, 438.

lake Champlain : first recorded fight

on its shores, i. 32; steps taken for
defence of [1759], iv. 219.

lake Chatauqua : iii. 397.

lake George: so named by Johnson,
iii. 535; iv. 161n.; 162.

lake Huron discovered by Cham-

plain, i. 50.



lake Ontario: discovered by Cham-
plain, i. 51; early mention of, 226.
lake Pepin French settlement at,
iii. 270; not attacked, 272.
lake Ponchartrain: iii. 215 and n.
lake Saint Peter: first visited by
Champlain, i. 22.

lake Sturgeon: Champlain makes
portage to, i. 51.

lake Superior known, i. 212; terri-
tory west of, iii. 366.

lake of Two Mountains: visited by
Champlain [1611], i. 37.

lake of the Woods: visited by de
Noyon, iii. 366.

la Lande, Mde. de : taken prisoner by
Phips, proposes exchange of prison-
ers, ii. 244.
Lalemant, père Charles: his letters

acknowledging obligations to the
recollets, i. 73; wrote first relation
[1626], 75; his description of Canada,
75; his complaints, 77; interests
himself in the project of Montreal,
178; his early life, 179.

Lalemant, Gabriel, jesuit father: re-
turns to St. Mary's, i. 204; made
prisoner at St. Joseph's, 205; tor-
tured and burned, 206; his career, 206.
Lalemant, père Jerome: arrives in
Canada, i. 259; intercedes for woman
convicted of selling liquor, 288; re-
plies to de Mésy's letter, 316.
la Madelaine, M. de: i. 152.
la Maisonforte, de : taken prisoner,
iii. 317.

Lamberville, de, jesuit father: sent to

Senecas, ii. 49; his letter to de la
Barre, 57; his second mission, 71;
left by de Denonville among Senecas,
81; exercises his influence in gover-
nor's interest, 96; sent on embassy
to Senecas, 101; with Onondagas,
409; leaves for Montreal, 447;
blamed by de Joncaire, 447.
Lamberville, de, the younger, jesuit:
sent to the Onondagas, ii. 55.
Lamothe. Cadillac : sent to fort at
Michillimackinac, ii. 302; his char-
acter of de Frontenac, 3281⁄2.; con-
structs fort at Detroit, 408; leaves
Detroit for Quebec, 432; returns to
Detroit, 434; enlists Iroquois to
proceed thither, 434; coerces Mia-
mis, 435; blamed by d'Aigremontin
his report, 437; proposes companies
of Indians, 437; writes to Versailles
that d'Aigremont's visit had been
hasty, 438; governor of Louisiana,
iii. 229; complains of what is objec
tionable, 230; not charged with un-
worthy motives, 231; ascends Mis-
sissippi to examine mine, 231; re-
called, 231.

la Mothe, Chevalier de: draws up procès
verbal, abandonment of fort Niagara,
[1686], ii. 86; in command between
Longueuil and Sorel, 223.

la Mothe, de sent to Senecas by de
La Salle, i. 454; objects to Garnier
remaining at council, 454; states de
La Salle's desire to build ship above
falls, 454; returns to Lewiston, 454;
again proceeds to Seneca village, 457-


La Nauguère, de: appointed governor
Montreal, i. 420.

Land: clauses introduced into conces-
sion of, declared illegal, ii. 485.
Landry, John: takes furs from Mines
for Vetch, iii. 109; presents furs, 109.
L'Ange Gardien: burned, iv. 262.
Langelier, Mr. J. C., of Quebec: ii.

Langlade, Charles: attacks village of
la Demoiselle, iii. 450.

Langy, de: attacks British scouts, iv.
48; hovers about fort Edward, 84;
commands force against Rogers, 85;
reports British advance, 163; attacks
party near Crown Point, 379; his
death, 397.

[blocks in formation]


la Noue, de sent to the Kaministiquia,
[1716], iii. 366.

la Peltrie, Madame de: her birth and
character, i. 165; visits Tours, 167;
at Paris, 168; embarks at Dieppe,
168; founds Ursuline convent, Que.
bec, 168; accompanies de Maison-
neuve to Montreal, 183; returns to
Quebec, 184; her death, 395.
La Perouse attacks Hudson bay forts
[1782], iii. 44.

la Perrière, Boucher de: commands
Indians [1708], iii. 92.

La Plaque, Indian scout: ii. 225.
La Potherie, de: his account of Port
Nelson, iii. 8.

La Potherie, Le Neuf de arrives in
Canada, i. 159; arrests Indian chief
at Three Rivers, 246.

La Presentation [Ogdensburg]: iii. 409;
established as post, iv. 312.

la Ralde, de: placed in command, i.

78; considered by the jesuits to be
unfavourable to them, 79.

La Reine, fort on the Assiniboine :
constructed, iii. 374.


la Ribourde, Gabriel, recollet father:
accompanies de La Salle, i. 459; his
death, 478; ii. 29.


la Roche, de, father: i. 81.
la Roche, marquis de : i. 13.
La Rochelle: mayor's speech, i. 59.
La Salle, Robert Cavalier de
birth, i. 376; first appearance in
Montreal, 377; his brother, 377; his
voyages, 377; his concession of land
at Lachine, 378; abandons his pro
perty to seminary, 379; proposes to
proceed to the west, 380; joins expe-
dition of Dollier de Casson and Gali-
née, 381; leaves it at the Grand river,
385; his early career, 405; seen by
Nicolas Perrot on the Ottawa, 406;
his claim to discovery of Mississippi
examined, 407; his explorations south
of lake Erie, 408; supposed to have
reached Ohio, 408; obtains grant of
Cataraqui, 414; conduct during de
Fénelon's sermon, 423; blamed by
seminary, 427; fort Frontenac ceded
to, 435; proceeds to France to obtain
money [1674], 448; one of the twenty
commissioners, 448; again in France,
obtains large sums [1677], 449; de-
fects in character, 451; leaves King-
ston in November, 451; arrives at
Niagara, 452; constructs fort at Nia-
gara river, 453; sends de La Mothe
and Hennepin to Senecas on snow-
shoes, 453; at Seneca village, 455;
removes objection of Indians against
construction of ship, 455; leaves
vessel to proceed on snow-shoes to
Niagara, 455; in his absence vessel
wrecked, 455; reaches Niagara, 455;
proceeds above falls, 456; selects
Cayuga creek, ten miles from Buffalo,
for building vessel, 456; keel of ves-
sel laid, 456; owing to loss of stores
returns to Cataraqui, 456; his endur-
ance, 456; his embarrassments, 458;
proceeds in "le Griffon to upper
lakes, 459; joined by two recollets,
459; sails in "le Griffon" [1679],
460; approaches Detroit, 460;


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