
arrives at Michillimackinac, 461;
reaches Green bay, 461; difficulty
from want of canoes, 462; "le Grif-
fon" laden with furs to return to Cat-
araqui, 462; never again seen, 462;
ascends to head of lake Michigan,
463; ascends river St. Joseph, 464;
waits for arrival of de Tonty, 465;
reaches portage to Kankakee, 466;
descends the Kankakee, 466; effects
landing, 467; fort Crêvecœur, 468;
constructs another vessel, 468; sends
Hennepin to upper Mississippi, 469;
returns to Niagara, 470; his arduous
journey, 470; arrives at Montreal,
471; seizes a party of deserters,
472; reaches the Kankakee again,
472; arrives at Indian town, 473;
terrible evidence of attack by Iro-
quois, 473; descends river in search
of de Tonty, 474; blazes a tree with
marks, 474; returns to fort Miami,
lake Michigan, 474; generally ac
companied by recollet fathers, 480;
at fort Miami [winter, 1680-81], 483;
met de Tonty and father Membré at
Michillimackinac, 483; obtains funds
from Montreal, 483; organization of
expedition to descend Mississippi,
484; descent of river to gulf of
Mexico, 485; raises column to Louis
XIV., 486; foundation of Louisiana,
486; his fort on the Illinois, ii. 40;
its effect on the tribe, 40; sails for
France, 41; fort Frontenac seized
by de la Barre, 43; remains unwell
at fort Prudhomme, 109; establishes
fort on Illinois, 110; opposed by de
la Barre, 111; fort Frontenac seized,
112; proceeds to France, 112; in
Paris, 115; proposals to French
government, 118; his expedition to
gulf of Mexico, 120; his distrust of
those with him, 127; his difficul-
ties with subordinates, 127; start of
the expedition, 129; at San Do-
mingo, 130; changes to "l'Aimable,"
131; arrives in gulf of Mexico and
explores coast, 133; lands troops,

135; his stores, 137; "l'Aimable"
wrecked, 138; rescues captured
sailors from Indians, 140; de Beau-
jeu sails for France, 142; constructs
fort, 144; further explorations on
coast, 146; the "Belle" lost, 147;
returns to fort, 147; resolves to seek
aid from Canada, 148; influence
exercised by him, 149; leaves on
expedition to find route to Missis-
sippi, 149; returns to fort, 150;
starts for Canada, 153; murdered,

[blocks in formation]

la Tour, officer of artillery: murdered
at Oswego by Indians, iv. 19n.
la Tour, Charles de: a baronet of
Nova Scotia, ii. 173; marries widow
of de Charnisay, 175; accepts Eng-
lish allegiance, 177; sells land to
Temple and Crowne, 177; his death,

la Tour, Claude Etienne de : settles
in Acadia, ii. 172; carried prisoner
to England, 172; takes grant from
lord Selkirk, 172.
Lauberivière, Mgr. de: appointed

bishop, iii. 284; his early death, 285.
Launay, de left by de Tonty on Mis-
sissippi, ii. 160.
Laureyat, père: endeavours to make

Abenaki Indians hostile, iii. 170.
Lauson, Jean de : refuses permission to
recollets to proceed to Canada, i. 123;
their steady opponent, 151; arrives at
Quebec as governor, 216; his acquisi-
tions, 216; at Three Rivers, 221;
desires to keep troops at Quebec,
225; insulted by Mohawks, 237;
returns to France, 239.
Lauson, Jean de killed, i. 264.


Laval, François de: first bishop of
Quebec, i. 250; the Laval family, 251;
not entitled to affix of de Montmo-
rency, 252n.; pedigree, 294; his life,
253; his religious opinions, 254; his
influence upon events, 254; his early
life, 255; named bishop of Petrea,
256; opposed by French episcopate,
256; appointed vicar-apostolic in
Canada, 256; clashes with arch-
bishop of Rouen, 256; consecrated
by pope's Nuncio with closed doors,
257; king gives him letters patent,
257; pretensions of archbishop of
Rouen, 258; arrives at Quebec, 259;
proceeds to Ursuline convent, 259;
religious orders acknowledge his ju-
risdiction, 259; disputes with d'Ar-
genson, 267; his ecclesiastical pre-
tensions, 269; his effort to obtain
political pre-eminence, 271; con.
temporary opinions concerning him,
272; his influence in France, 273;
his austere life, 274; calls on clergy
to recognize only his authority, 278;
visits Montreal, 278; orders de
Queylus not to leave Quebec, 280;
asks d'Argenson to enforce request,
threatens de Queylus with
suspension, 282; opposes Bull for curé
of Montreal, 283; threatens excom-
munication to those dealing in liquor
with Indians, 287; his stern reprisals,
288; his threat of censures and ex-
communications, 289; leaves Canada
to obtain appointment of bishop of
Quebec, 289: obtains promise from
king, 290; bishopric endowed, 290;
returns to Canada, 293; desires to
exclude Protestants, 295; appointed
bishop of Quebec, 296; in Paris
[1662], 301; returns to Canada with
de Mésy, 302; his quarrels as to the
seat in church and the fête-dieu, 314;
his reply to de Mésy, 316; establishes
seminary of Quebec, 317; makes
temporary peace with de Mésy, 319;
again opposes de Mésy, 323; pub.
lishes a monitoire relative to liquor,


323; New Year's day civilities, 324;
conduct to de Mésy, 327; difficul
ties as to bishopric of Quebec, 397;
remains in France three years, 398;
appointed bishop of Quebec, 399;
arrives in Canada, 433; his despotic
power over the clergy, 437; the
liquor traffic, 438; opposes that any
should be used in the fur trade,
439; declares use of it to be a mor-
tal sin, 440; leaves for France, 446;
compelled to withdraw excommuni-
cations, 447; returns to Canada in
[1680], supports council against de
Frontenac, ii. 22; leaves for France,
61; his policy with regard to curés,
61; returns to Canada, 68; his
death, 68.

Laval, edition of Champlain : its ex-
cellence, i. 20n.

la Valterye, de: in command of militia,
de Denonville's expedition, ii. 79.
la Vente, de: curé of Mobile, iii. 228.
Laverdière, abbé: i. 131n.

La Verdure: commandant at Port
Royal, ii. 176.


La Verendrye, Pierre Gauthier de iii.
369; his early services, 370; asks
for aid to proceed to lake of Woods,
370; forms company for trade, 371;
leaves Montreal, 371; joined by
father Messaiger, 372; lands at
Pigeon river, 372; arrives at lake of
the Woods, 372; constructs fort St.
Charles, 372; embarrassed by want
of supplies, 373; returns to Mont-
real, 373; at fort Maurepas, 374;
ascends Assiniboine, 374; goes to
the Matanes, 374; his illness, 374;
furs seized at Michillimackinac, 375;
arrives at Montreal, 375; received
by de Beauharnois, 375; leaves for
the west, 375; what he accomplished,
378; returns to Montreal, 378; ob-
tains captaincy and cross of St. Louis,
379; his death, 379; his communi-
cations with Kalm, 379n.

La Verendrye the younger, le cheva-
lier de explores lake Manitoba, iii.

374; constructs fort Dauphin, 374;
reaches the Saskatchewan, 374; sent
by his father to the Matanes, 376;
arrives in view of some mountains,
377; complains to minister of being
excluded, 413; meets Saint Pierre
at Michillimackinac, 413.
Law, John: his money operations affect
Canada, ii. 501; his last days, 501n.;
accepts Crozat's charter, iii. 232;
founds Compagnie d'Occident, 233;
ruin of company, 236; leaves Paris,
236; company resigns charter, 241.
Lawrence, colonel Charles: sent to
establish fort at Chignecto, iii. 435;
opposed on landing, 435; returns to
Mines, 436; constructs fort Edward,
436; proceeds to Chignecto and
forces a landing, 436; commences
fort, 436; governor of Nova Scotia,
487; receives letter from Le Loutre,
489; contemplates attack of Nova
Scotia, 490; his imperfect means of
resistance, 494; determines to attack
Beauséjour, 495; reports condition
of country, 506.
Lawson, Miss Elizabeth: admired by
Wolfe, iv. 113; her death, 114.
Lawson, sir John: takes New York,

i. 354.

le Bailiff, recollet father: i. 62; sent
to de Caen, 63; bearer of petition
to France, 65; doubts of its being
genuine as given, 65.

"Le Baron": Huron chief, ii. 224;
unfriendly to the French, 307.
Le Ber; arrested by Perrot, i. 417;
released, 417; petitions council,
420; opposes de La Salle, ii. 424.
Le Ber du Chesne: killed in attack
on Schuyler's force, ii. 255.
Le Blanc: Ottawa chief, ii. 434.
Le Blanc, Peter: obtains release of
Capon, iii. 110.

Le Bœuf fort: on the Ohio, iii. 446.
Le Borgne, Emanuel: attacks Acadian
settlement of Denys, ii. 175.

Le Caron, recollet father: i. 48; starts
for west, 48; leaves without Cham-

plain, 49; joined by Champlain, 50;
teaching and baptizing, 53; returns
with Champlain to France, 54; starts
for lake Nipissing, 70; at Paris, saw
power of Jesuits, 74; returns to
Canada, 79; sent to Tadousac, 94;
his death, 123.

Lecky, Mr. W. E. H.: iii. 144”.
Le Clercq: the recollet historian, i. 71;
accepted as an authority, 102.
Le Clercq, Maxime: recollet priest with
de La Salle, ii. 128; left at fort, 152.
Le Corne: appointed to command at
Cataraqui, ii. 397.

Lefroy, captain R. N.: captures vessels
in Louisbourg harbour, iv. 134.
Legal proceedings: early days of Cana-
da, iv. 443.

Legge, Henry: chancellor of exchequer
dismissed, iv. 479.

Le Guers sent to Three Rivers, i. 61.
Le Jeune, jesuit father: not the author
of Algonquin dictionary, i. 74; re-
turns to Canada, 110; his views of
Canada, III; has sealed instructions
appointing Champlain's successor,
149; his extraordinary powers, 150;
selects ground at Sillery, 164; alludes
to the North Sea, 215; his touching
appeal to the king, 263.

Le Leopard, arrival of: spreads fever
in Quebec, iii. 551.

Le Loutre, Joseph, missionary his
character, iii. 303; with Micmacs,
303; favourably impresses Mascarene,
303; curé of Messaguash, 304; at
Louisbourg, 424; sends Micmacs to
de la Jonquière, 424; his letter to
Canada, 425; declares his intentions
of exciting savages, 425; threatens
habitants with death, 431; his plot
to murder Howe, 437; shews atten-
tion to lieut. Hamilton when prisoner,
489; opens negotiations with him,
489; sends paper to Lawrence, 489:
its audacity, 489; demands cession of
half of Nova Scotia, 490; treated
with contempt as an attempt to cajole
Acadians, 490; described by Pichon,


492; approved of by Duquesne,
493; condemned by de Pont briand,
493; applies money intended for
fortifications to drainage, 496; at
siege of Beauséjour, 497; escapes in
disguise, 500; received at Quebec
with disfavour, 500; sails for France,
500; takes the name of Duprez,
500; nearly bayonetted at Jersey,

le Maistre, Jacques: killed, i. 265.
le Mercier, jesuit father: joins Huron
missions, i. 161.

Le Mercier: sent to fort William Henry
with summons to surrender, iv. 13;
directs artillery on island of Orleans
against Durell's ships, 234; accom-
panies de Lévis, 260; sent with
despatches to France, 350.

Le Moyne, Chas.: sent to Onondaga
to confer with Indians, ii. 43; meets
Arnold Viele, English interpreter,


Le Moyne de Longueuil: battalion
officer of militia in de Denonville's
expedition, ii. 79; sent on embassy
to Senecas, IOI.

le Moyne, père Simon: sent to Onon-
dagas, i. 226; first to ascend Saint
Lawrence, 227; reaches lake On-
tario, 229; manufactures salt at
Salena, 229; returns to Montreal,
230; attacked on ascent of river,
231; at Mohawk villages, 233; pro-
ceeds to the Onondagas, 264; his
death, 334.

Leopold emperor of Germany, ii. 405.
le Page, cure of Terrebonne : opens
iron works, iii. 291.

Le Pésant, Ottawa chief: counsels re-
sistance, ii. 433; his surrender de-
manded, 435; given up and re-
leased, 435.
l'Epinay, de:

appointed governor

Louisiana, iii. 232.
Léry, de attacks fort Bull and carries
away prisoners, iii. 549.

Léry, de sent to New Orleans, iv.



L'Escarbot: i. 24; gives account of
winter Port Royal, 28; proceeds to
the Saint John, 28.

Lestock, admiral: failure of attack on
"l'Orient," Brittany, iii. 356.

Le Sueur reaches falls of St. Anthony,
iii. 220; builds fort Thuiller, 221.
Leverett, John; governor of Port
Royal, ii. 177; falls into ambush,
iii. 194.

le Verrier, de: at Michillimackinac,
iv. 84.

Le Verrier gives lectures in law, iii.

Levesseur engineer officer with de
Frontenac, ii. 310.

Lévis antiquity of family, i. 77n.
Lévis, Francis Gaston, Chevalier de:
his passion for Mde. Pennisseault, iii.
547; his career, 553; arrives at Car-
illon, iv. 6; represents condition of
officers in Canada, 18; relates how
he sent out parties to occupy atten
tion of garrison, fort William Henry,
29; arrives at Carillon, 48; makes
portage road, 48; his activity in
moving stores, 48; ascends western
shore, lake George, 51; strength of
column, 52; arriving at point of meet-
ing, is joined by Montcalm, 53;
places himself south of fort William
Henry, 53; his Indians take one
hundred and fifty oxen, 53; at Wil-
liam Henry, 53-63; his conduct with
regard to refusal of horse-flesh rations
by regiment of Béarn, 75; 77; quiets
discontent, 78; organises expedi-
tion for Frontenac and to descend
Mohawk, 86; arrives at Ticonder-
oga, 169; takes part in defence, 169;
learns at Saw Mill retreat of British,
173; expedition to Mohawk aban-
doned, 181; leaves for Montreal,
190 arrives at Quebec, 221; takes
part in campaign, 253; leaves Que-
bec, appointed to command Montreal
frontier, 260; has no fears for île
aux Noix, 266; collects harvest at
Montreal, 268; hears of Montcalm's

death, 293; joins de Vaudreuil, 293;
attempts to relieve Quebec, 294;
hears of de Ramezay's surrender,
295; retreats to Jacques Cartier,
296; ascends Saint Lawrence, 348;
orders fortification of island below
Prescott, 348; attends council of
Indian women, 349: his position
changed by death of Montcalm, 349;
position of French troops, 350; de-
termines to attack Quebec, 351; his
projects, 351; defers operations until
opening of navigation, 352; troops
collected by him, 353; his force
leaves Montreal, 356; lands at Pointe
aux Trembles, 366; advances to
Quebec, 366; battle of 28th of April,
368; strength of French, their losses,
369; 370n.; hears of arrival of
British ships, 374; gives orders for
retreat, 374; French ships attacked
and burned, 374 leaves French
camp standing, 375; arrives at Pointe
aux Trembles, 375; leaves detach-
ments and proceeds to Montreal,
376; his correspondence with Mur-
ray, 377; the enterprise considered,
378; fears junction of Murray with
Haviland, 394; endeavours to close
channel of Richelieu, 395; at Ber-
thier with Dumas, 395; hears of sur-
render of fort Lévis, 395; endeav-
ours to organize resistance at La-
prairie, 400; returns to Montreal,
400; sends de la Pause to Amherst,
402; asks reconsideration of terms,
402; proposes prolonged resistance
to de Vaudreuil, 404; his conduct in
the destruction of the standards,
404; in his memoir relates he orders
their destruction, while giving his
personal word of honour none exist-
ed, 404; French troops at the capitu-
lation, 408; they embark as prison-
ers of war, 409.

Lévis, fort on the Saint Lawrence:
attacked by Amherst, iv. 385-389;
surrenders, 389; renamed fort Wil-
liam Augustus, 389.

Lewis and Clarke: exploration of
Rocky Mountains, iii. 381; 382n.
Liegois, brother: killed at Sillery,
i. 231.

Ligneris, de present at attack on

Braddock, iii. 484; at fort Duquesne,
iv. 207 retreats to Venango, 213.
Lignery, de makes peace with Foxes
[1726], iii. 271.

L'Incarnation, mère de [Marie Guyart],
i. 167; her birth and character, 169;
her personal appearance, 170; first
superior Ursuline convent, 171; her
death, 395.

Liotot, a surgeon starts with de La
Salle for Canada, ii. 153; causes of
his bitterness against de La Salle,
155; murder of three of the party,
156 murder of de La Salle, 157;
himself murdered by Ruter, 159.
Liquor traffic: i. 286; Champlain's
policy, 286; de Laval threatens ex-
communication to those in the trade,
287; law passed inflicting death on
those supplying Indians with liquor,
287; affecting the whole of Canada,
288; edict against sale [1663]. 302;
Talon's policy, 374; twenty persons
to report regarding it, 445; decision
of père la Chaise and the archbishop
of Paris, 446; trade with Indians,
ii. 275.

Litigous character of French Cana-
dians, iii. 419.

Littlehales, lieut.-colonel: on massacre
at Oswego, iv. 197.
Livingstone, major Philip: sent to Que-
bec by Nicholson, iii. 102; his hard-
ships, 103; instructed to organize one
hundred Six Nation Indians, 122.
Livingston, Robt.: secretary for Indian
affairs, New York, ii. 424.
Lockhart of Lee: i. In.
Longchamps: captain of French frigate
seized by Spaniards, ii. 114.
Longueuil, baron de: wounded at fort
Presentation, ii. 104; sent to Onon-
dagas, 415; influences christian In-
dians to protest against British pos-

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