[blocks in formation]

Ottawas, the: attack fort at Detroit,
ii. 433; retreat to Michillimackinac,
Ouréouharé, Cayuga chief: sent back

from France, ii. 208; sent by de
Frontenac to Iroquois, 212; his in-
fluence, 296.

Outagamies or Foxes: [see Foxes].
Oyster river: massacre at, ii. 372.


Palatines, settlement of: destroyed by
de Bellaître, iv. 70.

Papineau, Mr. Louis Joseph: i. 177.
Paris, minister at Salem: ii. 362.
Parker, colonel: descends lake George,
his defeat and losses, iv. 51.
Parkman, Mr. Francis, of Boston:

reference to his writings, i. 261.;
324n.; 437n.; ii. 100: 420n.; iii.
427.; his narrative of proceedings
of the Pennsylvania legislature, 541.
Partisan leaders: French, ii. 353.
Pascal ii. 438n.

Pasquine engineer sent out to Acadia,
ii. 187.

Passamaquoddy bay. considered


place of settlement [1604], i. 25.
Paulmy, de: appointed minister, iv. 43.
Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle; ii. 179; ne-
gotiations, iii. 356; events in Europe
leading to, 361.

Peace negotiations [1761]: offers from
Great Britain, iv. 480; French claims,

Peace of London: i. 120.
Peace of Paris: its conditions, iv. 497;
clauses from definitive treaty, 505;
carried through house of commons,
499; by bribery and intimidation,

Péan, Hugues husband of Mde. Péan,
iii. 544; purchases wheat, 545;
leaves Canada on plea of ill-health,
iv. 83.

Péan, Madame: her relations with
Bigot, iii. 391; her character, 391.
Pelham, Henry: prime minister [1743],

iii. 299; long tenure of office, iv. 89;

includes Pitt in ministry, 90; his
death, 91.

captured by Indians, ii.
195; rebuilt, 2627.; reconstructed
by Phips, 361; taken by d'Iberville,
Peñalossa, Comte de: governor of New
Mexico, ii. 114; seized by Inquisi-
tion, 114; in London, 115; in Paris,
115 proposals to French govern-
ment, 115; his character, 117; his
death, 117.

Pennisseault in charge of Montreal,
"La Friponne," iii. 546.
Pennisseault, Mde.: mistress of de
Lévis, iii. 547.

Pennsylvania: difficulty as to supply
bill, iv. 133; demands payment of
debts due, 314.

Pennsylvania, legislature of: perverse
proceedings of, iii. 446; would take
no steps to protect Ohio territory,
449; refuses protection to settlers
on the frontier, 541; threatened by
frontiermen, 541.

Pensacola surrenders, iii. 234; first
cargo negro slaves brought, 234;
surrendered to Spaniards by Chateau-
guay, 234.
Pepperell, Sir William: commander
in chief Louisbourg expedition, hon-
ours granted him, iii. 320; his de-
scendants loyalists, 320n.

Péré proceeds to Quinté, ii. 81; re-
turns with prisoners, 82.

Perrier appointed governor of Louisi-
ana, iii. 236; defeats the Natchez,


Perrot, François Marie, governor of
Montreal trades in furs, i. 394;
irregularities under his government,
394; his speech over some skins,
416; goes to Quebec, 416; refuses
to answer queries, 420; sent to
France, 430; imprisoned for a week
in the Bastile, 431; reappointed to
government, 431; accused of inter-
fering with administration of justice,
ii. 21; removed and transferred to


Acadia, 46; 184; is recalled, 186;
ordered to return to France, 187;
sends western Indians to Montreal,
224; taken prisoner, 349; his daugh-
ters, 349n.

Perrot, Nicholas: coureur de Bois at
Michillimackinac, ii. 73: accompa
nies expedition to western lakes, 220.
Petit, father arranges for capitulation
of port Royal, ii. 345.
Petite Guerre, la: iii. 305; its activity
[1745-6], 333; Iroquois attacks of
French, 337; continued by French
Indians [1758], iv. 159; carried on
at Quebec, 258; actively followed on
the Mohawk, 313; party at Still-
water attacked, 317.
Pettekum engages in negotiations for
treaty of Utrecht, ii. 522.
Petun the nation, i. 53.
Philip V. of Spain: considered to
have views on the French succession,

iv. 255.
Philipps, Richard: governor general
of Nova Scotia [1717], iii. 138; his
letter from Boston [1720], 141; de-
scription of country, 141; reaches
Annapolis, 142; receives deputation,
142; writes to de Saint Ovide, 146;
represents matters in London, 149;
fails to command attention, 150;
returns to England [1722], 152; re-
appears at Annapolis [1729], 160;
obtains acceptance of oath, 160;
his form of oath, 161; defends it,
161n.; reports upon country to duke
of Newcastle, 164; points out neces-
sity of building forts, 166; leaves the
province [1734], 166; his description
of the Acadians, 166; his operations
at Canso, 185.

Phips, Sir William : successful attack

on Acadia, ii. 230; his attack on
Quebec, 233; failure of, 245; sea-
manship of, 248n.; proceeds to Eng.
land, 249; capture of Port Royal,
344; governor of Massachusetts,
360; death of, 376.

Pichon, Thomas: at Beauséjour, iii.

491; his correspondence with Hus-
sey, 492; describes Le Loutre, 492;
his statements regarding siege of
Louisbourg, iv. 142n.

Picquet, abbé commences settlement
of La Presentation [Ogdensburg],
iii. 409; his early career, 409; ob-
tains countenance of de la Galisson-
nière, 410; his proceedings at Os-
wego on Montcalm's victory, 411;
present at de la Corne's attack of
Oswego, iv. 320; with Pouchot at
fort Lévis, 385.

Piedmont, Jacan de: fortifies Beausé-
jour, iii. 496.

Pigeon, captain: sent in command of
expedition to obtain timber, iii. 114;
his instructions, 114; surprised by
Indians, 115; losses, 115.
Pijart, jesuit father: proceeds to Huron
missions, i. 161.

Piracy in Acadia: ii. 183.

Pitt, William [earl of Chatham]: awak-
ens the spirit of the nation, iv. 88;
king's objection to him, 89 ; appoint-
ed treasurer to the forces, 90; refuses
to take percentages, 90; opposes
motion of his colleagues, 90; in-
cluded in ministry of duke of Devon-
shire, 96; endeavours to save Byng,
96; marries sister of Richard, earl
Temple, 96; dismissed from office, 97;
excitement in the country from this
step, 98; honours paid to him by
the cities, 98; forms ministry with
duke of Newcastle, 99; condition of
England, 99; his appointments,
100; report of reverses on taking
office, 100; his defence of duke of
Cumberland, 102; organizes expedi-
tion against Rochefort, 104; its
failure, 105; his spirit of determina-
tion, 106; his influence upon men,
107; his policy with regard to
America, 107; determines to attack
Louisbourg, 108; organizes expedi-
tion, 108; resolves to attack Canada
at all points, 156; calls upon pro-
vinces to raise troops, 156; organizes

[blocks in formation]

attack of Quebec, 223: appoints
Wolfe in command, 224; his energy
in carrying out his purpose, 229;
appoints admiral Saunders to com-
mand of fleet, 229; difficulties with
Bute as to king's speech, 476;
attacked through Bute's influence,
477; desires a durable peace, 478;
advocates exclusive possession of
fisheries, 478; prepared to exact
terms he considered indispensable,
479; his reply to de Bussy as to
Spanish claims, 483; desires to de-
clare war against Spain, 484; his
resignation, scene at the council,
484; the pension and title to his
wife, 488; his interview with the
king, 489n.; his letter to Bute,
489n.; grossly caricatured, 491.
Ploughing with oxen: introduced into
Canada, i. 85.

Poincy, de governor of West Indies, i.


Point au Baril: selected as station, iv.

Point Cardinal rapids: incorrectly

stated, iv. 221; error corrected, 391.
Point Lévis taken possession of by
Wolfe's force, iv. 244; attacked by
French floating batteries, 245; British
batteries established, 244; Quebec
batteries open against, without effect,
247; fruitless attack upon, 248;
taken possession of by Murray,
[1760], 360; burns houses there,
361; abandoned, 367.

Point Saint Charles: three Frenchmen

killed, i. 241.

Pompadour, Mde. de: unfriendly to
jesuits, iv. 38; ordered to quit Paris,
43; her re-establishment in favour,
43; her death, 43n.

Poncet curé of Quebec, i. 241.
Pontbriand, Mgr. Henri Marie Dubreil
de: appointed bishop of Quebec,
iii. 285; arrives in Canada, 293:
claims right of sending clergy to
Acadia, 429; states he is desirous of
visiting country, 429; condemns Le

Loutre, 493; his mandements, iv.
353; the last "Te Deum" for vic-
victory, 354; penitential psalms to
be sung, 354; his instructions to
curés, 354; his description of Que-
bec, 356; his death, 353.
Pontchartrain, Louis Phélypeaux de:
succeeds de Seignelay as minister of
colonies, ii. 257; his policy, 260n.
Pontgravé: i. 12; associated with
Chauvin, 13; connected with Amar
de Chastes, 21; arrives at the Saint
Croix, 26; at Tadousac, 31; at
Montreal, 38; meets Champlain at
Fontainbleau, 40; with father Ja-
may, 48; receives Champlain on his
return from the Huron country, 54;
empowered to control commercial
policy, 59; at Tadousac, 62; ar-
rives at Quebec, 63; brings news
union of companies, 68; determines
to go to Tadousac, 94.
Pontleroy, de: ordered to construct
intrenchments at Ticonderoga, iv.


Population of Canada: [1624], i. 71 ;
its stationary character, 152; 153n.;
[1654]. 250; [1663], 293; [1663-
1673], 362; considered, 363; [1674],
438; [1680], 438; [1713], [1726],
iii. 269; [1727, 1739, 1747], 357;
at conquest, iv. 413n.; [1761], 452;
[1762], 453; total, 454.

Port Nelson: captain Draper trades
there, iii. 9; collision between French
and English, 9; taken by French,
10; comes again into possession of
English, II; expedition of [1691]
organized, 29; taken by d'Iberville
[1694], 31; French change name to
"fort Bourbon," 31; retaken by
English [1696], 32; taken by d'Iber-
ville, [1697], 38.

Portneuf, de flag taken by him at
Port Loyall, ii. 247; account of his
expedition, 337; his treachery, 342;
censured for conduct in Acadia,
368; directs raids, 384.
Porto Bello: attacked, iii. 296.

Port Royal selected for settlement, i.
27; present site Annapolis chosen,
27; abandoned [1607], 29; found-
ed, ii. 171; expedition against, 262n.;
343; attacked by Church [1704], iii.
82; attacked by Wainwright, 90;
second failure of attack, 91; injury
to inhabitants, 91; attack consented
to by British government, 96; Nich-
olson's expedition leaves Boston,
97; strength of garrison, 97; British
force lands, 97; place capitulates,
99; terms of surrender, 100; cour-
tesies between commanders, 101;
French troops embark, 101; named
by Nicholson Annapolis," 102;
projects for reconquest by French,



Poskoioac, fort: constructed, iii. 374.
Pouchot sent to Point au Baril, iv.
219; removed to Niagara, 219;
fortifies Niagara, 321; attacked by
Prideaux, 323; surrenders fort, 326;
proceeds as prisoner to New York,
327; exchanged as prisoner, 385;
in command at fort Lévis [1760],
385; attacked by Amherst, 386;
surrenders, 388; his conversation
with Amherst as to rapids, 390,
Poulharies, de: at attack of William
Henry, iv. 10.

Poutrincourt, de: joins expedition

[1604], i. 24; arrives at Port Royal,
27: receives notice privilege re-
voked, 28.

Pownall, governor of Massachusetts :
shews great energy, iv. 156; es-
tablishes discipline in regiments,
156; officers not allowed "suttling,"
Pretender, the expedition, 1745, iii.

[ocr errors]

Prêvert, le sieur : his extraordinary
stories, i. 23.

Prevost left in charge fortifications

of Quebec, ii. 222; writes de Fron-
tenac of intended invasion of Canada,

Prévost, commissaire at Louisbourg :

protests against longer defence as
merely a point of military honour,
iv. 136.

Prices of provisions: i. 155.
Prideaux, brigadier: appointed to
command Niagara expedition, iv.
315; his force, 315; leaves Schen-
ectady, 316; leaves Oswego, 317;
arrives before Niagara, 321; sum-
mons Pouchot to surrender, 323;
carries on siege, 324; killed, 324.
Prince Edward island: taken posses-
sion of by lord Rollo, iv. 148; its
early history, 149; name given to,
150n.; island formerly île Saint Jean,
early settlement, 150.
Prince Society: publication of, its
value, iii. 45.

Pringle, captain: joins Rogers' scout-
ing party, iv. 85.

[ocr errors]

Printing not introduced until after
conquest, iii. 291.

Prisoners taken by French at Hud-
son's bay arrive in London, iii. 20.
Protestants [French]: i. 8; only,
allowed to sing hymns on shore by
Kirke, 100; exclusion from Canada
recommended by de Laval, 295;
forbidden to exercise religion pub-
licly, or remain in Canada during
winter, 435; tolerance shewn to by
Colbert, 436; Dudouyt recommends
exclusion, 443; persecution of in
France [1724-8], iii. 144; [1726],
267; [1757], iv. 39; proposal to
d'Iberville, iii. 217; memorial for-
warded to de Ponchartrain, 217;
their constancy and fortitude, 267;
the attempt to admit toleration in
France, 267; overborne by clerical
party, 268.
Protestants duties of, with regard to
the extension of the faith in new
colonies, iii. 441.

Provinces decline to furnish barracks


for imperial troops, iv. 31.
Provincial officers: questions raised by
them, iv. 26; considered their ser-
vices confined to attack on Crown


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Quebec: first settlement [1608], i. 30;
site of "" Abitation," 31; Champlain
increases extent of buildings [1616],
54; the "habitation" burned during
English possession, III; good feeling
at, 112; described by Boucher, 155;
place suffers from malignant fever
[1659], 260; not safe from attack,
260; constituted a city, 293: election
for mayor [1664], 321; fire, ii. 40;
cathedral chapter established, 61;
cure reunited to seminary, 62; forti-
fications commenced, 259; praise of
the tone of its society by Charlevoix,
274; 294; seminary burned, 422;
contributes to expedition to Hudson's
bay [1686], iii. 13; work undertaken
owing to the general distress, 288;
attack organized in America against,
328; fears of naval attack, 329;
precaution against, 329; fortifications
extended, 355; believed to be not
assailable by water, iv. 217; its de-
fence, the duty of French navy, 217;
religious processions to avert calam-
ity, 218; defences considered, 221;
disposition of forces, 221; fire ships


proposed, 221; council of war, 221;
landmarks of channel removed, 222;
description of country, 242; bom-
bardment commences, 248; its de-
structive effect, 248; prisoners sent
back by Wolfe arrive, 250; three
prisoners hanged for theft, 251;
known Niagara was captured, 259;
supplies brought by old men, women
and children, 261; harvest, 268;
provision boats expected, 275; con-
quered by British, 293.

Queen, Her majesty the: her birthday
observed in Canada, iv. 346n.; her
beneficial influence on manners, 435;
her fidelity to constitutional freedom,

Quen, de superior of jesuits, i. 241.
Queylus, abbé Gabriel de arrives at

Quebec, i. 240; retained in city,
241; considers impolitic to multiply
religious orders, 249; sends two
nuns to Mdlle. Mance, 249; not in
accord with jesuits, 250; leaves for
France, 250; proceeds to Quebec to
meet bishop de Laval, 273; his
generosity of character, 274; popu-
lar at Quebec, 275; leaves Quebec,
275; arrested at Montreal, 276;
taken forcibly to Quebec and sent
back to France, 276; forbidden to
return to Canada, 277; Montreal
associates in France appeal, 277;
communication sent to Canada, pro-
hibition withdrawn, 277; visits
Rome, 278; finds that he is accused
of Jansenism, 278; prevented leav-
ing France, 279; obtains a passage
and calls on de Laval, 279; ordered
not to leave Quebec, 280; leaves
Quebec for Montreal, 282; forced to
return to France, 283; returns to
Canada, 370; head of seminary,
Montreal, 376; leaves for France,
396; Talon's opinion of him, 396;
his death, 396.


seizes French frigate, ii.

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