
Varin, François Victor: controls trade
at Montreal, iii. 546: leaves for
France, iv. 83.


Varin, Mde. gives receptions, iii. 547.
Vassan, de replaces de La Corne at
Beauséjour, iii. 439; removed by
influence of Le Loutre, 439.
Vauclain, M. de: commands "l'Aré-
thuse" at Louisbourg, iv. 131;
escapes blockade, 131; fights naval
action in "l'Atalante," 374.
Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Mar-
quis de, governor-general: marries
Louise Elizabeth Joybert, ii. 64”.;
arrives in Canada, 79; completes fort
Niagara, 85; takes command at La-
chine, 103; present at Quebec during
Phips' attack, 238; attacks Iroquois,
250; 263; sent to Montreal, 257; pres.
ent at expedition against Iroquois,
309; aspires to governorship, 388;
governor of Montreal, 389: appoint-
ed governor-general, 412; negotiates
with Indian tribes, 413; expeditions
organized by him, 418; negotiations
with Dudley, 428; prepares for
threatened invasion, 447; learns
troops are being collected at head of
lake Champlain, 448; sends force
there under de Ramezay, 449; pre-
pares to defend Montreal frontier,
473; proceeds to France, 489; re-
turns to Canada, 510; recommends
that faulx-saulners [fraudulent deal-
ers in salt], be sent to Canada, 508;
recommends expulsion by force of
British from Oswego, 516; death of,
517; Acadia: sends partizan leaders
among Indians, iii. 72; responsible
for Indian raids, 73; attacks organ-
ized by him, 74; prepares expedition
to ascend lake Champlain, 75; di-
rects attack against New England,
[1708], 92; his unjust conduct to-
wards de Subercase, 104; declares
Abenakis necessary to sustain power
of French, 120; asks powder and
muskets be sent to Indians, 170; his
callousness in urging Abenaki at-

tacks, 173; promises to send Cana-
dian Abenakis to aid southern tribe,
177; his letters to Rasle, 177.; his
correspondence with Shute, 179-
182; instructions from France, 188;
meets commissioners sent by Dum-
mer, 195; failure of negotiation, 196;
brings lake Superior to notice of
regent, 366.
Vaudreuil, Mde., de: sails for France,
ii. 489; attracts attention at Versailles,
489; returns to Canada, 510; re-
tires to France, 517; her character,

Vaudreuil, Pierre François Rigaud,
marquis de : governor of Louis-
iana, iii. 245; governor-general of
Canada, 522; his early career, his
character, 523; receives Six Nations
deputation, assures them of his pro-
tection, iv. I; his complaints against
Montcalm, 6; boasts of his success
on lake Champlain, 7; organizes at-
tack against fort William Henry,
10; waited upon by women who re-
fuse horse-flesh, 76; sends Duplessis
to fort Frontenac, 185; arrives at
Quebec, 221; gives instructions for
women and children to retire to
woods, 222, calls to field all capable
of bearing arms, 222; writes Wolfe
as to prisoners, 245; will not allow
Canadians to remain quiescent, 258;
addresses Wolfe, 258; instructs de
Ramezay to surrender city of Quebec,
288; leaves Beauport, 288; sends
message to Amherst, 401: proposes
capitulation of Montreal, 401; refuses
de Lévis' request to continue resist
ance, 403; leaves Canada, 409.
Vaughan, colonel: at Louisbourg, iii.

Venango, fort: constructed, iii. 450.
Ventadour, duc de viceroy, i. 72;
retires from the world, 77.
Verchères: assaulted by Iroquois, ii. 87.
Vergor, de spirited defence of ship,
iii. 438; in command at Beauséjour,
487; his memory assailed in modern


times, 488; his early life, 488; the
letter received by him from Bigot,
488 and 1.; in command at Beau-
séjour, 496; sends messenger to Dru-
cour at Louisbourg, 497; surrenders
Beauséjour, 499; gives supper after
surrender, 501; tried for surrender
of Beauséjour and acquitted, iv. 82;
at fort Machault, 84; in command at
Anse au Foulon on Wolfe's landing,


Vero at Chignecto, iii. 157.
Verréault, M. l'abbé : reference to his
writings, i. 247n.; 313n.; 378n.;
382n.; ii. 502.; notes as to La-
mothe Cadillac, iii. 229.; 387n. ;
le règne militaire, iv. 438n. ; 439n.;
440n.; 444n. ; 447n. ; 449n. ; 450n.;
Vetch, Samuel his early career, ii.
423; proceeds to Canada, 428;
proposes invasion of Canada, 441;
his opinion of the resources of the
British provinces, 441; sees chance of
Canada being successfully assailed,
443; proposes attack upon Quebec,
444; his views accepted, 444; in-
structed to obtain troops from pro-
vincial governments, 444; calls meet-
ing provincial governors at Rhode
Island, 446; expedition postponed,
446; imperial troops sent to Portu-
gal, 446; in London, 451; memoir
of Walker's expedition, 460; arrives
at Gaspé, 461; ships ascend Saint
Lawrence, 462; run upon Egg
islands, 463; wreck of vessels and
losses, 463; appointed adjutant-
general, iii. 97; first governor of
Annapolis, 101; asks present of furs
through Mascarene, 108; arrests
four principal inhabitants, with the
priest, III; sails for Boston, III;
returns to Annapolis, 114; orders
expedition to obtain wood, 114; its
secrecy, 114; expecting attack, calls
council of war, 116; joins expedition
to Quebec, 118; treatment during
his service at Annapolis, 121; pro-


poses aid of Five Nations of New
York, 122; obtains provisions, 123;
superseded by Nicholson, 123; at-
tends meeting of council at Boston,
123; proceeds to England, 123;
his last years, 123; dies in King's
Bench prison, 123; his opinions as
to Acadia, 134: recommends retain-
ing if possible French inhabitants,

Viel, Nicholas: arrives in Canada, i.
69; his death, 73; his writings,
74; completed Montagnais diction-
ary, 74 his death described, 75.
Viele, Arnold: Indian interpreter sent
by Dongan to the Iroquois, ii. 49.
Viger, Jacques: his description of the
règne militaire, iv. 439.
"Vigilant," le: taken at Louisbourg,
iii. 315.

Vignau, Nicholas de relates a voyage
made by him, i. 44; acknowledges
his imposture, 45.

Vignau, du deserter engaged in plot


against de Saint Castin, shot, ii. 365.
Vignol, Guillaume: killed, i. 265;
locality, Moffat's island, 265.
Villars, de, captain of "La Sarre":
sent to Cedars, iv. 219.
Villebon, de arrives at Port Royal,
ii. 349; commences fort at Naxouat,
355; calls upon chiefs to attend
there, 367; censured for his conduct,
368; successfully defends Naxouat,
383; death, 386; receives instruc-
tions as to Acadia, iii. 66; instructs
father Thury to excite Indians, 67;
informs Stoughton that river Kenne-
bec is to be considered as the boun-
dary, 68; complains of clergy en-
deavouring to control civil matters,

Villerai tried for loss of fort Gasper-
au, acquitted, iv. 83.
Villeray, Rouer de: appointed to coun-
cil, i. 302; forces open du Mesnil's
rooms, 306; his early life, 308; pro-
ceeds to France, 321; declines to
act against Perrot, 430; sent to

[blocks in formation]

up Foxes, iii. 276; attacks them,
276; his death, 277.

Villiers, de named as controller, iv.
his dishonesty, 83.

Villiers, Coulon, de: commands ex-
pedition against Grand Pré, iii. 347;
wounded, 348; advances to attack
Washington at fort Necessity, 455.
Villieu, de

sent to Naxouat, ii. 368;

leads Abenakis in raids against New
England settlements, 371; returns
to Montreal, 374; at Pemaquid with
d'Iberville, 379; taken prisoner,
380; released, returns to Acadia,
iii. 67; assumes government of
Acadia, 70.

Vimont, jesuit father: proceeds to
Three Rivers, i. 175.

Vincelot, de sent to France by de

[blocks in formation]

312; addresses Pitt regarding Louis-
bourg, iv. 108.

Waldron, major: killed at Cocheco, ii.

Walker, admiral sir Hovenden: ap-
pointed to command expedition
against Quebec, ii. 452; his book,
452n.; his miserable incompetence,
463; vessels wrecked, 464; in spite
of failure of expedition it makes great
impression in Canada, 473.
Walley, major: in command of land
forces on Phips' expedition, ii. 231;
effects landing, 239.

Walpole, Horace: his mis-statements
regarding Braddock, iii. 464′′.; re-
ference to his writings, iv. 116n. ;
299n. ; 434n. ; 473n.; 474n.
Walpole, sir Robert: prime minister,
iii. 253.

War: declared against Abenakis by
Massachusetts, iii. 183; France and
England [1743], 296; desire of govern-
ments for peace, 297; declared
against Spain [1739], 298; news
reaches Boston, 302; preparations
for [1754], 460.

Ward, ensign: sent to construct fort
junction of streams, Ohio, iii. 453;
driven away by de Contrecœur, 453.
Warren, admiral: ordered to co-operate
with Shirley, iii. 311; no orders re-
ceived, cannot take action, 312;
receives his orders and sails, 313;
arrives at Canso, 313; his services
at the siege, 316; addresses men on
parade at Louisbourg, 321; his con-
ciliatory manners, 325.
Washington, George: when major,
sent to the Ohio by Dinwiddie, iii.
451; reaches Venango, the scene
there, 451; proceeds to fort le Boeuf,
gives letter to Legardeur de Saint
Pierre, 451; returns with answer,
452; at Wills' Creek with regiment,
453; at Great Meadows in command,
453; hears force sent out to attack
him, 453; comes on trail of French,
453; attacks and defeats French


party, 454; retires to Great Mea-
dows, 454; retreats to Gist's settle-
ment, 455; difficulties with captain
Mackay, 455; returns to Great Mea-
dows, 455; his force attacked by
Coulon de Villiers, 456: capitulates,
457; the expression "l'assassinat de
Junonville” explained, 457; permitted
to place baggage in security, 457;
nominated on Braddock's staff, 473;
his account of the defeat, 483n.;
offers his services to Stanwix, iv.
195; advocates line of route through
Virginia, 196; cuts road to Raes-
town, 197; gives his views for pre-
ference of route, 1972.; arrives at
Loyal Hannan, 208; commands
column against fort Duquesne, 211.
Webb, colonel Daniel : arrives at New
York, iii. 558; his destruction of
Mohawk forts owing to loss of Os-
wego, 565; his precipitation, 567:
his abandonment of forts discouraging
to Indians, iv. 3; left in command
by Loudoun, 32; is told that Ticon-
deroga and Crown Point may be
taken, 32 understands difficulties of
his position, 44; reinforces William
Henry, 45; the small number of his
troops, 45; applies for reinforce-
ments to governors of provinces, 49;
describes party of provincial troops
when attacked as giving way, 49;
blamed for not sustaining Monroe,
56; unable to aid him, 58; sends
letter recommending capitulation,
61; account of scene after surrender,

Weems surrenders Pemaquid to In-


dians, ii. 196.

Wells: attack on, ii. 357.

Wesley, John: in British provinces, iii.

Westbrook, colonel: his expedition,

iii. 188.

West India Company: i. 331.
Westminster treaty of, ii. 177.
Wheeler, sir Francis: unsuccessful
expedition of, ii. 271.


Wheelwright, one: named as selling
provisions to French, iv. 30.
Whiting, Massachusetts officer : seized
by French, ii. 448.

Whitmore, brigadier: appointed gover-
nor of Louisbourg, iv. 138; refuses
assistance to Wolfe, 237; his letter,
2372.; his letter to Pitt, 238; his
death, 238n.

Wilberforce, William : iv. 190n.
Willard, captain: in command at fort
Loyall, withdrawn, ii. 338.
William III.: death of, ii. 407.
William Henry, fort: in command of
major Eyre, iv. 11; attacked by
Rigaud de Vaudreuil, 10; strength
of garrison, II; first alarm given,
II; summons to surrender sent, 12;
shipping burned, 14; the French
retreat, 14; under command of lieut-
enant-colonel Monroe, 24: its garri-
son, 24; French force arrives, 53;
scouts taken prisoners by Indians,
53; garrison takes possession of
intrenchments, 53; description of
fort, 55; strength of garrison, 56;
capitulation of fort, 63; articles of
capitulation, 63; attack of British
troops by Indians, 64; the fort plun-
dered, 65; no protection given by
French, 66; attack of column by the
Indians, 66; Webb's account of
scene, 672.; fugitives reach fort
Edward, 68; terms of capitulation
repudiated in general orders, 159.
Williams, Rev. John: minister of Deer-
field, iii. 77; his narrative, the re-
deemed captive, 79; 202-207; his
sufferings, 80.

Williams, fort, on the Mohawk: iii.

Will's Creek trading post, iii. 448;
[fort Cumberland].


made by the Sioux [1727],
iii. 270.

Winslow, lieutenant-colonel John: re-
cruiting at Boston, iii. 495; his
character, 495; commands troops for
Beauséjour, 496; fleet starts, 496;

at Grand Pré, 510; his address to
the Acadians, 511.

Winter travelling in the early years : i.

Winthrop governor of Massachusetts,
i. 191.

Winthrop, of Connecticut: ii. 174;
commands expedition against Can-
ada, 226.

Wives of French governors in Canada :
ii. 64n.

Wives for officers: imported, i. 362.
Wolf: French officer sent to Abercrom-
bie, iv. 162.
Wolfe, James: his opinion of Brad-
dock's defeat, iii. 485; on the marriage
of young officers, iv. 16n.; name first
obtains general mention at Rochefort,
105; offers to attack fort, 105; ap-
pointed brigadier Louisbourg expedi.
tion, III; his birth, III; his services,
III; his education, 112; served in
the rebellion of '45, 113; major in
20th [lord George Sackville's], 113;
his affaire de cœur with Miss Lawson,
113; in command of 20th, 114; his
regiment sought after by men of rank,
114; his studies in French, 115; in
France, 115; story of the dinner at
Pitt's house, 115; repeated by Mr.
Thomas Grenville on authority of
lord Temple, 116; his association
with men of rank, 116; Temple's
story to be rejected, 119; Wolfe at
landing of expedition, 127: takes pos-
session of the lighthouse point, 128;
opens batteries, 129; silences island
battery, 129; after surrender desires
to return to England, 148; ordered
to Gaspé, 153; returns to England,
154; his correspondence with lord
Barrington, 153; offers his services
to Pitt, 223; his local rank in America,
223; in command of the 67th at
Salisbury, 223; would have preferred
foreign service in cavalry, 223;
appointed to command expedition
against Quebec, 224; difficulty as to
staff, 224; Pitt removes king's objec

tion to Carleton, 224; the inferior
rank and pay given him, 224; organ-
izes his force, 235; his strength on
leaving Louisbourg, 235n.; declares
his intention to take care of his
person, 236n.; his correspondence
with Whitmore, 237; expedition
sails, 238; writes to Pitt, 239; his
generosity to Whitmore, 239; his
want of money, 239; ships arrive at
Bic, 240; signal fires announce
arrival, 240; lands force on island of
Orleans, 242; first sees Quebec, 242;
storm, 243; fire-ships sent down,
243; sends prisoners to Quebec with
letter, 244; orders Monckton to take
possession of Point Lévis, 244; his
proclamation, 244; acquainted with
ford on the Montmorency, 245; losses
during campaign through the Indians
who passed that way, 245; takes
possession of ground, 246; skirmish
on that occasion, 246; reconnoitres
above city, 248; considers attempt
too hazardous, 249; his second pro-
clamation, 251; his attack of 31st
July of French lines, 254; its repulse,
254; British losses, 255; issues third
proclamation, 258; his health bad,
263; sends letter to brigadiers with
plans of attack, 263; operations
above the town proposed, 264;
his letter to the minister, 264; his
letter to Saunders, 264; abandons
camp at Montmorency, 265; vessels
ascend Saint Lawrence, 266; no
hope of co-operation from Amherst,
269; his illness, 270; army depressed,
270; his arrangements for attack,
270-1; his last order, 271; demon-
stration against Beauport, 272; the
boats leave ships, 273; his force, 274;
landing effected, 276; pickets driven
back, 277; British line formed, 277;
before the battle, 278; French force,
279n.; British losses, 28on.; his
masterly generalship, 282; feeling in
the British ranks, 283; the battle,
283; defeat of the French, 283;

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