British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1979 |
7 | 2116 |
Their Travels and Adventures IM8 192 16ill | 2117 |
1987 | 2118 |
Education in Ireland Gleeson D8 pbk 0 75 Assn of Coll for Further Higher | 2120 |
Economic History Quantitative Essays in Ed Floud IM8 258 9figs 63tabs | 2123 |
Guidelines for Planning and Evaluation Jamison | 2124 |
Eco Umberto Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language | 2125 |
Educational Needs of Refugees Dodds Solomon D4 viii98 | 2126 |
International Affairs in the Modern Age M8 428 | 2996 |
Edwardian England Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Bernstein | 2997 |
Official Tourist Map D8 8r e folded | 2998 |
pbk 2 50 Sage | 2999 |
An Operational | 3000 |
Edward Awdry | 3001 |
Effect of Differently Profiled Wind Tunnel Flows on the Ground Level Flow | 3003 |
Education in Movement Cameron William McDonald Pleasance P Pott4 x51 | 3005 |
1 | 2129 |
David C | 2132 |
Petrochemical Industry | 2136 |
Technology Transfer Between East and West R8 438 pbk 22 00 O E C D | 2137 |
Effects of High Power Laser Radiation Ready M8 433 III 60 00 Academic | 2138 |
Economic Development and Regional Cooperation in Kuwait ElMallakh D8 280 | 2139 |
Tchrs | 2140 |
H M S | 2143 |
Emission Control Costs in the Textile Industry R8 184 d tabs pbk 4 20 | 2148 |
33 | 2150 |
Eaton Su Bridle Martin Punch and Judy in the Rain R6 28 Col ill bds 4 95 | 2153 |
A Bibliography of English | 2156 |
Economics Almost Everyones Guide to Galbraith Salinger | 2159 |
Eat and Stay Slim Conley sC8 144 pbk 1 50 Arrow Bks 3 85 0 09935820 4 | 2164 |
Economic History Structure and Change in North | 2165 |
0 | 2170 |
Edible and Useful Plants of California ClarkeCharlotte B | 2171 |
A Resource Anthology | 2174 |
G See SolomonP M EdmundsM | 2175 |
Edwardian Britain Benning D8 108 III 3 25 Blackie 4 | 2176 |
Education Continued | 2177 |
A Quantitative Analysis D4 145 pbk 6 00 | 2178 |
Education International Year Book of International Bureau of Education | 2180 |
Educational Needs Assessment Conducting Stufflebeam R8 225 d tabs ch 21 75 | 2181 |
Policy Implications of Data Network Developments in the O E C D Area | 2182 |
Economics of Long Distance Transportation Khachaturou Goodwin D8 408 | 2183 |
Economic Teaching Essay on Medieval OBrienGeorge A T D8 viii242 n i | 2184 |
An Introduction Nitko sC4 xiv674 d | 2185 |
2 | 2187 |
Economics of Mineral Extraction Anders SR8 334 54 95 Praeger 12 | 2193 |
Eden Dorothy Afternoon for Lizards M8 318 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 2194 |
Economic Papers Gabor D4 219 Internat Jnl of Social Econ S pbk 29 95 | 2195 |
Economic Benefits of Enhanced Fitness Shephard M8 222 24 00 Human Kinetics | 2196 |
Their Prevention and Resolution Fawcett | 2197 |
Education Science Dept of Continued | 2198 |
Edwards Ronald Walter Pollution C4 16 12figs Biol Rdrs pbk 3 00 Oxf U P | 2201 |
A Contemporary Reading D8 576 | 2204 |
Ecotoxicological Significance Pollutants and their Nurnberg IM8 530 III 59 40 | 2205 |
Mother Tongue Teaching in School and Community D8 25 | 2206 |
Plants in Our World Simpson Ororzaly R6 640 I 35 95 | 2208 |
X | 2213 |
Collected Inaugural Lectures 18931970 Ed Harte | 2214 |
Education in Faversham Eight Centuries of Munden D4 viii 164 pbk 0 75 | 2216 |
Design for Destruction D8 18 pbk 2 00 | 2218 |
Prospects for Agricultural Production and Trade in Eastern Europe | 2219 |
5 | 2221 |
1 | 2222 |
Ecology Discovering Shreeve R6 100 III some col 9 95 Longman 8 | 2223 |
Physical Education in the Primary Years M4 128 III pbk 4 50 | 2224 |
Essays That Entertain the Consequences | 2226 |
A Phenomenological View Chamberlin | 2227 |
Tanzania 190071 | 2228 |
Eden Dorothy Bride for Candlelight M8 365 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 2230 |
Ecological Energetics Foin C4 16 13ill Biol Rdrs pbk 3 00 Carolina Biol Supplycop | 2231 |
PrinciplesPolicies and Practices Shipman M8 130 pbk 6 95 | 2234 |
Earl Heimwehr and Austrian Politics 191836 sC4 366 23 60 | 2235 |
Ecology Dimensions of Richardson Jonathan L D8 426 199figs 56tabs 21 50 | 2236 |
Ecological Evaluation for Conservation Spellerberg D8 64 Studs in Biol pbk 3 95 | 2240 |
Nyberg K Synthetic Uses of Anodic Substitution Reactions C4 22 | 2242 |
Edwards Ruth Dudley Saint Valentines Day Murders IC8 224 7 95 Quartet | 2244 |
Education for Older Learners Facilitating Peterson M8 342 27 50 JosseyBass | 2245 |
Adaptability and Flexibility in School Building | 2246 |
pbk 2 00 H M S O 7 | 2247 |
Traffic Capacity of Major Routes D4 122 tabs pbk 6 50 O E C D | 2249 |
Fiscal Tiers KingDavid M8 331 66ill | 2250 |
A Symposium on Some Policy | 2251 |
A Comparative Analysis Nicholas D8 264 | 2255 |
Onomastics and Recreational Linguistics | 2256 |
Eaton William W Kessler Larry G Ed Epidemiologic Field Method | 2257 |
East ProwleSouth Devon Coastal Spray Weathering of Bedrock in the Supratidal | 2259 |
Opportunity and Response Ed Epstein | 2260 |
Evaluation of National Experience | 2261 |
Ecological Guidelines for Balanced Land UseConservation and Development | 2262 |
Improving the Usefulness of Evaluation Results Through | 2264 |
Education Residential Fraser William Rae IC8 320 III pbk 7 50 | 2266 |
Edwards Michael To Kindle the Starling D8 24 I s e 26 pbk 2 50 Aquila | 2267 |
A First Look at Vegetables C4 32 bds 4 95 | 2271 |
Edwards G See Burrows Bernard EdwardsG | 2272 |
History of Vocational Education in Florida Stakenas | 2273 |
Economic Growth Evolutionary View of Guha D8 128 15 00 Oxf U P 1 | 2274 |
Speeches in the House | 2275 |
1 | 2280 |
Economic Ideas Evolution of Deane | 2281 |
Edwards Michael Towards a Christian Poetics D8 254 9 95 | 2282 |
Education of Motor and Neurologically Handicapped Children Haskell D8 192 | 2283 |
Economic Perspectives on Key Issues Ed JohnsonPeter ThomasBarry | 2284 |
Ethnography in TheoryPractice and Politics Fetterman | 2286 |
Easterling P E Ed See Cambridge History of Classical Literature | 2287 |
Edwards Ralph M Role of the Beginning Librarian in University Libraries M8 | 2288 |
19 | 2289 |
Eat Up Piers 6 x 6 24 Col ill 1AB bds 1 95 Methuen Chi | 2292 |
Edwards Geoffrey See ArbuthnottH Edwards Geoffrey | 2294 |
Education and Training European Communities | 2296 |
Ecology Control and Economic Development in East African History Kjekshus | 2297 |
Economics of Codetermination Ed Heathfield M8 xiii 154 III 25 00 Macmillan | 2298 |
1047 | 2299 |
Economy and Society Weber | 2300 |
Economic Effects of Social Security Aaron | 2302 |
pbk 5 05 Univ Nebraska P 11 | 2307 |
5500 | 2309 |
Easterling R Hanafy K Ed See ShahIdries Evenings with Idries Shah | 2310 |
A Survey of Nonformal | 2312 |
438 | 2315 |
Economic Change Evolutionary Theory of NelsonRichard R WinterSidney G | 2316 |
The Keepers of the Fire M8 367 III M 19 10 | 2317 |
From Myths to Molecules M8 224 42ill 1tab | 2318 |
Jen | 2319 |
Voice of the Poor | 2320 |
Economics of Communist Eastern Europe Spulber M8 525 II n e 29 50 | 2321 |
Eggleston Joseph C Ed See Atlas of Tumour Pathology | 2322 |
East Riding Heritage Ellin C8 38 pbk 0 60 Ridings Pub Co 4 79 0 901934 28 3 | 2323 |
Easter Egg Hunt Freeman Gillian C8 192 7 95 H Hamilton 4 | 2325 |
Edmunds R David Shawnee Prophet | 2326 |
Eberstadt Nick Ed Fertility Decline in the Less Developed Countries sR8 370 | 2327 |
Tr fr Tibetan D8 150 3ill pbk 4 95 Wisdom Pubns 10 | 2328 |
Economic Policy in Postwar Japan Yamamura C8 xviii226 67d 24 40 | 2330 |
Senegambia in the Era of the Slave Trade | 2331 |
ProjectsPolicies and Strategies Roemer Stern | 2332 |
An Informal Structured | 2333 |
A Comparison in Historical Perspective Ulrich M8 380 | 2334 |
Innocence and Design Henderson David | 2335 |
Economic Analysis Aggregate McKenna | 2338 |
Irish History | 2340 |
Edmunds Stahri W Performance Measures for Growing Businesses IM8 247 | 2341 |
The Recursive Programming Approach Day Richard | 2343 |
298 | 2344 |
Economic Development Central City Ed Chinitz M8 212 n | 2345 |
Educated for Employment? Anderson Digby C etc D8 96 pbk 2 65 Social | 2346 |
pbk 0 50 | 2347 |
Educational Research Analysing and Designing Tuckman M8 x180 | 2349 |
Ecowas and the Economic Integration of West Africa Ezenwe M8 xii210 | 2350 |
100 Years of Fabian Socialism Pugh M8 260 20 00 | 2353 |
Romantic Routes and Mysterious Byways HoltAlan L M8 192 | 2355 |
Economic Analysis and Insurance Policy in the Third World Hindley C8 68 | 2358 |
Essays Toward a Steadystate Economy Ed Daly | 2359 |
A Short Course in Supervision | 2360 |
Edgar George McDonald Gillian Words and Pictures IM6 96 96col ill | 2361 |
Econometric Model of the Income Distribution Metcalf M8 176 17 00 Academic | 2363 |
This Most Amazing Day Ed Herbert Christopher sC8 96 | 2364 |
n e pbk 2 95 Grafton Bks 10 | 2367 |
Educational Research and Development in Britain 197080 Ed Cohen M8 580 | 2368 |
Educated Person On Becoming an Voeks IM8 249 III 4r e pbk 9 95 | 2371 |
Economic Choices Rivlin | 2374 |
H Feminism in Russia 190017 D8 210 21 00 Heinemann Educ | 2378 |
Social Phenomenology of Faith and Reality Farley sD8 304 12 50 | 2382 |
Education in Kenya Short Essays on Sifuna D8 163 pbk 3 00 | 2383 |
Edna Monica Sister Ed See Shaw Gilbert Seeds of Love | 2385 |
9 95 Granada 6 | 2386 |
Educational Thought of the Classical Political Economists ODonnell | 2387 |
Problems and Solutions Masnata IM8 152 | 2388 |
Eden T Elements of Tropical Soil Science C8 164 III 2r e pbk 2 95 Macmillan | 2391 |
Regional Problems and Policies in Portugal R8 72 pbk 2 20 O E C D | 2392 |
Eckles Robert W etc Supervisory Management | 2395 |
Economic Policy Intelligent Radicals Guide to Meade | 2396 |
Symposium Proceedings | 2397 |
Headmastering Man JohnsonStowers | 2398 |
Economic Coercion and United States Foreign Policy Weintraub | 2402 |
History of Meharry Medical College Summerville | 2403 |
39 | 2404 |
East Somerset Railway 18581972 Maggs IM8 28 10ill 3M pbk 0 90 AvonAnglia | 2405 |
8 | 2409 |
Economic Development Essays in Modern Ed Smyth IC8 327 r e 24 00 | 2411 |
Educational Trends for Lecturers Media Resources on Haeften D4 14 pbk 1 | 2413 |
Education Policies Language Issues and AllenP SwainM M8 160 | 2414 |
Ecological Guidelines for Development in Tropical Rain Forests Poore C4 39 | 2415 |
Economic Policy Moneythe Financial System and CooperS Kerryetc IM8 544 III | 2416 |
Economic Growth in the Developing Countries Science Technology and Skorov | 2420 |
Ebert Robert H Ed Health Services Research D4 102 pbk 8 15 Nat Academy | 2421 |
H M S O 5 | 2422 |
Theory and Practice Thompson Arthur A IF4 620 r | 2424 |
Rich Schools Poor Schools Wise | 2428 |
Economics Elementary HarveyJack See Author entry | 2429 |
Eckstein F Ed See SundaramP V Eckstein F Ed | 2430 |
pbk 8 95 Falmer P 1 | 2431 |
Educational Research Basic Concepts in Fraas | 2432 |
Eberwein Robert Thomas Viewers Guide to Film Theory and Criticism D8 235 | 2436 |
20 75 Univ Illinois P 5 | 2438 |
Education and Training for Film and Television Ed FisherDavid | 2440 |
Eckstein Otto Data Resource Model of the United States Economy IM8 245 | 2441 |
4 | 2442 |
Effective Interviewing for Employment Selection Goodworth M8 156 III | 2444 |
Economic Analysis and the Multinational Enterprise Ed Dunning D8 405 9figs | 2445 |
Internat 2r e Mgmt S pbk 10 95 McGraw 9 | 2446 |
Economic Development Ecological Principles for Dasmann M8 262 III pbk 14 55 | 2447 |
4 | 2449 |
East Spain Pilot BrandonRobin See Author entry | 2451 |
Crown Colony Financial | 2452 |
Edwards Hazel Niland Deborah Theres a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating | 2453 |
Selected Stories Maurier | 2454 |
With a Postscript on Stagflation M8 x214 | 2455 |
Egan Susanna Patterns of Experience in Autobiography D8 240 16 95 | 2456 |
Comparative Perspectives Watson Keith | 2457 |
1 | 2458 |
An Integrated Text with Special Reference to Tropical Africa | 2459 |
Egan W G Photometry and Polarization in Remote Sensing C4 xii504 62 50 | 2462 |
What Really Happened? RichardsHubert John Post8 120 n e | 2463 |
4 | 2464 |
Case Studies in the I L E A Welds | 2466 |
Economic and Social Activities Coordination of M8 109 n | 2468 |
Edwards George T See Carrington John C Edwards George | 2469 |
Economic Function of Futures Markets Williams Jeffrey M8 260 figs tabs 25 00 | 2471 |
16ill 17 50 Pergamon P 8 | 2472 |
The Case of Regional Policy R8 108 pbk 3 60 | 2473 |
Educating Gifted Children at Hunter College Elementary School Hildreth M8 | 2475 |
On Reflection F4 32 60ill pbk 1 00 East Sussex Co Cncl Planning | 2477 |
Economic Growth in the Third World 18501980 Reynolds Lloyd G M8 480 | 2479 |
Guide to Mastering the Professors Art M8 208 | 2480 |
Econometrics Introductory StewartMark B Wallis Kenneth F | 2482 |
Biological Expansion of Europe9001900 Crosby M8 368 | 2483 |
Its History Problems and Prospects | 2486 |
Eble Kenneth McKeachie W J Improving Undergraduate Education Through | 2488 |
Eden Dorothy Pretty Ones M8 371 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large | 2490 |
Eckstein Otto Public Finance sC4 133 4r e Foundns of Mod Econ pbk 19 25 | 2491 |
East Sussex County Council History of 18891974 Bell Christopher IM8 ix119 21ill | 2493 |
Conference Proceedings M8 xiv504 62 50 North | 2494 |
8 | 2495 |
EganFelim Ed Tooby White D4 28 20ill 8col pbk 3 00 Third Eye Centre | 2498 |
Transfer Pricing and Multinational Enterprises R8 104 pbk 6 40 O E C D | 2500 |
Ebling F J G Racial Variation in Man M8 288 25ill Inst of Biol Symposium 9 50 | 2501 |
Economic Growth Introduction to Modern Theories of Jones Hywel M8 262 | 2502 |
Educational Development Inservice Training and Ed Hopkins D8 352 19 95 | 2503 |
Econometrics Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Maddala | 2505 |
Economics Elementary Jathar Beri C8 294 4figs 9r e G B Kulkarni pbk 1 00 | 2506 |
Eastwest Trade Ed Grzybowski M8 318 24 25 Sijthoff 12 | 2507 |
Effects of Mass Communication on Political Behaviour Kraus Davis | 2509 |
A Survey from Colonial to Modern Times Furtado | 2510 |
An Economic Study | 2511 |
Edwards Peter David Anthony Trollope C8 viii120 Profiles in Lit S pbk 4 25 | 2512 |
Case Study for Developing Countries Solis | 2513 |
Education and Training of Nurse Teachers and Managers with Special Regard | 2514 |
Edwards Jonathan Scientific and Philosophical Writings Ed Anderson Wallace | 2515 |
Educating Handicapped Infants Garwood Fewell M8 522 36 20 Aspen | 2516 |
Eatwell David Steam Locomotives in Action 8 x 8 64 37col ill pbk 3 | 2517 |
Eddings David Magicians Gambit | 2518 |
Efik Folklore Extralinguistic Usages of Tonality in Simmons M8 160 19 05 | 2519 |
Ecology of Coastal Vegetation Ed Beeftink sD4 598 Ill d tabs M 119 25 W Junk | 2520 |
30 | 2521 |
Economic Social Commission for Asia the Pacific | 2522 |
Egbert Barbara Cheerleading and Songleading | 2525 |
Eastern Europe Future of EastWest Relations and the Bornstein M8 288 3ill | 2526 |
Edmond Doreen See OHanlonMaggie Edmond Doreen | 2527 |
Eatwell Eileen Yplan Diet sC8 160 pbk 1 00 Pentangle 7 83 0 907062 02 4 | 2528 |
Race Gender and Educational Policymaking D4 104 | 2529 |
Education and Training Workplace Perspectives on Ed Doeringer R8 176 19 50 | 2530 |
Source Book sC4 256 pbk 7 50 Routledge 10 | 2531 |
Economic Growth Removing Obstacles to Ed Wachter Wachter M8 560 | 2532 |
Education of Travelling Children Reiss R8 208 Schools Cncl Research Studs 7 95 | 2533 |
Eddings David Pawn of Prophecy | 2534 |
10d n e 27 15 | 2536 |
Economics Environmental Policy and the Quality of Life Baumol Oates M8 377 | 2537 |
3 | 2539 |
Econometrics of Inflationary Expectations Lahiri IM8 xxii250 1ill 28tabs 39 06 | 2540 |
Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Energy Agency D4 168 pbk 12 50 | 2541 |
Domestic and International Determinants | 2542 |
Multinational | 2543 |
Economic World Balance Kristensen M8 377 M n e of 1960e 19 50 | 2544 |
Economics of Multinational Enterprise Hood Young D8 432 III pbk 11 50 | 2546 |
pbk 7 95 | 2547 |
Two Jewish Theologies Whybray D8 17 pbk 0 75 | 2549 |
Western Europe IM8 916 | 2550 |
Eckstein Otto Ed Studies in the Economics of Income Maintenance M8 xvi254 | 2551 |
Ecology of Ectoparasitic Insects Marshall Adrian G M8 459 III 58 50 Academic | 2552 |
Economic Development Geography of Greenwood D8 24 | 2555 |
Education Literature of Guide to the Humby D8 vi142 3r e | 2560 |
24 00 Duckworth 9 | 2561 |
Readings Cases and Experiences Albert | 2562 |
Story of the Gold Rush Routes Across Mexico | 2565 |
Educational Ideas of Charles Fourier 17721837 Zeldin D8 viii167 22 50 F Cass | 2566 |
Ebling F J G Stoddart D Michael Ed Population Control by Social Behaviour | 2567 |
Formal Education | 2569 |
Edwards John Roman Cookery of Apicius M8 322 50ill pbk 6 95 Century | 2573 |
Economics of Natural Resource Depletion Pearce Rose D8 220 III pbk 4 95 | 2574 |
D8 270 | 2575 |
Eastern Europe Growthinnovation and Reforms in Gomulka D8 288 35 00 | 2576 |
30 | 2577 |
The System and the Institution HughesM G etc IC4 408 | 2578 |
pbk 7 95 Duckworth 9 | 2581 |
Companion to Deweys Philosophical | 2582 |
Echeruo Michael j C foyce Cary and the Novel of Africa IC8 x156 1 80 | 2583 |
Eastern Europe | 2585 |
Kueh M8 xii58 | 2586 |
Preparation for Life? | 2588 |
EastWest Trade Politics of Ed Smith Gordon B M8 280 38 50 Westview P | 2589 |
9 | 2590 |
Education of Women Ed Cammish D8 88 Aspects of Educ S pbk 2 50 | 2592 |
Echinococcus and Hydatid Disease Biology of Ed ThompsonR C A M8 304 II | 2598 |
Economic Regulation and the Federal System Schultz Alexandroff IM8 2022 | 2600 |
Edwards K D G See StokesG S EdwardsK D | 2601 |
Educational Research Conducting Tuckman M8 xvi479 2r e 21 00 Harcourt | 2602 |
Edmond Lauris Catching it D8 48 pbk 8 95 Oxf U P N Z 1 85 0 19 558098 2 | 2605 |
Eau du Styx FreemanRobin | 2606 |
The Beginning of a New Philosophy | 2607 |
Economics of Natural Gas in Developing Counties Gault C4 132 58ill 18 75 | 2608 |
Economic Regulatory Policies Anderson James E SC4 242 r e pbk 10 | 2609 |
Economy and Society in Baroque Portugal 16681703 Hanson M8 374 33 00 | 2610 |
Education of Women and Girls in the Nineteenth Century Study in the History | 2611 |
Educating Hearingimpaired Children in Ordinary Schools JohnsonJohn Charles | 2612 |
EastWhat is the Alterntive for the? Rugina C4 67 Internat Jnl of Social Econ | 2613 |
Edmond Lauris Ed See FairburnA R D Selected Letters | 2614 |
Edwardslfan ab Owen 18951970 Isaac D8 141 St Davids Day S pbk 0 | 2615 |
Econometrics Regression and Factor Analysis in Schilderinck IM8 239 tabs | 2618 |
W Sams | 2619 |
Edwards John Goronwy 18911976 Roskell M8 40 1ill Mem of Fellows of | 2622 |
Economics of Natural Resource Use Hartwick Olewiler Post4 544 Ill 16 95 | 2624 |
Educating Marmalade Davies Andrew | 2627 |
Economic Relations Between the North and South Crisis in Ed Schofield F4 456 | 2628 |
Levine White | 2629 |
Proceedings | 2631 |
Economic Development of Jordan Kanovsky M8 159 pbk 5 05 Transaction Bks | 2632 |
Ecological Implications of Body Size Peters M8 329 d tabs pbk 12 50 Camb U | 2633 |
Ecology Energy and Gates | 2634 |
Eden Dorothy Siege in the | 2636 |
Including Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East | 2637 |
Educational Drama and Theatre Handbook of Landy M8 312 III 32 50 | 2638 |
Economic Planning and Uniqueness of Man Westmann sC8 pbk 1 00 Guild | 2639 |
East Wind in Paradise JacksonCarl | 2640 |
Econometrics Theory and Practice of Judge | 2641 |
Economic Cooperation in the Commonwealth ArnoldGuy IC8 196 4ill 17 25 | 2644 |
7 | 2645 |
Economics of the Tobacco Industry JohnsonP R sR8 112 29 95 Praeger 6 | 2646 |
Education and Working Life Economic Cooperation Development Org for | 2647 |
Ecological Mapping from Ground Air and Space Ed Fuller D4 142 6 00 Inst | 2648 |
Econometrics Theory and Application Introductory ThomasR L M8 384 d | 2652 |
Economic Cooperation Perspectives for AllEuropean Szita M8 372 39 25 | 2653 |
Systems Ecology Kitching | 2654 |
Advances in Econometrics Ed W Hildenbrand M8 301 | 2655 |
Education Marxist Perspectives in the Sociology of Levitas D8 216 pbk 7 50 | 2656 |
III Internat 2r e Probability Math Statistics S pbk 15 35 Wiley | 2658 |
Echoes of Oritumbe Lima D8 288 9 50 Stockwell 2 | 2659 |
Policy Issues and Challenges Coles | 2662 |
Economic Research into Health Service Growth World Health Org D8 44 | 2663 |
A Long View of the Pacific Crisis Morin M8 359 n e of 1960e | 2664 |
Econometrics Time Series and Multivariate Statistics Studies in Ed Karlin M8 570 | 2665 |
Ecological and Physiological Studies on the Alfalfa Ladybird Ali R8 200 figs tabs | 2666 |
Economic Development of Modern Scotland 195080 Saville R8 300 18 00 | 2667 |
Echlin Edward P Theology of the Priest as Preacher C8 96 Theol Today S | 2668 |
Eat Well and Keep Healthy Durrant IC8 96 200ill some col Guidelines S | 2669 |
The Island of Stone Giants McCullagh Myers F4 32 lll some col | 2670 |
Economics Analysis Basic James David E James Warren E C4 347 d 6 50 | 2671 |
A Behaviour Analysis Mueller M8 199 III 28 00 | 2672 |
Econometrics Understanding Stewart Jon D8 288 21ill 2r e Univ Lib pbk 7 95 | 2677 |
Eden Dorothy Time of the Dragon M8 475 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 2678 |
D8 224 10ill 3CDE n e 6 95 | 2679 |
A Guide to Evaluation Nowakowski IM8 259 | 2680 |
Books | 2681 |
Eaters Guide to Chinese Characters McCawley sC8 296 pbk 5 25 Univ Chicago | 2682 |
Economic Research Quantity and Quality in Ed Brown | 2683 |
Educational Evaluation in the Netherlands Creemers Verloop | 2684 |
Edible Flowers Clifton D8 96 III 5 95 Bodley Head 10 | 2685 |
Eden Dorothy Vines of Yarrabee M8 582 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 2686 |
Easy Riders | 2690 |
Economics of Trade Unions and the Labour Market Mayhew | 2692 |
X | 2693 |
Edwards Gerald Hamilton In Search of Ancestry suR8 256 30ill | 2694 |
Edwards David G Ed Derbyshire Hearth Tax Assessments 166270 D8 lxxv225 | 2695 |
Mastering WORDSTARMailMergeSpellStar DataStarSupersort | 2696 |
Edwards Susan Ed GenderSex and the | 2698 |
Ecology Evolution and Systematics Dictionary of Ed Lincoln M8 298 4M n | 2699 |
Eather Charles Syds Pirates | 2700 |
A Study of the Epistemological | 2701 |
Spearman Jersey 2 | 2703 |
Linking the South Ed Chidzero Gauhar | 2706 |
A Naturalists Vocabulary Lewis Walter Hepworthetc | 2707 |
A Bibliography D4 30 pbk 3 00 Leics Co Cndl Lib | 2708 |
8 | 2710 |
Ecclesiastical Biography Essays in Stephen 2v M8 1034 n e 55 00 Gregg | 2713 |
Economic Responses to a Changing World Harter M8 493 III | 2714 |
Issues and Problems Roegen M8 450 figs 22 25 Harvard | 2715 |
Economic and Social Development of Merseyside Marriner D8 224 15 95 | 2716 |
Ecological Animal Parasitology KennedyClive Russell R8 168 35ill 9 80 Blackwell | 2717 |
Edwardian Children Smith Joanna IC4 182 240ill 9 95 Hutchinson 1 | 2718 |
Economic Development of the British Coal Industry 18001914 MitchellB R | 2719 |
Economic Revolution in India Ed Punekar D8 587 9 00 Himalaya Pub Ho India | 2720 |
Edible Plants of the World Sturtevant Ed HedrickU P D4 300 n e pbk 10 40 | 2721 |
Edwards P D Ed See TrollopeAnthony Framley Parsonage | 2722 |
Education Roots of Steiner | 2723 |
2 | 2726 |
Edsall J T Wyman Jeffries Biophysical Chemistry | 2727 |
Eggs Beans and Crumpets Wodehouse | 2728 |
Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory Mattick D8 220 pbk 5 50 Merlin P 3 | 2729 |
Economics of Labour Managed Enterprises Ireland Law D8 240 pbk 7 95 | 2732 |
Educating for Peace Utne | 2733 |
A Practical Guide to Improving Your Teaching | 2734 |
10M pbk 7 95 | 2735 |
Economic Role of Women in the E C E Region Economic Commission for Europe | 2736 |
Economic and Social Geography Knowles Wareing D8 352 n e Made Simple | 2738 |
pbk 4 95 Blackwell 10 | 2742 |
The Report of the Select Committee | 2748 |
0 | 2750 |
Ecological Modelling State of the Art of Jorgensen suR8 700 Ip 99 00 Pergamon | 2752 |
Eastern Sahara Prehistory of the Wendorf Schild M8 414 61 50 Academic | 2756 |
Doomsday Myth Maurice Smithson M8 | 2757 |
Educational Outcomes and Public Attitudes Monitoring Gilmartin M8 224 30 75 | 2758 |
02 | 2762 |
Economic Activities in the Republic of Ireland Gillmor D8 400 30 00 Gill | 2764 |
Ecological Modelling in Environmental Management Application | 2765 |
Eddy Donald D Ed Bibliography of John Brown D8 210 10ill 8 00 Univ P | 2769 |
Britain West Germany and Sweden RossGeorgeetc | 2771 |
Ecological Approach to Visual Perception Gibson | 2772 |
Education Distance See Distance Education | 2774 |
A Study of 1000 Commercials Stewart David | 2775 |
Effects of Noise on Wildlife Ed Fletcher J L BusnelR G M8 x305 27 50 | 2776 |
Edson J T Beguinage is Dead IC8 192 n e 5 95 Severn Ho Publrs 10 | 2777 |
Economic and Social History in Yorkshire Universities Theses and Dissertations | 2779 |
SurveyMapping and Data Analysis | 2780 |
Ecclesiastical History Bede See Author entry | 2781 |
Educationally Handicapped Children Motor Domain and Its Correlates in Radrick | 2782 |
Edwards Page Lake The D8 224 9 95 M Boyars 5 | 2783 |
1 | 2785 |
Educational Perspective of Regional Science and Urban Studies Rodwin D8 iii 18 | 2786 |
Practical Workbook Davidson M8 112 pbk 15 75 | 2787 |
Ecology Principles of Putman Wratton | 2788 |
Educating for Responsible Action Wolterstorff IC8 152 pbk 6 95 | 2790 |
Economics of Labour Relations Bloom Northrup M8 765 8r e 11 40 | 2793 |
Effective Training for Family and Parttime Farmers Birkbeck D8 112 bds 2 50 | 2794 |
An Introduction Casavant Casafanger | 2795 |
7 | 2796 |
Education Vocational See Vocational Education | 2797 |
History of the International Education Board | 2798 |
Research Perspectives | 2799 |
Economic Activity Financial System and the Coordination of Krainer R8 320 | 2800 |
A Management by Objectives Approach Norris Graeme | 2806 |
Current Economic Controversies Browning sD8 232 pbk 4 95 | 2807 |
A Cultural Evolutionary Approach sD4 342 | 2810 |
Ecological Aspects of Development in the Humid Tropics D8 pbk 17 60 | 2812 |
Educational Research Encyclopaedia of Ed Ebel 4v D4 2000 5r e H E Mitzell | 2813 |
Edible Woman Atwood C8 288 n e pbk 3 95 Virago 3 | 2816 |
Edens John A Ed See Hopkins Judith Edens John A Ed | 2818 |
Principles of Welfare Economics Lerner D8 xxii428 n i | 2825 |
Echoing Grove Lehmann | 2828 |
Eating and Taste in Britain and France from the Middle Ages | 2830 |
Edentulous Patient Prosthetic Treatment of the Basker | 2831 |
Economic Activity Geography of Thoman Corbin sR6 576 3r e 40 75 | 2832 |
A Computer Database Tilley D8 vi53 18ill | 2833 |
Ecology Problems in Sands | 2834 |
14 95 | 2836 |
2 | 2837 |
Norwegian Archaeological Expedition Reports | 2838 |
Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire 17501914 Good sR8 288 28 50 | 2840 |
Final Report R8 62 | 2841 |
Economic Activity International Allocation of Ohlin D8 586 III 9 95 Macmillan | 2847 |
Methodology and Applications Ed Pleeter IM8 224 | 2849 |
A Practical Handbook DavisMartyn P | 2850 |
Eccardt John Moss Ebenezer Howard An Illustrated Life D8 48 24ill Lifelines | 2851 |
Educating for Tomorrow Gatherer Wallace suR8 141 lp 4 | 2852 |
The Facts Abraham Jones D8 170 22figs 9tabs | 2853 |
Calory Fores | 2854 |
Scope and Limitations Walters D4 12 pbk 1 25 Centre | 2856 |
Spatial Perspectives | 2858 |
Edersheim Alfred Jesus the Messiah D8 662 pbk 10 95 Eerdmans Pub Co U | 2859 |
An Analysis of Underlying Causes Mass C4 185 n e 47 50 | 2861 |
Theory in Todays World Brue Wentworth C4 285 3r | 2862 |
Analysis of the Thought of Austin Farrer | 2866 |
Government in the Classroom | 2868 |
Regulations and Procedures of O E C D Member | 2869 |
Education Much to Do About Corbett D8 80 4r e pbk 1 95 Macmillan Educ | 2871 |
Economics International Kindleberger Lindert M8 6r e 11 90 R D IrwinU | 2872 |
Effective Use of Projects for Manager Development Engineering Industry Training | 2873 |
Private and Public Choice Gwartney M8 766 III 3r e 25 00 | 2874 |
Easter Jesus OCollins D8 168 2r e pbk 3 45 DartonL T 10 | 2875 |
Economics and Aspirations of Le Tiers Monde Penrose D8 26 Inaug Lects | 2879 |
Economics Hemingway Matten F4 80 Hbks on Objective Testing Ip 0 | 2882 |
ObesityAnorexia Nervosa and the Person within Bruch M8 408 | 2884 |
157 | 2888 |
A Study in Economic Advice During | 2892 |
Ecological Aspects of the Biology of the Giant PetrelMacronectes Giganteus | 2893 |
Educational Excellence Achieving Azaroff Mayer IC4 448 18 95 Holt R | 2895 |
Economic Development of the United States GrayRalph Peterson John M | 2896 |
d pbk 8 95 Blackwell 6 | 2898 |
4r e 22 50 Blackwell 8 | 2899 |
Ecclesiastical Map of the Diocese of Exeter 8œ x 42 folded pbk 1 00 Quail | 2901 |
Athlone | 2908 |
H M S O 7 81 92 64 12130 7 | 2910 |
Ecclesiastical PowerOn Giles of Rome See Giles of Rome De Ecclesiastica | 2911 |
Educational Research Sampling in Butcher D8 32 pbk 3 50 Manchester U | 2912 |
Economic Affairs International Changing Pattern of Feis M8 x132 n e 21 15 | 2913 |
Economic Development of the Yemen Arab Republic ElMallakh D8 280 22 50 | 2914 |
Prevalence and Treatment Ed Touyz Beumont IM8 130 | 2915 |
Their Law and Cause MooreHenry L D8 viii 149 n i of 1914e | 2916 |
New Directions Ed Rosa R8 368 | 2917 |
Eclipse Smyth | 2918 |
Thirtythree Pieces of Jazz Balliett M8 284 n e 29 75 | 2919 |
Edinburgh Wrights and Furniture MakersDictionary of 16601840 Ed Bamford | 2920 |
Two Lectures Harvey Jack D8 28 | 2922 |
Educative Approach to Behaviour Problems Evans lan M SC4 210 pbk 18 95 | 2924 |
Eclipse of a Great Power Robbins M8 xvi408 M Foundns of Mod Britain S | 2926 |
Essays in Honour of Abba P Lerner | 2927 |
Economic History of England 18701939 Ashworth D8 448 n e Univ Pbs | 2929 |
What the Children Taught | 2930 |
An Outline of Its Scope and Contribution Winter M8 122 n | 2931 |
East Yorkshire Agricultural Revolution in Wilkinson D8 22 pbk 0 65 East Yorks | 2935 |
Portrait of Maxine Sanders White Witch Queen Deutch D8 176 | 2936 |
Study of the Dudley Estate Raybould | 2937 |
Eastern Somerset Railway Album McNicol M8 24 47ill pbk 1 95 Railmac Pubns | 2941 |
Economic Science Essay on the Nature and Significance of RobbinsLord | 2942 |
Ecstatic World of John Cowper Powys Fawkner D8 256 22 95 Fairleigh | 2946 |
East Yorkshire Guide to Local Studies in Ed Dyson D8 250 Ill some col d | 2947 |
Social Order on an Urban Beach D8 232 III | 2950 |
Alchemical Symbolism | 2951 |
Economic Environment Organization in the WestW H R8 192 pbk 2 95 | 2953 |
Ecce Homo Grosz | 2955 |
Educators Essays on Peters | 2956 |
Group Strategy for Energy Research Development and Demonstration D4 98 | 2957 |
East Sussex Wild Life in D8 28 10ill 1M pbk 1 00 East Sussex | 2958 |
Literature and the Curriculum Ed Miller Jane M8 304 | 2962 |
Ecton R B See FeindlerE L Ecton R | 2963 |
9 | 2965 |
Working Together | 2966 |
Development of Heideggers Concept of Authenticity | 2967 |
Economy Guardian Guide to | 2968 |
Global Predicament Ed Orr Soroos | 2971 |
Environmental Effects of Electricity Generation M8 154 pbk 9 50 O E C D | 2973 |
Ten Critiques 190660 Dubois sD8 pbk 2 65 | 2975 |
Ecclestone Alan Staircase for Silence D8 160 pbk 5 25 DartonL T 7 | 2978 |
Edinburgh Georgian Lindsaylan G IM8 88 III 2r e 5 00 Scot Academic | 2979 |
Economic History of Europe Primer on the Hohenberg M8 254 pbk 10 05 | 2982 |
An Autobiography M8 628 III 12 50 Weidenfeld | 2983 |
8 | 2987 |
General Report | 2989 |
Education and Society Today Ed Hartnett Naish | 2990 |
Omnibus C8 240 pbk 1 75 Stockwell 11 | 2991 |
Economic Plants Structure of Hayward D8 684 1ill 340figs n e 20 00 J Cramer | 2993 |
Science and Technology Policy Outlook | 2994 |
Economic Decision Information and Efficiency in Sengupta suR8 480 58 25 | 2995 |
Economics of Developing Nations Conflicting Paradigms in the David IM8 304 | 3006 |
Ebashi Setsuro etc Ed Calcium Regulation in Biological Systems M8 260 27 50 | 3007 |
Economic Decisions for Consumers Leet Driggers sC4 250 31 00 Wadsworth | 3009 |
Certificate Model Answers Kelly IC8 120 III pbk 0 90 Macmillan | 3012 |
East Sussex Village Book Taylor Rupert C8 192 18ill 1M pbk 4 95 Countryside | 3014 |
Eclipses Interpreting the Jansky M8 128 pbk 6 95 A C S Pubns U S 4 | 3017 |
Complete Guide for Visitors C8 64 Ill r e pbk 0 50 | 3019 |
The Debate Between Left and Right | 3021 |
Edersheim Alfred Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ C8 352 | 3025 |
University of Stirling Brownrigg R8 124 5 00 | 3026 |
The Last Phase M8 n e of 1910e 50 00 Haskell | 3028 |
Tr fr French G R Mehuysetc M8 178 Col ill tabs M 44 65 Masson Pub Inc | 3030 |
Ecology General McNaughton Wolf sC4 832 III 2r e 22 95 Holt R | 3031 |
16 95 Merrill 4 | 3032 |
Eastman Nicholas J Expectant Motherhood D8 256 16ill 7r e K P Russell 4 95 | 3035 |
Transition from School to Working | 3036 |
H M S O 7 | 3037 |
Economics Levick D8 208 pbk 4 95 Checkmate Pubns 7 | 3038 |
Economic DevelopmentSocial Structure and Population Growth DSouza R8 138 | 3040 |
Economics of Tropical Farm Management Makeham Malcolm | 3042 |
Economics and Commerce Dictionary of Hanson | 3045 |
Effective Management of Engineering Design D8 172 III pbk 10 75 Amer Soc | 3046 |
Ecological Biochemistry Introduction to Harborne | 3049 |
A Differentiable Approach Colell | 3052 |
Eccentrics British Book of Brown Raymond Lamont sD8 64 bds 3 95 David | 3054 |
The Process of Caring | 3055 |
Effective Marketing Management Christopher D4 200 d tabs | 3057 |
Economic History of Modern France Caron | 3058 |
Educational Research Practical Guide to Cates Ward Mitchell M8 252 pbk 24 95 | 3061 |
Economic Development Strategic Approaches to Crucial Policies in Onoh M8 xiii | 3062 |
Economics Locke IM8 944 figs 42 10 PrenticeHall 1 | 3065 |
Edwards Gerard St Ambrose Barlow sC8 16 pbk 0 45 Catholic | 3066 |
Economics for a Developing World Todaro C4 xxxxxiv434 d r e pbk 9 50 | 3067 |
Economic Policy and Planning in the Netherlands 195065 Abert D8 298 25 00 | 3069 |
Education in Multicultural Societies Ed Corner D8 256 16 95 Croom Helm 9 | 3070 |
Egan William F Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock IM8 302 III 43 20 Wiley | 3071 |
Economics of Cultural Decisions Ed Hendon Shanahan M8 246 | 3072 |
Technology in | 3073 |
The Structured Misrepresentation of Reality Harris | 3074 |
Economics and Corporate Strategy Sutton | 3076 |
Economy Making Sense of the Harrod | 3080 |
Edwards John Goronwy Edward Is Castlebuilding in Wales R8 Rhys Mem Lect | 3081 |
Ebbatson Roger George Eliots Mill on the Floss C8 80 Masterstudies S | 3083 |
EconomyMediaeval English 11501500 Bolton M8 416 2r e Everyman Univ | 3087 |
1 | 3089 |
pbk 17 50 Univ Toronto P 9 | 3090 |
Economic Equilibrium General Theory of Rader M8 362 III 51 50 Academic | 3092 |
39 | 3094 |
Ecuador Climbing and Hiking in Rachowiecki D8 160 13ill | 3095 |
Education in Multilingual Settings Language and Ed Spolsky | 3097 |
Eeden P Van Den Ed See OosthoekH EedenP Van Den Ed | 3098 |
Education and Teachers Centres Inservice Ed Adams Elizabeth | 3099 |
Egdahl Richard H Gertman Paul M Quality Assurance in Health Care | 3101 |
Edwards Sir Goronwy Ed Littere Wallie Ixix232 Hist Law S 9 | 3102 |
Economic Policy and the Size of Cities Neutze D8 xii 136 8tabs 7figs n e 20 00 | 3104 |
With Special Reference to Conditions in | 3107 |
EcologyRecreation and Tourism Edington Edington | 3108 |
The Challenge of the 1980s Camoy Shearer | 3109 |
How it All Began Rostow D8 280 Univ | 3110 |
Education and Teaching in Analytical Chemistry Baiulescu IM8 190 III 21 55 | 3111 |
Education Sacred Cows in Ed Coffield Goodings D8 226 pbk 10 00 | 3113 |
Edwardian Novelists Batchelor suR8 251 18 00 Duckworth 2 82 0 7156 1109 7 | 3114 |
15541 2 | 3117 |
ResourcesProduction and Demand D4 352 tabs M pbk 16 00 | 3119 |
Hazardousness of a Place | 3120 |
Echo of Spring Gillen C8 274 n e Linford Romance Lib pbk 4 25 Ulverscroft | 3123 |
A Guidebook Atomic | 3125 |
Education in New India Humayun M8 212 n e 22 50 Greenwood PressLondon | 3126 |
Economic History of Modern Scotland Lenman D8 280 3M pbk 7 95 Batsford | 3128 |
Educational Research Social Crisis and BartonLen WalkerStephen | 3129 |
Eating for Health Clinkard D8 32 r e bds 1 50 Whitcoulls 12 | 3131 |
Selection Certification and Control | 3132 |
Economic Theory and Policy in the United Kingdom Cross D8 240 pbk 7 50 | 3133 |
Education Elementary See Elementary Education | 3134 |
City College and the Jewish Poor Gorelick | 3135 |
Economic Development in the Soviet Union Cohn D8 150 n e pbk 3 50 | 3136 |
Curriculum and Policymaking D4 80 Course E333 pbk 4 95 | 3137 |
Echocardiographic Diagnosis DCruz C4 480 56 00 Collier Mac 11 | 3138 |
Eastern Survey Denton 8 x 82 48 82ill 1col pbk 2 75 Line One Pub 3 | 3139 |
Journals and Letters from Germany and England 188088 | 3142 |
East Tales of the Mystic Singh D8 261 1ill 4r e 2 45 Radha | 3143 |
Economy of Abundance Chase M8 vii327 n e 23 00 Kennikat P 8 | 3144 |
Education Schools and Schooling Burgess D8 200 pbk 3 95 Macmillan Educ | 3145 |
Eaton John H First Studies in Biblical Hebrew D4 143 spiral 3 50 Univ Bham | 3148 |
Economic History of Sweden Heckscher | 3149 |
Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines Schultz Dam M8 pbk 4 40 | 3151 |
Ebbin Steven Kasper Raphael G Citizen Groups and the Nuclear Power | 3152 |
Ecuador Process of Political Domination in Cueva D8 106 14 50 Transaction | 3154 |
57 | 3157 |
Education Selfconcept Development and BurnsR IR6 440 pbk 7 95 Holt R | 3159 |
Economics for Consumers Lee A SelenakR sC4 350 27 50 Wadsworth | 3163 |
Ebbitt David R See Ebbitt Wilma R EbbittDavid | 3163 |
A Manual for Education and Action | 3168 |
Sacha Runa Whitten | 3169 |
Policy Studs | 3172 |
Doctor and Two Policemen | 3175 |
Echocardiography Clinical HunterStewart Hall Roger C4 232 Ill bds 40 00 | 3176 |
Economic Expansion Studies in the Theory of Lundberg D8 x266 n i of 1937e | 3180 |
Economic History of the British Building Industry 18151979 Powell Christopher G | 3182 |
Economics of New Educational Media Unesco | 3183 |
Daruvala M8 xxviii | 3184 |
Ebbutt David Ed See Elliott John Ebbutt David Ed | 3186 |
Edwards Denis G Human Experience of God D8 168 pbk 5 95 Gill | 3187 |
Edwardian Scotland Hill Cuthbert William D8 192 III 5 50 Scot Academic | 3189 |
Studies in Structure and Policy | 3191 |
Goodness Mulliss C8 64 pbk 1 25 Health Sci P 10 | 3192 |
East Timor and the Western Democracies Chomsky D8 8 pbk 0 30 Spokesman | 3193 |
Edwards Denis G A to Z of Bible Study Books and Commentaries D8 184 | 3194 |
T Microcomputers for Solicitors D4 144 d tabs 16 50 | 3195 |
Education of Exceptional Learners Hewett Forness | 3196 |
Economics in Disequilibrium Hey R8 271 25 00 Martin Robertson 9 | 3197 |
Food Trap | 3198 |
Ecology Taxonomy and Ed Heywood M8 370 48 00 Academic P 11 73 | 3199 |
Basic Education and the New Theory | 3200 |
Eastern Vegetarian Cooking Jaffrey | 3203 |
Education Enduring Effects of Hyman | 3204 |
Educational Planning Realistic International Institute for Educational Planning D8 48 | 3205 |
Economic Externalities Theory and Measurement of Ed Lin M8 50 50 Academic | 3206 |
Economical Construction of Concrete Dams D8 566 ll pbk 10 25 Amer Soc | 3208 |
Economics in Personnel Management Bridge D8 254 pbk 9 95 Inst of Personnel | 3211 |
How to Handle Them | 3213 |
Education Policy Review Consultation Document D4 30 pbk 2 00 Royal Town | 3214 |
Eastern World Emergence of the Seidler M8 xii260 13 50 Pergamon P 5 | 3215 |
Ecology Fundamentals of Odum C4 574 63tabs 227 figs 3r e 21 50 | 3218 |
1 | 3220 |
21 30 Allyn B 2 | 3221 |
Reading from the Gospels D836 | 3222 |
130ill 17 50 Chap H 11 | 3223 |
Economical Data Logging System for Field Experiments Jones A A etc D8 32 | 3224 |
Case Study of Plastic Wastes Curlee M8 224 | 3226 |
Appropriate | 3228 |
Hirsch | 3232 |
Ecology and Environmental Planning Edington Edington | 3234 |
An Annotated | 3235 |
Essays on Environment and Social Change Ed Bilsky D8 195 | 3237 |
Economic Development in the Nineteenth Century Knowles D8 viii 368 n e | 3238 |
Ordinary Level D J Thomas See General Certificate of Education | 3241 |
Ecology Insects Food and Brues sD8 xxvi466 III n e pbk 7 00 Dover Pubns | 3243 |
The Paediatrics Case Cullis D8 200 | 3244 |
Economic Development Image and Reality in Reynolds Lloyd G M8 544 45 00 | 3246 |
Economics A Workers Education Manual sR8 160 tabs pbk 5 00 I L O 4 | 3247 |
Ecology Terrestrial Guide Study of Andrews William A M8 pbk 6 95 Prentice | 3248 |
Balance of Military Power Miller Davidetc D4 208 400ill some | 3249 |
Effect of Initial Rusting on the Bond Performance of Reinforcement Murphy | 3250 |
Termau Économeg ac Econometreg C8 70 | 3252 |
Symposium Proceedings Ed Noakes Ward | 3253 |
n e pbk 3 50 Pan Bks 1 | 3254 |
EducationEqualReadings on Ed FlaxmanErwin See Editor entry | 3255 |
Economics in the General Curriculum 1418 Hodkinson Thomas D4 18 2ill | 3257 |
Principles and Applications Ed MayRobert | 3259 |
EastWest Agricultural Trade Ed Jones James R M8 275 pbk 27 50 Westview | 3260 |
Economic History of the Iron and Steel Industry in the United States Hogan | 3261 |
Education Politics of Freire | 3262 |
Egami Tomi Oriental Cook Book C4 146 Ill some col 4 75 Kodansha | 3264 |
Education Amongst the Working Classes of Leeds On the Present State ofand | 3266 |
The Lost Play Ed Sams | 3268 |
Col ill 2AB n e Beginner Bks pbk 1 75 Collins 8 | 3269 |
Education of the Hearing Impaired Child Ed PowellF etc M8 162 21ill | 3271 |
Economics in the Long View Kindleberger Charles P Tella Guido Di See Author | 3273 |
A Guidebook for Action | 3274 |
State as a Firm Auster Silver | 3277 |
n e 8 95 Dobson 58 | 3278 |
Economic Integration Among Developing Countries Planning Mennes M8 xii 153 | 3280 |
Economic Analysis Optimization in Mills Gordon | 3282 |
Economics Understand Humphreys C8 118 21ill pbk 3 50 Pitman Australia 2 | 3284 |
Education European Economic Community and Neave D8 204 bds 9 00 | 3285 |
Models or Markets? Ramsey D8 104 Hobart Pprs | 3286 |
A Review of the Literature Home Office R8 93 | 3288 |
Eastman P D Big DogLittle Dog sC8 32 l 1A Armada Pict Lions S pbk 1 75 | 3290 |
EastWest Communications in Europe Politics of Birnbaum M8 183 21 50 Saxon | 3291 |
Ecology and Quality of Our Environment Southwick M8 426 III 2r e pbk 11 00 | 3293 |
Education and Art Study of Ed FieldDick NewickJohn D8 254 pbk 6 50 | 3294 |
Eating Ice Cream with a Werewolf GreenPhyllis | 3296 |
tabs 11 95 Macmillan P 2 | 3297 |
G Mimura Reiko Oscar Directors D4 188 205ill 7 95 Tantivy | 3298 |
Advice to the People of England on | 3299 |
The International Dimension Llewellyn M8 256 | 3300 |
Economics of Discretionary Behaviour WilliamsonOliver D8 182 | 3301 |
Eastman P D GoDogGo | 3302 |
Educational Research Strategies of Ed Burgess | 3303 |
Fact and Theory Slater D8 336 2 00 Methuen 68 | 3304 |
Barter CompensationBuyback | 3305 |
Economics and Equality in the United States Osbery M8 206 23 20 M E Sharpe | 3306 |
Economic Analysis Textbook of Nevin D8 544 III 2r e 795 | 3307 |
Perspectives on Techniques of Research Verma | 3309 |
Eccles Audrey Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Tudor and Stuart | 3310 |
Education Evaluation in Walberg Postlethwaite | 3311 |
Guide to European Dishes Major 8 x 32 96 bds 2 50 David | 3313 |
Ecology Urbanization and Industrialization Gadd D8 32 III pbk 1 30 Macmillan | 3319 |
Objective Questions ThomasDavid John D8 72 pbk 1 95 Bell | 3320 |
EastWest German Relations Basic Treaty and the Evolution of Plock M8 230 | 3321 |
Magic in the Making of Man sC8 272 | 3324 |
Economics of Offshore Oil and Gas Supplies Beck Wiig M8 176 56figs 30tabs | 3326 |
II 30 00 | 3327 |
EastWest Industrial Cooperation Economic Commission for Europe M4 128 | 3328 |
Edwards Dorothy Dads New Car D8 24 Col ill 4 50 Methuen Chi Bks 9 | 3329 |
A Dialogue | 3331 |
Annual Bulletin | 3332 |
Design and Adaptation of Existing | 3333 |
Edey Harold Cecil Introduction to Accounting D8 208 4r e Univ Lib pbk 7 50 | 3335 |
Economics Universalist Critique of Vikor | 3338 |
Economics of Discrimination Becker sD8 x168 6figs 18tabs 2r | 3340 |
Economics of Distribution Hobson D8 362 n e of 1916e 23 00 | 3347 |
Economics of Peacemaking Arad sD8 520 29 50 Macmillan P 8 | 3348 |
Nature at Work British Museum | 3350 |
Edge Convectors Assessment of the Reliability of M4 70 d tabs spiral 9 00 | 3351 |
Economics of Personal Injury Chosh M8 156 18figs 20tabs 16 50 | 3354 |
S P Spectral Theory of Periodic Differential Equations D8 144 5 00 | 3355 |
Edwards Jonathan Great Awakening Ed GoenC C M8 608 50 00 Yale U | 3357 |
Education Womens Workplace Dawson D4 212 57ill spiral 36 00 Eurosearch | 3361 |
Essays in Honour of Tibor Scitovsky Ed Boskin | 3362 |
Economics of Personal Tax Escalation in Australia Norman | 3363 |
Ecology Versus Politics in Canada Ed Leiss d | 3366 |
Eastham R D Laboratory Guide to Clinical Diagnosis IC8 384 5r e pbk 10 75 | 3367 |
Chichester Pprs | 3368 |
Economics and Game Theory Fixed Point Theorems with Applications to Border | 3371 |
Facts S | 3374 |
Learning Tomorrows Ed Wagschal | 3375 |
Economic History of the United States Prior to 1860 Ed Orsagh M8 xii 100 | 3377 |
A Case Study of Economic Development in | 3379 |
Allyn B 3 | 3381 |
Seminar R8 120 Ip 9 00 Pergamon P 4 | 3384 |
Economics and Insurance CarterRobert Lewis D8 201 2r e 15 00 P H | 3385 |
EastWest Relations and the Future of Eastern Europe Bornstein M8 288 3ill | 3386 |
Educational Technology for Continuous Education Ed Leedham R8 272 | 3390 |
Economic Development in Great Britain Hundred Years of 18401940 Jones G P | 3391 |
Economics and Management of Food Processing Smith Greig W sF4 526 57 | 3392 |
EastWest Relations Technology Transfer and Schaffer D8 288 22 50 Croom | 3393 |
1978 C4 122 25ill 21 00 Pergamon P 3 | 3394 |
An Introduction Hacche D8 368 III pbk 8 95 | 3398 |
David Concepts in Architectural Acoustics SD4 192 54 95 | 3399 |
Towards an Integration of Economic and Social | 3400 |
Educating the Baccalaureate Social Worker Baer Federico M8 250 27 50 | 3401 |
Economics of Planning Public Works Clarkjohn Maurice D8 194 | 3402 |
Eden Emily Semiattached Couple AND Semidetached House C8 528 n e | 3403 |
Egeland Alv etc Ed Cosmical Geophysics C4 360 286figs 6 70 | 3405 |
Economics of Politics Buchanan IC8 xiii 196 Readings in Pol Econ pbk 3 00 | 3408 |
A Dialogue in the Transit Lounge of the Ecumenical | 3410 |
Eden Erica Enjoy Being an Editor D8 16 4ill pbk 0 60 Preschool Playgroups | 3411 |
Economic and Cultural Atlas of India Ed Muthiah Arya D4 M | 3412 |
Symposium | 3414 |
Educating the British Yeadon C8 63 III pbk 1 50 M Glasgow Pubns 12 | 3416 |
Effects of Anaesthesia Ed Covino suR8 224 Clin Physiol S pbk 40 00 Wms | 3419 |
Educational Policy Cultural Identity and Ed Brock Tulasiewicz D8 368 19 95 | 3420 |
Echocardiography Diagnosis of Cardiac Malformations WilliamsR G etc C4 260 | 3423 |
II 5 50 Methuen Chi Bks 1 | 3425 |
An Integrated Approach to Fundamental Principles | 3426 |
Egan Michael Ed Ibsen | 3430 |
Edwardians The WestVictoria Sackville | 3431 |
Economic Development in Northern Ireland Parkinson D8 24 Inaug Lect | 3433 |
Economic Theory and the Developing Countries Dasgupta D8 142 6 95 | 3435 |
Educating the Gifted Child Povey | 3437 |
Blessed Pierre FavreS J Murphy D16 32 2ill pbk 0 29 | 3438 |
Economic Aspect of Small Scale Fish Canning Edwards D etc D4 40 3ch | 3443 |
Echocardiography Paediatric Meyer R8 303 III 16 00 Lea Febiger 8 | 3446 |
EducationSocial Structure and Development WilliamsonBill | 3447 |
Effects of Bisulphite and the Stability of Adrenaline Nilsson IM8 98 figs | 3448 |
Contributions to an Archetypal Psychology Berry sD8 198 | 3449 |
Economics and Other Social Sciences Methodology of Machlup M8 xvi567 | 3450 |
Eccles Harry Hunt Stephen Immobilization of lons by Biosorption suR8 266 | 3451 |
Echocardiography Clinical Twodimensional Nasser Giuliani M8 274 290ill | 3452 |
Edmonds J M r See Longus Daphnis and Chloe | 3453 |
Age of Imperialism 18701917 Olyansky | 3457 |
Symposium Proceedings Summary R8 137 | 3458 |
17 50 F Pinter 6 | 3459 |
Improved Techniques for the Extraction of Primary Forms of Energy M8 275 | 3460 |
Eastaugh Steven R Medical Economics and Health Finance M8 16 50 Auburn | 3461 |
Evolution of a Statesman M8 412 M 23 40 | 3463 |
Economic Theory Crisis in Ed Bell Daniel KristolIrving | 3465 |
r e pbk 8 50 | 3466 |
Economic Development in the Third World Todaro M8 xxxviii648 d 3r e | 3467 |
Edwards Dorothy Ghosts and Shadows C8 160 3BC n e Lions S pbk 1 75 | 3468 |
Little Dictators Polonsky D8 224 13 75 | 3471 |
51500 X | 3472 |
Economic Aspects of Industrial Accidents in Great Britain Lees Imp 16 32 | 3473 |
Economics of Technological Change JacksonK C D8 pbk 14 00 Textile Inst | 3474 |
Economic Interdependence and Flexible Exchange Rates Bhandari Putnam | 3475 |
Guide to Basic Writing sC4 352 pbk 12 | 3476 |
A Report on Selected Environment | 3478 |
Economic Theory Essays in International Bhagwati | 3479 |
Eccles Henry Effingham Logistics in the National Defence M8 xviii347 III n | 3480 |
Trade Related Issues M8 145 pbk 9 50 O E C D | 3481 |
Farther Vision Ed Koenig Hill | 3482 |
Eastern Europe Women State and Party in Ed Wolchik Meyer | 3483 |
France Germany Greece United | 3486 |
Hierarchy Allen T F H Starr Thomas B | 3487 |
Eccles John Eight Songs Ed Pilkington Michael M8 32 pbk 2 80 Stainer Bell | 3489 |
Education and the Nature of Man Kelley Rasey M8 xi209 n e of 1952e | 3491 |
Edelman Gerald M Ed Molecular Determinants of Animal Form M8 656 III | 3492 |
Economic Aspects of Industrial Relations OMahony D8 pbk 0 50 Economic | 3494 |
Eastman Sheila McGee Timothy J Barbara Pentland M8 284 21 00 | 3495 |
Echocardiography Principles of Interpretation in Harrigan Lee R4 390 III 67 00 | 3497 |
Edwardians The WoodSydney | 3498 |
Economic Aspects of Postwar InterAmerican Relations Some M8 117 n e | 3500 |
Gifford Lectures M8 272 pbk 7 50 | 3502 |
Ecology What is? Owen Denis Frank C8 246 25ill 2r e Opus Bks pbk 4 95 | 3503 |
Beyond Positivism Caldwell | 3506 |
Principles and Policy Baumol Blinder M8 864 Internat 3r e | 3507 |
Problems of the Agricultural Development of Lessfavoured Areas R8 274 | 3508 |
Edwardians Eminent Brendon D8 272 III 10 95 Secker | 3510 |
Effects of Changes in Working Time on Competitiveness P A International | 3512 |
Economics and Politics of Health Campbell Rita Ricardo M8 379 n e pbk 8 45 | 3514 |
Eck Roger D Operations Research for Business M8 757 14 20 Wadsworth | 3516 |
Economic Aspects of Smallscale Fish Freezing Street D4 48 pbk 1 70 Tropical | 3517 |
Eccles Sir John Crew Inhibitory Pathways of the Central Nervous System D8 | 3518 |
Echocardiography Two Dimensional Schapira suR8 344 291ill 42 00 Wms | 3519 |
Education Comparative Hans D8 x334 3r e Internat Lib of Soc pbk 6 50 | 3520 |
Utilizing | 3521 |
Education in Spain Newcombe D8 32 III n e Discovering Spain S pbk 1 | 3522 |
Eccles John Desmond Green Richard Manners Conservation of Teeth | 3524 |
TomorrowCapitalism LePage | 3525 |
Ecological Considerations in Wetlands Godfrey Benforado M8 496 38 50 | 3526 |
Economic Alphabet Becket sC8 160 16ill 2r e pbk 1 95 Flame Bks 2 | 3527 |
Edwards Sutherland History of the Opera 2v in 1v M8 627 n e 49 50 | 3528 |
The Nigerian Experience Balabkins | 3530 |
A Sam H M S O 4 | 3531 |
Eccles MarkEd Marco Plays D8 340 Fr Early Eng Text Soc S 8 50 Oxf U | 3533 |
Eastern European Cook Book Nelson Kay Shaw D8 228 n e pbk 3 55 Dover | 3534 |
Economic Development Local Malizia sR8 256 35 95 Praeger 5 | 3536 |
Introduction to the Structure | 3538 |
Ohiyesa Wilson Raymond M8 288 18 75 | 3540 |
Protein and Nonprotein Nitrogen for Ruminants C4 246 Ip 32 00 Pergamon | 3541 |
Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments Ed Jefferies Davy M8 672 120ill | 3542 |
of Churches | 3543 |
Economics Begg | 3544 |
Edge of the Universe Krisciunas 8œ x 8œ 192 260ill 200col | 3545 |
Educational Technology Ed Gorbert D8 90 tabs Aspects of Educ S pbk 2 00 | 3547 |
Education in Systems Science Ed Bayraktar M8 xii370 N A T O Conference | 3548 |
Eastaway Robert Ed Enigmas C8 96 pbk 2 50 Arlington Bks 10 | 3549 |
Ecological Psychology Introduction to Wicker M8 228 II n e pbk 7 50 | 3552 |
Edge of the Sword Hockley D8 276 n e Echoes of War S pbk 5 95 Buchan | 3553 |
Economic Development Money and Capital in McKinnon | 3554 |
Educational Achievement Assessing Ed Nuttall M8 190 pbk 6 95 | 3555 |
Coordinated Urban Transport Pricing D4 151 Road Transport Research | 3556 |
Economic Aspects of the Energy Crisis RichardsonHarry Ward sR8 248 18 50 | 3557 |
Edwards A J C Nuclear Weaponsthe Balance of Terrorthe Quest for Peace | 3559 |
Education and Social Change KingEdmund James IC8 252 pbk 4 60 Pergamon | 3561 |
Economic Commentaries Robertson Sir Dennis Holme M8 vii 174 | 3563 |
Economic Summits and Western Decision Making Merlini D8 224 | 3566 |
H M S O 4 | 3569 |
Conservation of Energy in the Chemical Industry M4 202 ch pbk 12 60 | 3571 |
Collected Essays Brus D8 125 19 00 | 3572 |
Economic Survey of Northern Ireland Ed Isles Cuthbert M8 xxv646 facsim | 3573 |
Picturesque Notes Stevenson Robert Louis C8 96 10col ill n e | 3576 |
Effect of Porosity on the Electric Strength of Alumina Morse Hill C4 9 9ill | 3577 |
Economics Introductory VesethMichael See Author entry | 3579 |
Dominion of Man BlackJohn Nicholson | 3582 |
Eggert Jim Investigating Microeconomics | 3583 |
Eastby John Functionalism and Interdependence | 3584 |
EastWest Industrial Cooperation M4 128 pbk 6 50 H M S O 3 | 3585 |
Educational Activity Programmes for Older Adults Williams Janice | 3586 |
Economics is Not Yet a Science Why Eichner | 3589 |
Edwardian Biography Dictionary | 3592 |
Edwards A M Ed See Pepys Edwards A M Ed | 3594 |
Eccles Cinemas and Theatres History of Flynn D4 30 40ill pbk 2 00 | 3595 |
Treasury Rules Ham Adrian | 3597 |
Prospects for Europe and North America Imp8 268 | 3600 |
Economic Development Natural Projects for Endsjo M8 256 pbk 14 55 | 3601 |
Effects of Deterioration on Safety and Reliability of Structures | 3602 |
Rider 9 | 3605 |
An Introductory Analysis Hirsch M8 xv275 | 3606 |
Click MitchellBarbara sM8 64 1col ill 495 | 3607 |
Edwards Dorothy Heres | 3608 |
Economic Synthesis Isohboldin Sharp D8 29 pbk 10 95 M C B Pubns 8 | 3615 |
Eccleshall Robert British Liberalism C8 xiv256 Docs in Political Ideas S pbk 5 50 | 3617 |
Economics of EducationWhere are We Now in the? Blaug D8 27 pbk 1 00 | 3619 |
Egleton Clive Falcon for the Hawks M8 368 n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print | 3620 |
Ecclestone H See Mackley George E EcclestoneH | 3621 |
Edbury Peter W Ed Crusade and Settlement M8 xii281 19ill 19 50 | 3622 |
Last Romantic ONeill William L M8 362 III 8 50 | 3623 |
Institutionalist Perspective Samuels Schmid sR8 viii268 | 3624 |
Edge of the Wood Bold D8 175 2ill pbk 4 25 Luath P 8 | 3625 |
Eckert Ernest R G Drake Robert M Heat and Mass Transfer | 3628 |
Effect of Slum Clearance on Multioccupation Flett Peaford D4 53 pbk 0 71 | 3630 |
Environment and Energy suR8 116 17 00 Pergamon P 7 79 008 024468 8 | 3638 |
d tabs 4r e pbk 17 50 Camb U P 7 | 3639 |
The Present as a Clue to | 3641 |
Evolution of the Specific Consumption of Steel D4 xiii225 pbk 23 00 | 3644 |
Theories of Absolute and Limited | 3647 |
Education Personality and Fontana | 3648 |
Home Fires Burning D8 224 n e Lythway Large Print Bks 8 95 | 3649 |
Effective Prayer JonesBryn D4 49 pbk 2 95 Harvestime Services 3 | 3651 |
Education Personnel Administration in MillsBen M etc M8 324 | 3654 |
Structure and Change in European Industry D4 305 pbk 10 40 H M S | 3655 |
Economics of Energy WebbMichael RickettsMartin IC8 315 pbk 6 50 | 3657 |
Study of Japanese Americans Bonacich | 3658 |
III Internat 2r e Probability Math Statistics S pbk 13 60 Wiley | 3659 |
Easter of Our Lives Goldsmith Pott8 28 pbk 0 60 L N Fowler 64 | 3661 |
Economy of England 14501750 Coleman IC8 236 21tabs 7ch Opus Bks | 3666 |
Effective Prayer Sproul sC8 96 pbk 1 75 Scripture Union 3 86 0 86201 353 4 | 3667 |
Poems 197280 D8 76 5 95 Oxf U P N Y | 3668 |
Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration | 3674 |
Films of Jean Rouch D8 82 | 3677 |
Eberhart Sylvia See CottrelLeonard Slater Eberhart Sylvia | 3678 |
Microeconomics Asimakopulos | 3679 |
Solo Walk in the Western Sahara | 3681 |
An Introduction Gordon Alan D8 224 pbk 8 50 | 3683 |
Tr fr Portuguese M B Ramos D8 176 2r e 10 50 Sheed W 4 | 3684 |
Easter People Roman Catholic Bishops of England and Wales | 3685 |
Economic System On Appraising the Performance of an Vining M8 191 d tabs | 3686 |
Egleton Clive Mills Bomb D8 480 n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 3 | 3688 |
Economy of India Balasubramanyam | 3691 |
Economics and Social Problems FletcherM E D8 850 4r e pbk 29 15 Houghton | 3693 |
Meaning Dialogue and Enculturation | 3694 |
Ebrahim G J Care of the Newborn in Developing Countries D8 120 III | 3696 |
Microeconomics for Systems Engineering Engineering | 3697 |
Ecological Studies in the Mixed Dipterocarp Forests of Brunei State Ashton | 3698 |
Educational Foundations Philosophy and Brent | 3702 |
Educational Terms English Guide to Ed GordonPeter Lawton Denis | 3703 |
Solutions Gde M8 202 III 2r e Probability Math Statistics S pbk 24 05 | 3704 |
Economics of Price and Wage Controls Ed Brunner Meltzer R8 viñ305 | 3705 |
Economic Policy Current Issues of ReynoldsLloyd G etc M8 5 85 R D Irwin | 3706 |
Some Belgian Studies Osterrieth | 3708 |
Readings for Survival Love Love sD8 342 | 3711 |
A r See DavidsonSir Stanleyetc Human Nutrition and Dietetics | 3713 |
Eddy Mary Baker Memoirs of Dickey Ed Girtin Tom suR8 xlvi54 n e 9 50 | 3717 |
Edson J T Buffalo are Coming | 3718 |
Edden Gill James Wendy Ed Freezer Cook Book D4 192 Col ill bds 5 00 | 3720 |
Economics of Uncertainty McKenna | 3721 |
Economics of Urban Amenities Ed Tolley Diamon M8 248 III 29 50 | 3727 |
Economics of Urban Size Richardson Harry Ward M8 240 16 50 Saxon | 3733 |
Economics of Energy Policy Jones Thomas G Weyman | 3734 |
Current Research and Theory Feldman M8 382 | 3735 |
A Professionals Guide Crowson | 3736 |
Economics Invitation to Whynes | 3737 |
Based on Lectures Given at the Orthodox | 3740 |
Economics of Urban Transport Button M8 192 20figs 16tabs 19 50 Saxon | 3742 |
Eberhart Mignon Good Fighting Chance C8 248 8 95 Collins 1 | 3744 |
Edinburgh Literary and Artistic Landmarks of Pennycook M8 128 I 3 50 Albyn | 3746 |
Philosophy of Education of Jacques Maritain Allard | 3748 |
307ll 15 95 Citadel P U S 11 | 3749 |
Eckhaus Wiktor Asymptotic Analysis of Singular Perturbations M8 xii288 III | 3750 |
Economics of Environmental Management Lowe Lewis | 3754 |
Edgington David Christians and the Third World D8 160 pbk 4 00 Paternoster | 3755 |
Precipitous City Royle D8 224 18ill 6 95 | 3756 |
n e Arena Bks pbk 2 50 Arrow Bks 9 | 3763 |
A Biographya Reconstruction Kahn | 3764 |
Efficiency Auditing Whalley D8 310 25 00 Macmillan 11 | 3768 |
Eating Right is Beautiful Scrutton D8 173 2 95 Spearman 5 | 3769 |
Edgington Sylvia Woodby See Saivetz Carol R EdgingtonSylvia Woodby | 3771 |
Education Sociological Interpretation of Blackledge Hunt | 3774 |
Education for Human Development Montessori sD8 120 n e pbk 6 15 | 3775 |
Collier | 3777 |
193ill n e pbk 5 50 J A Allen 8 | 3778 |
Layoffs and Short Time Working in Selected O E C D Countries R8 146 | 3779 |
Edwards Martin Understanding Dismissal Law D8 208 pbk 9 75 Waterlow | 3781 |
Effects of Psychological Therapy Rachman | 3782 |
ArmourCamouflage and Markings 194145 Zaloga Gransden | 3785 |
Eclipsing Binaries Smith Edward Elmer GoldinStephen sC8 192 Panther | 3787 |
Edwards Mary Ed Dictionary of Key Words IC8 224 pbk 4 95 Macmillan | 3788 |
Economics Managerial Ed Keating M8 680 19 50 Academic P 2 | 3792 |
Economic Basis of Public Interest Tugwell D8 ix138 n i of 1922e 14 00 Kelley | 3793 |
Settlement of Northern New England 16101763 Clark Charles E | 3794 |
Final Report D4 32 spiral | 3795 |
Economy of Machinery and Manufactures On the Babbage D8 xxiv436 4e | 3800 |
A Study in Child YouthSchool and Community Robbins | 3802 |
Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on Organic Cerebral Impairment Ed Agnoli | 3805 |
Easter Rising in Song and Ballad Ed Greaves | 3806 |
Economics of Exhaustible Resources Essays in the Ed Kemp Long M8 x250 | 3807 |
New Accents S 11 95 Methuen 5 | 3808 |
Easy Way to Bird Recognition Kilbracken C8 144 Col ill bds 3 95 Kingfisher | 3810 |
Eating Scientifically Bijlani D8 188 pbk 1 50 Sangam Bks 2 | 3814 |
Economic Beginnings of the Far West Coman 2v D8 xix418 ix450 n i | 3815 |
Edinburgh Old Ordnance Survey Maps | 3816 |
Ecology of Natural Resources Ramade | 3818 |
Easy Way to Programme Your New Computer Hartnell D8 208 pbk 3 95 | 3819 |
Efficient Accounting and Recordkeeping Doyle D8 124 III n e pbk 9 00 Wiley | 3820 |
PlatoPiaget and Scientific Psychology Egan | 3823 |
Easy Ways to Enlarge Your German Vocabulary Schmidt D4 124 pbk 4 05 | 3825 |
Ecological Studies on the Spider Fauna of the Malham Area Duffy SR6 60 50ill | 3827 |
Economic Myths and the Mythology of Economics Mishan M8 176 30 00 | 3829 |
Reference Book on Energy Management for Engineers | 3830 |
Economic Concentration Through Intercorporate Investments Singhania D8 248 | 3831 |
Lloyd George to Margaret Thatcher Peden | 3833 |
Organizational and Managerial Perspectives | 3834 |
Education and Psychology Statistical Methods in Glass Hopkins sC4 578 2r | 3835 |
Easy Meals Peebles sC8 52 Col ill 2CDE Learnabout S bds 0 85 Ladybird | 3837 |
Education for International Understanding in the United Kingdom Chalkley D4 iii | 3838 |
Ebel Suzanne Rose in the Heather M8 320 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 3842 |
4r e B Herrick 32 95 McGraw 4 | 3843 |
Ebosie Philip Phil Dead of Night sC8 128 Pacesetters S pbk 1 35 Macmillan | 3844 |
Easy Money Reid Jamie M8 224 9 95 Mainstream Pub Co 1 85 0 906391 42 3 | 3845 |
Edwards Allen Prichard Michael Fishing for Beginners Imp8 96 Col ill 4 50 | 3848 |
Stopping Time Techniques for Analysts and Probabilists | 3852 |
Economic Nationalism and the Farmer Bunce M8 ix232 n e 14 95 Greenwood | 3853 |
Efficient Land Use of Sludge and Manure Ed Kofoed M8 x245 70ill 25 00 | 3855 |
Eastwood W Ed Shakespeares As You Like it C8 96 r e G M Handley | 3858 |
Easywriter Simplified for the 1 B M Personal Computer Cassel | 3860 |
Easthope Jean See McCullough Colleen EasthopeJean | 3864 |
Economic Nationalism in the Third World Burnell D8 296 35 00 Wheatsheaf | 3865 |
Ecology of Natural Resources Simmons suR8 448 21ill 85figs 100tabs 2r e | 3866 |
Economics Mathematical Methods in Ploeg SR8 600 III 29 95 Wiley 1 | 3868 |
Economic Development Scientific American | 3871 |
Good Intentions sC8 160 pbk 1 95 Grafton Bks 2 86 0 586 06811 2 | 3872 |
Education and Cultural Process Spindler R8 561 Ill d Ip 16 95 Holt R | 3873 |
Edwards Eric Edible Crab and Its Fishery in British Waters IC8 144 62ill Ip 5 50 | 3874 |
Economic Sourcebook of Government Statistics Hoel IM8 288 1fig 31tabs 24 00 | 3877 |
Economics Mental Health and the Law Rubin R8 200 figs tabs 17 50 Lexington | 3878 |
Economics of Social Issues Leftwich Sharp M8 350 pbk 4 55 Business Pubns | 3882 |
Economic Development Zuvekas | 3884 |
Economic Nationalism Overseas Investment or? Shawcross D8 32 Occ Pprs | 3885 |
Eastlake Sir Charles Lock Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great | 3886 |
Edwards Dennis F Pigram Ron J Metro Memories D4 128 170ill 8 95 Midas | 3887 |
The Double Frontier Mowat R8 272 15 00 J Donald | 3888 |
Economic Theory Modern Paul Samuelson and Soloki Brown IM8 210 | 3896 |
Learning Opportunities for Adults | 3898 |
A Reader Ed Putterman | 3899 |
Edwards Dorothy All About My Naughty Little Sister F4 224 Ill some col 6 95 | 3902 |
Economic and Social Position of Women in the Community European | 3904 |
Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy Peacock Shaw D8 192 2r e pbk 4 95 Allen | 3905 |
C4 168 | 3907 |
Economy and Democracy Ed Matthews | 3911 |
Education Tradition and Reform in Tonsor M8 255 18 95 Open Court Pub Co | 3912 |
Eastland Jonathan Creative Techniques in Seascape Photography | 3913 |
Edelson Marshall Sociotherapy and Psychotherapy Post4 288 17 75 | 3915 |
Economic Forecasts Keating D4 40 pbk 16 50 Financial Times Business | 3917 |
Edwards Elwyn Hartley Buying Horses and Ponies C4 176 30ill Horsemaster | 3918 |
Educational Administration Glossary Ed Dejnozka M8 224 tabs 45 00 | 3919 |
Edginton John Bates Susan Legal Structures for Voluntary Organizations | 3920 |
Eastern Libyans Bates Oric C4 xxii 298 II M n i of 1914e Lib of Afr Stud 27 00 | 3921 |
Economy and Efficiency in Road Transport Operations Ratcliffe D8 192 14 95 | 3922 |
Edmonds Peter D Ed Ultrasonics M8 620 ll Methods of Exptl Physicsv 19 | 3923 |
Developments and Case Studies Ed Jamieson M8 240 | 3924 |
Opphavsrett | |