
Brongniart (Charles). Note sur des perforations observées dans deux
morceaux de bois fossile. 8vo. Paris 1876.
The Author.
Chambers (F.). Brief Sketch of the Meteorology of the Bombay
Presidency in 1876. 8vo.

The Author.

Constantinesco (D.). Philosophie de la Nature. Apogée des Choses. 8vo. Paris 1877.

The Author.

Dawson (J. W.), F.R.S. Supplement to the second edition of
Acadian Geology. 8vo. London 1878.
The Author.

Dove (H. W.) For Mem. R.S. Monatliche Mittel des Jahrganges
1876, für Druck, Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit und Niederschläge
und fünftägige Wärmemittel. 4to. Berlin 1877. The Author.
Malard (E.) Des Empoisonnements par l'Arsenic et par l'Antimoine
et de la recherche médico-légale de ces deux corps. 4to. Tours
The Author.
Rossetti (F.) Sulla Temperatura delle Fiamme. 2 Pts. 8vo. Venezia.
1877-78. Sul Telefono di Graham Bell. 8vo. 1878. Relazione
della Giunta sul Pendolo a compensazione presentato da F. Zorzi.
8vo. Relazione della Giunta sul tema dell' Acustica applicata
all'Architettura. 8vo.
The Author.
Tidy (Dr. Meymott.) The London Water Supply. 4to. London
The Author.

Presents, March 21, 1878.


Bombay :-Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch. Journal.
Vol. XII. No. 34a. 8vo. 1877.
The Society.
Innsbruck :---Ferdinandeum für Tirol und Vorarlberg. Zeitschrift.
Dritte Folge. Heft 21. 8vo. 1877.
The Institution.
Kiel:-Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deut-
schen Meere. Jahresbericht für die Jahre 1874, 1875, 1876.
Jahrgang 4-6. Folio. Berlin 1878.-Ergebnisse der Beobach-
tungsstationen an den deutschen Küsten über die physikalischen
Eigenschaften der Ostsee und Nordsee und die Fischerei. 1876.
Heft 10-12. 1877. Heft 1-2, Einleitungsheft, oblong. 1876-77.
The Institution.

London-Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 1877.
No. 2-4. 8vo.
The Institution.
National Association for the promotion of Social Science. Trans-
actions. Aberdeen Meeting. 1877. 8vo. 1878.

The Association.

The Institution.

Madrid-Comision del Mapa Geológico de España. Boletin. Tomo
IV, Cuaderno 2. 8vo. 1877.
Philadelphia :-Academy of Natural Sciences. Journal. New Series.
Vol. VIII. Part 3. 4to. 1877.

The Academy.

Transactions (continued).

Stockholm :-Bureau Géologique de la Suède. Carte Géologique, livraison 57-62, et 1-3. 8vo. and 8 sheets. 1877.-Glaciala Bildningar, af O. Gumælius. 2. 8vo. 1876.-Kemiska Bergartsanalyser, af H. Santesson. 1. 8vo. 1877.-Om en Cycadékotte, af A. G. Nathorst. 8vo. 1875.-Arktiska Växtlemningar i Skane, af A. G. Nathorst. 8vo. 1877.-Nerikes Ofvergängsbildningar, af G. Linnarsson. 8vo. 1875.-Undersökningar öfver Istiden, af O. Torell. 1. 8vo. 1873.-Sur les traces les plus anciennes de l'existence de l'homme en Suède, par O. Torell. 8vo. 1876. The Bureau. Toulouse:-Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Mémoires. 7e Série. Tome VIII, IX. 8vo. 1876-77.

Turin:-Accademia Reale delle Scienze.

1877-78. Anno 1. 8vo. Torino 1877.

Yokohama :-Asiatic Society of Japan.

Part 1, 2. 8vo. 1877.

The Academy.

Annuario per l'Anno
The Academy.


Vol. V.

The Society.

Duncan (P. M.), F.R.S. A Description of the Madreporaria dredged up during the Expedition of H.M.S." Porcupine," in 1869 and 1870. Part 2. 4to. London 1878.

The Author. Gibson (G. A.) The Old Red Sandstone of Shetland, a Graduation Thesis. 8vo. Edinburgh 1877. The Author. Habirshaw (F.) Catalogue of the Diatomacea with references to the various published descriptions and figures. 4to. New York 1877.

The Author. Hague (A.) and S. F. Emmons. Descriptive Geology (Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Vol. II). 4to. Washington 1877. Clarence King, U.S. Geologist. Harrison (George L.) Chapters on Social Science as connected with the Administration of State Charities. 8vo. Philadelphia 1877.

The Author. Omboni (G.) Le Marocche, antiche morene mascherate da frane. 8vo. Padova 1878. The Author.

Scott (R. H.) F.R.S. The American Storm Warnings. 8vo. London 1878. The Author.

Presents, March 28, 1878.


Basel-Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen. Theil VI.

Heft. 3. 8vo. 1878.

The Society.

Transactions (continued).

Boston [U.S.]-Harvard University. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. Vol. II. Part 2. 8vo. 1877. The Institution. Göttingen-Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Band XXII. vom Jahre 1877. 4to. 1877. Nachrichten aus dem Jahre 1877. 8vo. 1877. The Society.

Havre :-Société Géologique de Normandie. Bulletin. Tome III. fasc. 5. 8vo. 1877.

Lund: Universitet. Ars-Skrift (Acta).
Mathematik och Naturvetenskap. 4to.
Montreal-Natural History Society.

The Society.

Tome XIII. 1876-77.
The University.

The Canadian Naturalist

and Quarterly Journal of Science. Vol. VIII. No. 4, 6. 8vo. 1877. The Society. New Haven :-Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions. Vol. IV. Part 1. 8vo. 1877. The Academy. Toronto-Canadian Institute. The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History. Vol. XV. No. 6, 7. 8vo. 1877.

The Institute. Warwick:-Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archæologists' Field Club. Proceedings. 1877. 8vo.

The Club.

Observations, &c.

Melbourne: Observatory. Results of Observations in Meteorology, Terrestrial Magnetism, &c., taken during the year 1875, under the superintendence of R. L. J. Ellery, F.R.S. Vol. IV. 8vo. Monthly Record of Results. May to October. 1877. 8vo. The Observatory. Paris:-Dépôt de la Marine. Annales Hydrographiques, 1876, trimestre 4. 1877, trimestre-3. 8vo.-Annuaire des Marées des Côtes de France pour l'an 1878. 12mo. 1877. Annuaire des Marées de la Basse Cochin-Chine pour l'an 1878. 12mo. 1877. Recherches Météorologiques. No. 1. 4to. 1877. Recherches Hydrographiques sur le régime des Côtes. Cahier 2, 6, 7. 4to. 1877. Mer Méditerranée, par J. S. Rayot. 8vo. 1876.Guyane Française. 8vo. 1877.-Mer des Antilles, par A. Sallot des Noyers. 8vo. 1876.-Renseignements sur la Côte Nord du Golfe Saint-Georges, par J. B. Obry. 8vo. 1877.-Supplément aux Instructions 352, 353, 468, 469. 8vo. 1876. 59 maps and charts. The Dépôt.

Bernard (Claude), For Mem. R.S. La Science Expérimentale. 12mo.

Paris 1878. Cours de Physiologie Générale du Muséum d'Histoire
Naturelle. Leçons sur les Phénomènes de la Vie. 8vo. 1878.
The Family of the late C. Bernard.

Brodie (Rev. P. B.) Fossil Lepidoptera. 8vo. Warwick 1877.

The Author.

"Researches in Spectrum Analysis in connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun." By J. N. LOCKYER, F.R.S. Received November 17, 1877.

Read January 24, 1878.*

In a map of the solar spectrum, containing a greatly increased number of lines, such as that upon which I am now engaged, it is possible to seek under favourable conditions the coincidence or noncoincidence of lines due to elements hitherto undetected in the solar atmosphere, on account of their existing in quantities insufficient to give very marked spectral lines.

A search has accordingly been made, on the principles laid down in previous communications, for those elements which contain in their spectra long and well-characterised lines in the photographic region.

Although the evidence cannot be said to be complete until the whole spectrum has been examined, it is not too early to adduce the following evidence as to the existence of several additional metals in the sun's reversing layer, and the probable existence of others.

The results obtained up to the present time are shown in the following tables, premising that in the first paper of this series the metals considered as being solar as the result of the labours of Kirchhoff, Ångström, and Thalèn, together with the considerations there brought forward regarding the length of the lines, were as follows::

[blocks in formation]

Metals the presence of which in the Sun is confirmed.

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