AN ACT to authorise the citizens of Mallorysville, (Wilkes county) and its vicinity, to raise a Volunteer Rifle Company, to be known by the name and style of the Mallorysville Rifle Company, and to extend to it certain privileges there. in named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,. That from and after the passage of this act, the citizens of Mallorysville and its vicinity, shall be, and they are hereby authorised to form a Volunteer company, to be known by the name and style of the Mallorysville Rifle Company, and that they be authorised to elect therefrom the following officers, (to-wit.) A Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, one Ensign, and that they be allowed to raise said company from the two regiments in said county: Provided, they do not exceed every sixth man, and said company not to exceed sixty members, nor to be permitted to continue with less than forty. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said company be permitted to pass such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of said company, as may be conducive to the interest of said company: Provided, That such by-laws, rules and regulations, be not repugnant to the laws of this State, or of the United States. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws nilitating against this ast, be, and the same are hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, Assented to, Dec. 23, 1831. President of the Senate. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. AN ACT to incorporate a Volunteer Patrol Association in the county of McIntosh, under the name and style of the Corps of Vigilance. Whereas, a regular and energetic performance of Patrol duty is essential to the defence and protection of the inhabitants in all parts of the State, and more especially in those counties where the white population is comparatively small, and experience has proved that the present laws are insufficient for this purpose: and whereas, a Volunteer Patrol As sociation has been formed in the county of McIntosh, haying for its object, the efficient discharge of Patrol duty, in said county. Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted, That the several persons now members of the said association, and others who shall hereafter become members thereof, and their successors, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate, by the name and style of the Corps of Vigilance of McIntosh county, with power to make, alter, change, and amend such rules, regulations and by-laws, for their own government, as may be agreed on by the members: Provided, such laws and regulations be not contrary to the laws of this State. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Corps, consisting of a Captain, a First, Second and Third Lieutenant, shall be elected by the said Corps, a Justice of the Inferior Court, or of the Peace, and one Freeholder presiding, and such officers shall be commissioned by the Governor. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the exclusive right to appoint and regulate Patrols, in all that part of McIntosh county lying East of a line to be drawn from the Alatamaha river, West of the plantation of Col. William A. Dunham, to a point on South Newport river, three miles West of the Savannah road, and including the Islands in the Alatamaha river East, which the several acts now in force confer on Justices of the Peace, or Military Officers, shall be, and belong to the said Officers of the Corps of Vigilance, who shall have respectively the same powers.and authority within the district aforesaid, and be subject to the same penalties as such Justices or Military Officers now are, by the laws in force. And that the officers of the said Corps shall have power to inflict penalties for any refusal or neglect of duty by the members of the said Corps, which fines shall be levied by warrant under the hand of the commanding officer of said Corps, such warrant to be levied by any non-commissioned officer of the Corps or a Constable, by distress and sale of the offenders goods, and the amount collected to be paid over to the commanding officer for the use of the Corps: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed in any manner, to repeal or alter the act authorising the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Darien to establish a night guard. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Governor be, and he is hereby authorised, to issue the necessary swords and pistols for the said Corps of Vigilance, and it is expressly provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to exempt any of said officers or members from the performance of militia duty. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23, 1831. WILSON LUMPKIN, Goveruor. AN ACT to incorporate a Volunteer company in the town. of Washington (Wilkes county) to be known by the name of the Washington Guard, and to extend to it certain privileges, &c., Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sume, That the Volunteer Company in Washington Wilkes county, commanded by Captain Thomas A. Pasteur, is and are hereby incorated under the title of the "Washington Guard," and that the members thereof, are hereby authorised and empowered, to form such rules and regulations, and pass such by-laws, for their own government, as they may think proper, which rules and regulations and by-laws when formed and passed, shall be binding on such company to all intents and purposes, in the same manner as if they were particularly mentioned within this act: Provided, That such rules and regulations and by-laws, shall not be inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the same privileges which are extended, to the company of "Darien Volunteer Guard," of section fifty-eight of the militia law of this State, shall be, and the same are hereby extended to the Washing ton Guard, and that the said company be permitted to continue under the like privileges. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said company are hereby permitted to enlist a larger proportion of men from the district in which it is located, than that which is provided in the twenty-sixth section of the militia. laws of this State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all offences, not crim、 inal, which may be committed by any member or members of said company, shall be tried and determined by a Court Martial, to be composed of two commissioned officers, one non-commissioned officer, and two privates, the majority of whom shall determine, which court shall be appointed by the Captain of said company from time to time. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the commissioned officer highest in rank, shall preside over said Court, and he is hereby authorised and vested with full power to issue execution against each and every member found guilty of offences in like manner, as those issued by Justices of the Peace, which when issued, are hereby declared to be valid and of like dignity, of those issued by a Justice's Court. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the presiding officer of said Court shall direct all executions to a sergeant of the company to execute, which sergeant is hereby authorised and required to execute the same in like manner, and under the same regulations that Constables are required to execute those issuing from a Justice's Court; and said sergeant shall be entitled to the same fees that Constables are. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all sales made in pursuance of an execution issued by the presiding officer of the Court Martial aforesaid, shall take place at the Court house in Washington on the first Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September and. November, and that the sergeant holding the same, shall be, and he is hereby required to make returns of all executions placed in his hands for collection at the next company Court Martial, which may be holden after a sale shall take place, under the penalty of forfeiting double the amount of the whole proceeds of such sales. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the members of said company be, and they are hereby declared to be entitled to all the privileges extended to the members of any Volunteer company, in the first Brigade of the first Division, of the militia of this State, and in the county of Richmond; embraced in an act entitled an act, for the encouragement of Volunteer companies of militia in this State, assented to on the twenty-second December, eighteen hundred and thirty. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts, of laws which militate against the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby declared to be repealed, and made void. AN ACT amendatory of the fifteenth, twenty-second and twenty-fourth sections of an act passed on the, nineteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled an act to revise, and consolidate, the militia laws of this State, and to repeal the cavalry laws now in force, and to regulate the number of reviews. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the fifteenth, twenty-second, and twenty-fourth sections of an act, passed on the nineteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled an act to revise and consolidate the militia laws of this State, shall be in the words following: viz. |