
Sec. 15. The commanding officers of volunteer companies of every description, shall muster their companies at least four times in each year, at such times as may be ordered by the commanding officer of said company, and at such place as shall have been established by the members of said company, or a majority thereof, as the muster ground of said company; and the commanding officers of companies of every description, shall once in each year, by order of the commanding officer of the regiment or of the battalion in counties containing but one battalion, take an exact account of the arms and accoutrements in possession of his company, designating public from private, and also the number of each particular description of arms and accoutrements, and the number of effective men composing his command as well those absent as they who are present, at the time of taking said enumeration, and shall make a true return thereof to the commanding officer of the regiment or battalion, as the case may be, in such form as they may receive from the commanding officer, or adjutant, which returns shall be ready on the days of review and inspection, and handed to the inspector, on his arriving at the head of each company, for his use, during the inspection, and then to be handed to the commauding officer of the battalion or regiment, or their adju tant, for consolidation, which consolidated return shall be handed or forwarded to the Brigade Inspector, to which the regiment or battalion belongs.

Sec. 22. There shall be regimental, battalion, and volunteer company Courts of Inquiry, to be appointed and ordered by the commanding officers of regiments, batalions, and companies, under the following rules and regulations: Regimental Courts of Inquiry, shall be held within sixty days after each review or regimental muster, to consist of at least seven and not more than eleven of the commissioned or brevetted officers of the regiment. Battalion Courts of Inquiry shall be held within thirty days after each battalion muster or review, in counties containing but one battalion, to consist of at least five and not more than seven of the commissioned or brevetted officers of the battalion, which officers in both cases shall be regularly detailed by the commanding officer of the battalion' or regiment, as the case may be, and notified thereof on the day of muster or review, or by a citation under his hand, delivered by the adjutant, or left at their place of abode, two days previous to the sitting of the Court, and designating the time and place of holding such Court, and the officer highest in rank, shall preside; but in case of equality of rank, senority shall give a preference; and the everal regimental and battalion Courts of Inquiry, when

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convened at the time and place appointed shall have power to assess fines on all delinquent officers and soldiers within their regimental or battalion districts; and all defaulters at regimental or battalion musters or reviews, shall be tried at the Courts which may next happen. Volunteer company Courts of Inquiry shall be held within twenty days after each muster, or on the next muster day, to be composed of at least three of the commissioned or brevetted officers of said company, and the officer highest in rank shall preside, and may have a clerk, who shall keep a record of their proceedings, and receive the fines that any delinquent may voluntarily pay within ten days after each court, without cost, and after the expiration of ten days, he shall issue execution against all persons on whom fines may have been assessed, who have failed to pay the same, and shall be allowed to charge twen ty-five cents cost for issuing the same, directed to any constable within the bounds of said company, to execute and return, signed by himself and countersigned by the presiding officer of said court, and the fund thereby created, shall by the direction of the officers be applied to the equipment of said company and the Courts of Inquiry of regiments and battalions, in counties containing but one battalion, shall also have power to order the issuing of execution against delinquent Provost Martials or other, officers charged with the collection the funds of the regiment or battalion, for such sum or sums as they may, when required, fail to account for, directed to the sheriff (or his deputy) of the county, whose duty it shall be collect and pay over the same to the paymaster of the regiment or battalion.

Sec. 24. The commissioned officers of the respective regi-. ments and of battalions, in counties containing but one battalion, shall at their first convention, after the first day of March next, that may be occasioned by brigade, regimental, (or battalion as above provided) 'orders, shall proceed under the superintendence of three or more of the officers of the battalion or regiment, to the election of a clerk and provostmartial, and after ascertaining the persons elected, grant to each of them a certificate of the same, and the persons thus elected shall attend the regimental or battalion court of inquiry, which may next happen within their respective districts, and on producing the certificate herein before directed to be given, the presiding officer shall administer, or cause to be administered, the following oath or affirmation: viz.

I, A. B. do solemnly swear, (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of clerk (or provost-martial) of the (insert the number of the) regiment (or battalion) Georgia Militia, to the best of my understanding-so help me God. [Laws of 1831.]


Which oath shall be entered on the minutes of said court, and subscribed by the persons taking the same, and when thus qualified they may continue to discharge the duties assigned them during their residence within the regimental or battalion district for which they may have been elected, unless removed by the concurrence of two thirds of the members of any regimental or battalion court of inquiry, on a charge and proof of mal-practice; and it shall be the duty of said clerks to attend all the battalion and regimental courts of inquiry thereafter to be held in their respective districts, and to keep a fair record of the proceedings of said courts, and within ten days after each court make out a list of all fines assessed thereat, designating the districts in which each delinquent resides, and also of the appropriations made by said court, and forward it to the paymaster of the regiment or of the battalion, in counties containing but one battalion, who is authorised to receive and receipt for the fines that any delinquent may voluntarily pay. And the commanding officer of regiments or battalions, upon receiving the affidavit of any delinquent, (previous to the issuing of execution) properly attested by any officer authorised to admauster the same, and showing, good cause why he should not have been sued, may direct the clerk to stay the issuing of excention until the sitting of the succeeding court, when said hili lavit shall be laid before the court, who may upon the merits thereof temit or continue said fine, and direct that it be collected forthwith-and the clerk shall immediately after the expiration of thirty days issue execution against cach delinquent, who las failed to pay the fine assessed against him, or to file the affidavit herein before required; sigued by himself and countersigued by the presiding officer of the court, or in his absence by any other officer who was a member of the court, and directed to the provost-martial of the regiment or battalion, or any lawful constable, within the said regiment or battalion, which execution shall be by the clerk delivered to the provost-martial (and take his receipt thereof, which shall be by the clerk given to the paymaster) who may distribute the same to the several constables within the regimental or other district for collection, or proceed to collect the same under the same rules and regulations in regard to constable's sales generally, and such exécutions shall have the same dignity as though they had been issued by a Justice of the Peace, and the same costs awarded the clerks and provost or constable collecting, as in cases of equal dignity in Justices Courts, and the provost-martial shall be required, within six months from the time of receiving the executions from the clerk, to pay all moneys which may have come into his hands, through the collection there

of, to the paymaster of the regiment, and to return such ‣ executions as cannot be collected, with the truth of the case endorsed on the back thereof, and all such as have been collected by the clerk.

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Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed, as to authorise more than one annual review-any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That in counties having but one battalion, the court of inquiry in said battalion shall be authorised to lay out, form or alter company or Justices districts in said county.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Assented to, Dec. 23, 1831.

President of the Senate.


AN ACT to alter and amend the thirty-eighth section of an act entitle "au act to revise and consolidate the militia laws of this State, and to repeal the cavalry laws now. in force, passed December nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, so far as respects the appointment of Judge Ad


Whereas by the aforesaid section there is but one Judge Advocate appointed for each division, who is required to at tend all courts martial in the division for which he may be appointed; and whereas that, mode of appointment has failed to secure the attention of such officer on the courts martial aforesaid; for remedy whereof,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of this act, it is hereby made the duty

of the colonel commandant of each regiment of the militia, to nominate and appoint one fit and proper person, who shall bear the title of Lieutenant, to act as judge advocate, whose duty it shall be to attend all courts martial held in the regiment for which he may be appointed, and to any other courtmartial in the division, on which he may be detailed, who shall be considered as part of the Colonel's staff.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


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AN ACT to lay out the gold region in the lands at present in the occupancy of the Cherokee Indians, into small lots, and dispose of the same by separate lottery.

.Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That districts number one, two, three, four, five, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen, in the first section; districts number one, two, three, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty-one, in the second section; districts number one, two, three, four, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one, in the third section; and districts number one, two, three, sixteen, and seventeen, in the fourth section; shall, by the surveyors heretofore pointed out by law, be subdived into lots of forty acres each, by lines running parallel with the district lines, at the distance of twenty

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