
AN ACT for the relief of John Head. sen. and John Head, Jun. Nathan McLeroy, Moses Butts, and James Head, jr.

Whereas the said John Head, sen. and John Head, jun. were each entitled to two draws in the last land lottery, and gave in and drew only one lot to their names, and whereas there is no distinction to their names,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That the said John Head, sen. and John Head jun. shall be entitled to give in their names for one draw [each] in the approaching lottery, by taking the oath prescribed for other inhabitants, with the exception of swearing that they have not drawn a tract of land in any of the former lotteries.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Nathan McLeroy and Moses Butts, be each entitled to two draws, and James Head, jun. to one draw, upon complying with the provisions of this act.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Assented to, Dec. 26, 1831.

President of the Senate.


AN ACT to authorise John L. Shelby, Frederick Bridgman, and Daniel B. Searcy to pratice physic in this State.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, That from and after the passage of this act, the said John L. Shelby, Frederick Bridgman, and Daniel B. Searcy, be, and they are hereby anthorised to practice medicine and sur

gery in all its branches, in this State-any law or usage 、 the contrary notwithsanding.

[blocks in formation]

AN ACT for the relief of William Quinn of the county of Lincoln.

Whereas William Quinn, of the county of Lincoln, entered himself as security for the appearance of one William Hopkins, to the Superior Court of said county, and the said William Hopkins failing to appear, a judgment was, at April term of the Superior Court, in eighteen hundred and twentyeight, entered up against the said William.Quinn, for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, the amount of his recognizance. And whereas, the said William Quinn, together with a number of citizens of Lincoln county, have petitioned this Legislature to exonerate the said William Quinn from all liability to said judgment.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the said William Quinn, shall be, and he is hereby exonerated from all liability to said judgment: Provided he pays al cost in said case, to which he is liable— any law to the contrary notwithstanding.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Assented to, Dec. 21, 1831.

President of the Senate.


AN ACT to authorise the formation of a company for constructing a Rail Road, or Turnpike,from the city of Augusta to Eatonton, and thence westward to the Chattahoochee River, with branches thereto, and to punish those who may injure the same.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the company incorporated and authorised, shall and may direct and confine their first efforts and enterprise, to the formation and completion of a railroad, or turnpike communication from the city of Augusta to the town of Eatonton, and from thence westward to any point on the Chattahoochee River, which the stockholders or a majority of them may think proper, in the manner hereinafter mentiond, and when such communication shall have been completed, or before, if the said company shall find it practicable and advantageous, they shall have power and authority to lay off and construct branches thereof, to any points they may think fit and proper; and the right to make, keep up and employ such rail-roads or turnpikes, shall be vested in the company herein and hereby incorporated exclusively.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the stock of the company authorised and incorporated by this act, shall consist of ten thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each share, and the said company to be formed on that capital: but that the said company shall be at liberty to enlarge their capital, as in the progress of the undertaking they may find necessary, and that either by additional assessments on the original shares, not to exceed the amount of such original share, or by opening books for enlarging their capital, by new subscriptions, in shares of not more than one hundred dollars, and the number of such shares not exceeding ten thousand; so as to make their capital adequate to the work they may undertake, and also prescribe the terms and conditions of new subscriptions. And it shall be lawful for the company, from time to time, to invest so much or such parts of their capital, or of their profits, as may not be required for immediate use, and until it may be so required, in public stock of the United States, or of this State, or of any incorporated

bank, and draw and apply the dividends, and when, and as they shall see fit, sell and transfer any parts or portions thereof.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That books for subscription to the stock of the company hereby authorised, shall be opened at Eatonton, under the superintendence of Thomas Hoxey, Benjamin Fort, and L. W. Hudson; at Milledgeville, under the superintendence of Peter J. Williams, William Carnes, and Richard K. Hines; at Sparta, under the superintendence of Joel Crawford, William Terrell, and Nathan C. Sayre; at Warrenton, under the superintendence of Gray A. Chandler, John Moore, and Thomas Gibson; at Monticello, under the superintendence of Fleming Jourdan, Benj. F. Ward, `and William V. Burney; at Madison, under the superintendence of John W. Porter, Stewart Floyd, and John Wingfield; at Greenesborough, under the superintendence of Charles Redd, James. S. Park, and Yelverton P. King; and at Augusta, under the superintendence of William Cumming, Samuel Hale, and P. H. Smead. And the books shall be opened in each of said places, on the same day, which is hereby fixed on the first Monday of June next; and the different sets of Commissioners shall advertise the time and place of subscription, in the public gazette or gazettes of the places respectively, and if no gazette be published at any of the places, those commissioners shall advertise in the gazettes of Milledgeville; and each set of commissioners shall cause such time and place of subscription to be published in the Georgia Journal, as well as in the gazette of such place of subscription, and such adver. tisements shall be inserted for at least three weeks prior to the day fixed for the opening of the books: Provided, that if any one of the Commissioners, at the time of opening the books, shall be sick or unable to attend, the other two commissioners may choose a proper and discreet person to supply his place. And if any of the Commissioners before named, shall, after the passing of this act, renounce or decline acting, his Excellency the Governor, upon being notified thereof, is hereby requested to nominate and appoint fit and proper person or persons, 'to supply the vacancy of him or them so declining to act. Upon the books being opened as aforesaid, the Commissioners shall receive from individuals, subscriptions for so many shares as they see fit to subscribe for, not to exceed three hundred shares, on condition that at the time of sub. scribing there shall be paid down to the Commissioners, two dollars and fifty cents, on each share subscribed; for which they shall give a receipt, and so soon as possible deposite the money in some of the banks of this State, of solvent

character, and most contiguous to such place of subscription, subject to the joint check of the Commissioners, for such sums as may be referred [refunded] to subscribers upon adjustment, made in the case of over subscription to the stock of the company; the residue to remain subject to the order or draft of said company, by its President or Board of Directors, after the company shall be organised.

Sec. 4. The books shall be kept open at each place for four days, between the hours of nine in the morning and three in the afternoon, and being closed on the last day, each set of Commissioners shall transmit to the Commis⚫sioners at Eatonton, a list of the subscribers, designating on such list, as in the subscription books, the days on which the persons respectively subscribed, with the number of shares and sums paid, set opposite to each name, with a certificate at the bottom of each list, to be signed by each Commissioner, that the money has been paid, and has been deposited or is ready to be deposited in Bank, conformably to this act, naming the bank: and thereupon the Commissioners shall, from all the lists of subscribers, make out one general list; specifying the days, respectively, on which each subscribed, so that on summing up the whole, it may appear whether the stock is filled up or falls short, or exceeds the aforesaid capital. If the number of shares subscribed, and two dóllars and fifty cents each paid thereon, shall fall short of the ten thousand shares, but amount to three thousand five hundred, the said company may be formed thereon, and for the residue of the original number of shares, the said corporation when organised, may cause books to be opened by the directors, under sixty days notice of the time and place of subscription, and receive such additional subscriptions as can be obtained, on the same terms as aforesaid, of two dollars and fifty cents being paid on each share, at the time of subscription,; and may keep the books open until the whole number of ten thousand shares shall be subscribed: but if the number of shares which shall be subscribed for at the first opening of the books, before the Commissioners aforesaid, shall exceed ten thousand shares, then the shares shall be reduced to that number ratably, or in the same ratio of per centage: Provided, no subscription of five shares or less shall be reduced thereby.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That on subscriptions of shares in the stock of the company, to any amount exceeding the number of three thousand five hundred as aforesaid, being made, or in case of excess of subscriptions, upon the number being reduced to ten thousand in manner aforesaid,

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