The Secretaries of the Governor, (not exceeding three) one thousand dollars each, per annum. The Secretary of State, two thousand dollars. The Treasurer, two thousand dollars. The Comptroller, two thousand dollars. The Surveyor General, two thousand dollars. The Clerk of the House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate, six hundred dollars each per annum. Provided, That no warrant shall issue for the first quarter's salary of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and Secretary of Senate, until the Executive shall have satisfactory evidence, that the said Clerk of the House of Representatives and Secretary of the Senate, have respectively made, or caused to be made, and attached to the journals of the present session, good and sufficient Indexes. The Judges of the Superior Courts, each twenty-one hundred dollars. The Attorney General and seven Solicitor Generals, two hundred and twenty-five dollars each per annum. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the printing fund, not exceeding twenty-thousand dollars, he, and the same are hereby appropriated and set apart as a contingent fund, subject to the order of the Governor, during the political year eighteen hundred and thirty-two. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the compensation of the members of the Legislature, four dollars each per day, during their attendance: (Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorise any member of either branch of the General Assembly, to receive said four dollars after they have left the Legislature, for the remainder of the session :) be appropriated, and the sum of four dollars for every twenty miles in coming to, and returning from the seat of Government, and the sum of six dollars each per day to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, during their attendance, and the sum of four dollars for every twenty miles in coming [to,] and returning from the seat of Government. To the Clerk of the House of Representatives and Secretary of Senate, during the session of the Legislature, six dollars each per day, and the sum of sixty dollars for contingent expenses each. To two Engrossing Clerks and an Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives, and two Engrossing Clerks and an Enrolling Clerk in the Senate, six dollars each per day. To the Clerk of the Committee on the State of the Republic, one hundred dollars. To the Clerk of the Committee on Finance, one hundred dollars. To the Clerk of the Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvement, the Judiciary, Public Education and Free Schools, one hundred dollars each. To the Clerk of the Joint Committee on the Penitentiary, one hundred dollars. To Messengers and Door-Keepers of the Legislature, four dollars each per day, during the present session. To Henry Darnell, the sum of one hundred dollars for airing, scouring and taking care of the Senate and Representative Chambers, and making fires on wet days. To Peter Fair, the sum of one hundred dollars for winding up the clock and keeping clear the stair cases, passages, &c. And the sum of thirty thousand dollars as a road and river fund and contingencies incident thereto and to make provision for the last quarter of the last year. To the Inspectors of the Penitentiary, not exceding three, two hundred and twenty-four dollars [each,] per annum. And that the sum of seventeen dollars and eighty-seven and a half cents, be allowed David Delk, Clerk of the Inferior Court of Crawford county, for costs due on an execution in favor of the State against Elisha Tarver and Joseph Ben nett. And that eleven thousand five hundred dollars, be appropriated to defray the expenses of taking the Census or enumeration for the present year. The sum of two hundred dollars to Stephen F. Miller, Esq. for services rendered the State as her agent in completing a settlement with the Commissioners of the Oconee river. And the sum of two thousand dollars, to enable the Inspectors to so far complete the Penitentiary edifice now began, as to make it answer the purpose intended. And that the Governor is hereby authorised to draw on the debts due the Penitentiary, an amount sufficient to support the institution for the ensuing year; should that source prove insufficient to effect the object, then his Excellency the Governor, is hereby authorised to draw on the Treasurer for a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars for the aforementioned purpose. To Henry Edwards of Hall county, the sum of thirty-eight dollars and eighty-seven and a half cents, to indemnify him from the loss he has sustained by the loss of Fraction No. one hundred and forty-eight; in the tenth district of Hall county, which said fraction he had purchased and paid the State for. The sum of ten thousand dollars be appropriated for the purchase of public hands to be placed upon Rail Road Creek, in pursuance of a concurred resolution Three hundred and forty-two dollars and seventy-three cents, for Joseph W. Jackson, Solicitor General of the Eeastern district, being five per cent on moneys collected by him and paid into the Treasury of the State, previous to this time. That the sum of forty dollars and twenty-five cents, be allowed Robert N. Taylor for services rendered to the commissioners of the Ocmulgee navigation as a Physician during the year 1828. To Seaton Grantland, twenty dollars and twenty cents, to reimburse him that amount paid by him as the first instalment for the Fraction number four hundred and fifty-five in the twenty-eighth district of Early county, sold under the erroneous belief that it had been forfeited by the original purchaser. And be it further enacted, That the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated for the purpose of repairing the Government house and lot, and the purchase of some ar· ticles of furniture, necessary for the comfort and convenience of the Governor's family. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred and twenty-thousand dollars, be, and the same is hereby appropriated as a land fund, and the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the protection of the gold mines, and the pay of the Guard in the Cherokee Territory, subject to the order of the Governor. And that the sum of two hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents, to David Shelton, Adm'r of Thomas Dyer, agrecable to a concurred resolution. And [that] the sum of two hundred dollars be paid to Hutchins and Holt, attorneys at law, for professional services, in accordance with a concurred resolution. And the sum of seventy-five dollars to Isaac Porter, James Cantrell, and Allen Blake of Hall county, for pursuing, arresting and bringing to trial Isaiah Gaines, a fugitive from Justice. And that John Fort, Jate tax collector of Twiggs county, be allowed sixty-two dollars and twenty-three and a half cents, for tax over paid by him for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, agrecably to a concurred resolution. And that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated to employ an overseer to take charge of the public hands, hereafter to be purchased, for the improvement of Rail Road Creck near Brunswick, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and that the Governor is authorised to cause said hands, to be supported and the necessary utensils purchas ed out of the fund appropriated for the support of the public hands. And be it further enacted, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars, be, and the same is hereby appropriated as a contingent fund, subject to the order of the Governor. To John Wells, tax collector of Bryan county for the years eighteen hundred and twenty-three, and eighteen hundred and twenty four, the sum of twelve dollars and forty-nine cents. To George W. Moore, of Clark county, twenty-three dollars eighteen and three quarter cents. To William Williamson, the sum of twenty-two dollars thirty-five cents. To Richard L. Sims, late Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit, fifteen dollars and forty-seven and a half cents. And be it further enacted, That the sum of fifteen dollars and fifty cents, be appropriated to Anson Runnels, Coroner of Carroll county, for holding an inquest upon the body of William Young, in that part of the Cherokee Territory attached to Carroll county. AN ACT to incorporate a Banking Company, under the name of "The Commercial Bank of Macon." Whereas, a number of the citizens of Macon, and its vicinity, have voluntarily associated themselves together, for the purpose of forming a Bank at Macon, the capital stock of which has already been subscribed for, and in the subscription of which no one individual or copartnership of individuals has been allowed to subscribe for more than one hundred shares: And whereas, the stock for said contemplated Bank has been subscribed for, under such restrictions, as utterly to prevent a monopoly of the stock of said Bank; and whereas, the subscribers for said stock, by their memorial to the Legislature, have prayed to be perpetuated, and brought into legal existence by being incorporated, and established by law, with perpetual succession, under the name of "The Commercial Bank at Macon:" And whereas, it is deemed expedient that the said company be incorporated under proper restriction; therefore, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Thomas T. Napier, A. R. Freeman, J. Cowles, Wm. Cooke, Levi Eckley, E. L. Young, Jeremiah Pearson, H. Blair, William Barker, T. L. Smith, J. S. Smith, A. P. Patrick, A. Shotwell, John Martin, James Goddard, Benjamin H. Reed, Thomas M. Ellis, R. W. Fort, Nathan C. Munroe, John B. Wick, David Ralston, John L. Jones, L. H. Hamilton, C. S. Hamilton, William B. Cone, William Melrose, David Kidd, Geo. Smith, James Lamar, Charles Williamson, Carlton B. Cole, Charles Campbell, Thomas Napier, Oliver Sage, Jacob Shotwell, John Hollingsworth, James Williams, Geo. Jewett, M. Bartlett, Thomas Woolfolk, Thomas. B. Ward, Lewis L. Griffin, J. T. Persons, John S. Childers, E. W. Wright, U. J. Bullock, Geo. B. Wardlaw, David Flanders, R. Turner, N. B. Thompson, John Carter, Benj. Fort, Lyman Burnap, Lewis P. Harwell, John L. Blackburn, Lewis Fitch, Wm. J. Rice, E. Calhoun, Samuel Griswold, H. H. Tarver, Henry Solomon, Alford Clopton, Charles. Collins, |