ACTION AT Law in the Reign of EdwarD III., AN: THe Report anD THE 266 281 415 ASSIGNMENT IN INSOLVENCY, AN, AND ITS EFFECT UPON PROPERTY AND Per. CHARITABLE GIFTS, REMOTENESS OF. John Chipman Gray CONGRESS SHOULD ABROGATe Federal JuURISDICTION Over State Corpora• CONSTITUTIONal Case in MaSSACHUSETTS, AN EARLY. A. C. Goodell, Jr. CO-OPERATION OF "LAW AND "EQUITY," THE; AND the Engrafting of " MONOPOLY 19 UNDER THE NATIONAL ANTI-TRUST ACT. TORTIOUS ACTS, RESPONSIBILITY FOR: ITS HISTORY, I., II., III. John H. Wig- WHY IS A MASTER Liable for the Tort of his SERVANT? Frank W. Hackett 107 Railway company and conductor. Authority to act in emergency ARREST. See Torts. BANKRUPTCY. Distribution of assets 431 Fictitious payee 494 494 Liability of parties whose names are not on the instrument 237 Municipal; power to grant exclusive franchise Power of foreign corporation to deal in domestic real estate Right to maintain a bill in equity Receivers; pre-existing mortgages Subscribers to stock; rights of Ultra vires lease of franchise CRIMINAL LAW. Age of accountability 121 53 |