


[General Regulations No. 51-Supplement No. 8]

JUNE 1, 1942.

General Regulations No. 51, as amended by Supplement No. 6 thereto dated August 20, 1930, 10 Comp. Gen. 571, prescribes that Standard Form No. 1036Revised, Statement and Certificate of Award, "will be used to support ALL agreements, both formal contracts and less formal agreements of whatever character, involving the expenditure or receipt of public funds, except public utility contracts, and must be attached to and accompany the agreement to the General Accounting Office."

Due to the present emergency, Standard Form No. 1036-Revised need not be used in connection with any agreement or contract entered into under authority of a Federal statute, and/or Executive order issued in conformity with a Federal statute, which dispenses with the requirements of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes; provided, however, that the notation "Negotiated Contract," initialed by the officer negotiating the contract, shall appear immediately under or in close proximity to the contract symbol and number on the first or cover sheet of the contract. LINDSAY C. WARREN,

Comptroller General of the United States.


[General Regulations No. 54-Supplement No. 10]

AUGUST 6, 1941.

1. In accordance with Public Law No. 200, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved August 1, 1941, 55 Stat. 613, amending the Classification Act approved March 4, 1923, as amended, and in accordance with the Civil Service Retirement Act approved June 3, 1926, as amended, the following tables showing basic salaries, 31⁄2 percent retirement deductions, and basic salaries less 31⁄2 percent retirement deductions are published as additions to Government Salary Tables, 1936, issued February 26, 1936, for the information and guidance of disbursing officers and others concerned:

[blocks in formation]

2. Detailed tables for each of the basic salaries listed above are attached hereto. [Omitted for purposes of this publication.]

LINDSAY C. WARREN, Comptroller General of the United States.



[General Regulations No. 54-Supplement No. 11]

FEBRUARY 2, 1942.

1. Government Salary Tables, edition of 1936, and supplement thereto are hereby revised, and as revised are approved for use where applicable for determining amounts payable to officers and employees receiving salaries on an annus, monthly, per diem, or hourly basis.

2. The salary tables prescribed herein show the basic salary in accordance with the provisions of the Classification Act approved March 4, 1923 (as amended, 5 percent deductions effective on and after July 1, 1942, in accordance with the amendment to the Civil Service Retirement Act approved January 24, 1942, 56 Stat. 16; and the 95 percent net salaries to be paid after deducting the 5 percent for retirement.

3. Upon receipt of these regulations, each department, independent establishment, and agency is requested to make requisition at once for the number of copies thereof which it is estimated will be required to meet its needs. In so doing it is understood and agreed by the said departments, independent establishments, and agencies that they thereby consent to the plan of combining all requisitions submitted and printing the total thereof as one edition, and that they thereby authorize the Public Printer to prorate the cost of printing and to render bili against each department, independent establishment, and agency for its proportionate share on the basis of the number of copies ordered by it.


Comptroller General of the United States.


The act of February 14, 1931, 46 Stat. 1103, provides:

AUGUST 27, 1941.

"That a civilian officer or employee engaged in necessary travel on official business away from his designated post of duty may be paid, in lieu of actual expenses of transportation, under regulations to be prescribed by the Presi dent, not to exceed 3 cents per mile for the use of his own motorcycle or 7 cents per mile for the use of his own automobile for such transportation, whenever such mode of travel has been previously authorized and payment on such mileage basis is more economical and advantageous to the United States. This Act shall take effect July 1, 1931, and all laws or parts of laws are hereby modified or repealed to the extent same may be in conflict herewith."

The amendatory acts of March 3, 1933, 47 Stat. 1516, and April 25, 1940, 54 Stat. 167, make no material change in the language quoted other than to stipulate a reduction for mileage allowance from 3 cents to 2 cents per mile for use of motorcycle and from 7 cents to 5 cents per mile for use of automobile (act of March 3. 1933); and to change the words "his own" to "privately owned” (act of April 25, 1940).

In order to facilitate action in the audit of travel vouchers and claims presented, and to provide means for determining the propriety of such claims under the statutes cited, with particular reference to the words "privately owned” (act of April 25, 1940) as distinguished from the words "his own" (act of February 14, 1931), Standard Form 1012e-Revised, Statement of Travel by Motor Vehicle, approved March 14, 1939, is hereby further revised by inserting, immediately following the line for recording the "Total," an additional line for use in reporting amount(s) to be deducted which are not borne by the claimant or which are recovered or may be recovered from others by the claimant incident to official travel, thus permitting the determination and stating of the net claim for official travel on a mileage basis in lieu of actual operating expenses for such “privately owned" conveyance. Provision has also been made for showing whether travel was performed alone or in company with others. Accordingly, the certificate appearing on the form for execution by the traveler has been extended to provide proper certification for which commutation is claimed, as follows:

"I further certify that I actually incurred or paid (except as otherwise explained) the actual operating expenses of the motor vehicle indicated, for which commutation is claimed on a mileage basis, and that I have not recovered any part of such expenses in any manner whatsoever, except as shown above.

"In the performance of the above mileage I traveled

(or) in company with (*)

(Insert "alone" if applicable) who has paid, or will pay, the amount of the deduction shown above, or will claim reimbursement therefor.

Where reimbursement is claimed by an employee engaged in necessary travel on official business in settlement of payment(s) made by him as a passenger to cover a portion of the operating expenses of a privately owned motor vehicle, for which commutation on a mileage basis has been or will be claimed by the owner or employee who had custody of the vehicle, the passenger-claimant requesting such reimbursement will also be required to state on Standard Form No. 1012eRevised the name of the owner or custodian and, if a Government employee, the activity in which such person is employed.

To establish procedure to conform with the statutes, supra, paragraph 1 of section II and paragraph 1 of section IV of General Regulations No. 88, dated July 19, 1937, 17 Comp. Gen. 1135, are hereby revised as follows:

"1. The standard forms 1012-Revised and 1012a-Revised will be used for vouchering claims for duly authorized and/or approved allowances for per diem in lieu of subsistence expenses; for mileage for use of privately owned motor vehicles (automobile or motorcycle) as shown on Standard Form 1012e-Revised (see section IV, paragraph 1, infra); for expenses incurred in connection with use of privately owned motor vehicle on an actual-expense basis, as distinguished from a mileage basis, when use thereof is authorized; and for reimbursement of expenses properly incurred and paid on account of, and incident to, the performance of official business by a Government officer or employee in travel status while away from his official headquarters. In those cases where there is insufficient space on forms 1012-Revised and 1012aRevised for itemizing reimbursable expenditures, continuation sheets, standard forms 1012b-Revised and 1012c-Revised will be used."

"1. When the use of a privately owned motor vehicle and the rate per mile have been previously authorized by the head of the department or establishment, or by an official thereof to whom such authority has been properly delegated, standard form of Statement of Travel by Motor Vehicle (1012e-Revised) will be used by the traveler as a supporting subvoucher to Standard Form No. 1012-Revised for stating the detail of travel accomplished by use of a motor vehicle on a mileage basis. The statement will show clearly the ownership of the motor vehicle and the data as indicated by the columnar headings. The total amount of mileage less deductions, if any, shown on Form 1012e-Revised will be carried as one item to Standard Form 1012Revised, under 'Character of Expenditure.' (See par. 12 (a), Standardized Government Travel Regulations.)"

Until such time as the new form herein prescribed is available for use, travelers on official business using a privately owned motor vehicle on a mileage basis shall place the above-quoted additional certificate on their "Statement of Travel by Motor Vehicle" as close as possible to the certification now printed on the old forms, and make appropriate deduction, where necessary, in the manner afforded by the form.

A specimen of the revised form showing the changes herein prescribed is attached hereto.

On the present payment voucher, Standard Form No. 1012-Revised, Voucher for Per Diem and/or Reimbursement of Expenses Incident to Official Travel, and No. 1012a-Revised, memorandum copy, the word "personally" in the first line of the statement of account should, where necessary, be changed to "privately." This office will request the Public Printer to change the said forms accordingly at the next printing.

LINDSAY C. WARREN, Comptroller General of the United States.

(*) Insert names of all others with whom travel was accomplished, designating as such any Government employees traveling on official business, and by what office employed.

[blocks in formation]

DEDUCT any portion of the above not borne by claimant or in any manner recovered or to be recovered..


I hereby certify that the travel indicated above was accomplished in the performance of official duties pursuant to the travel authority referred to on the voucher to which this statement is attached; that the information given is correct; and that, except as otherwise indicated above, no part of the travel for which compensation is claimed was performed within the corporate limits of my official station or post of duty.

I further certify that I actually incurred or paid (except as otherwise explained) the actual operating expenses of the motor vehicle indicated, for which commutation is claimed on a mileage basis, and that I have not recovered any part of such expenses in any manner whatsoever, except as shown above.

In the performance of the above mileage I traveled

(or) in company with (*).

(Insert "alone" if applicable)

who has paid, or will pay, the amount of the deduction shown above or will claim reimbursement therefor.

(Signature of traveler)


[General Regulations No. 93-Revised]

MARCH 14, 1942.


1. The act "To fix the responsibilities of disbursing and certifying officers, and for other purposes", approved December 29, 1941, 55 Stat. 875, effective April 1, 1942, provides that disbursing officers under the executive branch of the Government shall

(a) disburse moneys only upon, and in strict accordance with, vouchers duly certified by the head of the department, establishment, or agency concerned, or by an officer or employee thereof duly authorized in writing by such head to certify such vouchers;

(b) make such examination of vouchers as may be necessary to ascertain whether they are in proper form, duly certified and approved, and correctly computed on the basis of the facts certified; and

(c) be held accountable accordingly.


2. Section 2 of the above-mentioned act provides that the officer or employee certifying a voucher shall

(a) be held responsible for the existence and correctness of the facts recited in the certificate or otherwise stated on the voucher or its supporting papers and for the legality of the proposed payment under the appropriation or fund involved;

(b) be required to give bond to the United States, with good and sufficient surety approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, in such amount as may be determined by the head of the department, agency, or establishment concerned, pursuant to standards prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and

(c) be held accountable for and required to make good to the United States the amount of any illegal, improper, or incorrect payment resulting from any false, inaccurate, or misleading certificate made by him, as well as for any payment prohibited by law or which did not represent a legal obligation under the appropriation or fund involved.

(*) Insert names of all others with whom travel was accomplished designating as such any Government employees traveling on official business, and by what office employed.

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