
Ordered, That each member of the Convention be furnished with a copy of the First Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the Reports of the Presidents of the Boards of School Commissioners, and statistical tables and other documents, showing the condition of the Public Schools in Maryland, provided the same does not require to be reprinted;

Which was adopted.

Mr. McKaig submitted the following order :

Ordered, That the Clerk of the Court of Appeals be requested to send a statement to this Convention, showing,

1st. The number of cases tried in the Court of Appeals from the year 1840 to 1866, showing the number tried in each year separately;

2nd. Showing the aggregate taxed costs in each year of the litigant parties;

3rd. The number of cases affirmed and reversed in each of the years above named;

Which was adopted.

The time having arrived for taking up the order of the day,

Being the order to proceed to the election by ballot of Reporter-in-Chief for the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention,

Pending its consideration,

Mr. Longwell moved to postpone the further consideration thereof until Friday next.

Mr. Ritchie moved to amend the proposition submitted by Mr. Longwell by postponing the order of the day until one o'clock this P. M.

The question recurring upon the motion submitted by Mr. Longwell,

It was decided in the affirmative, so

The order of the day was postponed until Friday next, 16th instant.

Mr. Garey submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Committee on the Legislative Department consider and report upon a provision fixing a maximum rate as the basis of taxation, beyond the revenue from which, it shall not be lawful for the General Assembly to make any appropriation until the same shall have been submitted to the vote of the people at some general election;

Which was adopted.

Mr. McKaig submitted the following order:

Ordered, That until further ordered, this Convention shall meet at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of enabling the different committees to prepare and report on the different matters referred to them;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Tarr, of Caroline, submitted the following order :

Ordered, That the Clerks of the County Commissioners in the various counties, report to this Convention at as early a day as practicable the amounts levied to the presidents and commissioners of public schools in the year 1866, and if the treasurers of the county school boards are paid by the county, also, the amount levied to them;

Which was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Rider,

At 12 o'clock, the Convention adjourned.

The Convention met.

THURSDAY, May 16th, 1867.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Burke.

Present at the call of the roll the following members: Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Perry, Spates, Walsh, Roman, Hoblitzell, McKaig, Howison, Hall, Kilbourn, Giddings, Rennolds, Barnes, George, Flaherty, Henderson, Gill, Brown, Ritchie, Garey, Dobbin, Pleasants, Brewer, of Baltimore city, Ferry, Peters, Franck, Merryman, Denson, Wilkinson, Buchanan, Wethered, Bell, Kennedy, Starr, Nicolai, Barry, Ireland, Hardcastle, Tarr, of Caroline, Hubbard, Watkins, of Caroline, Longwell, Galt, Bennett, Cover, Hayden, Chambers, Groome, McCormick, Cosgrove, Mitchell, Wallace, Goldsborough, of Dorchester, Austin, Hodson, Nelson, Dorsey, McPherson, Thomas, Johnson, Farnandis, Archer, Evans, Silver, Mackubin, Devries, Morris, Wickes, Ringgold, Massey, Janvier, Brewer, of Montgomery, Riggs of R., Duvall, Lee, Brooke, Marbury, Emack, Finley, Bradley, Ford, Dent, Jamison, Toadvine, Rider, Jones, Page,

Goldsborough, of Talbot, Hollyday, Bateman, Hammond, Syester, Alvey, Murray, Cunningham, Motter, Pole, Tarr, of Worcester, Franklin, Parker, McMaster, Covington101.

The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.

On motion of Mr. Kilbourn,

Leave was granted the Committee on Rules to sit during the sessions of the Convention.

Mr. Kilbourn submitted the following order:

Ordered. That the President of this Convention be authorized to appoint propper police for the rotunda during the session of the Convention:

And be it further ordered, That the President of this Convention be authorized to appoint a suitable person as Janitor of the Committee Rooms, whose duty it shall be to keep them in order, and to attend upon the Committees.

Mr. Bateman submitted the following amendment as а substitute:

Ordered, That the Hall-Keeper act as Policeman of the Rotunda, and the Lamplighter as Janitor of the Committee Rooms, in addition to their present duties;

Which was rejected.

The question then recurring upon the order submitted by Mr. Kilbourn,

It was adopted.

Mr. McPherson submitted the following order:

Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Hon. Wm. P. Maulsby, of Frederick county, is detained from his seat by the occurrence of sickness in his family;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Archer submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the President of this Convention be author-

ized to appoint an Assistant Postmaster.

Mr. Merryman moved to lay the order on the table.

Mr. Syester demanded the yeas and nays,

Decided in the affirmative.

The question recurring upon laying the order on the table,

The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:.

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The question then recurring upon the adoption of the order,

It was adopted.

Under the above order, the President appointed Samuel Davis, of Annapolis, to be Janitor of the Committee Rooms;

Thomas a Mitchell, of Annapolis, to be Keeper of the Rotunda; John W. Patterson, of Allegany, to be Assistant Postmaster.

Mr. Merryman submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the President be requested to apportion the Committee Clerks among the several committees of this Convention ;

Which was rejected.

Mr. Walsh submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Committee on Printing be instructed to direct the Printer to forward one copy of the Journal of Proceedings of this Convention to each newspaper published in the several counties of this State, and the city of Baltimore;

Which was rejected.

Mr. Bateman submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Printer be instructed to furnish to the Executive and Treasury Departments each with three copies of the Journal of this Convention;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Garey submitted the following order:

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary Department consider upon the propriety of the abolition of the Orphan's Court system of the State, and the substitution of a method better adapted to the transaction of testamentary business Which was adopted.

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Mr. Barry moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the order submitted by Mr. Walsh instructing the Printer to forward one copy of the Journal of Proceedings of the Convention to each newspaper of the State;

Decided in the affirmative.

The question then recurring upon the adoption of the order, It was adopted.

Mr. Merryman submitted the foltowing order;

Ordered, That the Superintendent of Public Instruction of this State be requested to report to this Convention the amount of money expended for books and stationery for the public schools of this State, and a schedule of the prices paid for the same, since the adoption of the present system, and

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