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Even in the splendour of the Roman triumph,
Diocletian had meditated his design of'abd'icat-
ing the government._ As he wished to secure th'e
obedience of Maximian, he exacte'd from' him,
either a general assurance that he would submit
his actions to the authority of his benefactor, or
a particular promise that he would descend from
the throne, whenever he should receive the ad-
vice and the example. This engagement, though
it was confirmed by the solemnity of an oath
before the altar of the Capitoline Jupiter "o,
would have proved a feeble restraint on the fierce
temper of Maximian, whose pafiion was the 'love
of power, and who neither desired present tran-
quillity nor future reputationl But he- yielded,
however reluctantly, to the ascendant which his
wiser colleague had acquired over him, and re-

' tired, immediately after his abdication, to a villa

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and death. A.D. 313.

. "3 Hlst- Al'gllst P- "a, 114- Vopiscus had learned, this con. Versation from hisfilhes.


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a voluntary death "4. .

Before we dismiss the consideration of the life and character of Diocletian, we may, for a mssoment, direct our view to the place of his retirement. Salona, a principal city of' his native' province of Dalmatia, was near two hundred Roman miles (according to the measurement of

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the public highways) from Aquileia and the con- _

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been affirmed that he died raving mad, that he was condemned a' a

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require the partizlity of a native. -' " The sail

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