
right. The reserves consisting of cavalry and guards, formed the rear; the cavalry was commanded by Murat and Beauharnois, and Buonaparte himself remained with the guards. On the 17th of August the sanguinary contest was begun, which ended in the occupation of Smolensko by the French


The fire from the Russian cannon was answered by the French with energy and effect. Poniatowski first succeeded in driving a body of Russians from a formidable position, on which a battery was instantly constructed, and directed against one of the bridges. This gave the enemy a great advantage, and, animated as he now was by success, he pushed for ward in great numbers, and with unwonted fury; drove the Russians before him into their intrenchments, and even there vigorously attacked them with the bayonet. The Russians for two hours maintained this unequal and sanguinary contest with firmness, and resisted every effort of the enemy to pierce their lines. The enemy, how. ever, still pressed on with additional numbers; the fight was every moment becoming more arduous, and already the operations of the Russians were impeded by the heaps of slain which surrounded them on all sides. In these desperate circumstances they retired, still fighting, into the city, and already the French were under its walls.-It was the object of Barclay de Tolly to prolong the defence till Prince Bagration should be enabled to march to Dorogobouche, where it was proposed to reunite the armies; and the brave garrison of Smolensko was ready to second his views. The fire from the walls still kept the enemy in check; but he quickly ordered batteries to be constructed which compelled the Russians to abandon the city. Their resistance continued, however, till the inovements of the main army could be

accomplished; and, in the meantime, every thing in the city, and even the buildings, were hastily destroyed by the hands of their devoted owners.— General Korff having destroyed the communication with the right bank of the Dnieper, led off what still remained of his gallant army; and on the morning of the 18th of August the enemy entered Smolensko without further opposition..

When the French leader entered the city, he found it a heap of ruins. He was anxious to save something from the general destruction which met his view, and he ordered his soldiers to exert themselves in extinguishing the flames. They were too busily employed, however, in seizing what remained amid the wreck of this once celebrated city, and paid but little respect to the orders of their chief. The anxiety of Buonaparte to enter Smolensko in triumph, and to secure it as a place of repose for his troops, was manifested in the reflections which he made on this scene of ruin and horror.

"Smolensko," said he, " may be considered as one of the finest cities in Russia, and of the most commanding situation. Had it not been for the circumstances of war, which involved it in flames, and consumed its magazines filled with merchandize, this city would now be regarded as the richest resource of our army. But even in its present ruined state, it puts us in possession of a formidable military post, and its remaining buildings af ford excellent hospitals for the sick." The reflections here made could deceive no one; chagrin and mortifi cation were evident in every line. In contemplating the ruins of this once celebrated city, Buonaparte was heard to exclaim, "Never was a war prosecuted with such ferocity-never did defence put on so hostile a shape against the common feelings of selfpreservation. These people treat their

own country as if they were its enemies." He could not appreciate the efforts of real patriotism; he judged of the Russians on principles which could have applied to those only over whom he had usurped authority: They met him with flattery, because they dreaded his power; but the inhabitants of Russia knew no terms of compromise with his arrogance and ambition.

In the obstinate affair before Smolensko, the Russians lost about 4000 men killed and wounded; but the loss of the enemy was much greater. If the French accounts were entitled to credit, it might seem, indeed, that the enemy had achieved wonders, unparalleled even in romance; for we are told, that the dreadful contest which preceded the occupation of Smolensko cost him no more than 700 killed, and 3200 wounded. It is surprising, that the authors of reports so absurd should at any time have hoped to be believed; but when we consider that the French accounts are now very generally disregarded, while the reports of the Russians have been uniformly verified by the event, nothing more seems necessary than to oppose the candid history which the latter give of the campaign, to the idle and absurd fabrications of their enemies.

Some Spanish prisoners, who were taken in this very battle, stated the loss of the enemy in killed and wounded alone, as high as 13,000 or 14,000 men; and when the nature of the engagement, and the situation of the contending parties are kept in view, this account cannot be deemed incredible. But whatever may have been the loss sustained in the action, the city, on the entrance of the French, disappointed their hopes of comfort and repose. Buonaparte and a few of his favourite generals occupied the episcopal palace; his infantry sought relief from their fatigues amid a heap

of ruins, while the cavalry took possession of the churches, as if they had meant by this act of sacrilege, to raise to the highest pitch the fury and indignation of the pious Russians.

Buonaparte hastened to repair the bridges which had been destroyed; and with that alacrity which so long characterized all his military operations, ordered the construction of a new bridge farther up the river, that he might at the same time harass the rear-guard of the retiring army, and endeavour, by a movement in another direction, to cut it off entirely from the main body. His orders were so promptly obeyed, that Baron Korff, who commanded the Russian rearguard, had not marched far from Smolensko, when he found his progress interrupted, the enemy having already pre-occupied his line of march, and in great force taken a position to intercept him. Korff had no resource left but to form on the spot, and try to maintain his ground, till the generalin-chief should send him reinforcements.

He had not time, however, to make even these arrangements, till he was assailed with impetuosity by the corps of Marshal Ney. The Russian general was thus surrounded in an instant, and placed in the most critical circumstances.-The furious cannonade, which instantly commenced, was heard by the main army of the Russians; and Prince Eugene of Wirtemburg was dispatched with a strong body of troops, to support their companions under Korff, who had been thus exposed to so unequal a conflict. The prince made good his passage in spite of all opposition; and as the ground which General Korff occupied was favourable, and he found himself so strongly supported, he determined to meet with firmness all the efforts of the enemy, who commenced a furious at tack on the Russian centre, which he hoped to break. A heavy discharge of

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artillery, however, baffled all his efforts, and he was forced to withdraw. He now changed his plans, and as he found that a small party of Russians had occupied a village near the high road to Moscow, he expected by falling on this position to distract the attention of Korff, and to force him to abandon the ground which he had so well defended. It fortunately happened, that General Touchkoff, who had been ordered from the main army to the support of this position, arrived at this critical moment. A furious battle ensued; the whole force of the enemy was now directed to this point, and fought with a resolution which did them honour. The battle lasted till midnight, when the enemy was compelled to withdraw,-to leave the Russians in full possession of the field, and at liberty to direct their future movements according to their own choice. The affair of this day cost the Russians a loss of 4000 men killed and wounded; the loss of the enemy must, from the nature of the contest, have been still greater. The French, besides, lost in the course of the day about 1300 prisoners.

The rear guard of the Russians proceeded on their march to join the main army; and on the 23d they accomplished their object.--The enemy again made his appearance in force, and shewed a design of turning the left of the Russians, that he might intercept their retreat, and compel them to engage in a general battle; but as the ground was unfavourable, the Russian general-in-chief continued his retreat. -At Wiasma every thing that could be useful to the enemy was destroyed, and a position nearer Moscow taken up by the Russian army, where it was determined for some time to make a stand. While matters were in this state, Barclay de Tolly was informed by a courier, that Prince Kutusoff

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had been appointed in his stead to the command of the Russian armies.

The appointment of this veteran hero to so honourable a station at this critical moment, gave universal satisfaction. His talents were known and admired by his countrymen; his long experience and various services appeared to entitle him above all others to the distinction which he now attained. His great age alone, might have seemed an obstacle to his elevation, at a season when so many vigorous efforts would be required; but it was afterwards found, as his sovereign had anticipated, that length of years had not impaired his capacity, nor relaxed his spirit of enterprise.-In his way to head-quarters, where he arrived on the 29th August, he passed through Moscow, and had an interview with Count Rostopchin the governor, whose memory will be cherished with fondness so long as the campaign in Russia is remembered.Whether they at this period foresaw the events which were so soon to follow, and aware that Moscow must be entered by the enemy, formed the singular determination of sacrificing this ancient and venerable capital to the independence of their country, has not been hitherto ascertained. Certain it is, that both these great men were animated by the warmest patriotism, and had their whole minds absorbed in the result of the momentous conflict which was ap proaching.

When the prince arrived at headquarters, he perceived that the posi tion which the army then occupied, was altogether unfavourable for a general battle, and he instantly determi ned on seeking another, where the troops might repose for a while in security, and prepare for new fatigues and dangers. On the 30th of August he put the army in motion, and halted it on the following day in the neigh

bourhood of the village of Borodino, situated near the great road leading to Moscow. He could find no position betwixt this and Moscow more favourable for the great battle which he had resolved to hazard.-At a small distance from the village there is a deep ravine, through which a rivulet runs, and of which the prince availed himself for the protection of his right and centre under Barclay de Tolly and Benningsen. The left under Bagration, stretched to the village of Semenofka, and as it had no natural defences, it might easily have been turned by the road leading from Smolensko to Mojaisk. But every thing was done which the hurry of the moment would permit, to strengthen it with redoubts and batteries, which might impede the rapid approach of the enemy. The general-in-chief communicated the plans which he had formed to his officers; he encouraged his soldiers by his presence and exhortations, and made every arrangement which circumstances would permit, to ensure success in this great encounter.

It was remarked, that so soon as Buonaparte was apprised of the appointment of Prince Kutusoff as general-in-chief, he became more cautious in his operations, and paid this silent and involuntary tribute to the genius of his antagonist.-On the 30th of August, the French leader had reached Wiasma, which, like Smolensko, he found a scene of desolation. Yet he did not advance from its vicinity till the 4th September. On the 5th of the same month, the reconnoitring parties of the enemy were rapidly succeeded by strong masses of infantry and cavalry, which, by advancing on the Russian left, unequivocally indica ted the intention of Buonaparte, to direct his efforts against that part of the army under Kutusoff, which the prince expected would be first assailed.

The rear-guard of the Russian ar

my under Lieutenant-General Konovitzen, was still a little in front of the Russian left, where it was attacked with great impetuosity. After a short resistance, it fell back on Prince Bagration's line, under cover of a redoubt which was powerfully defended, and was as vigorously assailed. It was the object of the enemy to carry the redoubt, and to dislodge the Russians from a neighbouring wood in which they had been posted; but a furious discharge from the Russian artillery compelled him for a while to withdraw. The corps under Poniatowski was more fortunate; and the assailants, who had already been repulsed, were inspired with fresh courage. A most obstinate affair ensued; the post was abandoned and retáken by the Russians no less than four times, but they were at last compelled to fall back, and leave it in possession of the enemy.--The general-in-chief afterthis affair ordered the left-wing to withdraw towards the adjoining heights, that, should it be again attacked, it might be better protected by the strong batteries with which they were covered. They were left to do this without interruption from the enemy; for the whole of the 6th of September, (the day which preceded the battle of Borodino, the most sanguinary which has been fought in modern times,) passed without military operations of any kind, and was employed in active preparation for the conflict which was expected to decide the fate of Russia.

The skill and activity of Buonaparte were conspicuous on this occasion. He covered the height which his troops had carried the preceding day with a hundred pieces of artil lery; he constructed three other batteries, two of which were directed against the centre, and one against the left of the Russians; detachments of artillery were also distributed along the

French line, so that he had not less than a thousand pieces of cannon ready to open their fire-It was obvious, that he still meant to direct his chief efforts against the Russian left; and he did every thing to ensure success in this quarter, by ordering up the greater part of his troops and his ablest ge


Nor were the dispositions of the Russian general less profound. He quickly penetrated the intentions of the enemy, and strengthened his left with the best part of his troops, which he formed into two lines, supported by artillery and cavalry. He posted a strong body of the militia of Moscow in a wood on the left, that they might act on the enemy's right and rear, should he attempt to turn the Russian flank. Strong batteries were also constructed for the protection of the centre and other parts of the army; and nothing seemed wanting to ensure the success of the Russians, but an equality in point of numbers with their enemies, who, in this respect, still boasted a superiority.

The prince knew well how to avail himself of the different principles of action which guide the Russian soldier; and he did not omit on this great occasion, to touch his feelings of religious enthusiasm. The holy pictures which had been saved amidst the ruins of Smolensko, were carried along the line by the priests attached to the army, and inspired the soldiers to a degree, which, in the religious apathy of more civilized nations, will not easily be conceived. While their minds were in this state of excitement, he made a

speech, which, pronounced, as it was, on the eve of one of the greatest battles fought in modern times, the historian would be unpardonable in omitting; "Russians and fellow soldiers," he said, "behold before you in these sacred representatives of the holy objects of our worship, an appeal

which calls upon heaven, to unite with men against the despotic troubler of the world. Not, content with defacing the image of God, in the persons of millions of his creatures, this universal tyrant, this arch-rebel a gainst all laws human and divine, breaks into the sanctuary, pollutes it with blood, overthrows its altars, tramples on its rites, and exposes the very ark of the Lord, consecrated in these holy insignia of our church, to all the profanations of accident, of the elements, and of unsanctified hands. Fear not, then, but that the Lord, whose altars have been so insulted by the very worm his Almighty power had raised from the dust; fear not that he will not be with you; that he will not stretch forth his shield over your ranks, and with the sword of vengeance fight against his enemies! This is the faith in which I will fight and conquer; this is the faith in which I would fight and fall, and still behold the final victory with my dying eyes. Soldiers! do your part. Think on the pollution of your altars; think of your wives and children looking to you for protection; think of your empe. ror, regarding you as the sinews of his strength; and before to-morrow's sun sets, write your faith and your fealty on the field of your country with the life's blood of the invader and his legions."

The address of Buonaparte to his army was not less characteristic. "Soldiers, before you is the field you have so ardently desired. The victory depends upon you; it is necessary to you. It will give you abundance; good winter-quarters; and a quick return to your country. Conduct your selves as when at Austerlitz, at Fried land, at Vitepsk, at Smolensk, and the latest posterity will cite with pride your conduct on this day. They will say, he was in that great battle under the walls of Moscow."-Little did he

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