
atre, where pride every day ex-
hibits the most direful scenes.
In low cottages and upper
floors, smoky chimneys are
more frequent than where chim-
neys are longer.

Come hither.
Whither are you going?

I. Hence it is, that there are many who reject the Gospel and follow perverse ways.

the Corinthians, in which he threatens the impenitent, to provoke them to penance.

IV. He never tells a lie.

A cork sunk two hundred feet under water, will never rise again of itself.

V. Not thinking him a safe companion, I avoided his society.

VI. We must ever account for

II. There are four classes of motion by reference to a first minerals: fossils, salts, bitumens, and metals.

There exists a constant east wind, caused by the heat which the sun communicates to the middle regions of the earth.

III. He wrote an epistle to


VII. It is charity only that makes us true friends.

Three days only were allowed to Charles I, between his sentence and execution.


What is human life but a furious and agitated sea, we are incessantly at the mercy of the waves.

He came



are you going in such

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[blocks in formation]

The Gothic arch n-t being

though the deemed fit to span rivers as a used for that

bridge, is

He departed sert place. W comes it that the truths of the Gospel produce not in us the same effects that were produced in the souls of the saints?

into a de- purpose.

not upon insects.

That is the town



A body at rest continues motionless if some other body does not give it an impulse.

Iron and platinum are the
metals that can be welded.
The great river Magdalena,

are few birds that feed rises o five hundred feet, in
a distance of a thousand miles.
The pressure of the atmo-
sphere u
forces water to a
height of thirty-three feet in
tubes exhausted of air.

Order is indeed the only re-
tranquillity dwells.



take ardent spirits.

E and from the small

est chink, the bitter waters of strife are let forth.

Thither, O Hector,

There danger calls, and

Then (

[blocks in formation]

to return) he sought the shore,

And trod the path his feet must tread no more.

RULE 26.


(1) Prepositions govern the objective case.

I. Sentences, or parts of sentences, especially when followed by the present participle, are governed by prepositions.

II. The preposition should not be separated from the relative which it governs.

III. The words excepting, concerning, during, according to, &c., are frequently used as prepositions.


Light would go from Dublin to London about four hundred times in a second.



A steamboat may be driven BY making the engine-pump propel water from its stern.

II. From whom did you re

himself by his military achieve-ceive such kind treatment?
ments in Spain, Germany, and

The island of Jamaica was taken from the Spaniards in 1655.

Logarithms were invented in Scotland by Baron Napier.

I. By living virtuously we secure eternal happiness.

To whom will you give the premium?

III. Excepting Mount Blanc, Rosa is the highest of the Alpine summits.

His ideas concerning a future state were very vague.

Acting according to law, will not excuse from guilt, if the law is unjust in itself.

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The Star the West may yet rise
And the land that was darkest, be brightest

its glory.


RULE 27.

(2) Prepositions are frequently subjoined to verbs.

I. Prepositions are variously applied: To is used after verbs and participles of motion; AT, after the verb to be, and before the names of villages, towns, and foreign cities; IN precedes the names of countries, the metropolis of our own country, and the name of the

town or village in which we live; BETWEEN is used when only two things are expressed; AMONG or AMIDST, when more than two are mentioned.

(3) II. Certain words require appropriate prepositions : OF after accuse, acquit, boast, die, glad, made; To after adapted, agreeable, averse; IN after confide, conversant, eager; UPON after bestow, insist; WITH after provide, replete; FROM after differ, dissent, free; ON after call, resolve, wait; AGAINST after prejudice, &c.

(4) III. The preposition should not be separated from its noun in order to connect different words with the same noun.


The last infidelity of the Greeks seems to have filled up the measure of their public crimes.

The law of nature points out to us the necessity of religion.

A calmness in iniquity is the state that is aimed at by the wicked.

I. He is gone to Dublin to see the atmospheric railway.

We came to Rome to be present at the ceremonies of Holy Week.

He was at Kingstown when George IV visited Ireland; at Liverpool, when the Great Britain sailed for New York, and at Naples during a violent eruption of Vesuvius.

II. He was accused of con

spiracy, but acquitted of the charge.

As the means were adapted to the end, he succeeded.

If your friend be not virtuous, do not confide in him.

He must be disappointed in his hopes, who bestows favours upon the unworthy.

Provide yourself with treasures which rust cannot con

sume, nor fortune take away.

III. "Were the sun much nearer to, or more remote from, the earth, we should be scorched by, or perish for want of, his heat;" should be written thus: Were the sun much nearer to the earth, or more remote from it, we should be scorched by his heat, or perish for want of it.

Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale.

[blocks in formation]

Contrition washes sins which we discover in our souls.

Is it idle and useless

entirely taken ·


here in that

which is the occupation of the blessed in heaven?



[blocks in formation]

It is situate Blackwater and the Lee, in the of hills and mountains. the opi

By dissenting

nions of the obstinate and selfwilled, you are sure to create enemies.


and you are so.

being virtuous,

Let not prejudice

the opinions of others, prevent

So rapidly can we travel at you from listening to reason. present, that I, who am


How calm, how beautiful c―s —
The stilly hour, when storms are gone;
When warring winds have died away,
And clouds, beneath the glancing ray,
Melt -
and leave the land and sea
Sleeping in bright tranquillity!

RULE 28.


Conjunctions connect nouns and pronouns in the same case, and verbs in the same mood and tense.

I. If different moods and tenses are to be connected, the nominative must be repeated.

(1) II. It is sometimes necessary to repeat the nominative, even when the mood or tense is not varied.


Sometimes buildings are destroyed and large stones broken by lightning.

Small hailstones in falling meet others, and in joining together form large ones.

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