
Patents, 649; amendment of law, Quebec, 127; Province of, 707.


Patriarchate, Ecumenical, 773.
Pawtucket, 126.
Peanuts, 758.

Pellegrini, Antonio, obit., 635.
Pennsylvania, 656.
Pensions, bill in United States,
183; in Germany, 328; in-
crease in number of, 779.
Perkins, William, obit., 603.
Perry, William, obit., 603.
Persia, 660.

Peru, 660.

Petroleum, in Argentine Republic,

28; in Burmah, 84.

Quincy, 127.

Quinn, William, obit., 606.

Racine, 128.

Raft, great lumber, 257.
Railroads, in China, 116; Investi-
gation, Pacific, 193; Interstate
Commerce act, 269; Trans-
Caspian, 6; British Strategic,
6; in Mexico, 502, 503; Te-
huantepec Ship, 502.

Ramée, Daniel, obit., 636.

Samoan Islands, 728; American
interests at, 732; Germany de-
clares war on, 730; King Ma-
lietoa deposed, 731.

San Diego, 128.
Sandusky, 129.
Sanitary Congress in Peru, 663.
San José, 129.

Santo Domingo, 732; rebellion in,

Sargent, Aaron A., obit., 610.
Sarzeaud Incident, 243.
Savanilla, 756.

Randal, Alanson Merwin, obit., Savings-Bank, Post-Office, 687.


Randi, Lorenzo, obit., 636.

Saxe, John Godfrey, sketch and
portrait, 733.

Pettingell, John Hancock, obit., Rapallo, Charles Anthony, obit., Sayn-Wittgenstein, Caroline, obit.,

[blocks in formation]

Schenectady, 129.

Schirmer, Heinrich Ernst, obit.,

Schleyer, Johann Martin, inventor
of Volapük, 794.
Schmidt, Wilhelm Adolf, obit., 637.
Schröder, Karl, obit., 637.
Scott, Robert N., obit., 610.
Scroggs, Gustavus A., obit., 611.
Senatorial, election contested in
Texas, 758.

Servia, 784; defeat of Government
of, 735.

Sevilla, José, bequest of, 663.

Ricketts, James Brewerton, obit., Shaw, Aaron, obit., 611.


Rifles, Repeating, 714.

Port Hamilton, Retrocession of, Rights of married women in Ala-


Portland, 127.

Porto Rico, 802.

Portugal, 682.

bama, 8; in Pennsylvania, 656.
Ripley, Roswell Sabin, obit., 608.
Roach, John, sketch and port.,

Postal Facilities, Improvement in, Robertson, John, obit.,
684, et seq.

Pott, August Friedrich, obit.,

Potter, Horatio, obit. and portrait,

Potter, Robert B., obit., 605.
Powell, Thomas, obit., 605.
Pratt, Daniel, obit., 605.
Pratt, James T., obit., 606.
Presbyterians, 690.
Preston, David, obit., 606.
Preston, John, obit., 606.
Preston, William, obit., 606.
Prisons, Associations, 704; Re-
form, 701; U. S. Government,
Prohibition, in Iowa, 393; in Kan-
sas, 406; in Kentucky, 411; in
Maine, 453; in Michigan, 506;
in Missouri, 516; in Rhode
Island, 713; in Tennessee,

Prophetic Conference, 705.


Rochester, Thomas Fortescue,
obit., 609.

Roman Catholic Church, 716; hie-
rarchy established in India,

Rosewood, exportation from Costa

Rica, 211.

Ross, William Henry Harrison,
obit., 609.

Roumania, 718; Attempted Assas-
sination of Prime Minister,
719 tariff-war iu, 720.
Rouquette, Adrien, obit., 609.
Rousseau, Philippe, obit., 636.
Rowett, Richard, obit., 609.
Rumsey, Henry Barlow, obit., 610.
Russia, 720.

Ryle, John, obit., 610.

Sheldon, James, obit., 611.
Sherbrooke, 130.

Short-hand writing, 670.
Sidon, Tombs at, 24.

Sill, Edward Rowland, obit., 611.
Silver fish, 756.
Silver king, 756.


Simpson, John Palgrave, obit.,
Smith, Francis S., obit., 611.
Smith, Thomas Kilby, obit., 612.
Smith, William, obit., 612.
Socialists, Agitation in London,

842; Disturbance in the Neth-
erlands, 529.
Societies, Mutual Aid, 523; of

Jesus, Incorporation of, in
Quebec, 708; Psychical Re-
search, 509.
Somali-Land, 736.
Soudan, The, 244.
South Carolina, 737.
Spain, 738; Popular Discontent in,
740; recognized as a great
power, 740.
Speed, James, obit. and port., 741.
Spencer, Charles S., obit., 612.
Sphinx, The, 18.

Saint-Hilaire, Émile Marco de, Spooner, Lysander, obit., 612.

[blocks in formation]

Steeple-Chasing, 771.

Stevens, Aaron Fletcher, obit.,


Stewart, Balfour, obit., 637.
Stewart, Isaac Dalton, obit., 614.
Stockton, 130.

Stone, Charles P., obit., 614.
Stone, Delia Charlotte Hall, obit.,

Strakosch, Maurice, obit., 638.
Strangford, Emily Anne, obit.,

Strikes, 742, et seq.

Stromeyer, August, obit., 638.

Suez Canal, 240; Neutralization of,

Sullivan, Algernon Sydney, obit.,

Sun, parallax, 40; total eclipse, 41.
Sutherland, Josiah, obit., 615.
Swaziland, 93.

China with France and Portu-
gal, 117; China with Portugal,
684; Costa Rica with Guate-
mala, 210; with Nicaragua,
210; Germany with Paraguay,
648; literary, 140: power of
United States, 760; Russia
with Austria, 51; United States
with Guatemala, 346; United
States with Hawaiian Islands,
355; United States with Spain,
Tree-Planting, 765.
Trenton, 132.

Trials, for bribery in New York,
555; for treason in Germany,

Trinidad, 801.

Triple Alliance, 328, 399.

Wagner, Moritz Friedrich, obit.,

Walcott, Charles F., obit., 619.
Walter, Thomas Ustick, obit., 619.
Walther, Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm,

obit., 619.

Ward, George Cabot, obit., 619.
Washburn, William Barrett, obit.,

Washburne, Elihu B., sketch and
portrait., 798.
Washington, 133.

Washington Territory, 799; Cen-
sus of, 799.

Wasson, David Atwood, obit., 620.
Watkins, Alice, obit., 620.
Weaver, Archibald J., obit., 620.
Webb, George James, obit., 620.
Weld, Mason Coggswell, obit., 620.

Truxtun, William Talbot, obit., Werder, August Carl Leopold,


Sweden and Norway, 752; Minis- Tucson, 132.

terial Crisis in, 754.

Switzerland, 754.

Talcott, John Ledyard, obit., 615.
Tarbox, John Kemble, obit., 615.
Tariff-war in Roumania, 720.
Tarpom, 756.

Tarpon, 756.

Tarpum, 756.

Tasmania, 48.

Taylor, Benjamin Franklin, obit.
and portrait, 755.

Taylor, John, obit., 615.
Temperature, conditions that affect,

488; effect of, on blood, 673.

Temple of Bubastis, 19.

Temple of Jupiter Olympius, 21.
Tennessee, 757.

Texas, 759.

Textile Fiber, New, 140.


Tulane, Paul, obit., 617.
Tunis, 298.

Turf, Ten Years' Record of, 767.
Turkey, 772.

Uhrich, Jean Jacques Alexis, obit.,


Unitarians, 774.

United States, 775; claims Greer
County, Texas, 760; Finances
of, 780.

[blocks in formation]

West Indies, 800.
West Virginia, 803.

Wheeler, William A., sketch and
portrait, 804.

Whitall, Henry, obit., 620.
White Cross Society, 805.
Whitworth, Sir Joseph, obit., 640.
Wilder, Royal G., obit., 621.
Wilmington, 135.

United Workmen, Ancient Order Wilson Scandal, in France, 294.

[blocks in formation]

Utah, 787; Constitutional Conven- Wolfe, Catherine L., sketch and

tion, 788.

Utcs, in Colorado, 143.

Thacher, George Hornell, obit., Vanderpoel, Aaron J., obit., 618.

[blocks in formation]

Varick, Theodore Romeyn, obit.,


Vassali Bey Luigi, obit., 634.
Venezuela, 789.
Vermont, 790.

Victorian Jubilee, 791.
Viel-Castel, M. de, obit, 638.
Vincent, Mary Anne Farley, obit.,

Virginia, 792.
Virginia City, 133.

Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, obit.,
Volapük, 794.

Volckmar, Wilhelm, obit., 639.
Vulpian, Edme Felix Alfred, obit.,


[blocks in formation]



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