This space indicates the present channel of the Missouri Ri > 30.08 1030 8642 N52°E 13.00 0% 1952 26.46 * i swi 092b 46429 M.OESSN 4204 MOLD N 342 8.10 8336 41.44 30 w 7 Sec 276 RISE Sen TOR, ISE 8 5 3201 3 23.35 19.22 21.30 2.31 14.90 A 27.02 34.20 N 10°E 2 1455 -2670.. 3607 N68 E 9.68 R. 166 2100 9.060 NSE 17.0 S N33 E , ม Field Notes of the division ana Subdivision of Accretions, tormed in the old Missouri River bed adjoining to land what is known as McKissicks Island, undas Island Precinct The Subdivision Plat and Notes, were made by the authority of State of Nebraska and that the above and foregoing map is a full, twe by the County Clerk of said County and State is the name noth appears among 1 And that said boundary line is more par- | the Old Missouri river bed. This line run in ticularly shown and described by the follow- connection with D. A. Quick Surveyor of ing eleven sectional survey maps, with the Atchison county Missouri. Correcting back field notes descriptive of each of said sec- we corrected the random stake sat at tional maps and surveys: 40.00 chaines to 41.44 chaines for the half way or dividing line between Missouri and Nebraska and set Limestone 7x12x25 Defendant's Exhibit "E." Chainmen sworn W. T. Hacker and H. D. bank of the Old Missouri River bed and run Hacker thence N 67° W and at 32.52 chaines set a Point established divis. of Accretions to Sec. random stake for half way and at 66.00 35, Twp. 7 N, Rng. 15 E, 6th P. M. Commencing at the meander corner, on the Nebraska bank of the Old Missouri River bed where the Township line between Townships 6 and 7 North of Range 15 East of the 6th Principal Meridian in Nebraska intersects with the Old Missouri River bed and at a point 9.10 chaines West of the South East corner of Section 35 and South West corner of Section 36 in Township 7 North, of Range 15 East of the 6th Principal Meridian in Nebraska, and run thence N 47° W at 40.00 chaines set a random stake for half way and at 82.88 chaines came to a meander corner on the Missouri bank of chaines came out 88 links South of the cor- Whole distence across 66.00 chaines. N:1 SURVEYOR'S RECORD RECORD 224 PLAT. Section 35 in. Township 7 North, Range 15 East, 6th.P.M. Nebr. SURVEYOR'S RECORD. No. of Survey 20th 1890 FIELD NOTES. inches square for the NW. cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 35, and for the bank of the Old Missouri River in Nebraska. Survey of the Accretion to Lot 2 in Sec. Date May 15th to 35, T 7, R 15 E in Nebraska. Commencing at a stone 6x8x10 inches square, set for the NW. cor. of Lot 2 in Sec. 35, T 7, R 15 E. the Nebraska bank of thence S 78° 30′ W 42.00 chaines to the op Survey for J. B. Shields Commenced at the North East corner of Missouri as designated by B. F. Rummerfield County Surveyor of Atchison County, Missouri. Then correcting and setting a stake 3 inches square at the half way point and for the NW. cor. of the Accretion to Lot 2 in Sec. 35, T 7, R 15 E in Nemaha Co. Neb. Said stake witnessed by a Cottonwood tree 9 inches in diameter beares N 49° 30' W 24 links distant. And by a Cottonwood tree 11 inches in diameter beares N 19 E 32 links distant. Then commencing at quarter section corner stone on the bank of the old Missouri River bead in Nebraska. Running thence N 67° W 65.05 chaines to the opposite bank of the old Missouri River bed on the Missouri State side of the old River bed. Then correcting and setting a stake & stone at 32.52 chaines for the half way line and the South West corner of the Accretions to Lot 2 in Sec. 35 town. 7 Range 15 East in Nemaha County Nebraska. |