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No. of Survey

to 23d 1891


square. Witnessed by a cottonwood tree 6 inches in diameter N 37° E. 70 links distant. Then commencing at meander corner stone No 4 and run N 54° 30' E at 12.00 chaines Date December 8th set a random stake at 27.49 chaines came to random corner set by Rummerfield at SE. cor Lot 1 Se 9 T 66 R 42 W in Missouri, Then correcting back at half way at 13.75 chaines

Survey for The Lombard Investment Co.
At request of J. H. Stewart.

Chainmen sworn Henry C. Taylor and set a stone 3x10x13 inches square Witnessed Robert Taylor.

by a cottonwood tree 6 inches in diameter.

Point established Accretion to Lot 1 Sec. 30, Beares S 14° 30′ E 67 links distent.
Twp. 7. Rng. 16 E, 6th P. M.

Commencing at quartersection corner on the West line of Sec. 30, Town 7, North of Range 16 East. (By the side of the stake set by the Government Surveyors I set a limestone 4x9x16 to preserve and perpetuate the qr. sec. corner on the West line of Sec 30 T 7 R 16 E.) And run thence East on the half section line at 20.00 chaines set a stake, at 40.00 chaines set a random stake and at 47.60 chaines set random stake for the meander corner on the bank of the Old Missouri river bed and the SE. cor. of Lot 1 in S 30 T7R 16 E. At the SE. cor. of Lot 1 in Sec. 30 T 7 R 16 E set a limestone 2x11x17 inches square for Meander cor. on the Old Missouri river bed. Then correcting back on half section line and at 20.00 chaines set a limestone 4x8x16 inches square. Witnessed by a White elm tree 21 inches in diameter. Beares N 49° E. 17 lks. distent. Then commencing at the Meander corner stone set at the NE. corner of Lot 1 in S 25 T 7 R 15 E. and also the NW. corner of Lot 1 in Sec 30 T 7 R 16 E. (see page 156 for sise of stone & Witness tree) running thence S 59° 30 E. 23.10 chaines for Meander corner set a limestone 2x12x14 inches square for meander corner on river bank. Witnessed by a cottonwood tree 14 inches in diameter Beares S 54° 30' E-1.47 chaines distant. Then run S. 55° E- 24.33 chaines for meander corner on bank of old Missouri river bed, and set a limestone 4x9x19 for meander cor


Then commencing at meander corner stone No. 5 and run N 55° E at 10.00 chaines set a random stake for half way at 24.14 chaines came to random corner set by Rummerfield. Then correcting back at 12.07 chaines set a stone for the NE. corner of a part of accretions to Lot 1 in Sec 30-7-16 E 12.07 chaines N 55° E from a limestone 4x9x19 inches square on meander bank of the old Missouri river on North line of lot 1 S 30-7-16 E Then commencing at a stone 2x11x17 inches square set at SE meander corner of Lot No 1 Sec 30-7-16 E. and run N 48° E at 10.00 chaines set a random stake for half way across the old river bed and at 22.88 chaines found it to be the distance across the river. Then correcting back moved random stake set at 10.00 ch by setting a stone at 11.44 chaines for the NE. cor of accretions to Lot 1, Sec 30-7-16 E. Then from the 2x11x17 inches square set for the SE. cor. of Lot 1 S 30-7-16 E. run east at 9.20 chaines set a stone for half way across the old bed of the Missouri river, and at 14.28 chaines set a random stake on the East bank of the Nishneyboteny river which river is in the old Missouri river bed, 4.12 chaines West of the East bank of the old Missouri River bed. At which point the half section line running East & West threw Sec 30 T 7 R 16 E in Nebraska Jogs South 1.94 chaines of an 80 rod line running E & W threw the Section opposite and in Missouri state and 80 rods North of the South line of said sec. in Mo.

Then commencing at the Meander corner The division of the accretions from the at the NW. cor. of Lot 1 Sec. 30 T 7 R 16 E North East corner of lot 2 and the SE. corand run thence N 23° 47′ E for the meander ner of Lot 1 in Section 30 Town 7 North, of corner on the opposite side of the old Mis- Range 16 East of the 6th P. M. in Nebraska. souri river for the purpose of dividing the Was made in connection with B. F. Rummeraccretions and obtaining the amount belong-field, Surveyor of Atchison county Missouri ing to Lot 1 Sec. 30 T 7 R 16 E. at 40.00 chaines set a random stake for half way, at 78.56 chaines came to the meander corner stone set by Rummerfield on Meander river line Then correcting back at halfway random stake corrected and at 39.29 chaines half way set a Limestone 3x9x13 inches

in December 1891. Run East and at 9.20 chaines set a stone for the dividing line and was 1.94 chaines South of Rummerfield's line

Whole distence across 18.40 chaines. Half the distince across 9.20 chaines. V 9° 30' E

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No. of Survey


out 1.53 ch. apart he N and me S. and at half the difference between us 76 lks. we

... Date From Febru- set a Limestone 5x14x25 in. sqr. for the di

ary 25th to March 29th 1895
Survey for Nemaha County Nebraska

At request of the Board of County Commissioners

viding line between Mo. and Neb. Whole distence across 26.65 chains. Half the distence across 13.32 chaines. And Commencing at the meander corner of the Nebr. bank

Chainmen sworn W. T. Hacker and H. D. of the Old Mo. River bed, at the S E. cor. of Hacker

Point established Divis. Accretions in Old River Sec. 30, Twp. 7 N, Rng. 16 E. 6th P. M. Neb

Commencing at the meander corner on the Nebraska bank of the Old Mo. River bed at the intersection of the South line of S. 30, T 7, N. R 16 E. 6th P. M. in Nebr. with the Old Mo. River bed, it it being the S E. cor. of Lot 3 in S 30, and the N E. cor. of Lot 1 in S 31. And run East to meet D. A. Quick Surveyor of Atchison county Mo. Running from the Mo. side of the Old Mo. River bed on a division of Accretions therein and at 13.32 ch. set a stake and came

Lot 2 and the N East cor. of Lot 3 in S 30 T 7 NR 16 E 6th P. M. in Nebr. And run East to meet D. A. Quick Surveyor of Atchison county Mo. running from the Mo. side of the Old Mo. River bed on a division of Accretions therein and at 11.35 chaines set a stake and came out 2.00 chaines apart he North and me South, and at half the difference between us, 1.00 chain, we set a Limestone 6x11x20 inches square for the dividing line between Mo. and Nebr. Marked M. and N.

Whole distence across 22.70 chains. Half the distence across 11.35 chaines.

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