No. of Survey FIELD NOTES. to March 29th 1895 Survey for Nemaha county Nebraska of the NE. cor. of S 2, T 6 N. R 15 E and run N 47° W at 40.00 ch set a random stake and Date February 25th at 82.88 chs. came to a cor. on the Mo. bank of the Old Mo. river bed, Run with Surveyor Quick, Correcting back we corrected the stake set at 40.00 chs., to 41.44 ch. and set a Limestone 7x12x25 in. Sqr. for the dividing Chainmen sworn W. T. Hacker and H. D. line between Mo. & Nebr. Marked M. & N. Hacker Whole distence across 82.88 chs. Commenc At request of the Board of County Commissioners Commencing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. river bed at the SW. cor of Lot 5 in S 1 and SE. cor. of Lot 8 in S 2 T 6 N. R. 15 E and run South to meet Surveyor Quick running from the Mo. bank of said River bed on a division of Accretions, at 16.64 ch. set a stake and came out thirty Iks W. of Quick's line at half the difference 15 lks. we set a Limestone 6x6x30 in. Sqr. for the dividing line between Mo & Nebr. Marked M & N. Whole distence across 33.28 chs Point established Div. of Accretions to ing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. river Sec. 2, Twp. 6 N. Rng. 15 E, 6th P. M. bed at the NW. cor. of Lot 2 and NE. cor. of Lot 3 in S 2 T 6 R 15 E and run N 20° W at 40:00 chs. set a stake and at 8642 chs. came to a Cor. on the Mo. bank of the Old Mo. river bed. Run with Surveyor Quick. Correcting back we corrected the stake set at 40.00 chs. to 43.21 chs. and set a Limestone 6x15x25 in. Sqr. as a Witness Corner N 50° E 3.00 ch. the true corner being in a hole of watter on the sand bar. Marked M & N and on the dividing line between Mo. & Nebr. The distence from the SE. cor. of Lot 4 S 2 T 6 R 15 E, North to the Mo. river is 13.99 ch. And from the SE. cor. of said Lot 4. West is 6.00 chs. to the Mo. River. And the distence from the NE. cor. of Lot 5 in said S 2 to the Mo. River is 10.50 chs. And South from the NE. cor. of said Lot 5 is 10.05 ch. to the old Mo. River bed. Then Commencing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. river bed at the SE cor. of Lot 7, the SW. cor. of Lot 8 in S 2, T 6 R 15 E and run S. 20.70 chs. to the dividing line between Mo & Nebr. and set a Limestone 7x13x27 in Sqr. Marked M. & N. Dividing Accretions between Lots 7 & 8 S 2. Commencing at the NW cor. of Lot 1, the NE. cor. of Lot 2, in said S 2, and run N 30° W 41.44 chs. and set a stake at the dividing line between Mo and Nebr. Run to find the amount of Accretions to Lots 1 and 2 in S 2 T6 NR 15 E of 6th P. M. in Nebraska. Commencing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. river bed at the SW. cor. of Lot 7, and the SE. cor. of Lot 6 in S 2 T 6. R 15 E. and run South to meet Surveyor Quick running on a division of Accretions at 27.60 ch. set a stake and was 3.84 ch. West of Quick at half the diference 1.92 ch. we set a Limestone 7x8x20 in. Sqr. for the dividing line between Mo. & Nebr. Marked M & N. Whole distence across 55.21 ch. Commencing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. river bed at the SW. cor. of Lot 6 and the SE. cor. of Lot 5 in S 2 T 6 R 15 E and run South to meet Surveyor Quick running North on a division of Accretions at 32.36 ch. set a stake and was 80 links West of Quick's line at half the diffirence 40 lks we set a Limestone 7x14x23 in. Sqr for the dividing line between Mo. & Nebr. Marked M & N. Whole distence across 64.72 chs. Commencing on the Nebr. bank of the Old Mo. River bed at a corner 9.10 chs. West Non on the Mo bank of the old River SURVEYOR'S RECORD N° 11 PLAT. Section 2 Township6N. Range 15E 6TH PM.Nebr 223 Topline Thin Line shows Meander of Mo. Kiver when the Government Surveyed this lund Fractional Townships 66 and 67 North of Ranges 42and 45 west of the 5th Principal Meridian covering land of Old Missouri River Bed Atchison; made on the 4th day of March 1895 3402 46.00 a R and in Jursuance of an act of the general criembly of the Plat. thereof, the sume being lives and fractions thereof. an extensions. of Government D.A.Quick County Surveyor of th Atchison Co. M.. PLAINTIFFS EXHIBIT B. Range line or Ranges 42+ 43w & 40.48 40.38 4048 |